/// <summary>
        /// Subtract two matrices.
        /// </summary>
        public static Matrix3x3f operator -(Matrix3x3f m1, Matrix3x3f m2)
            Matrix3x3f kSum = new Matrix3x3f();

            kSum.m00 = m1.m00 - m2.m00;
            kSum.m01 = m1.m01 - m2.m01;
            kSum.m02 = m1.m02 - m2.m02;

            kSum.m10 = m1.m10 - m2.m10;
            kSum.m11 = m1.m11 - m2.m11;
            kSum.m12 = m1.m12 - m2.m12;

            kSum.m20 = m1.m20 - m2.m20;
            kSum.m21 = m1.m21 - m2.m21;
            kSum.m22 = m1.m22 - m2.m22;
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiply a matrix by a scalar.
        /// </summary>
        public static Matrix3x3f operator *(Matrix3x3f m1, float s)
            Matrix3x3f kProd = new Matrix3x3f();

            kProd.m00 = m1.m00 * s;
            kProd.m01 = m1.m01 * s;
            kProd.m02 = m1.m02 * s;

            kProd.m10 = m1.m10 * s;
            kProd.m11 = m1.m11 * s;
            kProd.m12 = m1.m12 * s;

            kProd.m20 = m1.m20 * s;
            kProd.m21 = m1.m21 * s;
            kProd.m22 = m1.m22 * s;

        /// <summary>
        /// Multiply two matrices.
        /// </summary>
        public static Matrix3x3f operator *(Matrix3x3f m1, Matrix3x3f m2)
            Matrix3x3f kProd = new Matrix3x3f();

            kProd.m00 = m1.m00 * m2.m00 + m1.m01 * m2.m10 + m1.m02 * m2.m20;
            kProd.m01 = m1.m00 * m2.m01 + m1.m01 * m2.m11 + m1.m02 * m2.m21;
            kProd.m02 = m1.m00 * m2.m02 + m1.m01 * m2.m12 + m1.m02 * m2.m22;

            kProd.m10 = m1.m10 * m2.m00 + m1.m11 * m2.m10 + m1.m12 * m2.m20;
            kProd.m11 = m1.m10 * m2.m01 + m1.m11 * m2.m11 + m1.m12 * m2.m21;
            kProd.m12 = m1.m10 * m2.m02 + m1.m11 * m2.m12 + m1.m12 * m2.m22;

            kProd.m20 = m1.m20 * m2.m00 + m1.m21 * m2.m10 + m1.m22 * m2.m20;
            kProd.m21 = m1.m20 * m2.m01 + m1.m21 * m2.m11 + m1.m22 * m2.m21;
            kProd.m22 = m1.m20 * m2.m02 + m1.m21 * m2.m12 + m1.m22 * m2.m22;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add two matrices.
        /// </summary>
        public static Matrix3x3f operator +(Matrix3x3f m1, Matrix3x3f m2)
            Matrix3x3f kSum = new Matrix3x3f();

            kSum.m00 = m1.m00 + m2.m00;
            kSum.m01 = m1.m01 + m2.m01;
            kSum.m02 = m1.m02 + m2.m02;

            kSum.m10 = m1.m10 + m2.m10;
            kSum.m11 = m1.m11 + m2.m11;
            kSum.m12 = m1.m12 + m2.m12;

            kSum.m20 = m1.m20 + m2.m20;
            kSum.m21 = m1.m21 + m2.m21;
            kSum.m22 = m1.m22 + m2.m22;

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates A through phi in pq-plane to set A(p,q) = 0
        /// Rotation stored in R whose columns are eigenvectors of A
        /// </summary>
        public static void JacobiRotate(ref Matrix3x3f A, ref Matrix3x3f R, int p, int q)
            if (A[p, q] == 0.0f)

            float d = (A[p, p] - A[q, q]) / (2.0f * A[p, q]);
            float t = 1.0f / (Math.Abs(d) + (float)Math.Sqrt(d * d + 1.0f));

            if (d < 0.0f)
                t = -t;
            float c = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt(t * t + 1);
            float s = t * c;

            A[p, p] += t * A[p, q];
            A[q, q] -= t * A[p, q];
            A[p, q]  = A[q, p] = 0.0f;

