Esempio n. 1
        internal static CCTexture2D CreateNativeLabel(string text, CCSize dimensions, CCTextAlignment hAlignment,
		                                   CCVerticalTextAlignment vAlignment, string fontName,
		                                   float fontSize, CCColor4B textColor)

		    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
		        return new CCTexture2D();

		    var font = CreateFont (fontName, fontSize);

            if (dimensions.Equals(CCSize.Zero))
                CreateBitmap(1, 1);

                var ms = _graphics.MeasureString(text, font);
                dimensions.Width = ms.Width;
                dimensions.Height = ms.Height;

            CreateBitmap((int)dimensions.Width, (int)dimensions.Height);

            var stringFormat = new StringFormat();

		    switch (hAlignment)
		        case CCTextAlignment.Left:
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
		        case CCTextAlignment.Center:
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
		        case CCTextAlignment.Right:
                    stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;

		    switch (vAlignment)
		        case CCVerticalTextAlignment.Top:
        		    stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
		        case CCVerticalTextAlignment.Center:
        		    stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
		        case CCVerticalTextAlignment.Bottom:
        		    stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;

            _graphics.DrawString(text, font, _brush, new RectangleF(0, 0, dimensions.Width, dimensions.Height), stringFormat);

			var texture = new CCTexture2D();
			texture.InitWithStream (SaveToStream(), Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SurfaceFormat.Bgra4444);

			return texture;
Esempio n. 2
        protected virtual bool InitWithSize(CCGridSize gridSize, CCTexture2D pTexture, bool bFlipped)
            bool bRet = true;

            m_bActive = false;
            m_nReuseGrid = 0;
            m_sGridSize = gridSize;

            m_pTexture = pTexture;

            m_bIsTextureFlipped = bFlipped;

            CCSize texSize = m_pTexture.ContentSize;
            m_obStep.X = texSize.Width / m_sGridSize.X;
            m_obStep.Y = texSize.Height / m_sGridSize.Y;

            m_pGrabber = new CCGrabber();
            if (m_pGrabber != null)
                bRet = false;

            //m_pShaderProgram = CCShaderCache::sharedShaderCache()->programForKey(kCCShader_PositionTexture);

            return bRet;
Esempio n. 3
 public bool initWithTexture(CCTexture2D aTexture)
     if (base.InitWithTexture(aTexture))
         m_state = PaddleState.kPaddleStateUngrabbed;
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
        public static CCTextureAtlas CreateAtlasFromTexture2D(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D texture2d)
            CCTexture2D texture = new CCTexture2D();

            CCTextureAtlas textureAtlas = CCTextureAtlas.Create(texture, 128);
            return textureAtlas;
Esempio n. 5
 public static Cocos2D.CCTexture2D CreateTexture(Stream stream)
     PngDecoder png = new PngDecoder();
     byte[] colors = png.Decode(stream);
     CCTexture2D cctexture = new CCTexture2D();
     cctexture.InitWithRawData<byte>(colors, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SurfaceFormat.Color, png.Width, png.Height, false);
     return cctexture;
Esempio n. 6
 private void TextureReInit()
     m_pRenderTarget2D = null;
     m_pTexture = null;
     if (m_pSprite != null)
         m_pSprite = null;
Esempio n. 7
         * init with CCTexture2D

        public bool InitWithTexture(CCTexture2D tex, int capacity)
            TextureAtlas.InitWithTexture(tex, capacity);

            // no lazy alloc in this node
            m_pChildren = new CCRawList<CCNode>(capacity);

            m_tBlendFunc = CCBlendFunc.AlphaBlend;

            return true;
Esempio n. 8
        public static void InitializeTTFAtlas(int width, int height)
            m_nWidth = width;
            m_nHeight = height;
            m_nDepth = 4;

            m_pTexture = new CCTexture2D();
            m_pData = new int[width * height];

            m_pNodes.Add(new ivec3() { x = 1, y = 1, z = m_nWidth - 2 });
        public SpriteBatchNodeNewTexture()
            TouchEnabled = true;

