private static async Task Main(string[] args) { Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Launch"); var parser = new CommandLineBuilder(LaunchCommand.GetCommand()) .UseHost((args) => CreateHostBuilder(args)) .UseDefaults() .UseMiddleware(async(context, next) => { await next(context); }) .UseExceptionHandler((ex, context) => { var stackTrace = Configuration.GetValue <bool>("ShowStackTraceOnError") ? ex.StackTrace : "Error details hidden. Enable 'ShowStackTraceOnError' to see more..."; logger.Error(ex, $"The global exception handler caught an exception: {ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{stackTrace}"); logger.Info($"Press any key to close..."); Console.ReadKey(); }) .Build(); // display some startup info Console.WriteAscii("Launch", Color.FromArgb(204, 102, 0)); Console.Write($"Version: "); parser.Parse("--version").Invoke(); // parse the arguments await parser.InvokeAsync(args); }
protected void ReadAndDispatchConsoleKeys() { if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true); switch (key.Key) { case ConsoleKey.Enter: this.InputManager.SendInputBufferAsCommand(); break; case ConsoleKey.Backspace: this.InputManager.RemoveLastCharOfInputBuffer(); break; case ConsoleKey.Escape: L.Information("Stopping"); this.Destroy(); break; default: this.InputManager.AddCharToInputBuffer(key.KeyChar); break; } } }
// this is my constructor public snake() { // generate the snake body snake_body.Add(new int[] { 50, 11 }); // if the colum is even, then the gen should generate even position for food snake_body.Insert(1, new int[] { 50, 12 }); snake_drawHead(snake_body[0], Color.Indigo); snake_drawBody(snake_body[1]); drawwing.WriteAt( "press arrowKey to move the snake", 35, 15, back: _back, fore: Color.FromArgb(120, 1, 225)); drawwing.WriteAt("press shift while press arrowKey to speed up", 35, 16, back: _back, fore: Color.FromArgb(120, 1, 225)); drawwing.WriteAt("eat you own tail,hehe", 35, 17, back: _back, fore: Color.FromArgb(120, 1, 225)); drawwing.WriteAt("NOW, are you ready?(press Enter)", 35, 19, back: _back, fore: Color.FromArgb(120, 1, 225)); ConsoleB.SetCursorPosition(35, 15); feed.body = snake_body; while (true) { drawwing.WriteAt("press Enter", 55, 19, back: _back, fore: Color.PowderBlue); drawwing.WriteAt("press Enter", 55, 19, back: _back, fore: Color.Red); Thread.Sleep(100); drawwing.WriteAt("press Enter", 55, 19, back: _back, fore: Color.PowderBlue); if (ConsoleB.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } Thread.Sleep(50); } drawwing.WriteAt(" ", 35, 15); drawwing.WriteAt(" ", 35, 16); drawwing.WriteAt(" ", 35, 17); drawwing.WriteAt(" ", 35, 19); }
public void Start() { Console.Clear(); while (!ALineWon()) { for (int i = 0; i < RacingLines.Count; ++i) { RacingLines[i].TryToRun(); } Thread.Sleep(20); } Line winner = GetWinningLine(); Console.Clear(); int consoleHalfWidth = Console.WindowWidth / 2; string winningLineMsg = "The Winning Line is: "; Console.SetCursorPosition(consoleHalfWidth - (winningLineMsg.Length / 2), (Console.WindowHeight / 2) - 5); Console.WriteLine(winningLineMsg, Color.White); Console.SetCursorPosition((Console.WindowWidth / 2) - 4, (Console.WindowHeight / 2) - 3); Console.Write(winner.Symbol, winner.LineColors.Colors[0]); Console.Write(winner.Symbol, winner.LineColors.Colors[1]); Console.Write(winner.Symbol, winner.LineColors.Colors[0]); Console.Write(winner.Symbol, winner.LineColors.Colors[1]); Console.Write(winner.Symbol, winner.LineColors.Colors[0]); Console.Write(winner.Symbol, winner.LineColors.Colors[1]); Console.ForegroundColor = Color.White; Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void SelectAlg() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(figlet.ToAscii("Knewin Test"), ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#8AFFEF")); Console.WriteLine("Selecione um algoritmo: "); Console.WriteLine("1 - Buscador de Números Repetidos", Color.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("2 - Verificador de Palíndromos", Color.Yellow); Console.WriteLine("0 - Sair", Color.Gray); var choice = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; Console.WriteLine(); if (choice == '1') { searchFirstRepeatedIndex.Begin(); } if (choice == '2') { confirmPalindrome.Begin(); } if (choice != '0') { System.Console.WriteLine("Selecione um dos dois algoritmos!"); SelectAlg(); } }
