Esempio n. 1
        private void AssembleMessage(BlockwiseStatus status, Message message, Message last)
            // The assembled request will contain the options of the last block
            message.ID     = last.ID;
            message.Source = last.Source;
            message.Token  = last.Token;
            message.Type   = last.Type;

            int length = 0;

            foreach (byte[] block in status.Blocks)
                length += block.Length;

            byte[] payload = new byte[length];
            int    offset  = 0;

            foreach (byte[] block in status.Blocks)
                Array.Copy(block, 0, payload, offset, block.Length);
                offset += block.Length;

            message.Payload = payload;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Notice:
        /// This method is used by SendResponse and ReceiveResponse.
        /// Be careful, making changes to the status in here.
        /// </summary>
        private BlockwiseStatus FindResponseBlockStatus(Exchange exchange, Response response)
            BlockwiseStatus status = exchange.ResponseBlockStatus;

            if (status == null)
                int blockSize = _defaultBlockSize;
                if (response.Session != null && response.Session.IsReliable)
                    blockSize = response.Session.MaxSendSize - 100;
                status = new BlockwiseStatus(response.ContentType)
                    CurrentSZX = BlockOption.EncodeSZX(blockSize)
                exchange.ResponseBlockStatus = status;

                log.Debug(m => m("There is no blockwise status yet. Create and set new Block2 status: {0}", status));
                log.Debug(m => m("Current Block2 status: {0}", status));

            // sets a timeout to complete exchange

Esempio n. 3
        private Request GetNextRequestBlock(Request request, BlockwiseStatus status)
            Int32   num   = status.CurrentNUM;
            Int32   szx   = status.CurrentSZX;
            Request block = new Request(request.Method);

            block.Destination = request.Destination;
            block.Token       = request.Token;
            block.Type        = MessageType.CON;
            block.Session     = request.Session;

            Int32 currentSize = 1 << (4 + szx);
            Int32 from        = num * currentSize;
            Int32 to          = Math.Min((num + 1) * currentSize, request.PayloadSize);
            Int32 length      = to - from;

            Byte[] blockPayload = new Byte[length];
            Array.Copy(request.Payload, from, blockPayload, 0, length);
            block.Payload = blockPayload;

            Boolean m = to < request.PayloadSize;

            block.AddOption(new BlockOption(OptionType.Block1, num, szx, m));

            status.Complete = !m;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Notice:
        /// This method is used by SendRequest and ReceiveRequest.
        /// Be careful, making changes to the status in here.
        /// </summary>
        private BlockwiseStatus FindRequestBlockStatus(Exchange exchange, Request request)
            BlockwiseStatus status = exchange.RequestBlockStatus;

            if (status == null)
                status                      = new BlockwiseStatus(request.ContentType);
                status.CurrentSZX           = BlockOption.EncodeSZX(_defaultBlockSize);
                exchange.RequestBlockStatus = status;
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("There is no assembler status yet. Create and set new Block1 status: " + status);
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("Current Block1 status: " + status);
            // sets a timeout to complete exchange
Esempio n. 5
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void SendResponse(INextLayer nextLayer, Exchange exchange, Response response)
            BlockOption block1 = exchange.Block1ToAck;

            if (block1 != null)
                exchange.Block1ToAck = null;

            if (RequiresBlockwise(exchange, response))
                log.Debug(m => m("Response payload {0}/{1} requires Blockwise", response.PayloadSize, _maxMessageSize));

                BlockwiseStatus status = FindResponseBlockStatus(exchange, response);

