private void readMissingAssets() { string str = vars.strTreePath + "main\\" + "missingasset.csv"; if (!vars.checkFileExists(str)) { string msgbox_msg = "Can't find " + str + "\n" + "Try building the level fast file again. \n" + "It's possible that the zone file is up to date."; using (var form = new msgbox(msgbox_msg, true)) { var result = form.ShowDialog(); } this.Close(); } else { StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader((Stream)File.OpenRead(str)); while (streamReader.Peek() != -1) { this.txtMissingAssets.AppendText(streamReader.ReadLine() + "\r"); } streamReader.Close(); } }
public void loadLevelCSV(string strLevelCSV) { this.strLevelCSVFileName = strLevelCSV; this.lblLevelCSV.Text = this.strLevelCSVFileName; if (!vars.checkFileExists(this.strLevelCSVFileName)) { string msgbox_msg = "Can't find " + this.strLevelCSVFileName + "\n" + "You may need to try building the fast file first so a zone source file will be created."; using (var form = new msgbox(msgbox_msg, true)) { var result = form.ShowDialog(); } this.Close(); } else { StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader((Stream)File.OpenRead(this.strLevelCSVFileName)); while (streamReader.Peek() != -1) { this.txtLevelCSV.AppendText(streamReader.ReadLine() + "\r"); } streamReader.Close(); } }
private void saveNewLevelCSV() { try { StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter((Stream) new FileStream(this.strLevelCSVFileName, FileMode.Create)); streamWriter.WriteLine(this.txtLevelCSV.Text); streamWriter.Close(); if (!vars.mainFormAnimEnabled) { FadeOut(this, vars.mainFormAnimSpeed, 2); } else { this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); string msgbox_msg = this.strLevelCSVFileName + " could not be successfully updated." + "\n" + "Make sure file wasn't removed and is not being used by something else."; using (var form = new msgbox(msgbox_msg, true)) { var result = form.ShowDialog(); } ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); if (!vars.mainFormAnimEnabled) { FadeOut(this, vars.mainFormAnimSpeed, 0); } else { this.Close(); } } }