Esempio n. 1
        public void initFields()
            instance             = this;
            voxelEngine          = new VoxelManager();
            entityEngine         = new EntityManager();
            Cursor.visible       = false;
            EngineInstance       = this;
            ChunkManagerInstance = GetComponent <ChunkManager>();

            WorldName = lWorldName;

            BlocksPath = lBlocksPath;
            Blocks     = lBlocks;

            TargetFPS            = lTargetFPS;
            MaxChunkSaves        = lMaxChunkSaves;
            MaxChunkDataRequests = lMaxChunkDataRequests;

            TextureUnit              = lTextureUnit;
            TexturePadding           = lTexturePadding;
            GenerateColliders        = lGenerateColliders;
            ShowBorderFaces          = lShowBorderFaces;
            EnableMultiplayer        = lEnableMultiplayer;
            MultiplayerTrackPosition = lMultiplayerTrackPosition;
            SaveVoxelData            = lSaveVoxelData;
            GenerateMeshes           = lGenerateMeshes;

            ChunkSpawnDistance   = lChunkSpawnDistance;
            HeightRange          = lHeightRange;
            ChunkDespawnDistance = lChunkDespawnDistance;

            SendCameraLookEvents = lSendCameraLookEvents;
            SendCursorEvents     = lSendCursorEvents;

            ChunkSideLength   = lChunkSideLength;
            SquaredSideLength = lChunkSideLength * lChunkSideLength;
Esempio n. 2
        public void Update()
            // don't load chunks if engine isn't initialized yet
            if (!MasterEngine.getInstance().Initialized || !ChunkManager.Initialized)

            // don't load chunks if multiplayer is enabled but the connection isn't established yet
            if (MasterEngine.getInstance().EnableMultiplayer)
                if (!Network.isClient && !Network.isServer)

            // track which chunk we're currently in. If it's different from previous frame, spawn chunks at current position.

            currentPos = MasterEngine.getInstance().PositionToChunkIndex(transform.position);

            if (currentPos.IsEqual(LastPos) == false)
                ChunkManager.SpawnChunks(currentPos.x, currentPos.y, currentPos.z);

                // (Multiplayer) update server position
                if (MasterEngine.getInstance().EnableMultiplayer&& MasterEngine.getInstance().MultiplayerTrackPosition&& MasterEngine.getInstance().UniblocksNetwork != null)

            LastPos = currentPos;
Esempio n. 3
        // ==== maintenance ===========================================================================================

        public void Awake()    // chunk initialization (load/generate data, set position, etc.)
        // Set variables
            ChunkIndex        = new Index(transform.position);
            SideLength        = MasterEngine.getInstance().ChunkSideLength;
            SquaredSideLength = SideLength * SideLength;
            NeighborChunks    = new Chunk [6];  // 0 = up, 1 = down, 2 = right, 3 = left, 4 = forward, 5 = back
            MeshCreator       = GetComponent <ChunkMeshCreator>();
            Fresh             = true;

            // Register chunk

            // Clear the voxel data
            VoxelData = new ushort[SideLength * SideLength * SideLength];

            // Set actual position
            transform.position = ChunkIndex.ToVector3() * SideLength;

            // multiply by scale
            transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x * transform.localScale.x, transform.position.y * transform.localScale.y, transform.position.z * transform.localScale.z);

            // Grab voxel data
            if (MasterEngine.getInstance().EnableMultiplayer&& !Network.isServer)
                StartCoroutine(RequestVoxelData());             // if multiplayer, get data from server
            else if (MasterEngine.getInstance().SaveVoxelData&& TryLoadVoxelData() == true)
                // data is loaded through TryLoadVoxelData()
Esempio n. 4
        private IEnumerator SpawnMissingChunks(int originX, int originY, int originZ, int range)
            int heightRange = MasterEngine.getInstance().HeightRange;

            ChunkUpdateQueue = new List <Chunk>();    // clear update queue - it will be repopulated again in the correct order in the following loop