                Response block = GetNextResponseBlock(response, status);

                if (block1 != null)
                    // in case we still have to ack the last block1

                if (block.Token == null)
                    block.Token = exchange.Request.Token;

                if (status.Complete)
                    // clean up blockwise status
                    log.Debug(m => m("Ongoing finished on first block {0}", status));
                    exchange.ResponseBlockStatus = null;
                    log.Debug(m => m("Ongoing started {0}", status));

                exchange.CurrentResponse = block;
                base.SendResponse(nextLayer, exchange, block);
                if (block1 != null)

                exchange.CurrentResponse = response;
                // Block1 transfer completed
                base.SendResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response);
Esempio n. 6
        private Response GetNextResponseBlock(Response response, BlockwiseStatus status)
            Response block;
            Int32    szx = status.CurrentSZX;
            Int32    num = status.CurrentNUM;

            if (response.HasOption(OptionType.Observe))
                // a blockwise notification transmits the first block only
                block = response;
                block = new Response(response.StatusCode)
                    Destination = response.Destination,
                    Token       = response.Token,
                    Session     = response.Session
                block.TimedOut += (o, e) => response.IsTimedOut = true;

            Int32 payloadSize = response.PayloadSize;
            Int32 currentSize = 1 << (4 + szx);
            Int32 from        = num * currentSize;

            if (payloadSize > 0 && payloadSize > from)
                Int32   to           = Math.Min((num + 1) * currentSize, response.PayloadSize);
                Int32   length       = to - from;
                Byte[]  blockPayload = new Byte[length];
                Boolean m            = to < response.PayloadSize;
                block.SetBlock2(szx, m, num);

                // crop payload -- do after calculation of m in case block==response
                Array.Copy(response.Payload, from, blockPayload, 0, length);
                block.Payload = blockPayload;

                // do not complete notifications
                block.Last = !m && !response.HasOption(OptionType.Observe);

                status.Complete = !m;
                block.AddOption(new BlockOption(OptionType.Block2, num, szx, false));
                block.Last      = true;
                status.Complete = true;

Esempio n. 7
 private void EarlyBlock2Negotiation(Exchange exchange, Request request)
     // Call this method when a request has completely arrived (might have
     // been sent in one piece without blockwise).
     if (request.HasOption(OptionType.Block2))
         BlockOption     block2  = request.Block2;
         BlockwiseStatus status2 = new BlockwiseStatus(request.ContentType, block2.NUM, block2.SZX);
         log.Debug(m => m("Request with early block negotiation " + block2 +
                          ". Create and set new Block2 status: " + status2));
         exchange.ResponseBlockStatus = status2;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void SendRequest(INextLayer nextLayer, Exchange exchange, Request request)
            if (request.HasOption(OptionType.Block2) && request.Block2.NUM > 0)
                // This is the case if the user has explicitly added a block option
                // for random access.
                // Note: We do not regard it as random access when the block num is
                // 0. This is because the user might just want to do early block
                // size negotiation but actually wants to receive all blocks.

                log.Debug("Request carries explicit defined block2 option: create random access blockwise status");

                BlockwiseStatus status = new BlockwiseStatus(request.ContentFormat);
                BlockOption     block2 = request.Block2;
                status.CurrentSZX            = block2.SZX;
                status.CurrentNUM            = block2.NUM;
                status.IsRandomAccess        = true;
                exchange.ResponseBlockStatus = status;
                base.SendRequest(nextLayer, exchange, request);
            else if (RequiresBlockwise(request))
                // This must be a large POST or PUT request
                log.Debug(m => m("Request payload {0}/{1} requires Blockwise.", request.PayloadSize, _maxMessageSize));

                BlockwiseStatus status = FindRequestBlockStatus(exchange, request);
                Request         block  = GetNextRequestBlock(request, status);
                exchange.RequestBlockStatus = status;
                exchange.CurrentRequest     = block;
                base.SendRequest(nextLayer, exchange, block);
                exchange.CurrentRequest = request;
                base.SendRequest(nextLayer, exchange, request);
Esempio n. 9
        private Request GetNextRequestBlock(Request request, BlockwiseStatus status)
            int     num   = status.CurrentNUM;
            int     szx   = status.CurrentSZX;
            Request block = new Request(request.Method);

            block.Destination = request.Destination;
            block.Token       = request.Token;
            block.Type        = MessageType.CON;
            block.Session     = request.Session;

            int blockCount = 1;