            CCSpriteBatchNode batch = new CCSpriteBatchNode("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", 50);
            AddChild(batch, 0, (int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);

            m_texture1 = batch.Texture;
            m_texture2 = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage("Images/grossini_dance_atlas-mono");

            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
         * init with CCTexture2D

        public bool InitWithTexture(CCTexture2D tex, int capacity)
            TextureAtlas.InitWithTexture(tex, capacity);

            // no lazy alloc in this node
            m_pChildren = new CCRawList<CCNode>(capacity);

            m_tBlendFunc.Source = CCMacros.CCDefaultSourceBlending;
            m_tBlendFunc.Destination = CCMacros.CCDefaultDestinationBlending;


            return true;
Esempio n. 11
        public SpriteNewTexture()
            base.TouchEnabled = true;

            CCNode node = new CCNode ();
            AddChild(node, 0, (int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);

            m_texture1 = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage("Images/grossini_dance_atlas");
            m_texture2 = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage("Images/grossini_dance_atlas-mono");

            m_usingTexture1 = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
Esempio n. 12
        private void MakeTexture()
            m_pTexture = new CCTexture2D();
            m_pTexture.OnReInit = TextureReInit;
            m_pTexture.IsAntialiased = false;

            m_pRenderTarget2D = CCDrawManager.CreateRenderTarget(m_Width, m_Height, m_ColorFormat, m_DepthFormat, m_Usage);
            m_pTexture.InitWithTexture(m_pRenderTarget2D, m_ColorFormat, true, false);

            m_bFirstUsage = true;

            m_pSprite = new CCSprite(m_pTexture);
            //m_pSprite.scaleY = -1;
            m_pSprite.BlendFunc = CCBlendFunc.AlphaBlend;

Esempio n. 13
        protected virtual bool InitWithWidthAndHeight(int w, int h, SurfaceFormat colorFormat, DepthFormat depthFormat, RenderTargetUsage usage)
            w = (int)Math.Ceiling(w * CCMacros.CCContentScaleFactor());
            h = (int)Math.Ceiling(h * CCMacros.CCContentScaleFactor());

            m_pTexture = new CCTexture2D();
			m_pTexture.IsAntialiased = false;

            m_pRenderTarget2D = CCDrawManager.CreateRenderTarget(w, h, colorFormat, depthFormat, usage);
            m_pTexture.InitWithTexture(m_pRenderTarget2D, colorFormat, true, false);

            m_bFirstUsage = true;

            m_pSprite = new CCSprite(m_pTexture);
            //m_pSprite.scaleY = -1;
            m_pSprite.BlendFunc = CCBlendFunc.AlphaBlend;


            return true;
Esempio n. 14
        protected virtual bool InitWithWidthAndHeight(int w, int h, SurfaceFormat colorFormat, DepthFormat depthFormat, RenderTargetUsage usage)
            w = (w * CCMacros.CCContentScaleFactor());
            h = (h * CCMacros.CCContentScaleFactor());

            m_pTexture = new CCTexture2D();

            m_pRenderTarget2D = CCDrawManager.CreateRenderTarget(w, h, colorFormat, depthFormat, usage);

            m_bFirstUsage = true;

            m_pSprite = new CCSprite(m_pTexture);
            //m_pSprite.scaleY = -1;
            m_pSprite.BlendFunc = new CCBlendFunc(CCMacros.CCDefaultSourceBlending, CCMacros.CCDefaultDestinationBlending); // OGLES.GL_ONE, OGLES.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);


            return true;
Esempio n. 15
        protected virtual bool InitWithTexture(CCTexture2D tex, int capacity)
            m_blendFunc = CCBlendFunc.AlphaBlend;

            m_pobTextureAtlas = new CCTextureAtlas();

            if (capacity == 0)
                capacity = kDefaultSpriteBatchCapacity;