/// <summary> /// when writing password to console interface, hides characters /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> static public SecureString darker() { SecureString securePwd = new SecureString(); ConsoleKeyInfo key; do { key = Console.ReadKey(true); // Backspace Should Not Work if (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Backspace && key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { securePwd.AppendChar(key.KeyChar); Console.Write("*"); } else { if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace && securePwd.Length > 0) { securePwd = new NetworkCredential("", securePwd.ToString().Substring(0, (securePwd.Length - 1))).SecurePassword; Console.Write("\b \b"); } else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } } } while (true); return(securePwd); }
public static void Main() { try { db = new Database("", "johndog", "root", ""); StartServer(); // use local m/c IP address, and // use the same in the client /* Initializes the Listener */ /* Start Listeneting at the specified port */ JohnDog.SayNoNewLine("Connection Manager", "The server is running at port 8000."); JohnDog.Say("Connection Manager", "The local IP address is: " + server.LocalEndpoint); JohnDog.Say("Connection Manger", "Waiting for a connection..."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.StackTrace); Console.ReadKey(); } }
static void exit(int ecode = 0) { Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.Write("press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); Environment.Exit(ecode); }
public void VolgendeStap() { StyleSheet styleSheet = new StyleSheet(Color.White); styleSheet.AddStyle("Je kan de volgende richting uit:", Color.MediumSlateBlue); styleSheet.AddStyle("Je kunt interacteren", Color.Red); Console.WriteLineStyled(_kaart.GetCurrentPosition().ToString(), styleSheet); var interactieKey = Console.ReadKey().Key; Console.WriteLine("═══════════════════════════════════════════════════"); Console.WriteLine(); VerwerkInput(interactieKey, VolgendeStap); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var xml = SimulationCases.LoadXmlAsync(SimulationCases.Case01).Result; var simulation = new RentalContractSimulationFromXml(xml); var simulator = new Simulator(simulation); SimulatorPrinter.PrintInfo("blablabla balbla"); simulator.Start(); Console.WriteLine("---- END ----"); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.ReadKey(); // ShowSimplePercentage(); // ShowSpinner(); // MultiLineAnimation(); // ColorfulText(); // ColorfulAnimation(); AsciiText(); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void deleteCustomer() { System.Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(" ENTER THE ID TO DELETE : "); System.Console.WriteLine(); System.Console.WriteLine(); var table = new ConsoleTable(" ID ", " C U S T O M E R N A M E ", " T O T A L P U R C H A S E ", " D I S C O U N T ", " T O T A L D U E ", " C A S H P A Y M E N T ", " C H A N G E "); foreach (var cust in db.getCUstomerList()) { table.AddRow(cust.ID, cust.CustName, cust.totalPurch, cust.disc, cust.totalDue, cust.cpay, cust.change); } table.Write(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.CursorTop = 1; Console.CursorLeft = 30; int id = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Message.TitleBox(" Are you sure you want to delete [Y]es/[N]o ", 5, 50, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); ConsoleKey sel = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (sel.Equals(ConsoleKey.Y)) { db.deleteCustomer(id); Message.TitleBox(" Do you want to delete another ? [Y]es/[N]o ", 5, 50, ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Black); ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (key.Equals(ConsoleKey.Y)) { Console.Clear(); deleteCustomer(); } else { } } else { Intermidiate(); } }