            if (szx == 7 || (szx == 6 && block.Session != null && block.Session.IsReliable && block.Session.BlockTransfer))
                szx        = 6;
                blockCount = block.Session.MaxSendSize / 1024;

            int currentSize = 1 << (4 + szx);
            int from        = num * currentSize;
            int to          = Math.Min((num + blockCount) * currentSize, request.PayloadSize);
            int length      = to - from;

            byte[] blockPayload = new byte[length];
            Array.Copy(request.Payload, from, blockPayload, 0, length);
            block.Payload = blockPayload;

            bool m = to < request.PayloadSize;

            block.AddOption(new BlockOption(OptionType.Block1, num, blockCount == 1 ? szx : 7, m));

            status.Complete = !m;
Esempio n. 10
        private Response GetNextResponseBlock(Response response, BlockwiseStatus status)
            Response block;
            int      szx = status.CurrentSZX;
            int      num = status.CurrentNUM;

            if (response.HasOption(OptionType.Observe))
                // a blockwise notification transmits the first block only
                block = response;
                block = new Response(response.StatusCode)
                    Destination = response.Destination,
                    Token       = response.Token,
                    Session     = response.Session
                block.TimedOut += (o, e) => response.IsTimedOut = true;

            if (szx == 7)
                szx = 6;
            int payloadSize = response.PayloadSize;
            int currentSize = 1 << (4 + szx);
            int from        = num * currentSize;

            if (payloadSize > 0 && payloadSize > from)
                int blockCount = 1;
                if (response.Session.BlockTransfer && response.Session.MaxSendSize > 1152)
                    blockCount = (response.Session.MaxSendSize - 100) / 1024;

                int    to           = Math.Min((num + blockCount) * currentSize, response.PayloadSize);
                int    length       = to - from;
                byte[] blockPayload = new byte[length];
                bool   m            = to < response.PayloadSize;

                if (length > 1024)
                    szx = 7;
                block.SetBlock2(szx, m, num);

                // crop payload -- do after calculation of m in case block==response
                Array.Copy(response.Payload, from, blockPayload, 0, length);
                block.Payload = blockPayload;

                // do not complete notifications
                block.Last = !m && !response.HasOption(OptionType.Observe);

                status.Complete = !m;
                block.AddOption(new BlockOption(OptionType.Block2, num, szx, false));
                block.Last      = true;
                status.Complete = true;

Esempio n. 11
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void ReceiveResponse(INextLayer nextLayer, Exchange exchange, Response response)
            // do not continue fetching blocks if canceled
            if (exchange.Request.IsCancelled)
                // reject (in particular for Block+Observe)
                if (response.Type != MessageType.ACK)
                    log.Debug("Rejecting blockwise transfer for canceled Exchange");
                    EmptyMessage rst = EmptyMessage.NewRST(response);
                    SendEmptyMessage(nextLayer, exchange, rst);
                    // Matcher sets exchange as complete when RST is sent

            if (!response.HasOption(OptionType.Block1) && !response.HasOption(OptionType.Block2))
                // There is no block1 or block2 option, therefore it is a normal response
                exchange.Response = response;
                base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response);

            BlockOption block1 = response.Block1;

            if (block1 != null)
                // TODO: What if request has not been sent blockwise (server error)
                log.Debug(m => m("Response acknowledges block " + block1));
                BlockwiseStatus status = exchange.RequestBlockStatus;

                if (exchange.Request.Session == null)
                    exchange.Request.Session = exchange.CurrentRequest.Session;
                    if (exchange.Request.Session.IsReliable && exchange.Request.Session.MaxSendSize >= 1024)
                        status.CurrentSZX = 6;

                if (!status.Complete)
                    // TODO: the response code should be CONTINUE. Otherwise deliver
                    // Send next block
                    int currentSize = 1 << (4 + status.CurrentSZX);
                    int nextNum     = status.CurrentNUM + currentSize / block1.Size;
                    log.Debug(m => m("Send next block num = " + nextNum));
                    status.CurrentNUM = nextNum;
                    status.CurrentSZX = block1.SZX;
                    Request nextBlock = GetNextRequestBlock(exchange.Request, status);
                    if (exchange.Request.IsMulticast)
                        //  Multicast jumps to the Unicast address
                        exchange.Request.Destination = response.Source;
                    if (nextBlock.Token == null)
                        nextBlock.Token = response.Token; // reuse same token


