Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the source code for a standard field definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberData">Event data to be loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">The namespace manager to use for namespace management with type declarations.</param>
        /// <param name="fieldSecurity">Parameter to set the target security for the field.</param>
        /// <param name="includeKeywords">Optional parameter that will include all keywords assigned to the field from the source model. This is true by default.</param>
        /// <param name="implementConstant">Determines if the filed is implemented as constant is should be returned as a constant, default is true.</param>
        /// <param name="requireStaticKeyword">Adds the static keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireReadOnlyKeyword">Adds the readonly keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireConstant">Implements the field as a constant, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireConstantValue">The value to set the constant to if required.</param>
        /// <returns>The fully formatted event source code or null if the member could not be implemented.</returns>
        public static string GenerateStandardFieldSourceCode(CsField memberData, NamespaceManager manager,
                                                             CsSecurity fieldSecurity, bool includeKeywords = true, bool implementConstant = true,
                                                             bool requireStaticKeyword   = false, bool requireReadOnlyKeyword = false, bool requireConstant = false,
                                                             string requireConstantValue = null)
            //Bounds checking to make sure all data that is needed is provided. If any required data is missing will return null.
            if (memberData == null)
            if (!memberData.IsLoaded)
            if (manager == null)

            //C# helper used to format output syntax.
            var formatter = new CodeFactory.SourceFormatter();

            //Using the formatter helper to generate a default event signature.
            string fieldSyntax = memberData.CSharpFormatFieldDeclaration(manager, includeKeywords, fieldSecurity,
                                                                         implementConstant, requireStaticKeyword, requireReadOnlyKeyword, requireConstant, requireConstantValue);

            //If the property syntax was not created return.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldSyntax))

            //If the member has document then will build the documentation.
            if (memberData.HasDocumentation)
                //Using a documentation helper that will generate an enumerator that will output all XML documentation for the member.
                foreach (var documentation in memberData.CSharpFormatXmlDocumentationEnumerator())
                    //Appending each xml document line to the being of the member definition.
                    formatter.AppendCodeLine(0, documentation);

            //The member has attributes assigned to it, append the attributes.
            if (memberData.HasAttributes)
                //Using a documentation helper that will generate an enumerator that will output each attribute definition.
                foreach (var attributeSyntax in memberData.Attributes.CSharpFormatAttributeDeclarationEnumerator(manager))
                    //Appending each attribute definition before the member definition.
                    formatter.AppendCodeLine(0, attributeSyntax);

            //Adding the event declaration
            formatter.AppendCodeBlock(0, fieldSyntax);

            //Adding a extra line feed at the end of the declaration.

            //The source formatter returning the final results.
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the missing members to a target class, that support the common delivery framework implementation..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source code that contains the target class to be updated.</param>
        /// <param name="targetClass">The target class to have the members added to.</param>
        /// <param name="missingMembers">The missing members to be added to the target class.</param>
        /// <param name="boundsCheckLogic">Optional parameter that determines if bounds checking logic should be added to methods. This will default to true.</param>
        /// <param name="loggingLogic">Optional parameter that determines if enter, exit and exception management logic should be added to methods.</param>
        /// <param name="supportAsyncMethods">Optional parameter that determines if methods will use the async keyword when support multi-threaded operations.</param>
        /// <param name="supportsCDFAspNet">Optional parameters that determines if add members support aspnet error handling with CommonDeliveryFramework.</param>
        /// <returns>The updated SourceCode Model once the missing members have been added.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if data needed to process a member is not passed.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="CodeFactoryException">Thrown is model data is not valid or a processing error occurs.</exception>
        public static async Task <CsSource> AddMembersToClassWithCDFSupportAsync(CsSource source, CsClass targetClass,
                                                                                 IReadOnlyList <CsMember> missingMembers, bool boundsCheckLogic = true, bool loggingLogic = true, bool supportAsyncMethods = true, bool supportsCDFAspNet = false)
            //Bounds checking to confirm all needed data was passed.
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
            if (targetClass == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetClass));
            if (missingMembers == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(missingMembers));