            // transform A
            int k;

            for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                if (k != p && k != q)
                    float Akp = c * A[k, p] + s * A[k, q];
                    float Akq = -s * A[k, p] + c * A[k, q];
                    A[k, p] = A[p, k] = Akp;
                    A[k, q] = A[q, k] = Akq;

            // store rotation in R
            for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                float Rkp = c * R[k, p] + s * R[k, q];
                float Rkq = -s * R[k, p] + c * R[k, q];
                R[k, p] = Rkp;
                R[k, q] = Rkq;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the inf norm of the matrix.
        /// </summary>
        private static float InfNorm(Matrix3x3f A)
            float sum1 = Math.Abs(A.m00) + Math.Abs(A.m01) + Math.Abs(A.m02);
            float sum2 = Math.Abs(A.m10) + Math.Abs(A.m11) + Math.Abs(A.m12);
            float sum3 = Math.Abs(A.m20) + Math.Abs(A.m21) + Math.Abs(A.m22);

            float maxSum = sum1;

            if (sum2 > maxSum)
                maxSum = sum2;
            if (sum3 > maxSum)
                maxSum = sum3;

        /// <summary>
        /// Are these matrices equal.
        /// </summary>
        public bool EqualsWithError(Matrix3x3f m, float eps)
            if (Math.Abs(m00 - m.m00) > eps)
            if (Math.Abs(m10 - m.m10) > eps)
            if (Math.Abs(m20 - m.m20) > eps)

            if (Math.Abs(m01 - m.m01) > eps)
            if (Math.Abs(m11 - m.m11) > eps)
            if (Math.Abs(m21 - m.m21) > eps)

            if (Math.Abs(m02 - m.m02) > eps)
            if (Math.Abs(m12 - m.m12) > eps)
            if (Math.Abs(m22 - m.m22) > eps)

Esempio n. 8
        public static void EigenDecomposition(Matrix3x3f A, out Matrix3x3f eigenVecs, out Vector3f eigenVals)
            const int   numJacobiIterations = 10;
            const float epsilon             = 1e-15f;

            Matrix3x3f D = A;

            // only for symmetric matrices!
            eigenVecs = Matrix3x3f.Identity;            // unit matrix
            int iter = 0;

            while (iter < numJacobiIterations)
                // 3 off diagonal elements
                // find off diagonal element with maximum modulus
                int   p, q;
                float a, max;
                max = Math.Abs(D.m01);
                p   = 0; q = 1;
                a   = Math.Abs(D.m02);
                if (a > max)
                    p = 0; q = 2; max = a;
                a = Math.Abs(D.m12);
                if (a > max)
                    p = 1; q = 2; max = a;
                // all small enough -> done
                if (max < epsilon)
                // rotate matrix with respect to that element
                JacobiRotate(ref D, ref eigenVecs, p, q);

            eigenVals = new Vector3f(D.m00, D.m11, D.m22);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a singular value decomposition of matrix A: A = U * sigma * V^T.
        /// This function returns two proper rotation matrices U and V^T which do not
        /// contain a reflection. Reflections are corrected by the inversion handling
        /// proposed by Irving et al. 2004.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SVDWithInversionHandling(Matrix3x3f A, out Vector3f sigma, out Matrix3x3f U, out Matrix3x3f VT)
            Vector3f   S;
            Matrix3x3f AT_A, V;

            AT_A = A.Transpose * A;

            // Eigen decomposition of A^T * A
            EigenDecomposition(AT_A, out V, out S);
            int pos;
            // Detect if V is a reflection .
            // Make a rotation out of it by multiplying one column with -1.
            float detV = V.Determinant;

            if (detV < 0.0f)
                float minLambda = float.PositiveInfinity;
                pos = 0;
                for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                    if (S[l] < minLambda)
                        pos       = l;
                        minLambda = S[l];
                V[0, pos] = -V[0, pos];
                V[1, pos] = -V[1, pos];
                V[2, pos] = -V[2, pos];

            if (S.x < 0.0f)
                S.x = 0.0f;                             // safety for sqrt
            if (S.y < 0.0f)
                S.y = 0.0f;
            if (S.z < 0.0f)
                S.z = 0.0f;

            sigma.x = (float)Math.Sqrt(S.x);
            sigma.y = (float)Math.Sqrt(S.y);
            sigma.z = (float)Math.Sqrt(S.z);

