/// <summary>
        /// Update status for the specified runId, taskname combination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Overloaded convenience method.</remarks>
        /// <param name="statusExpression">"RUN001:Delta:Started"</param>
        public static void Update(string taskName, string status, string comment, DateTime started, DateTime ended)
            // To uniquely identify a status.
            string filter = string.Format(" BatchId = {0} and BatchName = '{1}' and Task = '{2}' ",
                                          Service.BatchId, Service.BatchName, taskName);
            IList <StatusUpdate> items = GetByFilter(filter).Item;
            bool isCreating            = false;

            if (items == null || items.Count == 0)
                isCreating = true;

            StatusUpdate entry = isCreating ? new StatusUpdate() : items[0];

            entry.Task    = taskName;
            entry.Status  = status.ToLower().Trim();
            entry.Comment = comment;
            if (isCreating)
                entry.StartTime = started;
                entry.EndTime   = ended;
                entry.EndTime = ended;
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the username, computer and comment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        public override void Massage(object entity, EntityAction action)
            StatusUpdate update = entity as StatusUpdate;

            update.Computer      = Environment.MachineName;
            update.ExecutionUser = Environment.UserName;

            // Set times.
            if (update.StartTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                update.StartTime = DateTime.Now;
            if (update.EndTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                update.EndTime = DateTime.Now;
            if (update.BatchTime == DateTime.MinValue)
                update.BatchTime = StatusUpdates.Service.BatchTime;
            if (update.BusinessDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                update.BusinessDate = StatusUpdates.Service.BusinessDate;
            if (update.BatchId <= 0)
                update.BatchId = StatusUpdates.Service.BatchId;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(update.BatchName))
                update.BatchName = StatusUpdates.Service.BatchName;

            // Add comment.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(update.Comment))
                // Batch , Task, Status at Time.
                string comment = string.Format("[{0}] : [{1}] : [{2}]",
                                               update.BatchName, update.Task, update.Status);
                update.Comment = comment;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validation method for the entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The target.</param>
        /// <param name="useTarget">if set to <c>true</c> [use target].</param>
        /// <param name="results">The results.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool ValidateInternal(ValidationEvent validationEvent)
            object             target  = validationEvent.Target;
            IValidationResults results = validationEvent.Results;

            int          initialErrorCount = results.Count;
            StatusUpdate entity            = (StatusUpdate)target;

            Validation.IsStringLengthMatch(entity.Computer, false, false, true, -1, 30, results, "Computer");
            Validation.IsStringLengthMatch(entity.ExecutionUser, false, true, true, 1, 30, results, "ExecutionUser");
            Validation.IsDateWithinRange(entity.BusinessDate, false, false, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, results, "BusinessDate");
            Validation.IsStringLengthMatch(entity.BatchName, false, true, true, 1, 30, results, "BatchName");
            Validation.IsNumericWithinRange(entity.BatchId, false, false, -1, -1, results, "BatchId");
            Validation.IsDateWithinRange(entity.BatchTime, false, false, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, results, "BatchTime");
            Validation.IsStringLengthMatch(entity.Task, false, true, true, 1, 50, results, "Task");
            Validation.IsStringLengthMatch(entity.Status, false, true, true, 1, 30, results, "Status");
            Validation.IsDateWithinRange(entity.StartTime, false, false, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, results, "StartTime");
            Validation.IsDateWithinRange(entity.EndTime, false, false, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, results, "EndTime");
            Validation.IsStringLengthMatch(entity.Ref, true, false, true, -1, 30, results, "Ref");
            Validation.IsStringLengthMatch(entity.Comment, true, false, true, -1, 150, results, "Comment");

            return(initialErrorCount == results.Count);