            ContentSize= tex.ContentSize; // @@ TotallyEvil - contentSize should return the size of the sprite sheet
            m_pobTextureAtlas.InitWithTexture(tex, capacity);


            // no lazy alloc in this node
            m_pChildren = new CCRawList<CCNode>(capacity);
            m_pobDescendants = new CCRawList<CCSprite>(capacity);

            return true;
Esempio n. 16
        private void updateTexture()
            CCTexture2D tex;

            // Dump the old one
            if (Texture != null)

            // let system compute label's width or height when its value is 0
            // refer to cocos2d-x issue #1430
            tex = new CCTexture2D();

                               m_fFontSize * CCMacros.CCContentScaleFactor());

            Texture = tex;

            CCRect rect = CCRect.Zero;
            rect.Size = m_pobTexture.ContentSize;
Esempio n. 17
 public void AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(PlistDictionary pobDictionary, CCTexture2D pobTexture)
     AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(pobDictionary, pobTexture, string.Empty);
Esempio n. 18
        protected virtual bool InitWithString(string theString, string fntFile, CCSize dimentions, CCTextAlignment hAlignment, CCVerticalTextAlignment vAlignment,
                                              CCPoint imageOffset, CCTexture2D texture)
            Debug.Assert(m_pConfiguration == null, "re-init is no longer supported");
            Debug.Assert((theString == null && fntFile == null) || (theString != null && fntFile != null),
                         "Invalid params for CCLabelBMFont");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fntFile))
                CCBMFontConfiguration newConf = FNTConfigLoadFile(fntFile);
                if (newConf == null)
                    CCLog.Log("CCLabelBMFont: Impossible to create font. Please check file: '{0}'", fntFile);
                    return false;

                m_pConfiguration = newConf;

                m_sFntFile = fntFile;

                if (texture == null)
                        texture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage(m_pConfiguration.AtlasName);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Try the 'images' ref location just in case.
                            texture =
                        catch (Exception)
                            // Lastly, try <font_path>/images/<font_name>
                            string dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(m_pConfiguration.AtlasName);
                            string fname = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(m_pConfiguration.AtlasName);
                            string newName = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "images"), fname);
                            texture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage(newName);
                texture = new CCTexture2D();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(theString))
                theString = String.Empty;

            if (base.InitWithTexture(texture, theString.Length))
                m_tDimensions = dimentions;

                m_pHAlignment = hAlignment;
                m_pVAlignment = vAlignment;

                m_cDisplayedOpacity = m_cRealOpacity = 255;
                m_tDisplayedColor = m_tRealColor = CCTypes.CCWhite;
                m_bCascadeOpacityEnabled = true;
                m_bCascadeColorEnabled = true;

                m_obContentSize = CCSize.Zero;

                m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB = m_pobTextureAtlas.Texture.HasPremultipliedAlpha;
                AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f);

                m_tImageOffset = imageOffset;

                m_pReusedChar = new CCSprite();
                m_pReusedChar.InitWithTexture(m_pobTextureAtlas.Texture, CCRect.Zero, false);
                m_pReusedChar.BatchNode = this;

                SetString(theString, true);

                return true;
            return false;
Esempio n. 19
        public void AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(PlistDictionary pobDictionary, CCTexture2D pobTexture, string framePrefix)
             * Supported Zwoptex Formats:
             * ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXMLLegacy = 0, // Flash Version
             * ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXML1_0 = 1, // Desktop Version 0.0 - 0.4b
             * ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXML1_1 = 2, // Desktop Version 1.0.0 - 1.0.1
             * ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXML1_2 = 3, // Desktop Version 1.0.2+

            PlistDictionary metadataDict = null;

            if (pobDictionary.ContainsKey("metadata"))
                metadataDict = pobDictionary["metadata"].AsDictionary;

            PlistDictionary framesDict = null;

            if (pobDictionary.ContainsKey("frames"))
                framesDict = pobDictionary["frames"].AsDictionary;

            int format = 0;

            // get the format
            if (metadataDict != null)
                format = metadataDict["format"].AsInt;