private static void NextCmd(ProcessInstance process) { SimulatorPrinter.PrintInfo("T: transaction view. <other> continue"); //Console.Write("T: transaction view. <other> continue", Color.LawnGreen); var key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.T) { PrintTransactions(process); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n -#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#--#- \n", Color.MediumSeaGreen); } }
public void Entertainement() { Console.Clear(); Console.BackgroundColor = Color.SteelBlue; Console.Clear(); Message.TitleBox(" E N T E R T A I N M E N T ", 3, 40, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.BoxColor = Color.White; Message.CreateBox("", 16, 30, ""); Console.CursorTop = 7; Message.menuBox(3, 32, " [A]. S N A K E ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White, 1); Message.menuBox(3, 32, " [B]. C O L O R G A M E ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White, 1); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Message.menuBox(1, 32, " E N T E R L E T T E R ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.menuBox(1, 32, " O F Y O U R C H O I C E ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.menuBox(1, 32, " [BACK SPACE] M E N U ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); select = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (select.Equals(ConsoleKey.A)) { Snake snake = new Snake(USERNAME); snake.Initialize(); } else if (select.Equals(ConsoleKey.B)) { Console.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; Console.Clear(); ColorGame cg = new ColorGame(); cg.gameStart(); } else if (select.Equals(ConsoleKey.Backspace)) { SystemMenu(); } else { Message.TitleBox("Invalid Choice Try Again", 5, 40, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Console.ReadKey(); Entertainement(); } Console.ReadKey(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteAscii("USNQueryEngine", Color.FromArgb(240, 200, 200)); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); entries = USNEngine.GetAllFilesAndDirectories(); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0} files, {1} seconds", entries.Count(), watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); string filter = "UsnOperation.dll".ToUpper(); Formatter[] fruits = new Formatter[] { new Formatter($"{filter}", Color.LawnGreen), }; Console.WriteLineFormatted("Start to Serch [{0}]", Color.Gray, fruits); Console.WriteLine(); watch.Restart(); var result = entries .Where(f => f.FileName.ToUpper().Contains(filter)) .OrderBy(f => f.FileName) .ToList(); watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0} files in {1} seconds", result.Count(), watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); if (result.Count() > 0) { var table = new ConsoleTable("FileName", "Path"); foreach (var item in result) { if (item is FileAndDirectoryEntry) { table.AddRow(item.FileName, item.Path); } } table.Write(); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue . . . "); Console.ReadKey(true); }
public void deleteStudentGrade() { System.Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(" ENTER THE ID TO DELETE : "); System.Console.WriteLine(); System.Console.WriteLine(); var table = new ConsoleTable("ID", "S T U D E N T N A M E", "S U B J E C T", "P R E L I M", "M I D T E R M ", "F I N A L S", " A V E R A G E", "R E M A R K S"); foreach (var stgrades in db.getStudentGradeList()) { table.AddRow(, stgrades.sname, stgrades.subj, stgrades.prelim, stgrades.midterm, stgrades.finals, stgrades.ave, stgrades.remarks); } table.Write(); Console.CursorTop = 1; Console.CursorLeft = 30; int id = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Message.TitleBox(" Are you sure you want to delete [Y]es/[N]o ", 5, 50, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); ConsoleKey sel = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (sel.Equals(ConsoleKey.Y)) { db.deleteStudent(id); Message.TitleBox(" Do you want to delete another ? [Y]es/[N]o ", 5, 50, ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Black); ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (key.Equals(ConsoleKey.Y)) { Console.Clear(); deleteStudentGrade(); } else { } } else { Intermidiate(); } }