            //Confirming the target models are loaded and are source code
            if (!source.IsLoaded)
                throw new CodeFactoryException("Source code model was not loaded.");
            if (!targetClass.IsLoaded)
                throw new CodeFactoryException("The target class model data is not loaded.");
            if (!targetClass.LoadedFromSource)
                throw new CodeFactoryException("Target class is not loaded from source code cannot update.");

            //If an empty list of missing members was provided then return the original source code
            if (!missingMembers.Any())

            //Variables used to hold the most current version of the code factory models that are being updated.
            CsClass  currentClassModel  = targetClass;
            CsSource currentSourceModel = source;

            currentSourceModel = await currentSourceModel.AddMissingNamespaces(missingMembers, currentClassModel.Namespace);

            currentClassModel = currentSourceModel.GetModel(currentClassModel.LookupPath) as CsClass;
            if (currentClassModel == null)
                throw new CodeFactoryException("Cannot load class data, cannot complete adding interface members");

            //Checking to make sure there is a logger field implemented if not add it to the class.
            currentSourceModel = await currentClassModel.AddMicrosoftExtensionsLoggerFieldAsync(AspNetCoreConstants.FieldNameLogger,

            currentClassModel = currentSourceModel.GetModel(currentClassModel.LookupPath) as CsClass;
            if (currentClassModel == null)
                throw new CodeFactoryException("Cannot load class data, cannot complete adding interface members");

            currentSourceModel = await currentSourceModel.AddUsingStatementAsync(AspNetCoreConstants.CommonDeliveryFrameworkLibraryName);

            currentClassModel = currentSourceModel.GetModel(currentClassModel.LookupPath) as CsClass;
            if (currentClassModel == null)
                throw new CodeFactoryException("Cannot load class data, cannot complete adding interface members");

            if (supportsCDFAspNet)
                //Confirming CDF ASPnet namespace is added to the code file.
                currentSourceModel = await currentSourceModel.AddUsingStatementAsync(AspNetCoreConstants.CommonDeliveryFrameworkAspNetLibraryName);

                currentClassModel = currentSourceModel.GetModel(currentClassModel.LookupPath) as CsClass;
                if (currentClassModel == null)
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Cannot load class data, cannot complete adding interface members");

                //Confirming the mvc namespace is added to the code file.
                currentSourceModel = await currentSourceModel.AddUsingStatementAsync(AspNetCoreConstants.MvcNamespace);

                currentClassModel = currentSourceModel.GetModel(currentClassModel.LookupPath) as CsClass;
                if (currentClassModel == null)
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Cannot load class data, cannot complete adding interface members");

            if (supportAsyncMethods)
                //Confirming the mvc namespace is added to the code file.
                currentSourceModel = await currentSourceModel.AddUsingStatementAsync(AspNetCoreConstants.SystemThreadingTasksNamespace);

                currentClassModel = currentSourceModel.GetModel(currentClassModel.LookupPath) as CsClass;
                if (currentClassModel == null)
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Cannot load class data, cannot complete adding interface members");

            //Loading a namespace manager that will update types definitions to use the correct namespace format. This reads in all the using statements assigned to the class.
            var namespaceManager = source.LoadNamespaceManager(currentClassModel.Namespace);

            bool isControllerClass = currentClassModel.IsController();

            //Processing the missing members
            foreach (var member in missingMembers)
                //Clearing the formatted source code for the member before processing each member
                string sourceCode = null;

                switch (member.MemberType)
                case CsMemberType.Event:

                    //Validating the member event model loaded correctly if not return to the top. No exception will be thrown.
                    if (!(member is CsEvent eventModel))

                    //Formatting a default event definition.
                    sourceCode = FormatMemberEvent(eventModel, namespaceManager);


                case CsMemberType.Method:

                    //Validating the member event model loaded correctly if not return to the top. No exception will be thrown.
                    if (!(member is CsMethod methodModel))

                    bool isControllerAction = false;

                    if (supportsCDFAspNet & isControllerClass)
                        isControllerAction = IsControllerAction(methodModel);

                    //Formatting the method implementation based on the optional parameters provided.
                    sourceCode = FormatMemberMethod(methodModel, namespaceManager, loggingLogic, boundsCheckLogic,
                                                    supportAsyncMethods, isControllerAction);


                case CsMemberType.Property:

