Esempio n. 1
        SqlToEfStruct CreateDelete(string tableName, string constrLine, SqlToEfStruct deleteStruct)
            string EFBlock = "using (ApplicationContext db = new ApplicationContext())\n{\n\t";

            EFBlock += "db." + tableName + ".RemoveRange(db." + tableName;

            if (constrLine.Length > 0)
                EFBlock += ".Where(x => ";
                string[] constrns = constrLine.Split(new[] { " AND ", " OR " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                foreach (var i in constrns)
                    string pattern = @"^[^=<>]+";
                    Regex  regex   = new Regex(pattern);
                    foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(i, pattern))
                        string newColumn = "x." + match.Value.Replace(" ", "") + " ";
                        constrLine = constrLine.Replace(match.Value, newColumn);

                constrLine = constrLine.Replace("=", "==").Replace("AND", "&&").Replace("OR", "||");
                EFBlock   += constrLine + ")";
            EFBlock += ");\n\tdb.SaveChanges();\n}";
            deleteStruct.EfBlock = EFBlock;
Esempio n. 2
        //Разделяем на элементы запрос DELETE
        public SqlToEfStruct SplitDelete(string sqlQuery)
            SqlToEfStruct deleteStruct = new SqlToEfStruct();

            deleteStruct.replaceLine = sqlQuery;
            string tableName = "";

            //убираем лишние проблемы
            string pattern = @"\s+";
            string target  = " ";
            Regex  regex   = new Regex(pattern);

            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            pattern  = @"^(.)+(?ixn)DELETE[ ]+((FROM[ ])|())";
            target   = " ";
            regex    = new Regex(pattern);
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            deleteStruct.sqlQuery = "DELETE " + sqlQuery.Trim();

            //получаем имя таблицы
            pattern = @"(?ixn)^[ ]*[^ ]+";
            regex   = new Regex(pattern);
            foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(sqlQuery, pattern))
                tableName = match.Value.Replace(" ", "");
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            pattern = @"^[ ]*(?ixn)WHERE";
            regex   = new Regex(pattern);
            string constrLine = "";

            if (regex.IsMatch(sqlQuery))
                sqlQuery   = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);
                constrLine = sqlQuery;
            deleteStruct = CreateDelete(tableName, constrLine, deleteStruct);
Esempio n. 3
        SqlToEfStruct CreateSelect(string columnsLines, string tablesLines, string constrainsLine, string orderByLine, SqlToEfStruct selectStruct)
            string EFBlock = "using (ApplicationContext db = new ApplicationContext())\n{\n\tvar result = ";

            string columnCode = "select new\n\t{\n\t\t";

            if (columnsLines.Trim() == "*")
                columnCode += "Specify all columns included in the table\n}";
                string[] columns = columnsLines.Split(',');
                Dictionary <string, string> columnsPsevdo = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                    string[] a = columns[i].ToLower().Replace("as", "").Replace("  ", " ").Trim().Split(' ');
                    if (a.Length == 2)
                        columnsPsevdo.Add(a[0], a[1]);
                        columnsPsevdo.Add(a[0], a[0]);
                foreach (var i in columnsPsevdo)
                    if (i.Key.Contains('.'))
                        columnCode += i.Value + " = " + i.Key + "\n\t\t";
                        columnCode += i.Value + " = t." + i.Key + "\n\t\t";
                columnCode = columnCode.Trim('\t') + "\t}";

            string whereCode = "";

            if (constrainsLine.Length > 0)
                whereCode += "where ";
                string[] constrns = constrainsLine.Split(new[] { " AND ", " OR " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                foreach (var i in constrns)
                    string pattern = @"^[^=<>]+";
                    Regex  regex   = new Regex(pattern);
                    foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(i, pattern))
                        if (!match.Value.Contains("."))
                            string newColumn = "t." + match.Value.Replace(" ", "") + " ";
                            constrainsLine = constrainsLine.Replace(match.Value, newColumn);

                constrainsLine = constrainsLine.Replace("=", "==").Replace("AND", "&&").Replace("OR", "||");
                whereCode     += constrainsLine;
            string orderByCode = "";

            if (orderByLine.Length > 0)
                orderByCode += "orderby ";
                string[] orderBys = orderByLine.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0; i < orderBys.Length; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        orderByCode += ", ";
                    string[] a = orderBys[i].Trim().Split(' ');
                    if (!a[0].Contains("."))
                        orderByCode += "t.";
                    orderByCode += a[0];
                    if (a.Length > 1)
                        if (a[1].ToUpper() == "DESC")
                            orderByCode += " descending";
            string fromCode = "from ";

