Esempio n. 1
        public override void RemoveChild(CCNode child, bool cleanup)
            if (child == null)

            Debug.Assert(child is CCParticleSystem,
                         "CCParticleBatchNode only supports CCQuadParticleSystems as children");
            Debug.Assert(Children.Contains(child), "CCParticleBatchNode doesn't contain the sprite. Can't remove it");

            CCParticleSystem pChild = (CCParticleSystem)child;

            // remove child helper
            TextureAtlas.RemoveQuadsAtIndex(pChild.AtlasIndex, pChild.TotalParticles);

            // after memmove of data, empty the quads at the end of array
            TextureAtlas.FillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(TextureAtlas.TotalQuads, pChild.TotalParticles);

            // particle could be reused for self rendering
            pChild.BatchNode = null;

            // Need to remove child from list of children before we update atlas indices
            base.RemoveChild(pChild, cleanup);

Esempio n. 2
        // don't use lazy sorting, reordering the particle systems quads afterwards would be too complex
        // XXX research whether lazy sorting + freeing current quads and calloc a new block with size of capacity would be faster
        // XXX or possibly using vertexZ for reordering, that would be fastest
        // this helper is almost equivalent to CCNode's addChild, but doesn't make use of the lazy sorting
        int AddChildHelper(CCParticleSystem child, int z, int aTag)
            Debug.Assert(child != null, "Argument must be non-nil");
            Debug.Assert(child.Parent == null, "child already added. It can't be added again");

            if (Children == null)
                Children = new CCRawList <CCNode>(4);

            // Don't use a lazy insert
            int pos = SearchNewPositionInChildrenForZ(z);

            Children.Insert(pos, child);

            child.Parent = this;

            child.Tag    = aTag;
            child.ZOrder = z;

            if (IsRunning)

Esempio n. 3
        public override void AddChild(CCNode child, int zOrder, int tag)
            Debug.Assert(child != null, "Argument must be non-null");
            Debug.Assert(child is CCParticleSystem, "CCParticleBatchNode only supports CCQuadParticleSystems as children");

            CCParticleSystem pChild = (CCParticleSystem)child;

            Debug.Assert(pChild.Texture.Name == TextureAtlas.Texture.Name, "CCParticleSystem is not using the same texture id");

            // If this is the 1st child, then copy blending function
            if (Children.Count == 0)
                BlendFunc = pChild.BlendFunc;

            Debug.Assert(BlendFunc.Source == pChild.BlendFunc.Source && BlendFunc.Destination == pChild.BlendFunc.Destination,
                         "Can't add a ParticleSystem that uses a differnt blending function");

            // Set layer before we call AddChildHelper
            if (Layer != null)
                pChild.Layer = Layer;

            // No lazy sorting, so don't call base AddChild, call helper instead
            int pos = AddChildHelper(pChild, zOrder, tag);

            int atlasIndex;

            if (pos != 0)
                CCParticleSystem p = (CCParticleSystem)Children[pos - 1];
                atlasIndex = p.AtlasIndex + p.TotalParticles;
                atlasIndex = 0;

            InsertChild(pChild, atlasIndex, tag);

            pChild.BatchNode = this;
        protected override void AddedToScene()
            base.AddedToScene ();

            CCRect visibleBounds = VisibleBoundsWorldspace;
            CCPoint centerBounds = visibleBounds.Center;
            CCPoint quarterWidthDelta = new CCPoint (visibleBounds.Size.Width / 4.0f, 0.0f);

            // Layout the positioning of sprites based on visibleBounds
            monkeySprite1.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle;
            monkeySprite1.Position = centerBounds + quarterWidthDelta;

            monkeySprite2.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle;
            monkeySprite2.Position = centerBounds - quarterWidthDelta;

            // Run actions on sprite
            // Note: we can reuse the same action definition on multiple sprites!
            monkeySprite1.RunAction (new CCSequence (dreamAction, repeatedAction));
            monkeySprite2.RunAction (new CCSequence (dreamAction, new CCDelayTime (0.5f), repeatedAction));

            // Create preloaded galaxy particle system
            galaxySystem = new CCParticleGalaxy (centerBounds);

            // Customise default behaviour of predefined particle system
            galaxySystem.EmissionRate = 20.0f;
            galaxySystem.EndSize = 3.0f;
            galaxySystem.EndRadius = visibleBounds.Size.Width;
            galaxySystem.Life = 10.0f;

            AddChild (galaxySystem, 0);

            // Register to touch event
            var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce ();
            touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = OnTouchesEnded;
            AddEventListener (touchListener, this);
Esempio n. 5
        void InsertChild(CCParticleSystem pSystem, int index, int tag)
            pSystem.AtlasIndex = index;

            if (TextureAtlas.TotalQuads + pSystem.TotalParticles > TextureAtlas.Capacity)
                IncreaseAtlasCapacityTo(TextureAtlas.TotalQuads + pSystem.TotalParticles);

                // after a realloc empty quads of textureAtlas can be filled with gibberish (realloc doesn't perform calloc), insert empty quads to prevent it
                TextureAtlas.FillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(TextureAtlas.Capacity - pSystem.TotalParticles,