            // check the format
            if (format < 0 || format > 3)
                throw (new NotSupportedException("PList format " + format + " is not supported."));

            foreach (var pair in framesDict)
                PlistDictionary frameDict   = pair.Value.AsDictionary;
                CCSpriteFrame   spriteFrame = null;

                if (format == 0)
                    float x = 0f, y = 0f, w = 0f, h = 0f;
                    x = frameDict["x"].AsFloat;
                    y = frameDict["y"].AsFloat;
                    w = frameDict["width"].AsFloat;
                    h = frameDict["height"].AsFloat;
                    float ox = 0f, oy = 0f;
                    ox = frameDict["offsetX"].AsFloat;
                    oy = frameDict["offsetY"].AsFloat;
                    int ow = 0, oh = 0;
                    ow = frameDict["originalWidth"].AsInt;
                    oh = frameDict["originalHeight"].AsInt;
                    // check ow/oh
                    if (ow == 0 || oh == 0)
                            "cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenerate the .plist or check the 'format' metatag");
                    // abs ow/oh
                    ow = Math.Abs(ow);
                    oh = Math.Abs(oh);
                    // create frame
                    spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(pobTexture,
                                                    new CCRect(x, y, w, h),
                                                    new CCPoint(ox, oy),
                                                    new CCSize(ow, oh)
                else if (format == 1 || format == 2)
                    CCRect frame   = CCRect.Parse(frameDict["frame"].AsString);
                    bool   rotated = false;

                    // rotation
                    if (format == 2)
                        if (frameDict.ContainsKey("rotated"))
                            rotated = frameDict["rotated"].AsBool;

                    CCPoint offset     = CCPoint.Parse(frameDict["offset"].AsString);
                    CCSize  sourceSize = CCSize.Parse(frameDict["sourceSize"].AsString);

                    // create frame
                    spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(pobTexture,
                else if (format == 3)
                    // get values
                    CCSize  spriteSize       = CCSize.Parse(frameDict["spriteSize"].AsString);
                    CCPoint spriteOffset     = CCPoint.Parse(frameDict["spriteOffset"].AsString);
                    CCSize  spriteSourceSize = CCSize.Parse(frameDict["spriteSourceSize"].AsString);
                    CCRect  textureRect      = CCRect.Parse(frameDict["textureRect"].AsString);
                    bool    textureRotated   = false;
                    if (frameDict.ContainsKey("textureRotated"))
                        textureRotated = frameDict["textureRotated"].AsBool;

                    // get aliases
                    PlistArray aliases  = frameDict["aliases"].AsArray;
                    string     frameKey = pair.Key;

                    foreach (PlistObjectBase item2 in aliases)
                        string oneAlias = item2.AsString;
                        if (m_pSpriteFramesAliases.Keys.Contains(oneAlias))
                            if (m_pSpriteFramesAliases[oneAlias] != null)
                                CCLog.Log("cocos2d: WARNING: an alias with name {0} already exists", oneAlias);
                        if (!m_pSpriteFramesAliases.Keys.Contains(oneAlias))
                            m_pSpriteFramesAliases.Add(oneAlias, frameKey);

                    // create frame
                    spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(pobTexture,
                                                    new CCRect(textureRect.Origin.X, textureRect.Origin.Y, spriteSize.Width, spriteSize.Height),

                // add sprite frame
                string key = framePrefix + pair.Key;
                if (!_AllowFrameOverwrite && m_pSpriteFrames.ContainsKey(key))
                    CCLog.Log("Frame named " + key + " already exists in the animation cache. Not overwriting existing record.");
                else if (_AllowFrameOverwrite || !m_pSpriteFrames.ContainsKey(key))
                    m_pSpriteFrames[key] = spriteFrame;
Esempio n. 20
        protected virtual bool InitWithSize(CCGridSize gridSize, CCSize size)
            //ulong POTWide = ccNextPOT((uint) size.width);
            //ulong POTHigh = ccNextPOT((uint) size.width);
            ulong potWide = (uint) size.Width;
            ulong potHigh = (uint) size.Height;