                    exchange.CurrentRequest = nextBlock;
                    base.SendRequest(nextLayer, exchange, nextBlock);
                    // do not deliver response
                else if (!response.HasOption(OptionType.Block2))
                    // All request block have been acknowledged and we receive a piggy-backed
                    // response that needs no blockwise transfer. Thus, deliver it.
                    base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response);
                    log.Debug("Response has Block2 option and is therefore sent blockwise");

            BlockOption block2 = response.Block2;

            if (block2 != null)
                BlockwiseStatus status = FindResponseBlockStatus(exchange, response);

                if (block2.NUM == status.CurrentNUM)
                    // We got the block we expected :-)
                    int?obs = response.Observe;
                    if (obs.HasValue)
                        status.Observe = obs.Value;

                    //  Is the block sized as we expect it
                    int blockCount = 1;
                    int blockSize  = 1 << (block2.SZX + 4);

                    if (response.Payload != null)
                        if (block2.SZX == 7)
                            blockSize  = 1024;
                            blockCount = (response.Payload.Length + 1023) / 1024;

                        if (response.Payload.Length != blockSize * blockCount)
                            if (!block2.M)
                                if ((blockCount - 1) * blockSize >= response.Payload.Length ||
                                    response.Payload.Length >= blockSize * blockCount)
                                    //  This is problem as the body size is wrong.
                                //  The body size is wrong


                    // notify blocking progress

                    if (status.IsRandomAccess)
                        // The client has requested this specific block and we deliver it
                        exchange.Response = response;
                        base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response);
                    else if (block2.M)
                        log.Debug("Request the next response block");
                        exchange.Complete = true;
                        exchange.Complete = false;

                        Request request = exchange.Request;
                        int     num     = block2.NUM + blockCount;
                        int     szx     = block2.SZX;
                        bool    m       = false;

                        Request block = new Request(request.Method)
                            Type        = request.Type,
                            Destination = request.IsMulticast ? response.Source : request.Destination,
                            Session     = request.Session
                        // NON could make sense over SMS or similar transports
                        block.SetOption(new BlockOption(OptionType.Block2, num, szx, m));
                        // we use the same token to ease traceability (GET without Observe no longer cancels relations)
                        // block.Token = response.Token;
                        // make sure not to use Observe for block retrieval

                        status.CurrentNUM = num;

                        exchange.CurrentRequest = block;
                        base.SendRequest(nextLayer, exchange, block);
                        log.Debug(m => m("We have received all {0} blocks of the response. Assemble and deliver.",
                        Response assembled = new Response(response.StatusCode);
                        AssembleMessage(status, assembled, response);
                        assembled.Type = response.Type;

                        // set overall transfer RTT
                        assembled.RTT = (DateTime.Now - exchange.Timestamp).TotalMilliseconds;

                        // Check if this response is a notification
                        int observe = status.Observe;
                        if (observe != BlockwiseStatus.NoObserve)
                            assembled.AddOption(Option.Create(OptionType.Observe, observe));
                            // This is necessary for notifications that are sent blockwise:
                            // Reset block number AND container with all blocks
                            exchange.ResponseBlockStatus = null;

                        log.Debug(m => m("Assembled response: {0}", assembled));
                        exchange.Response = assembled;
                        base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, assembled);
                    // ERROR, wrong block number (server error)
                    // TODO: This scenario is not specified in the draft.
                    // Currently, we reject it and cancel the request.
                    log.Warn(m => m("Wrong block number. Expected {0} but received {1}" +
                                    ". Reject response; exchange has failed.", status.CurrentNUM, block2.NUM));
                    if (response.Type == MessageType.CON)
                        EmptyMessage rst = EmptyMessage.NewRST(response);
                        base.SendEmptyMessage(nextLayer, exchange, rst);
                    exchange.Request.IsCancelled = true;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void ReceiveRequest(INextLayer nextLayer, Exchange exchange, Request request)
            if (request.HasOption(OptionType.Block1))
                //  If this is a multicast address we are receiving this on, then we should ignore it
                if (request.IsMulticast)

