Esempio n. 1
        private static void SaveScene(IRepositories repos, Scene scene, bool cloning)
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            // enumerate scene's existing brick contents to track deleted ones
            var existingSceneWalls = repos.Scenes
                .Where(s => s.SceneId == scene.SceneId)
                .ToList() // because SelectMany() is not supported by MongoDB Linq yet
                .SelectMany(s => s.Walls);
            var existingBricks = existingSceneWalls
                .SelectMany(w => w.Bricks.Select(b => b.BrickContentId))
                .Where(id => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))

            // TODO: it's good to implement some kind of version check on each scene
            // so that if designScene version is different from realScene version
            // we throw exception saying that somebody has already updated scene
            // while a user was editing it.

            foreach (var wall in scene.Walls)
                foreach (var brick in wall.Bricks)
                    if (cloning)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(brick.BrickContentId)) // doesn't make sense to clone empty brick
                            var content = repos.BrickContents.First(c => c.BrickContentId == brick.BrickContentId);
                            content.BrickContentId = null;
                            brick.BrickContentId = content.BrickContentId;
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(brick.NewContentTypeName)) // existing brick
                    else  // not empty brick
                        var contentType = MsCms.RegisteredBrickTypes
                            .Where(br => br.Type.Name == brick.NewContentTypeName)
                            .Select(br => br.Type)
                        var newContent = Activator.CreateInstance(contentType) as Brick;
                        brick.BrickContentId = newContent.BrickContentId;

            // save scene document

            // delete removed bricks
              * */
 protected override void SaveScene(string templateId, Scene scene)
     var holder = this.repos.SpecialScenes.FirstOrDefault(h => h.SceneId == templateId);
     if (holder == null)
         holder = new SpecialScene();
     holder.Scene = scene;
Esempio n. 3
 public static void SaveScene(IRepositories repos, Scene scene)
     SaveScene(repos, scene, false);
 protected override void SaveScene(string communityId, Scene scene)
         Update.Set("Scene", scene.ToBsonDocument()));
Esempio n. 5
 protected abstract void SaveScene(string entityId, Scene scene);
Esempio n. 6
        public virtual ActionResult SaveScene(string id, string sceneJson)
            var sceneHolder = GetSceneHolder(id);
            var converter = new SceneViewModelResolver(GetViewModelContext(sceneHolder));
            var scene = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SceneViewModel>(sceneJson, converter);
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var originalSceneBricks = id.IsNullOrEmpty()
                    ? new Dictionary<string, Brick>()
                    : (sceneHolder.Scene ?? new Scene()).Walls
                        .SelectMany(w => w.Bricks)
                        .ToDictionary(b => b.BrickId, b => b);

                var sceneEntity = new Scene();
                var wallList = new List<Wall>();

                foreach (var wall in scene.Walls)
                    var wallEntity = new Wall();
                    wallEntity.Title = wall.Title;
                    wallEntity.Width = wall.Width;


                    var brickList = new List<Brick>();

                    foreach (var brick in wall.Bricks)
                        Brick brickEntity = null;
                        if (!brick.BrickId.IsNullOrEmpty() && originalSceneBricks.ContainsKey(brick.BrickId))
                            brickEntity = originalSceneBricks[brick.BrickId];

                        if (brickEntity == null)
                            brickEntity = brick.Content;
                            brickEntity.BrickId = MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString();

                        brickEntity.Title = brick.Title;
                        brickEntity.Width = brick.Width;


                    wallEntity.Bricks = brickList;

                sceneEntity.Walls = wallList;

                this.SaveScene(id, sceneEntity);

            return RedirectToAction("EditScene", null, new { id });
 protected override void SaveScene(string entityId, Scene scene)
     var holder = this.repos.SpecialScenes.Single(h => h.SceneId == Constants.LinkableBricksSceneId);
     holder.Scene = scene;