            // we only use rgba8888
            var format = CCTexture2DPixelFormat.kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888;

            var pTexture = new CCTexture2D();
            pTexture.InitWithData(null, format, (uint) potWide, (uint) potHigh, size);

            InitWithSize(gridSize, pTexture, false);

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pszPlist"></param>
        /// <param name="pobTexture"></param>
        /// <param name="framePrefix"></param>
        /// <returns>The framePrefix parameter</returns>
        public string AddSpriteFramesWithFile(string pszPlist, CCTexture2D pobTexture, string framePrefix)
            PlistDocument document = CCContentManager.SharedContentManager.Load<PlistDocument>(pszPlist);

            PlistDictionary dict = document.Root.AsDictionary;

            AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(dict, pobTexture, framePrefix);
            return (framePrefix);
Esempio n. 22
        public static CCMotionStreak Create(float fade, float minSeg, float stroke, CCColor3B color, CCTexture2D texture)
            var pRet = new CCMotionStreak();

            pRet.InitWithFade(fade, minSeg, stroke, color, texture);
Esempio n. 23
 public static CCMotionStreak Create(float fade, float minSeg, float stroke, CCColor3B color, CCTexture2D texture)
     var pRet = new CCMotionStreak();
     pRet.InitWithFade(fade, minSeg, stroke, color, texture);
     return pRet;
Esempio n. 24
        public bool InitWithFade(float fade, float minSeg, float stroke, CCColor3B color, CCTexture2D texture)
            Position = CCPoint.Zero;
            AnchorPoint = CCPoint.Zero;
            IgnoreAnchorPointForPosition = true;
            m_bStartingPositionInitialized = false;

            m_tPositionR = CCPoint.Zero;
            m_bFastMode = true;
            m_fMinSeg = (minSeg == -1.0f) ? stroke / 5.0f : minSeg;
            m_fMinSeg *= m_fMinSeg;

            m_fStroke = stroke;
            m_fFadeDelta = 1.0f / fade;

            m_uMaxPoints = (int) (fade * 60.0f) + 2;
            m_uNuPoints = 0;
            m_pPointState = new float[m_uMaxPoints];
            m_pPointVertexes = new CCPoint[m_uMaxPoints];

            m_pVertices = new CCV3F_C4B_T2F[(m_uMaxPoints + 1) * 2];

            // Set blend mode
            m_tBlendFunc.Source = CCOGLES.GL_SRC_ALPHA;
            m_tBlendFunc.Destination = CCOGLES.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;

            // shader program
            // setShaderProgram(CCShaderCache.sharedShaderCache().programForKey(kCCShader_PositionTextureColor));

            Texture = texture;
            Color = color;

            return true;
Esempio n. 25
 public void AddSpriteFrameWithTexture(CCTexture2D pobTexture, CCRect rect)
     CCSpriteFrame pFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(pobTexture, rect);
Esempio n. 26
        public bool InitWithFade(float fade, float minSeg, float stroke, CCColor3B color, CCTexture2D texture)
            Position    = CCPoint.Zero;
            AnchorPoint = CCPoint.Zero;
            IgnoreAnchorPointForPosition   = true;
            m_bStartingPositionInitialized = false;

            m_tPositionR = CCPoint.Zero;
            m_bFastMode  = true;
            m_fMinSeg    = (minSeg == -1.0f) ? stroke / 5.0f : minSeg;
            m_fMinSeg   *= m_fMinSeg;

            m_fStroke    = stroke;
            m_fFadeDelta = 1.0f / fade;

            m_uMaxPoints     = (int)(fade * 60.0f) + 2;
            m_uNuPoints      = 0;
            m_pPointState    = new float[m_uMaxPoints];
            m_pPointVertexes = new CCPoint[m_uMaxPoints];

            m_pVertices = new CCV3F_C4B_T2F[(m_uMaxPoints + 1) * 2];

