/// <summary>
        /// Updates the CPU utilization graph for the specified period, using the given
        /// performance data. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromDate">The starting date of the specified period</param>
        /// <param name="toDate">The ending date of the specified period</param>
        private void UpdateUtilizationGraphByCPU_Nodes(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, PerformanceData[] performanceDataItems)
            DateTime peakLoadTime = fromDate;
            DateTime minLoadTime = fromDate;
            DateTime currentTime = fromDate;
            DateTime incTime = currentTime;

            // [DK] NOTE: We divide the period specified by the parameters 'fromDate'
            //            and 'toDate' into short timeslots. A timeslot is large
            //            enough to encompass performance info from all nodes in the
            //            network (i.e. it's larger than the Heartbeat interval). We
            //            then determine the utilization for each of these timeslots.

            while (currentTime <= toDate)
                // Record the start of the timeslot

                // Determine next timeslot
                incTime = currentTime.AddSeconds(ReportingUtil.ChartTimeGranularity);

                IDictionary<string, Node> nodes = new Dictionary<string, Node>();

                // Get all possible NodeUris
                foreach (PerformanceData pdata in performanceDataItems)
                    if (!ordinateDataForNodes.ContainsKey(pdata.NodeUri))
                        ordinateDataForNodes.Add(pdata.NodeUri, new List<double>());

                // Determine the utilization for the given timeslot by
                // finding all nodes and their average CPU usage within
                // this period.

                foreach (PerformanceData pdata in performanceDataItems)
                    if (pdata.TimeStamp >= currentTime)
                        if (pdata.TimeStamp <= incTime)
                            if (nodes.ContainsKey(pdata.NodeUri) == false)
                                Node newNode = new Node(pdata.NodeUri);
                                newNode.CpuCapacity = pdata.CpuCapacity;
                                newNode.MemoryCapacity = pdata.MemoryCapacity;
                                newNode.StorageCapacity = pdata.StorageCapacity;

                                nodes[pdata.NodeUri] = newNode;

                            Node node = nodes[pdata.NodeUri];
                            node.CpuUsage = (node.CpuUsage + pdata.CpuUsage) / 2;

                foreach (var ordinateDataNode in ordinateDataForNodes)
                    foreach (Node node in nodes.Values)
                        if (node.NodeUri == ordinateDataNode.Key)


                // Move to the next timeslot
                currentTime = incTime;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the CPU utilization graph for the specified period, using the given
        /// performance data. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromDate">The starting date of the specified period</param>
        /// <param name="toDate">The ending date of the specified period</param>
        private void UpdateUtilizationGraphByCPU(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, PerformanceData[] performanceDataItems)
            int maxNodes = 0;
            double minLoad = 100;
            double peakLoad = 0;
            double maxCpuCapacity = 0;
            double minCpuCapacity = double.MaxValue;
            double maxMemoryCapacity = 0;
            double minMemoryCapacity = double.MaxValue;
            double maxStorageCapacity = 0;
            double minStorageCapacity = double.MaxValue;

            DateTime peakLoadTime = fromDate;
            DateTime minLoadTime = fromDate;
            DateTime currentTime = fromDate;
            DateTime incTime = currentTime;

            // [DK] NOTE: We divide the period specified by the parameters 'fromDate'
            //            and 'toDate' into short timeslots. A timeslot is large
            //            enough to encompass performance info from all nodes in the
            //            network (i.e. it's larger than the Heartbeat interval). We
            //            then determine the utilization for each of these timeslots.

            while (currentTime <= toDate)
                // Record the start of the timeslot

                // Determine next timeslot
                incTime = currentTime.AddSeconds(ReportingUtil.ChartTimeGranularity);

                double cpuCapacity = 0;
                double memoryCapacity = 0;
                double storageCapacity = 0;

                IDictionary<string, Node> nodes = new Dictionary<string, Node>();

                // Determine the utilization for the given timeslot by
                // finding all nodes and their average CPU usage within
                // this period.

                foreach (PerformanceData pdata in performanceDataItems)
                    if (pdata.TimeStamp >= currentTime)
                        if (pdata.TimeStamp <= incTime)
                            if (nodes.ContainsKey(pdata.NodeUri) == false)
                                Node newNode = new Node(pdata.NodeUri);
                                newNode.CpuCapacity = pdata.CpuCapacity;
                                newNode.MemoryCapacity = pdata.MemoryCapacity;
                                newNode.StorageCapacity = pdata.StorageCapacity;

                                nodes[pdata.NodeUri] = newNode;

                            Node node = nodes[pdata.NodeUri];
                            node.CpuUsage = (node.CpuUsage + pdata.CpuUsage) / 2;

                double totalCpuUsage = 0;
                double cpuUsagePercent = 0;

                // Compute utilization within this slot..
                foreach (Node node in nodes.Values)
                    totalCpuUsage += node.CpuUsage;
                    cpuCapacity += node.CpuCapacity;
                    memoryCapacity += node.MemoryCapacity;
                    storageCapacity += node.StorageCapacity;

                if (nodes.Count != 0)
                    cpuUsagePercent = totalCpuUsage / nodes.Count;


                // Determine maximums for number of nodes, CPU, memory and storage
                // capacity for the current time slot..

                maxNodes = Math.Max(maxNodes, nodes.Count);
                maxCpuCapacity = Math.Max(maxCpuCapacity, cpuCapacity);
                minCpuCapacity = Math.Min(minCpuCapacity, cpuCapacity);
                maxMemoryCapacity = Math.Max(maxMemoryCapacity, memoryCapacity);
                minMemoryCapacity = Math.Min(minMemoryCapacity, memoryCapacity);
                maxStorageCapacity = Math.Max(maxStorageCapacity, storageCapacity);
                minStorageCapacity = Math.Min(minStorageCapacity, storageCapacity);

                peakLoadTime = (cpuUsagePercent > peakLoad) ? currentTime : peakLoadTime;
                peakLoad = Math.Max(peakLoad, cpuUsagePercent);

                minLoadTime = (cpuUsagePercent < minLoad) ? currentTime : minLoadTime;
                minLoad = Math.Min(minLoad, cpuUsagePercent);

                // Move to the next timeslot
                currentTime = incTime;