private static void SearchProj(string projfile) { // Called from the DoSearch method Tallies = new CmdletMetrics(); xd = XDocument.Load(File.OpenRead(projfile)); IEnumerable<XElement> commands = xd.Root.Descendants(nsCMD + "command"); int cc = commands.Count(); Tallies.CmdletCount = cc; ProjectCmdlets.Clear(); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(projfile); saveDir = fi.DirectoryName; projName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.FullName); try { foreach (XElement cmd in commands) { CmdletData ProjCmds = new CmdletData(); ProjCmds.Project = projName; GatherData(ProjCmds, cmd); ProjectCmdlets.Add(ProjCmds); } PowerShell psConvCSV = PowerShell.Create(); psConvCSV.AddCommand("ConvertTo-Csv"); psConvCSV.AddParameter("NoTypeInformation"); string srchOpt = string.Empty; if (matchcase == true && wholeword == true) { PrepSearchData(true, true); srchOpt = "MatchCase & WholeWord"; } else if (matchcase == true && wholeword == false) { PrepSearchData(true, false); srchOpt = "MatchCase"; } else if (matchcase == false && wholeword == true) { PrepSearchData(false, true); srchOpt = "WholeWord"; } if (matchcase == false && wholeword == false) { PrepSearchData(false, false); srchOpt = "None"; } string csvPath = Path.Combine(saveDir, "CJ_SearchResults.csv"); if (Tallies.SearchHit > 0) { IEnumerable<string> csvStrings = (IEnumerable<string>)psConvCSV.Invoke<string>(SearchResultList); curSearchHits = Tallies.SearchHit; WriteReport(csvPath, csvStrings, "SearchResults"); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException UAEx) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\nDo you have any of the XML files open? (SearchProj)",UAEx.Message); } catch (ArgumentNullException NullEx) { Console.WriteLine(NullEx.Message); } }
private static void DoReports(string projfile) { string curRptRunning = string.Empty; try { // Called from the StartJob method. // Process XML file and initialize the CmdletData class. // Uses the psConvCSV.Invoke method for output to a spreadsheet. xd = XDocument.Load(File.OpenRead(projfile)); IEnumerable<XElement> commands = xd.Root.Descendants(nsCMD + "command"); Tallies.CmdletCount = commands.Count(); ProjectCmdlets.Clear(); foreach (XElement cmd in commands) { CmdletData ProjCmds = new CmdletData(); GatherData(ProjCmds, cmd); ProjCmds.Project = projName; ProjectCmdlets.Add(ProjCmds); } string cvspath = string.Empty; PowerShell psConvCSV = PowerShell.Create(); psConvCSV.AddCommand("ConvertTo-Csv"); psConvCSV.AddParameter("NoTypeInformation"); PrepDescrData(); curRptRunning = "Descriptions Report"; string csvPath = Path.Combine(saveDir, "CJ_Descriptions.csv"); if (allProjsFinished) { if (DescrList.Count > 0) { IEnumerable<string> csvStrings = (IEnumerable<string>)psConvCSV.Invoke<string>(DescrList); WriteReport(csvPath, csvStrings, "CmdletDescrData"); } } PrepParamData(); curRptRunning = "Parameters Report"; csvPath = Path.Combine(saveDir, "CJ_Parameters.csv"); if (allProjsFinished) { if (ParamsList.Count > 0) { IEnumerable<string> csvStrings = (IEnumerable<string>)psConvCSV.Invoke<string>(ParamsList); WriteReport(csvPath, csvStrings, "CmdletParamData"); } } PrepExampleData(); curRptRunning = "Examples Report"; csvPath = Path.Combine(saveDir, "CJ_Examples.csv"); if (allProjsFinished) { { IEnumerable<string> csvStrings = (IEnumerable<string>)psConvCSV.Invoke<string>(ExampleList); WriteReport(csvPath, csvStrings, "CmdletExampleData"); } } PrepSummaryData(); curRptRunning = "Summary Report"; csvPath = Path.Combine(saveDir, "CJ_Summary.csv"); if (allProjsFinished) { if (TalliesList.Count > 0) { IEnumerable<string> csvStrings = (IEnumerable<string>)psConvCSV.Invoke<string>(SummaryList); WriteReport(csvPath, csvStrings, "Summary"); } } PrepInputOutputData(); curRptRunning = "InOut Report"; csvPath = Path.Combine(saveDir, "CJ_InOut.csv"); if (allProjsFinished) { IEnumerable<string> csvStrings = (IEnumerable<string>)psConvCSV.Invoke<string>(InOutList); WriteReport(csvPath, csvStrings, "CmdletInputOutputData"); } PrepLinkData(); curRptRunning = "Links Report"; csvPath = Path.Combine(saveDir, "CJ_Links.csv"); if (allProjsFinished) { IEnumerable<string> csvStrings = (IEnumerable<string>)psConvCSV.Invoke<string>(LinksList); WriteReport(csvPath, csvStrings, "CmdletLinkData"); } } catch (FileNotFoundException FNFEx) { string msg = FNFEx.Message + " " + FNFEx.StackTrace; CreateWarning(projName, "N/A", "N/A", "Method", "DoProcess", "FileNotFoundException - " + msg, "Internal"); Console.WriteLine("{0} not found.", projfile); } catch (NullReferenceException NullEx) { string msg = NullEx.StackTrace; CreateWarning(projName, "N/A", "N/A", "Method", "DoProcess", "NullReferenceException - " + msg, "Internal"); } catch (IOException IOEx) { string msg = IOEx.Message + " " + IOEx.StackTrace; CreateWarning(projName, "N/A", "N/A", "Method", "DoProcess", "IOException - " + msg, "Internal"); } catch (ParameterBindingException) { Console.WriteLine("\n{0} - {1}", projName, "Cannot generate the " + curRptRunning + " and perhaps other reports. See the Warnings report on elements. Please try again on a new project XML file.\n"); CreateWarning(projName, "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "Report failure", "Try again on a new project XML file.", "Element"); } }