            // make room for quads, not necessary for last child
            if (pSystem.AtlasIndex + pSystem.TotalParticles != TextureAtlas.TotalQuads)
                TextureAtlas.MoveQuadsFromIndex(index, index + pSystem.TotalParticles);

            // increase totalParticles here for new particles, update method of particlesystem will fill the quads

		void SetUpParticleSystemSun()

			//recommended for iPad only

			system = new CCParticleSun(new CCPoint(240, 400));
			// AddChild(system, Constants.depthParticles);
			system.Scale = 3;
			particleSystemStartPosition = system.Position;
Esempio n. 7
        void InsertChild(CCParticleSystem pSystem, int index, int tag)
            pSystem.AtlasIndex = index;

            if (TextureAtlas.TotalQuads + pSystem.TotalParticles > TextureAtlas.Capacity)
                IncreaseAtlasCapacityTo(TextureAtlas.TotalQuads + pSystem.TotalParticles);

                // after a realloc empty quads of textureAtlas can be filled with gibberish (realloc doesn't perform calloc), insert empty quads to prevent it
                TextureAtlas.FillWithEmptyQuadsFromIndex(TextureAtlas.Capacity - pSystem.TotalParticles,

            // make room for quads, not necessary for last child
            if (pSystem.AtlasIndex + pSystem.TotalParticles != TextureAtlas.TotalQuads)
                TextureAtlas.MoveQuadsFromIndex(index, index + pSystem.TotalParticles);

            // increase totalParticles here for new particles, update method of particlesystem will fill the quads

Esempio n. 8
        // don't use lazy sorting, reordering the particle systems quads afterwards would be too complex
        // XXX research whether lazy sorting + freeing current quads and calloc a new block with size of capacity would be faster
        // XXX or possibly using vertexZ for reordering, that would be fastest
        // this helper is almost equivalent to CCNode's addChild, but doesn't make use of the lazy sorting
        int AddChildHelper(CCParticleSystem child, int z, int aTag)
            Debug.Assert(child != null, "Argument must be non-nil");
            Debug.Assert(child.Parent == null, "child already added. It can't be added again");

            if (Children == null)
                Children = new CCRawList<CCNode>(4);

            // Don't use a lazy insert
            int pos = SearchNewPositionInChildrenForZ(z);

            Children.Insert(pos, child);

            child.Parent = this;

            child.Tag = aTag;
            child.ZOrder = z;

            if (IsRunning)

            return pos;
		public void createParticles()

			_jet = new CCParticleSystemQuad("jet.plist");
			_jet.SourcePosition = new CCPoint(-_rocket._radius * 0.8f, 0);
			_jet.Angle = 180;
			AddChild(_jet, kBackground);

			_boom = new CCParticleSystemQuad("boom.plist");
			AddChild(_boom, kForeground);

			_comet = new CCParticleSystemQuad("comet.plist");
			_comet.Position = new CCPoint(0, _screenSize.Height * 0.6f);
			_comet.Visible = false;
			AddChild(_comet, kForeground);

			_pickup = new CCParticleSystemQuad("plink.plist");
			AddChild(_pickup, kMiddleground);

			_warp = new CCParticleSystemQuad("warp.plist");
			_warp.Position = _rocket.Position;
			AddChild(_warp, kBackground);

			_star = new CCParticleSystemQuad("star.plist");
			_star.Visible = false;
			AddChild(_star, kBackground, kSpriteStar);

Esempio n. 10
		public void createParticlesAsync()

			isLoading = true;

			var label = new CCLabelTtf("Loading...", "MarkerFelt", 22);
			label.Position = _screenSize.Center;
			label.Position = new CCPoint(_screenSize.Center.X, _screenSize.Height * 0.75f);

			label.Visible = false;
			label.Name = "Loading";
			AddChild(label, 10);

			var scale = new CCScaleBy(0.3f, 2);
			label.RunActions(new CCDelayTime(1.0f), new CCShow());
			label.RepeatForever(scale, scale.Reverse());


				(jetConfig) =>
					_jet = new CCParticleSystemQuad(jetConfig);
					_jet.SourcePosition = new CCPoint(-_rocket._radius * 0.8f, 0);
					_jet.Angle = 180;
					AddChild(_jet, kBackground);



				(boomConfig) =>
					_boom = new CCParticleSystemQuad(boomConfig);
					AddChild(_boom, kForeground);


				(cometConfig) =>
					_comet = new CCParticleSystemQuad(cometConfig);
					_comet.Position = new CCPoint(0, _screenSize.Height * 0.6f);
					_comet.Visible = false;
					AddChild(_comet, kForeground);


			   (starConfig) =>
				   _star = new CCParticleSystemQuad(starConfig);
				   _star.Visible = false;
				   AddChild(_star, kBackground, kSpriteStar);


				(plinkConfig) =>
					_pickup = new CCParticleSystemQuad(plinkConfig);
					AddChild(_pickup, kMiddleground);


				(warpConfig) =>
					_warp = new CCParticleSystemQuad(warpConfig);
					_warp.Position = _rocket.Position;
					AddChild(_warp, kBackground);