            VT = V.Transpose;

            // Check for values of hatF near zero
            int chk = 0;

            pos = 0;
            for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                if (Math.Abs(sigma[l]) < 1.0e-4f)
                    pos = l;

            if (chk > 0)
                if (chk > 1)
                    U = Matrix3x3f.Identity;
                    U = A * V;
                    for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                        if (l != pos)
                            for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                                U[m, l] *= 1.0f / sigma[l];

                    Vector3f[] v     = new Vector3f[2];
                    int        index = 0;
                    for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                        if (l != pos)
                            v[index++] = new Vector3f(U[0, l], U[1, l], U[2, l]);

                    Vector3f vec = v[0].Cross(v[1]);
                    U[0, pos] = vec[0];
                    U[1, pos] = vec[1];
                    U[2, pos] = vec[2];
                Vector3f sigmaInv = new Vector3f(1.0f / sigma.x, 1.0f / sigma.y, 1.0f / sigma.z);

                U = A * V;
                for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                    for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                        U[m, l] *= sigmaInv[l];

            float detU = U.Determinant;

            // U is a reflection => inversion
            if (detU < 0.0f)
                //std::cout << "Inversion!\n";
                float minLambda = float.PositiveInfinity;
                pos = 0;
                for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                    if (sigma[l] < minLambda)
                        pos       = l;
                        minLambda = sigma[l];

                // invert values of smallest singular value
                sigma[pos] = -sigma[pos];
                U[0, pos]  = -U[0, pos];
                U[1, pos]  = -U[1, pos];
                U[2, pos]  = -U[2, pos];

            //end of function
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a polar decomposition of matrix M and return the rotation matrix R. This method handles the degenerated cases.
        /// </summary>am>
        public static void PolarDecompositionStable(Matrix3x3f M, float tolerance, out Matrix3x3f R)
            Matrix3x3f Mt   = M.Transpose;
            float      Mone = OneNorm(M);
            float      Minf = InfNorm(M);
            float      Eone;
            Matrix3x3f MadjTt = new Matrix3x3f();
            Matrix3x3f Et     = new Matrix3x3f();

                MadjTt.SetRow(0, Mt.GetRow(1).Cross(Mt.GetRow(2)));
                MadjTt.SetRow(1, Mt.GetRow(2).Cross(Mt.GetRow(0)));
                MadjTt.SetRow(2, Mt.GetRow(0).Cross(Mt.GetRow(1)));

                float det = Mt.m00 * MadjTt.m00 + Mt.m01 * MadjTt.m01 + Mt.m02 * MadjTt.m02;

                if (Math.Abs(det) < 1.0e-12f)
                    int index = int.MaxValue;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        float len = MadjTt.GetRow(i).SqrMagnitude;
                        if (len > 1.0e-12f)
                            // index of valid cross product
                            // => is also the index of the vector in Mt that must be exchanged
                            index = i;

                    if (index == int.MaxValue)
                        R = Matrix3x3f.Identity;
                        Mt.SetRow(index, Mt.GetRow((index + 1) % 3).Cross(Mt.GetRow((index + 2) % 3)));
                        MadjTt.SetRow((index + 1) % 3, Mt.GetRow((index + 2) % 3).Cross(Mt.GetRow(index)));
                        MadjTt.SetRow((index + 2) % 3, Mt.GetRow(index).Cross(Mt.GetRow((index + 1) % 3)));
                        Matrix3x3f M2 = Mt.Transpose;

                        Mone = OneNorm(M2);
                        Minf = InfNorm(M2);

                        det = Mt.m00 * MadjTt.m00 + Mt.m01 * MadjTt.m01 + Mt.m02 * MadjTt.m02;

                float MadjTone = OneNorm(MadjTt);
                float MadjTinf = InfNorm(MadjTt);

                float gamma = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt((MadjTone * MadjTinf) / (Mone * Minf)) / Math.Abs(det));

                float g1 = gamma * 0.5f;
                float g2 = 0.5f / (gamma * det);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        Et[i, j]  = Mt[i, j];
                        Mt[i, j]  = g1 * Mt[i, j] + g2 * MadjTt[i, j];
                        Et[i, j] -= Mt[i, j];

                Eone = OneNorm(Et);