                // This must be a large POST or PUT request
                BlockOption block1 = request.Block1;
                log.Debug(m => m("Request contains block1 option {0}", block1));

                BlockwiseStatus status = FindRequestBlockStatus(exchange, request);
                if (block1.NUM == 0 && status.CurrentNUM > 0)
                    // reset the blockwise transfer
                    log.Debug("Block1 num is 0, the client has restarted the blockwise transfer. Reset status.");
                    status = new BlockwiseStatus(request.ContentType);
                    exchange.RequestBlockStatus = status;

                if (block1.NUM == status.CurrentNUM)
                    if (request.ContentType == status.ContentFormat)
                        Response error = Response.CreateResponse(request, StatusCode.RequestEntityIncomplete);
                        error.AddOption(new BlockOption(OptionType.Block1, block1.NUM, block1.SZX, block1.M));
                        error.SetPayload("Changed Content-Format");

                        exchange.CurrentResponse = error;
                        base.SendResponse(nextLayer, exchange, error);

                    status.CurrentNUM += 1;
                    if (block1.M)
                        log.Debug("There are more blocks to come. Acknowledge this block.");

                        Response piggybacked = Response.CreateResponse(request, StatusCode.Continue);
                        piggybacked.AddOption(new BlockOption(OptionType.Block1, block1.NUM, block1.SZX, true));
                        piggybacked.Last = false;

                        exchange.CurrentResponse = piggybacked;
                        base.SendResponse(nextLayer, exchange, piggybacked);

                        // do not assemble and deliver the request yet
                        log.Debug("This was the last block. Deliver request");

                        // Remember block to acknowledge. TODO: We might make this a boolean flag in status.
                        exchange.Block1ToAck = block1;

                        // Block2 early negotiation
                        EarlyBlock2Negotiation(exchange, request);

                        // Assemble and deliver
                        Request assembled = new Request(request.Method);
                        AssembleMessage(status, assembled, request);

                        assembled.Session       = request.Session;
                        exchange.Request        = assembled;
                        exchange.CurrentRequest = assembled;
                        base.ReceiveRequest(nextLayer, exchange, assembled);
                    // ERROR, wrong number, Incomplete
                    log.Warn(m => m("Wrong block number. Expected {0} but received {1}. Respond with 4.08 (Request Entity Incomplete).",
                                    status.CurrentNUM, block1.NUM));
                    Response error = Response.CreateResponse(request, StatusCode.RequestEntityIncomplete);
                    error.AddOption(new BlockOption(OptionType.Block1, block1.NUM, block1.SZX, block1.M));
                    error.SetPayload("Wrong block number");
                    exchange.CurrentResponse = error;
                    base.SendResponse(nextLayer, exchange, error);
            else if (exchange.Response != null && request.HasOption(OptionType.Block2))
                // The response has already been generated and the client just wants
                // the next block of it
                BlockOption     block2   = request.Block2;
                Response        response = exchange.Response;
                BlockwiseStatus status   = FindResponseBlockStatus(exchange, response);
                status.CurrentNUM = block2.NUM;
                status.CurrentSZX = block2.SZX;

                Response block = GetNextResponseBlock(response, status);
                block.Token = request.Token;

                if (status.Complete)
                    // clean up blockwise status
                    log.Debug(m => m("Ongoing is complete {0}", status));
                    exchange.ResponseBlockStatus = null;
                    log.Debug(m => m("Ongoing is continuing {0}", status));

                exchange.CurrentResponse = block;
                base.SendResponse(nextLayer, exchange, block);
                EarlyBlock2Negotiation(exchange, request);

                exchange.Request = request;
                base.ReceiveRequest(nextLayer, exchange, request);