            string[] tableInfo = tablesLines.Split(new[] { " JOIN ", ",", " INNER JOIN " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            for (int i = 0; i < tableInfo.Length; i++)
                tableInfo[i] = tableInfo[i].Trim();
                string pattern   = @"^[^ ]+";
                Regex  regex     = new Regex(pattern);
                string tableName = "";
                foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(tableInfo[i], pattern))
                    tableName = match.Value;
                tableInfo[i] = regex.Replace(tableInfo[i], "").Trim();
                string psevd = "";
                if (tableInfo[i].ToUpper().Contains("ON "))
                    pattern = @"^.*(?ixn)[ ]ON[ ]";
                    regex   = new Regex(pattern);
                    foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(tableInfo[i], pattern))
                        psevd = match.Value.ToLower().Replace("as ", "").Replace(" on ", "");
                    tableInfo[i] = regex.Replace(tableInfo[i], "").Trim();
                    psevd = tableInfo[i];
                if (psevd.Trim().Length == 0)
                    psevd = tableName;
                if (i == 0)
                    fromCode += psevd + " in db." + tableName;
                    fromCode += " join " + psevd + " in db." + tableName + " on " + tableInfo[i].Replace("=", "equals");
            EFBlock += fromCode + "\n\t" + whereCode + "\n\t" + orderByCode + "\n\t" + columnCode + ";\n}";
            selectStruct.EfBlock = EFBlock;
Esempio n. 4
        //Разделяем на элементы запрос INSERT INTO
        public SqlToEfStruct SplitInto(string sqlQuery)
            SqlToEfStruct intoStruct = new SqlToEfStruct();

            intoStruct.replaceLine = sqlQuery;
            string tableName = "";

            string[] columns = new string[0];
            string[] values  = new string[0];

            //убираем лишние проблемы
            string pattern = @"\s+";
            string target  = " ";
            Regex  regex   = new Regex(pattern);

            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            pattern  = @"^(.)+(?ixn)INSERT[ ]INTO[ ]";
            target   = " ";
            regex    = new Regex(pattern);
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            intoStruct.sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO " + sqlQuery.Trim();

            //получаем имя таблицы
            pattern = @"(?ixn)^[ ]*[^ (]+([ ]|[(])";
            regex   = new Regex(pattern);
            foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(sqlQuery, pattern))
                tableName = match.Value.Replace(" ", "").Replace("(", "");
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            //получаем имена столбцов
            pattern = @"(?ixn)^[ ]*VALUES[ ]*[(]";
            regex   = new Regex(pattern);
            if (!regex.IsMatch(sqlQuery))
                pattern = @"^[ ]*[^)]+[)]";
                regex   = new Regex(pattern);
                foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(sqlQuery, pattern))
                    columns = match.Value.Replace(" ", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("(", "").Split(',');
                sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            //получаем значения
            pattern  = @"(?ixn)^[ ]*[^(]+[(]";
            regex    = new Regex(pattern);
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);
            pattern  = @"^[ ]*[^)]+[)]";
            regex    = new Regex(pattern);
            foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(sqlQuery, pattern))
                values = match.Value.Replace(" ", "").Replace(")", "").Split(',');
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            intoStruct = CreateInto(tableName, columns, values, intoStruct);
Esempio n. 5
        public SqlToEfStruct SplitSelect(string sqlQuery)
            SqlToEfStruct selectStruct = new SqlToEfStruct();

            selectStruct.replaceLine = sqlQuery;
            bool whereBool   = false;
            bool orderByBool = false;

            if (sqlQuery.ToUpper().Contains(" WHERE "))
                whereBool = true;
            if (sqlQuery.ToUpper().Contains(" ORDER BY "))
                orderByBool = true;

            //убираем лишние проблемы
            string pattern = @"\s+";
            string target  = " ";
            Regex  regex   = new Regex(pattern);

            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            pattern  = @"^(.)+(?ixn)SELECT[ ]*";
            target   = " ";
            regex    = new Regex(pattern);
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            selectStruct.sqlQuery = "SELECT " + sqlQuery.Trim();

            //получаем название столбцов
            pattern = @"^.*(?ixn)FROM";
            string columnsLine = "";

            regex = new Regex(pattern);
            foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(sqlQuery, pattern))
                columnsLine = match.Value;
            sqlQuery    = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);
            pattern     = @"(?ixn)FROM$";
            regex       = new Regex(pattern);
            columnsLine = regex.Replace(columnsLine, target);
            //получаем название таблиц
            if (whereBool)
                pattern = @"^.*(?ixn)((WHERE))";
                if (orderByBool)
                    pattern = @"^.*(?ixn)((ORDER[ ]BY))";
                    pattern = @"^.*($)";
            string tablesLine = "";

            regex = new Regex(pattern);
            foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(sqlQuery, pattern))
                tablesLine = match.Value;
            sqlQuery   = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);
            pattern    = @"(?ixn)((WHERE)|(ORDER[ ]BY))$";
            regex      = new Regex(pattern);
            tablesLine = regex.Replace(tablesLine, target);
            //получаем условия
            string constrainsLine = "";

            if (whereBool)
                if (orderByBool)
                    pattern = @"^.*(?ixn)((ORDER[ ]BY))";
                    pattern = @"^.*($)";
                regex = new Regex(pattern);
                foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(sqlQuery, pattern))
                    constrainsLine = match.Value;
                sqlQuery       = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);
                pattern        = @"(?ixn)ORDER[ ]BY$";
                regex          = new Regex(pattern);
                constrainsLine = regex.Replace(constrainsLine, target);
            string orderByLine = sqlQuery.Trim();

            selectStruct = CreateSelect(columnsLine, tablesLine, constrainsLine, orderByLine, selectStruct);
Esempio n. 6
        SqlToEfStruct CreateUpdate(string tableName, List <string> columns, List <string> values, string constrLine, SqlToEfStruct updateStruct)
            string EFBlock = "using (ApplicationContext db = new ApplicationContext())\n{\n\t";