private static CmdletData GatherData(CmdletData ProjCmds, XElement cmd) { // This is the method that parses the XML files, // called from the DoReports and SearchProj methods. // Populates objects with element values from the XML file. string name = string.Empty; string verb = string.Empty; string noun = string.Empty; string category = string.Empty; string itemToAdd = String.Empty; try { // Get Synopsis and Description name = cmd.Element(nsCMD + "details").Element(nsCMD + "name").Value.ToString(); string synopsis = cmd.Element(nsCMD + "details").Element(nsMML + "description").Value.ToString(); string description = cmd.Element(nsMML + "description").Value.ToString(); category = "Gather Data - Synopsis"; ProjCmds.Name = name; ProjCmds.Synopsis = synopsis; ProjCmds.Description = description; SplitVerb(name, out verb, out noun); // note missing if (synopsis == string.Empty) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Synopsis", "Synopsis - missing", "need to write", "QA"); Tallies.NoSynopsis++; } else { QAVerbStart(synopsis, verb, noun, "Synopsis", ""); } category = "Gather Data - Descr"; if (description == string.Empty) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Description", "Description - missing", "need to write", "QA"); Tallies.NoDescription++; } else { // note starts correctly QADescrStart(description, name, verb, noun); } // Get Parameters IEnumerable<XElement> CmdParams = cmd.Element(nsCMD + "parameters").Elements(nsCMD + "parameter"); // temp dictionaries to use to set CmdletData (ProjCmds object) Dictionary<string, string> CmdletParams = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Dictionary<string, string> CmdletParamsTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); category = "GatherData - Params"; string pName = string.Empty; string pDescr = string.Empty; string pType = string.Empty; foreach (XElement xp in CmdParams) { if (xp.Element(nsMML + "name").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xp.Element(nsMML + "name").Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Parameter", "No content", "Empty Element", "Element"); } else { pName = xp.Element(nsMML + "name").Value.ToString(); pDescr = xp.Element(nsMML + "description").Value.ToString(); pType = xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "name").Value.ToString(); if (pType == "" || pType == null) { pType = "Unknown"; CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Parameter", "Unknown data type", pName, "Element"); } bool missingPDescr = false; //note missing if (pDescr == string.Empty) { Tallies.NoParameter++; missingPDescr = true; CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Parameter", "Param descr - missing", pName, "QA"); } else { if (!missingPDescr) { // note verb QA QAVerbStart(pDescr, verb, noun, "Parameter", pName); } } try { itemToAdd = pName; CmdletParams.Add(pName, pDescr); // Hack: // For unique keys for the CmdetParamTypes dictionary, // prepend with the cmdlet name and a dot. string pNameT = name + "." + pName; itemToAdd = pNameT; CmdletParamsTypes.Add(pNameT, pType); } catch (NullReferenceException nullEx) { string msg = nullEx.StackTrace; CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Parameter", pType, "NullRefrenceException - " + msg, "Internal"); } catch (ArgumentNullException argNullEx) { string msg = argNullEx.Message + " " + argNullEx.StackTrace; CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Paramter", pType, "ArgumentNullExcpeiton - " + msg, "Internal"); } catch (ArgumentException argEx) { string msg = argEx.Message + " " + argEx.StackTrace; CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Parameter", pType, "ArgumentException - " + msg, "Internal"); } } } ProjCmds.Params = CmdletParams; ProjCmds.ParamTypes = CmdletParamsTypes; // Get inputTypes and outputTypes (Return Values) IEnumerable<XElement> CmdInputTypes = cmd.Element(nsCMD + "inputTypes").Elements(nsCMD + "inputType"); IEnumerable<XElement> CmdOutputTypes = cmd.Element(nsCMD + "returnValues").Elements(nsCMD + "returnValue"); // Temp dictionaries to set ProjCmds properties Dictionary<string, string> inputTD = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Dictionary<string, string> inputTU = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Dictionary<string, string> outputTD = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Dictionary<string, string> outputTU = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (XElement xp in CmdInputTypes) { string inT = string.Empty; string inD = string.Empty; string inU = string.Empty; if (xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "name").