private static string ReadLineOrEsc() { string retString = ""; int curIndex = 0; do { ConsoleKeyInfo readKeyResult = Console.ReadKey(true); // handle Esc if (readKeyResult.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { Console.WriteLine(); return(null); } // handle Enter if (readKeyResult.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.WriteLine(); return(retString); } // handle backspace if (readKeyResult.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace) { if (curIndex > 0) { retString = retString.Remove(retString.Length - 1); Console.Write(readKeyResult.KeyChar); Console.Write(' '); Console.Write(readKeyResult.KeyChar); curIndex--; } } else // handle all other keypresses { retString += readKeyResult.KeyChar; Console.Write(readKeyResult.KeyChar); curIndex++; } }while (true); }
private void Afsluitmenu() { Console.WriteLine("Weet je zeker dat je wilt afsluiten? (Y/N)"); var input = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (input == ConsoleKey.Y) { Environment.Exit(0); } else if (input == ConsoleKey.N) { Console.WriteLine("Afsluiten geannuleerd."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Kies \"Y\" of \"N\"."); Afsluitmenu(); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Starting point of the program Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0); Console.WindowHeight = Console.LargestWindowHeight; Console.WindowWidth = Console.LargestWindowWidth; //Thread that play sound ThreadStart sounds = new ThreadStart(Sounds.playFireFlies); Thread sound = new Thread(sounds); sound.Start(); // Thread that play animation ThreadStart Animation = new ThreadStart(Animations.zetaAnimation); Thread animation = new Thread(Animation); animation.Start(); ConsoleKey stop = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (!stop.Equals(ConsoleKey.Escape)) { animation.Abort(); Console.ReplaceAllColorsWithDefaults(); Console.BackgroundColor = Color.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = Color.White; Console.Clear(); Animations.SpaceShipLoading(); Sounds.Stop(); // Calling the User interface of the system UserInterface ui = new UserInterface(); ThreadStart main = new ThreadStart(ui.Initialize); Thread Main = new Thread(main); Main.Start(); } }
private void Init() { time = new Stopwatch(); style = new StyleSheet(System.Drawing.Color.LightGray); Thread listenerThread = new Thread(StartListener); while (true) { try { listenerThread.Start(); listenerThread.Join(); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var cancelletation = new CancellationTokenSource(); var eventHub = EventHubClient.CreateFromConnectionString( "{INSERT CONNECTION STRING HERE}"); _service = ServiceClient.CreateFromConnectionString( "{INSERT CONNECTION STRING HERE}"); Console.WriteLine(new Figlet(FigletFont.Load("doh.flf")).ToAscii("ORCHESTRATOR")); Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to finish..."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.WriteLine("Finishing..."); cancelletation.Cancel(); cancelletation.Dispose(); await Task.Delay(1000, CancellationToken.None); Console.WriteLine("Finished..."); } }
/// <summary> /// Kicks off the pane switching loop. /// </summary> private static void RunSwitcher() { // Start the console resizer ConsoleResizer.ResizeWanted = true; ConsoleResizer.CheckForResize(); // Write config info. WriteConfigInfo(PaneSizes, Sender); // Wait for user to hit enter to begin. // Check for next input key here. while (true) { // If no new key wait. if (!Console.KeyAvailable) { continue; } var NextKey = Console.ReadKey(true); if (NextKey.