public override void OnEnter()

            var screenSize = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size;

            var layer = new CCNode ();
            layer.Position = screenSize.Center;
            AddChild(layer, 1);

            var layerWidth = 0.0f;

            // Add the black background for the text
            var background = new CCScale9SpriteFile("extensions/buttonBackground");
            background.ContentSize = new CCSize(80, 50);
            background.Position = new CCPoint(layerWidth + background.ContentSize.Width / 2.0f, 0);

            layerWidth += background.ContentSize.Width;

            DisplayValueLabel = new CCLabel("#color", "Arial", 30, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont);

            DisplayValueLabel.Position = background.Position;

            // Create the switch
            CCControlSwitch switchControl = new CCControlSwitch
                    new CCSprite("extensions/switch-mask"),
                    new CCSprite("extensions/switch-on"),
                    new CCSprite("extensions/switch-off"),
                    new CCSprite("extensions/switch-thumb"),
                    new CCLabel("On", "Arial", 16, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont),
                    new CCLabel("Off", "Arial", 16, CCLabelFormat.SpriteFont)
            switchControl.Position = new CCPoint(layerWidth + 10 + switchControl.ContentSize.Width / 2, 0);

            // Subscribe to the switches StateChanged event
            switchControl.StateChanged += SwitchControl_StateChanged;

            // --------------- OR ---------------------
            // we can subscribe to the ValueChanged event.
            //switchControl.ValueChanged += SwitchControl_ValueChanged;

            // Set the layer size
            layer.ContentSize = new CCSize(layerWidth, 0);
            layer.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle;

            // Update the value label
            ValueChanged(switchControl, CCControlEvent.ValueChanged);
        private void SwitchControl_StateChanged(object sender, CCControlSwitch.CCSwitchStateEventArgs e)
            if (e.State)
                DisplayValueLabel.Text = ("On");
                DisplayValueLabel.Text = ("Off");

Esempio n. 3
        public CCControlSwitchTest()
            CCSize screenSize = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size;

            CCNode layer = new CCNode ();
            layer.Position = new CCPoint(screenSize.Width / 2, screenSize.Height / 2);
            AddChild(layer, 1);

            float layer_width = 0.0f;

            // Add the black background for the text
            CCScale9Sprite background = new CCScale9SpriteFile("extensions/buttonBackground");
            background.ContentSize = new CCSize(80, 50);
            background.Position = new CCPoint(layer_width + background.ContentSize.Width / 2.0f, 0);

            layer_width += background.ContentSize.Width;

            m_pDisplayValueLabel = new CCLabelTtf("#color", "Arial", 30);

            m_pDisplayValueLabel.Position = background.Position;

            // Create the switch
            CCControlSwitch switchControl = new CCControlSwitch
                    new CCSprite("extensions/switch-mask"),
                    new CCSprite("extensions/switch-on"),
                    new CCSprite("extensions/switch-off"),
                    new CCSprite("extensions/switch-thumb"),
                    new CCLabelTtf("On", "Arial", 16),
                    new CCLabelTtf("Off", "Arial", 16)
            switchControl.Position = new CCPoint(layer_width + 10 + switchControl.ContentSize.Width / 2, 0);

            switchControl.AddTargetWithActionForControlEvents(this, valueChanged, CCControlEvent.ValueChanged);

            // Set the layer size
            layer.ContentSize = new CCSize(layer_width, 0);
            layer.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f);

            // Update the value label
            valueChanged(switchControl, CCControlEvent.ValueChanged);