            // Set blend mode
            m_tBlendFunc = CCBlendFunc.NonPremultiplied;

            Texture = texture;
            Color   = color;

Esempio n. 27
        public void AddSpriteFramesWithFile(string pszPlist, CCTexture2D pobTexture)
            PlistDocument document = CCContentManager.SharedContentManager.Load<PlistDocument>(pszPlist);

            PlistDictionary dict = document.Root.AsDictionary;

            AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(dict, pobTexture);
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pszPlist"></param>
        /// <returns>The scope parameter derived from the pszPlist parameter.</returns>
        public string AddSpriteFramesWithFile(string pszPlist)
            string path = CCFileUtils.FullPathFromRelativePath(pszPlist);
            //Dictionary<string, Object> dict = CCFileUtils.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile(pszPath);
            PlistDocument document = null;

                document = CCApplication.SharedApplication.Content.Load <PlistDocument>(path);
            catch (System.Exception)
                string xml = Cocos2D.Framework.CCContent.LoadContentFile(path);
                if (xml != null)
                    document = new PlistDocument(xml);
            if (document == null)
                throw (new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException("Failed to load the particle definition file from " + path));

            PlistDictionary dict         = document.Root.AsDictionary;
            string          texturePath  = "";
            PlistDictionary metadataDict = dict.ContainsKey("metadata") ? dict["metadata"].AsDictionary : null;

            string framePrefix = string.Empty;

            if (metadataDict != null)
                // try to read  texture file name from meta data
                if (metadataDict.ContainsKey("textureFileName"))
                    texturePath = metadataDict["textureFileName"].AsString;
                    framePrefix = ExtractPrefix(texturePath);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(texturePath))
                // build texture path relative to plist file
                texturePath = CCFileUtils.FullPathFromRelativeFile(texturePath, path);
                // build texture path by replacing file extension
                texturePath = path;

                // remove .xxx
                texturePath = CCFileUtils.RemoveExtension(texturePath);

                CCLog.Log("cocos2d: CCSpriteFrameCache: Trying to use file {0} as texture", texturePath);

            CCTexture2D pTexture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage(texturePath);

            if (pTexture != null)
                AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(dict, pTexture, framePrefix);
                CCLog.Log("cocos2d: CCSpriteFrameCache: Couldn't load texture");
        public void AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(PlistDictionary pobDictionary, CCTexture2D pobTexture, string framePrefix)
            Supported Zwoptex Formats:

            ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXMLLegacy = 0, // Flash Version
            ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXML1_0 = 1, // Desktop Version 0.0 - 0.4b
            ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXML1_1 = 2, // Desktop Version 1.0.0 - 1.0.1
            ZWTCoordinatesFormatOptionXML1_2 = 3, // Desktop Version 1.0.2+

            PlistDictionary metadataDict = null;
            if (pobDictionary.ContainsKey("metadata"))
                metadataDict = pobDictionary["metadata"].AsDictionary;

            PlistDictionary framesDict = null;
            if (pobDictionary.ContainsKey("frames"))
                framesDict = pobDictionary["frames"].AsDictionary;

            int format = 0;

            // get the format
            if (metadataDict != null)
                format = metadataDict["format"].AsInt;

            // check the format
            if (format < 0 || format > 3)
                throw (new NotSupportedException("PList format " + format + " is not supported."));

            foreach (var pair in framesDict)
                PlistDictionary frameDict = pair.Value.AsDictionary;
                CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame = null;