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } if (NextKey.Key == ConsoleKey.R) { // Check for R again to confirm. var ResetKey = Console.ReadKey(true); if (ResetKey.Key != ConsoleKey.R) { continue; } // Reset the pane keys if wanted. PaneSizes = new PaneSizeValues(true); WriteConfigInfo(PaneSizes, Sender); } if (NextKey.Key == ConsoleKey.P) { // Draw new boxes and update the UI HotKeys.ProcessPaneKey(); PaneSizes = new PaneSizeValues(); WriteConfigInfo(PaneSizes, Sender); } } // Clear the console. Console.Clear(); // Store last move so we dont repeat int LastMoveIndex = -1; // Loop only while we have not key pressed and we can read a key. while (!(Console.KeyAvailable && (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape))) { // Wait the delay time and get mouse location Thread.Sleep(DelayTime); var XAndYPos = new MouseCords(); // Check invalid Y pos value. if (XAndYPos.PosY < 0) { // Make sure we wanna do this. if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ForcePositiveY") != "TRUE") { continue; } // Change the view if needed. if (LastMoveIndex != -1) { PrintCurrentPane(-1, null); Sender.SwitchView(-1); } // Move on the loop. continue; } // Find the X Pane item range. if (PaneSizes.PaneSizesList.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("FAILED TO FIND ANY PANE SETTINGS ITEMS WHEN CHANGING VIEWS!"); } for (int PaneIndex = 0; PaneIndex < PaneSizes.PaneSizesList.Count; PaneIndex++) { // Get the top and bottom range items. int MinRange = PaneSizes.PaneSizesList[PaneIndex].Item1; int MaxRange = PaneSizes.PaneSizesList[PaneIndex].Item2; // Check if we're in range and need to move. // RANGE IS SETUP AS MIN AND COUNT. NOT MIN AND MAX!! if (!Enumerable.Range(MinRange, MaxRange - MinRange).Contains(XAndYPos.PosX)) { continue; } if (PaneIndex == LastMoveIndex) { break; } // Store the index of the pane we are on and print that info out. Sender.SwitchView(PaneIndex + 1); PrintCurrentPane(PaneIndex, XAndYPos); LastMoveIndex = PaneIndex; // Move on break; } } // Stop resizer, move back to home and clear out. ConsoleResizer.ResizeWanted = false; Sender.SwitchView(-1); PrintCurrentPane(-1, null); Console.Clear(); }
/// <summary> /// Aguarda o usuário pressionar qualquer tecla. /// </summary> static public void WaitKey() { Console.ReadKey(); }
static void End() { Console.WriteLine("\n" + Repeat(' ', 8) + "Press enter to exit", Color.SpringGreen); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void Intermidiate() { Console.Clear(); Console.BackgroundColor = Color.SteelBlue; Console.Clear(); Message.TitleBox(" I N T E R M E D I A T E ", 3, 40, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.CreateBox("", 20, 36, ""); Console.CursorTop = 7; Message.menuBox(3, 38, " [A]. STRING MANIPULATION ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White, 1); Message.menuBox(3, 38, " [B]. GRADE COMPUTATION ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White, 1); Message.menuBox(3, 38, " [C]. SALES TRANSACTION ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White, 1); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Message.menuBox(1, 38, " E N T E R L E T T E R ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.menuBox(1, 38, " O F Y O U R C H O I C E ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.menuBox(1, 38, " [BACK SPACE] M E N U ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); select = Console.ReadKey().Key; Console.WriteLine(); if (select.Equals(ConsoleKey.A)) { Console.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue; Console.Clear(); string fname, mname, lname, lblf, lblm, lbll, result; Message.TitleBox(" STRING MANIPULATION ", 3, 25, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.CreateBox("", 10, 70, ". . . ."); lblf = "Enter Firstname : "; TextCenter("", -15, -7); Console.Write(lblf, Color.Black); fname = Console.ReadLine(); lblm = "Enter Middlename : "; TextCenter("", -15); Console.Write(lblm, Color.Black); mname = Console.ReadLine(); lbll = "Enter Lastname : "; TextCenter("", -15); Console.Write(lbll, Color.Black); lname = Console.ReadLine(); result = "Hi ! " + act.strManipulation(fname, mname, lname); Message.Show(result, "Press any key to continue...."); } else if (select.Equals(ConsoleKey.B)) { Console.BackgroundColor = Color.SteelBlue; Console.Clear(); Message.TitleBox(" GRADE COMPUTATION", 3, 20, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.CreateBox("", 16, 30, ""); Console.CursorTop = 7; Message.menuBox(3, 32, " [A]. INSERT STUDENT GRADE ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White, 1); Message.menuBox(3, 32, " [B]. DELETE STUDENT GRADE ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White, 1); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Message.menuBox(1, 32, " E N T E R L E T T E R ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.menuBox(1, 32, " O F Y O U R C H O I C E ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.menuBox(1, 32, " [BACK SPACE] M E N U ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); ConsoleKey sel = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (sel.Equals(ConsoleKey.A)) { Console.Clear(); insertStudent(); } else if (sel.Equals(ConsoleKey.B)) { Console.Clear(); deleteStudentGrade(); } else if (sel.Equals(ConsoleKey.Backspace)) { SystemMenu(); } } else if (select.Equals(ConsoleKey.C)) { Console.BackgroundColor = Color.SteelBlue; Console.Clear(); Message.TitleBox(" SALES TRANSACTION ", 3, 23, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.CreateBox("", 16, 30, ""); Console.CursorTop = 7; Message.menuBox(3, 32, " [A]. INSERT CUSTOMER ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White, 1); Message.menuBox(3, 32, " [B]. DELETE CUSTOMER ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White, 1); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Message.menuBox(1, 32, " E N T E R L E T T E R ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.menuBox(1, 32, " O F Y O U R C H O I C E ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.menuBox(1, 32, " [BACK SPACE] M E N U ", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); ConsoleKey sel = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (sel.Equals(ConsoleKey.A)) { Console.Clear(); insertCustomer(); } else if (sel.Equals(ConsoleKey.B)) { Console.Clear(); deleteCustomer(); } else if (sel.Equals(ConsoleKey.Backspace)) { SystemMenu(); } } else if (select.Equals(ConsoleKey.Backspace)) { SystemMenu(); } else { Message.TitleBox("Invalid Choice Try Again", 5, 40, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Console.ReadKey(); Intermidiate(); } Console.ReadKey(); }
static public bool InitiateCombat(Characters hero, Characters enemy) { string message; bool exit = false; while (enemy.Alive() & hero.Alive() & !exit) { Thread.Sleep(1000); string choiceMessage = "Chose what to do:\n {0} for attack\n {1} to attempt to dodge attacks\n {2} for heal\n {3} to attempt to flee"; Formatter[] choiceString = new Formatter[] { new Formatter("A", Color.IndianRed), new Formatter("D", Color.Yellow), new Formatter("H", Color.MediumPurple), new Formatter("F", Color.CadetBlue) }; //Hero turn bool validInput = true; do { Console.WriteLineFormatted(choiceMessage, Color.DarkGray, choiceString); var input = Console.ReadKey(true); Console.WriteLine("\n"); Thread.Sleep(1000); validInput = true; switch (input.Key) { case ConsoleKey.A: Fight(hero, enemy); break; case ConsoleKey.D: hero.GetDodgeCharges(enemy); break; case ConsoleKey.H: hero.Heal(); break; case ConsoleKey.F: if (hero.AttemptFlee(enemy)) { exit = true; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!\n", Color.OrangeRed); validInput = false; break; } } while (!validInput); if (exit) { break; } //Enemy turn Thread.Sleep(1000); if (enemy.Alive()) { Fight(enemy, hero); } message = "\n{0} has {1}; {2} has {3}.\n"; Formatter[] characterString = new Formatter[] { new Formatter(hero.Name, Color.CadetBlue), new Formatter(hero.GetHealth() + "HP", Color.CadetBlue), new Formatter(enemy.Name, Color.OrangeRed), new Formatter(enemy.GetHealth() + "HP", Color.OrangeRed) }; Console.WriteLineFormatted(message, Color.DarkGray, characterString); } return(enemy.Alive()); }
