Esempio n. 1
        private void Add(string walletAddress, double amount, bool poolCentralAddress)
            // check if the supplied wallet address is correct.
            var result = _daemonClient.ValidateAddress(walletAddress);

            if (!result.IsValid)
                throw new InvalidWalletAddressException(walletAddress);

            // POS coin's require the PubKey to be used in coinbase for pool's central wallet address and
            // and we can only get PubKey of an address when the wallet owns it.
            // so check if we own the address when we are on a POS coin and adding the output for pool central address.
            if (_coinConfig.Options.IsProofOfStakeHybrid && poolCentralAddress)
                if(!result.IsMine || string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.PubKey)) // given address should be ours and PubKey should not be empty.
                    throw new AddressNotOwnedException(walletAddress);

            // generate the script to claim the output for recipient.
            var recipientScript = _coinConfig.Options.IsProofOfStakeHybrid && poolCentralAddress
                ? Coin.Coinbase.Utils.PubKeyToScript(result.PubKey) // pos coins use pubkey within script for pool central address.
                : Coin.Coinbase.Utils.CoinAddressToScript(walletAddress); // for others (pow coins, reward recipients in pos coins) use wallet address instead.

            var txOut = new TxOut
                Value = ((UInt64)amount).LittleEndian(),
                PublicKeyScriptLenght = Serializers.VarInt((UInt32)recipientScript.Length),
                PublicKeyScript = recipientScript

            if (poolCentralAddress) // if we are adding output for the pool's central wallet address.
                List.Insert(0, txOut); // add it to the front of the queue.
Esempio n. 2
        private void Add(string walletAddress, double amount, bool toFront)
            // check if the supplied wallet address is correct.

            if (!DaemonClient.ValidateAddress(walletAddress).IsValid)
                throw new InvalidWalletAddressException(walletAddress);

            var recipientScript = Coin.Coinbase.Utils.CoinAddressToScript(walletAddress); // generate the script to claim the output for recipient.

            var txOut = new TxOut
                Value = ((UInt64)amount).LittleEndian(),
                PublicKeyScriptLenght = Serializers.VarInt((UInt32)recipientScript.Length),
                PublicKeyScript = recipientScript