            // flag chunks not in range for removal
            ChunksToDestroy = new List <Chunk>();
            foreach (Chunk chunk in Chunks.Values)
                if (Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(chunk.ChunkIndex.x, chunk.ChunkIndex.z), new Vector2(originX, originZ)) > range + MasterEngine.getInstance().ChunkDespawnDistance)

                else if (Mathf.Abs(chunk.ChunkIndex.y - originY) > range + MasterEngine.getInstance().ChunkDespawnDistance)            // destroy chunks outside of vertical range

            // main loop
            for (int currentLoop = 0; currentLoop <= range; currentLoop++)
                for (var x = originX - currentLoop; x <= originX + currentLoop; x++)   // iterate through all potential chunk indexes within range
                    for (var y = originY - currentLoop; y <= originY + currentLoop; y++)
                        for (var z = originZ - currentLoop; z <= originZ + currentLoop; z++)
                            if (Mathf.Abs(y) <= heightRange)                                        // skip chunks outside of height range
                                if (Mathf.Abs(originX - x) + Mathf.Abs(originZ - z) < range * 1.3f) // skip corners

                                // pause loop while the queue is not empty
                                    while (ChunkUpdateQueue.Count > 0)
                                        if (frameStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= targetFrameDuration)
                                            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                                    Chunk currentChunk = ChunkManager.GetChunkComponent(x, y, z);

                                    // chunks that already exist but haven't had their mesh built yet should be added to the update queue
                                    if (currentChunk != null)
                                        // chunks without meshes spawned by server should be changed to regular chunks
                                        if (currentChunk.DisableMesh || currentChunk.EnableTimeout)
                                            currentChunk.DisableMesh   = false;
                                            currentChunk.EnableTimeout = false;
                                            currentChunk.Fresh         = true;

                                        if (currentChunk.Fresh)
                                            // spawn neighbor chunks
                                            for (int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
                                                Index      neighborIndex = currentChunk.ChunkIndex.GetAdjacentIndex((Direction)d);
                                                GameObject neighborChunk = GetChunk(neighborIndex);
                                                if (neighborChunk == null)
                                                    neighborChunk = Instantiate(ChunkObject, neighborIndex.ToVector3(), transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                                                currentChunk.NeighborChunks[d] = neighborChunk.GetComponent <Chunk>();                        // always add the neighbor to NeighborChunks, in case it's not there already

                                                // continue loop in next frame if the current frame time is exceeded
                                                if (frameStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= targetFrameDuration)
                                                    yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
                                                if (StopSpawning)
                                                    yield break;

                                            if (currentChunk != null)

                                    else               // if chunk doesn't exist, create new chunk (it adds itself to the update queue when its data is ready)

                                    // spawn chunk
                                        GameObject newChunk = Instantiate(ChunkObject, new Vector3(x, y, z), transform.rotation) as GameObject;               // Spawn a new chunk.
                                        currentChunk = newChunk.GetComponent <Chunk>();

                                        // spawn neighbor chunks if they're not spawned yet
                                        for (int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
                                            Index      neighborIndex = currentChunk.ChunkIndex.GetAdjacentIndex((Direction)d);
                                            GameObject neighborChunk = GetChunk(neighborIndex);
                                            if (neighborChunk == null)
                                                neighborChunk = Instantiate(ChunkObject, neighborIndex.ToVector3(), transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                                            currentChunk.NeighborChunks[d] = neighborChunk.GetComponent <Chunk>();                    // always add the neighbor to NeighborChunks, in case it's not there already

                                            // continue loop in next frame if the current frame time is exceeded
                                            if (frameStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= targetFrameDuration)
                                                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
                                            if (StopSpawning)
                                                yield break;

                                        if (currentChunk != null)

                            // continue loop in next frame if the current frame time is exceeded
                            if (frameStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds >= targetFrameDuration)
                                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
                            if (StopSpawning)
                                yield break;

            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

Esempio n. 5
 private void OnDestroy()