                Mone = OneNorm(Mt);
                Minf = InfNorm(Mt);
            }while (Eone > Mone * tolerance);

            // Q = Mt^T
            R = Mt.Transpose;

            //end of function
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform polar decomposition A = (U D U^T) R
        /// </summary>
        public static void PolarDecomposition(Matrix3x3f A, out Matrix3x3f R, out Matrix3x3f U, out Matrix3x3f D)
            // A = SR, where S is symmetric and R is orthonormal
            // -> S = (A A^T)^(1/2)

            // A = U D U^T R

            Matrix3x3f AAT = new Matrix3x3f();

            AAT.m00 = A.m00 * A.m00 + A.m01 * A.m01 + A.m02 * A.m02;
            AAT.m11 = A.m10 * A.m10 + A.m11 * A.m11 + A.m12 * A.m12;
            AAT.m22 = A.m20 * A.m20 + A.m21 * A.m21 + A.m22 * A.m22;

            AAT.m01 = A.m00 * A.m10 + A.m01 * A.m11 + A.m02 * A.m12;
            AAT.m02 = A.m00 * A.m20 + A.m01 * A.m21 + A.m02 * A.m22;
            AAT.m12 = A.m10 * A.m20 + A.m11 * A.m21 + A.m12 * A.m22;

            AAT.m10 = AAT.m01;
            AAT.m20 = AAT.m02;
            AAT.m21 = AAT.m12;

            R = Matrix3x3f.Identity;
            Vector3f eigenVals;

            EigenDecomposition(AAT, out U, out eigenVals);

            float d0 = (float)Math.Sqrt(eigenVals.x);
            float d1 = (float)Math.Sqrt(eigenVals.y);
            float d2 = (float)Math.Sqrt(eigenVals.z);

            D     = new Matrix3x3f();
            D.m00 = d0;
            D.m11 = d1;
            D.m22 = d2;

            const float eps = 1e-15f;

            float l0 = eigenVals.x; if (l0 <= eps)

                l0 = 0.0f;
                l0 = 1.0f / d0;
            float l1 = eigenVals.y; if (l1 <= eps)

                l1 = 0.0f;
                l1 = 1.0f / d1;
            float l2 = eigenVals.z; if (l2 <= eps)

                l2 = 0.0f;
                l2 = 1.0f / d2;

            Matrix3x3f S1 = new Matrix3x3f();

            S1.m00 = l0 * U.m00 * U.m00 + l1 * U.m01 * U.m01 + l2 * U.m02 * U.m02;
            S1.m11 = l0 * U.m10 * U.m10 + l1 * U.m11 * U.m11 + l2 * U.m12 * U.m12;
            S1.m22 = l0 * U.m20 * U.m20 + l1 * U.m21 * U.m21 + l2 * U.m22 * U.m22;

            S1.m01 = l0 * U.m00 * U.m10 + l1 * U.m01 * U.m11 + l2 * U.m02 * U.m12;
            S1.m02 = l0 * U.m00 * U.m20 + l1 * U.m01 * U.m21 + l2 * U.m02 * U.m22;
            S1.m12 = l0 * U.m10 * U.m20 + l1 * U.m11 * U.m21 + l2 * U.m12 * U.m22;

            S1.m10 = S1.m01;
            S1.m20 = S1.m02;
            S1.m21 = S1.m12;

            R = S1 * A;

            // stabilize
            Vector3f c0, c1, c2;

            c0 = R.GetColumn(0);
            c1 = R.GetColumn(1);
            c2 = R.GetColumn(2);

            if (c0.SqrMagnitude < eps)
                c0 = c1.Cross(c2);
            else if (c1.SqrMagnitude < eps)
                c1 = c2.Cross(c0);
                c2 = c0.Cross(c1);

            R.SetColumn(0, c0);
            R.SetColumn(1, c1);
            R.SetColumn(2, c2);
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// A matrix copied from the matrix m.
 /// </summary>
 public Matrix3x3f(Matrix3x3f m)
     m00 = m.m00; m01 = m.m01; m02 = m.m02;
     m10 = m.m10; m11 = m.m11; m12 = m.m12;
     m20 = m.m20; m21 = m.m21; m22 = m.m22;
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Are these matrices equal.
 /// </summary>
 public bool Equals(Matrix3x3f mat)
     return(this == mat);