            EFBlock += "db." + tableName;
            if (constrLine.Length > 0)
                EFBlock += ".Where(x => ";
                Dictionary <string, string> replaceStr = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string[] constrns = constrLine.Split(new[] { " AND ", " OR " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                foreach (var i in constrns)
                    string pattern = @"^[^=<>]+";
                    Regex  regex   = new Regex(pattern);
                    foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(i, pattern))
                        string newColumn = "x." + match.Value.Replace(" ", "") + " ";
                        if (!replaceStr.ContainsKey(match.Value.Replace(" ", "")))
                            replaceStr.Add(match.Value.Replace(" ", ""), newColumn);

                foreach (var i in replaceStr)
                    constrLine = constrLine.Replace(i.Key, i.Value);
                constrLine = constrLine.Replace("=", "==").Replace("AND", "&&").Replace("OR", "||");
                EFBlock   += constrLine + ")";
            EFBlock += ".ToList().ForEach(a =>\n\t{\n";

            for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
                EFBlock += "\t\ta." + columns[i].Replace(" ", "") + " = " + values[i].Replace(@"'", @"""") + ";\n";
            EFBlock += "\t});\n\tdb.SaveChanges();\n}";
            updateStruct.EfBlock = EFBlock;
Esempio n. 7
        //Разделяем на элементы запрос UPDATE
        public SqlToEfStruct SplitUpdate(string sqlQuery)
            SqlToEfStruct updateStruct = new SqlToEfStruct();

            updateStruct.replaceLine = sqlQuery;
            string        tableName = "";
            List <string> columns   = new List <string>();
            List <string> values    = new List <string>();

            //убираем лишние проблемы
            string pattern = @"\s+";
            string target  = " ";
            Regex  regex   = new Regex(pattern);

            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            pattern  = @"^(.)+(?ixn)UPDATE[ ]";
            target   = " ";
            regex    = new Regex(pattern);
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);
            updateStruct.sqlQuery = "UPDATE " + sqlQuery.Trim();

            //получаем имя таблицы
            pattern = @"(?ixn)^[ ]*[^ ]+";
            regex   = new Regex(pattern);
            foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(sqlQuery, pattern))
                tableName = match.Value.Replace(" ", "");
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);

            pattern  = @"(?ixn)^[ ]*SET";
            target   = " ";
            regex    = new Regex(pattern);
            sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);
            bool flag      = true;
            bool flagWhere = false;

            if (sqlQuery.ToUpper().Contains(" WHERE "))
                pattern   = @"^[^=]+[=](([^,]*[,])|(.*(?ixn)((['][ ]*WHERE)|([ ]+WHERE))))";
                flagWhere = true;
                pattern = @"^[^=]+[=](([^,]*[,])|(.*$)|(.* ""))";
            regex = new Regex(pattern);
            while (flag)
                flag = false;
                foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(sqlQuery, pattern))
                    flag = true;
                    string line = match.Value;
                    string pat  = @"[ ]*(((?ixn)WHERE$)|([,]$))";
                    string tar  = "";
                    Regex  reg  = new Regex(pat);
                    line = reg.Replace(line, tar);
                    string[] colVal = line.Split('=');
                sqlQuery = regex.Replace(sqlQuery, target);
            string constrLine = "";

            if (flagWhere)
                constrLine = sqlQuery;
            updateStruct = CreateUpdate(tableName, columns, values, constrLine, updateStruct);
Esempio n. 8
        //Создание аналога запроса INSERT INTO, с помощью EF
        SqlToEfStruct CreateInto(string tableName, string[] columns, string[] values, SqlToEfStruct intoStruct)
            string EFBlock = "using (ApplicationContext db = new ApplicationContext())\n{\n\t";

            EFBlock += tableName + " str = new " + tableName + @"{ ";
            if (columns.Length == 0)//генерируем имена столбцов если их не было в запросе
                columns = new string[values.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    columns[i] = "<column" + i.ToString() + ">";
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                if (i < values.Length - 1)
                    EFBlock += columns[i] + " = " + values[i].Replace(@"'", @"""") + ", ";
                    EFBlock += columns[i] + " = " + values[i].Replace(@"'", @"""") + "}\n\t";

            EFBlock           += "db.Test.Add(t1);\n\tdb.SaveChanges();\n}";
            intoStruct.EfBlock = EFBlock;