                if (format == 0)
                    float x=0f, y=0f, w=0f, h=0f;
                    x = frameDict["x"].AsFloat;
                    y = frameDict["y"].AsFloat;
                    w = frameDict["width"].AsFloat;
                    h = frameDict["height"].AsFloat;
                    float ox = 0f, oy = 0f;
                    ox = frameDict["offsetX"].AsFloat;
                    oy = frameDict["offsetY"].AsFloat;
                    int ow = 0, oh = 0;
                    ow = frameDict["originalWidth"].AsInt;
                    oh = frameDict["originalHeight"].AsInt;
                    // check ow/oh
                    if (ow == 0 || oh == 0)
                            "cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the CCSpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenerate the .plist or check the 'format' metatag");
                    // abs ow/oh
                    ow = Math.Abs(ow);
                    oh = Math.Abs(oh);
                    // create frame
                    spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(pobTexture,
                                                new CCRect(x, y, w, h),
                                                new CCPoint(ox, oy),
                                                new CCSize(ow, oh)
                else if (format == 1 || format == 2)
					CCRect frame = CCRect.Parse(frameDict["frame"].AsString);
                    bool rotated = false;

                    // rotation
                    if (format == 2)
                        if (frameDict.ContainsKey("rotated"))
                            rotated = frameDict["rotated"].AsBool;

                    CCPoint offset = CCPoint.Parse(frameDict["offset"].AsString);
					CCSize sourceSize = CCSize.Parse (frameDict["sourceSize"].AsString);

                    // create frame
                    spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(pobTexture,
                else if (format == 3)
                    // get values
                    CCSize spriteSize = CCSize.Parse (frameDict["spriteSize"].AsString);
                    CCPoint spriteOffset = CCPoint.Parse(frameDict["spriteOffset"].AsString);
					CCSize spriteSourceSize = CCSize.Parse (frameDict["spriteSourceSize"].AsString);
                    CCRect textureRect = CCRect.Parse(frameDict["textureRect"].AsString);
                    bool textureRotated = false;
                    if (frameDict.ContainsKey("textureRotated"))
                        textureRotated = frameDict["textureRotated"].AsBool;

                    // get aliases
                    PlistArray aliases = frameDict["aliases"].AsArray;
                    string frameKey = pair.Key;

                    foreach (PlistObjectBase item2 in aliases)
                        string oneAlias = item2.AsString;
                        if (m_pSpriteFramesAliases.Keys.Contains(oneAlias))
                            if (m_pSpriteFramesAliases[oneAlias] != null)
                                CCLog.Log("cocos2d: WARNING: an alias with name {0} already exists", oneAlias);
                        if (!m_pSpriteFramesAliases.Keys.Contains(oneAlias))
                            m_pSpriteFramesAliases.Add(oneAlias, frameKey);

                    // create frame
                    spriteFrame = new CCSpriteFrame(pobTexture,
                                                new CCRect(textureRect.Origin.X, textureRect.Origin.Y, spriteSize.Width, spriteSize.Height),

                // add sprite frame
                string key = framePrefix + pair.Key;
                if (!_AllowFrameOverwrite && m_pSpriteFrames.ContainsKey(key))
                    CCLog.Log("Frame named " + key + " already exists in the animation cache. Not overwriting existing record.");
                else if (_AllowFrameOverwrite || !m_pSpriteFrames.ContainsKey(key))
                    m_pSpriteFrames[key] = spriteFrame;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pszPlist"></param>
 /// <param name="pobTexture"></param>
 /// <returns>The scope parameter derived from the pszPlist parameter.</returns>
 public string AddSpriteFramesWithFile(string pszPlist, CCTexture2D pobTexture)
     string scope = ExtractPrefix(pszPlist);
     AddSpriteFramesWithFile(pszPlist, pobTexture, scope);
     return (scope);
Esempio n. 31
         * creation with CCTexture2D

        public CCParticleBatchNode (CCTexture2D tex) : this(tex, kCCParticleDefaultCapacity)
        { }
        public string AddSpriteFramesWithFile(Stream plist, CCTexture2D pobTexture, string framePrefix)
            PlistDocument document = new PlistDocument();
            catch (Exception)
                throw (new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException("Failed to load the particle definition file from stream"));

            PlistDictionary dict = document.Root.AsDictionary;

            AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(dict, pobTexture, framePrefix);
            return (framePrefix);
Esempio n. 33
 public CCParticleBatchNode (CCTexture2D tex, int capacity /* = kCCParticleDefaultCapacity*/)
     InitWithTexture(tex, capacity);
 public void AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(PlistDictionary pobDictionary, CCTexture2D pobTexture)
     AddSpriteFramesWithDictionary(pobDictionary, pobTexture, string.Empty);
        public override void UpdateAtlasValues()
            int n = m_sString.Length;

            CCTexture2D texture = m_pTextureAtlas.Texture;

            float textureWide = texture.PixelsWide;
            float textureHigh = texture.PixelsHigh;

            float itemWidthInPixels  = m_uItemWidth * CCMacros.CCContentScaleFactor();
            float itemHeightInPixels = m_uItemHeight * CCMacros.CCContentScaleFactor();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                var   a   = (char)(m_sString[i] - m_cMapStartChar);
                float row = (a % m_uItemsPerRow);
                float col = (a / m_uItemsPerRow);

                // Issue #938. Don't use texStepX & texStepY
                float left   = (2 * row * itemWidthInPixels + 1) / (2 * textureWide);
                float right  = left + (itemWidthInPixels * 2 - 2) / (2 * textureWide);
                float top    = (2 * col * itemHeightInPixels + 1) / (2 * textureHigh);
                float bottom = top + (itemHeightInPixels * 2 - 2) / (2 * textureHigh);
                float left   = row * itemWidthInPixels / textureWide;
                float right  = left + itemWidthInPixels / textureWide;
                float top    = col * itemHeightInPixels / textureHigh;
                float bottom = top + itemHeightInPixels / textureHigh;

                CCV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quad;

                quad.TopLeft.TexCoords.U     = left;
                quad.TopLeft.TexCoords.V     = top;
                quad.TopRight.TexCoords.U    = right;
                quad.TopRight.TexCoords.V    = top;
                quad.BottomLeft.TexCoords.U  = left;
                quad.BottomLeft.TexCoords.V  = bottom;
                quad.BottomRight.TexCoords.U = right;
                quad.BottomRight.TexCoords.V = bottom;

                quad.BottomLeft.Vertices.X  = i * m_uItemWidth;
                quad.BottomLeft.Vertices.Y  = 0.0f;
                quad.BottomLeft.Vertices.Z  = 0.0f;
                quad.BottomRight.Vertices.X = i * m_uItemWidth + m_uItemWidth;
                quad.BottomRight.Vertices.Y = 0.0f;
                quad.BottomRight.Vertices.Z = 0.0f;
                quad.TopLeft.Vertices.X     = i * m_uItemWidth;
                quad.TopLeft.Vertices.Y     = m_uItemHeight;
                quad.TopLeft.Vertices.Z     = 0.0f;
                quad.TopRight.Vertices.X    = i * m_uItemWidth + m_uItemWidth;
                quad.TopRight.Vertices.Y    = m_uItemHeight;
                quad.TopRight.Vertices.Z    = 0.0f;

                quad.TopLeft.Colors = quad.TopRight.Colors = quad.BottomLeft.Colors = quad.BottomRight.Colors =
                    new CCColor4B(_displayedColor.R, _displayedColor.G, _displayedColor.B, _displayedOpacity);

                m_pTextureAtlas.UpdateQuad(ref quad, i);
        public void RemoveSpriteFramesFromTexture(CCTexture2D texture)
            var keysToRemove = new List<string>();

            foreach (string key in m_pSpriteFrames.Keys)
                CCSpriteFrame frame = m_pSpriteFrames[key];
                if (frame != null && (frame.Texture.Name == texture.Name))

            foreach (string key in keysToRemove)
Esempio n. 37
 public CCLightningStreak(CCPoint start, CCPoint end, float sway, float fadeTime, float minSegLength, float streakWidth, CCColor3B color, CCTexture2D texture)
     : base(fadeTime, minSegLength, streakWidth, color, texture)
     _Track      = new CCLightningTrack(start, end);
     _Track.Sway = sway;