                    //Validating the member property model loaded correctly if not return to the top. No exception will be thrown.
                    if (!(member is CsProperty propertyModel))

                    //Formatting a default property definition.
                    sourceCode = FormatMemberProperty(propertyModel, namespaceManager);



                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceCode))

                //Creating a source formatter and appending the final output with two indent levels to within the body over a class.
                var sourceFormatter = new CodeFactory.SourceFormatter();

                sourceFormatter.AppendCodeBlock(2, sourceCode);

                currentSourceModel = await currentClassModel.AddToEndAsync(sourceFormatter.ReturnSource());

                if (currentSourceModel == null)
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Cannot load the source code file, cannot complete adding interface members");

                currentClassModel = currentSourceModel.GetModel(currentClassModel.LookupPath) as CsClass;
                if (currentClassModel == null)
                    throw new CodeFactoryException("Cannot load class data, cannot complete adding interface members");

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the source code for a standard property definition. That uses a standard getter and setter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberData">property data to be loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">The namespace manager to use for namespace management with type declarations.</param>
        /// <param name="security">The security level to set the source event source code to. Will default to public if not provided.</param>
        /// <param name="getSecurity">Set the security level of the get accessor if defined for the property, will default to unknown</param>
        /// <param name="setSecurity">Set the security level of the set accessor if defined for the property, will default to unknown</param>
        /// <param name="useKeywords">Include the keywords currently assigned to the event model. Default value is to not include them.</param>
        /// <param name="includeAbstractKeyword">Optional parameter that determines if it will include the definition for the abstract keyword in the definition if it is defined. default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireStaticKeyword">Adds the static keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireSealedKeyword">Adds the sealed keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireAbstractKeyword">Adds the abstract keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireOverrideKeyword">Adds the override keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <param name="requireVirtualKeyword">Adds the virtual keyword to the signature, default is false.</param>
        /// <returns>The fully formatted event source code or null if the member could not be implemented.</returns>
        public static string GenerateStandardPropertySourceCode(CsProperty memberData, NamespaceManager manager,
                                                                bool useKeywords           = false, bool includeAbstractKeyword         = false, bool requireStaticKeyword   = false,
                                                                bool requireSealedKeyword  = false, bool requireAbstractKeyword         = false, bool requireOverrideKeyword = false,
                                                                bool requireVirtualKeyword = false, CsSecurity security                 = CsSecurity.Public,
                                                                CsSecurity getSecurity     = CsSecurity.Unknown, CsSecurity setSecurity = CsSecurity.Unknown)
            //Bounds checking to make sure all data that is needed is provided. If any required data is missing will return null.
            if (memberData == null)
            if (!memberData.IsLoaded)
            if (manager == null)

            //C# helper used to format output syntax.
            var formatter = new CodeFactory.SourceFormatter();

            //Using the formatter helper to generate a default event signature.
            string propertySyntax = memberData.CSharpFormatDefaultPropertySignature(manager, useKeywords,
                                                                                    includeAbstractKeyword, requireStaticKeyword, requireSealedKeyword, requireAbstractKeyword,
                                                                                    requireOverrideKeyword, requireVirtualKeyword, security, setSecurity, getSecurity);

            //If the property syntax was not created return.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertySyntax))

            //If the member has document then will build the documentation.
            if (memberData.HasDocumentation)
                //Using a documentation helper that will generate an enumerator that will output all XML documentation for the member.
                foreach (var documentation in memberData.CSharpFormatXmlDocumentationEnumerator())
                    //Appending each xml document line to the being of the member definition.
                    formatter.AppendCodeLine(0, documentation);

            //The member has attributes assigned to it, append the attributes.
            if (memberData.HasAttributes)
                //Using a documentation helper that will generate an enumerator that will output each attribute definition.
                foreach (var attributeSyntax in memberData.Attributes.CSharpFormatAttributeDeclarationEnumerator(manager))
                    //Appending each attribute definition before the member definition.
                    formatter.AppendCodeLine(0, attributeSyntax);

            //Adding the event declaration
            formatter.AppendCodeBlock(0, propertySyntax);

            //Adding a extra line feed at the end of the declaration.

            //The source formatter returning the final results.