public void Credits() { Console.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue; Console.Clear(); Message.TitleBox(" C R E D I T S ", 3, 20, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White); Message.BoxColor = Color.White; Message.CreateBox("", 15, 50, ""); string text, name, section, prof, lblProf, library, libname1, libname2; text = "Developed and Designed by"; name = "John Nehry C. Dedoro"; section = "BSIT 1 - 1A"; prof = "M R. A L K I N G S U N G A"; lblProf = " P R O F F E S O R "; library = "C# Custom Library Used :"; libname1 = "Colorful.Console by Tomakitaa"; libname2 = "ConsoleTables by Khalidabuhakmeh"; Console.SetCursorPosition(((Console.WindowWidth - text.Length) / 2), Console.CursorTop - 13); for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { Console.Write(text[i], Color.Black); Thread.Sleep(50); } Console.SetCursorPosition(((Console.WindowWidth - name.Length) / 2), Console.CursorTop + 1); for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++) { Console.Write(name[i], Color.Black); Thread.Sleep(50); } Console.SetCursorPosition(((Console.WindowWidth - section.Length) / 2), Console.CursorTop + 1); for (int i = 0; i < section.Length; i++) { Console.Write(section[i], Color.Black); Thread.Sleep(50); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.SetCursorPosition(((Console.WindowWidth - prof.Length) / 2), Console.CursorTop + 1); for (int i = 0; i < prof.Length; i++) { Console.Write(prof[i], Color.Black); Thread.Sleep(50); } Console.SetCursorPosition(((Console.WindowWidth - lblProf.Length) / 2), Console.CursorTop + 1); for (int i = 0; i < lblProf.Length; i++) { Console.Write(lblProf[i], Color.Black); Thread.Sleep(50); } Console.SetCursorPosition(((Console.WindowWidth - library.Length) / 2), Console.CursorTop + 1); for (int i = 0; i < library.Length; i++) { Console.Write(library[i], Color.Black); Thread.Sleep(50); } Console.SetCursorPosition(((Console.WindowWidth - libname1.Length) / 2), Console.CursorTop + 1); for (int i = 0; i < libname1.Length; i++) { Console.Write(libname1[i], Color.Black); Thread.Sleep(50); } Console.SetCursorPosition(((Console.WindowWidth - libname2.Length) / 2), Console.CursorTop + 1); for (int i = 0; i < libname2.Length; i++) { Console.Write(libname2[i], Color.Black); Thread.Sleep(50); } System.Console.WriteLine(); System.Console.WriteLine(); Message.menuBox(1, 20, " T H A N K Y O U ", ConsoleColor.Blue, ConsoleColor.White); pressAnyKey(); Console.ReadKey(); }
//public void key_pressed() //{ // while (true) // { // if (buf.Count < 4) // { // lock (buf) // { // buf.Add(Console.ReadKey(true)); // } // } // } //} public void key_handler() { // could it be: press a key after we just pass the test; while (true) { Thread.Sleep(1); //if(buf.Count<3) // buf.Add(Console.ReadKey(true)); // check if it is valid key //if (key_waiting) continue; key = ConsoleB.ReadKey(true); snake_head cur_dir = snake_dir; // if the key enter is valid try { cur_dir = key_map[key.Key]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { continue; } // this piece change the speed of the snack if ((key.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Shift) != 0) { speed = 100; } else { // if the key was not pressed speed = normal_speed; } // if it's not a logical key if (cur_dir == snake_dir || cur_dir - snake_dir == -1 || cur_dir - snake_dir == 1) { continue; } //key_waiting = true; snake_dir = cur_dir; Thread.Sleep(speed); //++press; //switch (key.Key) //{ // case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: // snake_dir = snake_head.UP; // ++press; // key_waiting = true; // break; // case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: // snake_dir = snake_head.DOWN; // ++press; // key_waiting = true; // break; // case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: // snake_dir = snake_head.LEFT; // ++press; // key_waiting = true; // break; // case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: // ++press; // snake_dir = snake_head.RIGHT; // key_waiting = true; // break; //} } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Losowanie na pytanko - WĘGIEL STUDIO"; uint twojnumer = 0; uint stillalives = 0; uint zgony = 0; Console.WriteLine("Podaj swój piękny numerek z dziennika", Color.Crimson); twojnumer = uint.