Esempio n. 1
        public Paper()
            // paper properties
            Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
            Cursor = Cursors.IBeam;

            // setup caret
            caret = new Rectangle();
            caret.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
            caret.Height = 12;
            caret.Width = 1;
            caret.Margin = new Thickness(-1, 0, 0, 0);

            // setup caret timer
            caretTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            caretTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5);
            caretTimer.Tick += delegate { caret.Visibility = (caret.Visibility == Visibility.Visible || !ShowCaret) ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible; };

            // setup highlighting indicies
            HighlightedBlocks = new List<Character>();
            HighlightFromIndex = new Index(0, 0);
            HighlightToIndex = new Index(0, 0);

            // events
            MouseLeftButtonDown += Paper_MouseLeftButtonDown;
            MouseLeftButtonUp += Paper_MouseLeftButtonUp;
Esempio n. 2
        public void HighlightUpto(int line, int pos)
            var newBlocks = new List<Character>();

            if (HighlightToIndex != null && HighlightToIndex.Line == line && HighlightToIndex.Position == pos)

            // get blocks
            int fromLine = 0, fromPos = 0, toLine = 0, toPos = 0;
            PaperLine pLine;
            if (HighlightFromIndex.Line == line)
                pLine = (PaperLine)Children[line];
                fromPos = Math.Min(HighlightFromIndex.Position, pos);
                toPos = Math.Max(HighlightFromIndex.Position, pos);

                newBlocks.AddRange(pLine.GetCharacters(fromPos, toPos));
            else if (HighlightFromIndex.Line > line)
                fromLine = line;
                toLine = HighlightFromIndex.Line;

                for (; fromLine <= toLine; fromLine++)
                    pLine = (PaperLine)Children[fromLine];

                    fromPos = (fromLine == line) ? pos : 0;
                    toPos = (fromLine == HighlightFromIndex.Line) ? HighlightFromIndex.Position - 1 : pLine.LastIndex;

                    newBlocks.AddRange(pLine.GetCharacters(fromPos, toPos));
            else if (HighlightFromIndex.Line < line)
                fromLine = HighlightFromIndex.Line;
                toLine = line;

                for (; fromLine <= toLine; fromLine++)
                    pLine = (PaperLine)Children[fromLine];

                    fromPos = (fromLine == HighlightFromIndex.Line) ? HighlightFromIndex.Position : 0;
                    toPos = (fromLine == line) ? pos : pLine.LastIndex;

                    newBlocks.AddRange(pLine.GetCharacters(fromPos, toPos));

            // set CaretPosition
            UpdateCaret(line, pos);

            // the blocks that are already highlighted, but now need to be unhighlighted
            HighlightedBlocks.Except(newBlocks).ToList().ForEach(b => b.Unhighlight());

            // highlight the rest
            HighlightedBlocks = newBlocks;
            foreach (var block in HighlightedBlocks)
                if (block.CurrentBackgroundState != Character.BackgroundState.Blue)

            // keep track to be used in RemoveHighlights
            HighlightToIndex = new Index(line, pos);
Esempio n. 3
 public void HighlightFrom(int line, int pos)
     UpdateCaret(line, pos);
     HighlightFromIndex = new Index(line, pos);