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "name").Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Input Type Name", "No content", "Empty Element", "Element"); Tallies.NoInputObj++; } else { inT = xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "name").Value.ToString(); } if (xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "uri").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "uri").Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Input Type URI", "No content", "Empty Element", "Element"); Tallies.NoInputObjURI++; } else { inU = xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "uri").Value.ToString(); } if (xp.Element(nsMML + "description").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xp.Element(nsMML + "description").Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Input Type Description", "No content", "Empty Element", "Element"); Tallies.NoInputObjDescr++; } else { inD = xp.Element(nsMML + "description").Value.ToString(); } itemToAdd = inT; inputTD.Add(inT, inD); inputTU.Add(inT, inU); } foreach (XElement xp in CmdOutputTypes) { string outT = string.Empty; string outD = string.Empty; string outU = string.Empty; if (xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "name").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "name").Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Output Type Name", "No content", "Empty Element", "Element"); Tallies.NoOutputObj++; } else { outT = xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "name").Value.ToString(); } if (xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "uri").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "uri").Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Output Type URI", "No content", "Empty Element", "Element"); Tallies.NoOutputObjURI++; } else { outU = xp.Element(nsDEV + "type").Element(nsMML + "uri").Value.ToString(); } if (xp.Element(nsMML + "description").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xp.Element(nsMML + "description").Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Output Type Description", "No content", "Empty Element", "Element"); Tallies.NoOutputObjDescr++; } else { outD = xp.Element(nsMML + "description").Value.ToString(); } itemToAdd = outT; outputTD.Add(outT, outD); outputTU.Add(outT, outU); } ProjCmds.InputTDescr = inputTD; ProjCmds.InputTUri = inputTU; ProjCmds.OutputTDescr = outputTD; ProjCmds.OutputTUri = outputTU; // Get Examples bool hasExCode = false; IEnumerable<XElement> CmdExamples = cmd.Element(nsCMD + "examples").Elements(nsCMD + "example"); Dictionary<string, string> CmdletExampleCodes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); Dictionary<string, string> CmdletExampleDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); int exnum = 1; category = "GatherData - Examples"; foreach (XElement xe in CmdExamples) { string eTitle = string.Empty; string eCode = string.Empty; string eDescr = string.Empty; if (xe.Element(nsMML + "title").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xe.Element(nsMML + "title").Value)) { // missing title string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string g = guid.Substring(0, guid.IndexOf("-")); eTitle = "Missing example title - " + g; CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Example", "missing title", "Example " + exnum.ToString(), "Element"); } else { eTitle = xe.Element(nsMML + "title").Value.ToString(); } IEnumerable<XElement> elems = xe.Elements(); List<string> elemList = new List<string>(); foreach (XElement el in elems) { itemToAdd = el.Name.ToString(); elemList.Add(itemToAdd); } if (elemList.Contains("{}code")) { if (xe.Element(nsDEV + "code").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xe.Element(nsDEV + "code").Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Example", "empty code block", "Example " + exnum.ToString(), "Element"); } else { eCode = xe.Element(nsDEV + "code").Value.ToString(); // code only has a prompt 'PS C:\>' if (eCode.Length < 11) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Example", "Code - only has a prompt", "Example " + exnum.ToString() + ": " + eCode, "QA"); Tallies.CodeIssue++; } else { QASniffCode(projName, eCode, verb, noun, exnum); hasExCode = true; } } } else { // This else block may be outdated in terms of current schema CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Example", "schema", "commandline elements", "Internal"); foreach (XElement xecl in xe.Element(nsCMD + "commandLines").Elements(nsCMD + "commandLine")) { foreach (XElement xeclt in xecl.Elements("commandText")) { if (xeclt.IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xeclt.Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Example", "schema", "commandline elements", "Internal"); } else { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Example", "schema", eCode, "Internal"); eCode = xeclt.Value.ToString(); QASniffCode(projName, eCode, verb, noun, exnum); hasExCode = true; } } } } if (xe.Element(nsDEV + "remarks").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xe.Element(nsDEV + "remarks").Value)) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Example", "missing description", "Example " + exnum.ToString(), "QA"); } else { eDescr = xe.Element(nsDEV + "remarks").Value.ToString(); if (eDescr.Substring(0, 1) == " ") { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Example", "Description - starts with a space", eDescr.Substring(0, 20) + " ...", "QA"); } } try { itemToAdd = eTitle; CmdletExampleCodes.Add(eTitle, eCode); } catch (ArgumentException) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Method", category, "ArgumentException" + itemToAdd, "Internal"); } try { itemToAdd = eTitle; CmdletExampleDescriptions.Add(eTitle, eDescr); } catch (ArgumentException) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Method", category, "ArgumentException - " + itemToAdd, "Internal"); } exnum++; } ProjCmds.ExampleCodes = CmdletExampleCodes; ProjCmds.ExampleDescriptions = CmdletExampleDescriptions; if (CmdExamples.Count() == 0 || hasExCode == false) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Example", "Example - missing", "need to write", "QA"); Tallies.NoExample++; } // Get Links Dictionary<string, string> CmdletLinks = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (!cmd.Element(nsMML + "relatedLinks").HasElements) { itemToAdd = "*** no links in " + verb + "-" + noun + " topic ****"; CmdletLinks.Add(itemToAdd, string.Empty); CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Link", "Empty node", "Add at least one link", "Element"); } else { IEnumerable<XElement> linkNodes = cmd.Element(nsMML + "relatedLinks").Elements(nsMML + "navigationLink"); string lTxt = string.Empty; string lUri = string.Empty; category = "GatherData - Links"; foreach (XElement xl in linkNodes) { if (xl.HasElements) { if (!xl.Element(nsMML + "linkText").IsEmpty || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xl.Element(nsMML + "linkText").Value)) { lTxt = xl.Element(nsMML + "linkText").Value.ToString(); if (lTxt == ProjCmds.Name) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Link", "Links - topic links to itself", "need to delete", "QA"); Tallies.LinkIssue++; } } if (lTxt == string.Empty) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Link", "link text", "empty value", "Element"); Tallies.LinkIssue++; } lUri = xl.Element(nsMML + "uri").Value.ToString(); try { QASniffURI(projName, lUri, verb, noun); itemToAdd = lTxt; CmdletLinks.Add(lTxt, lUri); } catch (ArgumentException) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Link", "Links - duplicate link in topic", lTxt, "QA"); Tallies.LinkIssue++; } bool hasFWLink = false; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in CmdletLinks) { if (kvp.Value.ToLower().Contains("linkid")) { hasFWLink = true; } } if (hasFWLink == false) { // add empty row to report if no FWLink itemToAdd = "Need Online Version link for " + verb + "-" + noun; if (!CmdletLinks.Keys.Contains<string>(itemToAdd)) CmdletLinks.Add(itemToAdd, string.Empty); CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Link", "Links - missing FWLink", "need to create", "QA"); Tallies.NoFWLink++; } } } } ProjCmds.Links = CmdletLinks; } catch (NullReferenceException NullEx) { string msg = NullEx.StackTrace; CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Method", category, "NullReferenceException - " + msg, "Internal"); } catch (ArgumentException) { CreateWarning(projName, verb, noun, "Method", category, "ArgumentException - " + itemToAdd, "Internal"); } return ProjCmds; }