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Podaj liczby które będą uwzględnione do potężnych obliczeń,", Color.Crimson); string czynnikiwstringuuu = Console.ReadLine(); uint[] czynniki = new uint[czynnikiwstringuuu.Split(' ').Length]; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Daj mi chwilę albo dwie", Color.Peru); Console.WriteLine(""); for (int i = 0; i < czynnikiwstringuuu.Split(' ').Length; i++) { string[] liczs = czynnikiwstringuuu.Split(' '); czynniki[i] = uint.Parse(liczs[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < czynniki.Length; i++) { if (czynniki[i] == twojnumer) { Console.WriteLine("Zgon totalny (twoj numer jest jednym z zakresu :c F) " + czynniki[i].ToString() + "==" + twojnumer.ToString(), Color.Red); zgony += 100; } for (int s = 0; s < czynniki.Length; s++) { if (czynniki[s] + czynniki[i] == twojnumer) { Console.WriteLine("Zgon bo: " + czynniki[s].ToString() + "+" + czynniki[i].ToString(), Color.Crimson); zgony++; } else { stillalives++; } if (czynniki[s] > czynniki[i]) { if (czynniki[s] - czynniki[i] == twojnumer) { Console.WriteLine("Zgon bo: " + czynniki[s].ToString() + "-" + czynniki[i].ToString(), Color.Crimson); zgony++; } else { stillalives++; } } } } int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; Console.WriteLine(""); double ijak = (zgony / stillalives); if (ijak > 0.60) { r = 255; g = 15; } if (ijak > 0.5 && ijak < 0.60) { r = 255; g = 165; } if (ijak < 0.5) { g = 255; } Console.WriteLine("zgony: " + zgony + " | zycia: " + stillalives + " (wiecej = gorzej) stosunek: " + (float)zgony / stillalives + "% że to będziesz ty", Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Phoenix Protector Strings Decryptor by illuZion"; Console.WriteAscii("Phoenix Protector", Color.Red); Console.WriteAscii("Strings Decryptor", Color.Orange); Console.WriteLine("v1.0 by illuZion ", Color.Blue); var targetFilePath = string.Empty; if (args.Length < 1) { while (targetFilePath == string.Empty || !File.Exists(targetFilePath)) { Console.Write("Path of the file: "); targetFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(Console.ReadLine().Replace("\"", string.Empty)); } } else { targetFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(args[0]); } ModuleDefMD module = null; try { module = ModuleDefMD.Load(targetFilePath); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new BadImageFormatException("Module couldn't have been loaded.", ex); } if (module == null) { throw new BadImageFormatException("Module couldn't have been loaded."); } var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); int decryptedCount = StringsDecryptor.DecryptStrings(module); stopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"\n[+] Decrypted {decryptedCount} strings ! Elapsed time: {stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}", Color.Green); Console.WriteLine("[$] Saving the file...", Color.Aqua); string outputFilePath = $"{Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFilePath)}\\{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(targetFilePath)}-decrypted{Path.GetExtension(targetFilePath)}"; ModuleWriterOptionsBase moduleWriterOptionsBase = module.IsILOnly ? new ModuleWriterOptions(module) : (ModuleWriterOptionsBase) new NativeModuleWriterOptions(module, true); moduleWriterOptionsBase.MetadataOptions.Flags |= MetadataFlags.PreserveAll; // Prevents dnlib from throwing non-important errors. moduleWriterOptionsBase.Logger = DummyLogger.NoThrowInstance; moduleWriterOptionsBase.MetadataLogger = DummyLogger.NoThrowInstance; // Saves the output (unpacked) module. if (moduleWriterOptionsBase is NativeModuleWriterOptions nativeModuleWriterOptions) { module.NativeWrite(outputFilePath, nativeModuleWriterOptions); } else { module.Write(outputFilePath, moduleWriterOptionsBase as ModuleWriterOptions); } Console.WriteLine($"[+] File saved at {outputFilePath}", Color.Green); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); }