Esempio n. 1
        internal static bool TestForSpecialWeather(WeatherConditions curr, FerngillClimateTimeSpan ClimateForDay)
            bool specialWeatherTriggered = false;

            // Conditions: Blizzard - occurs in weather_snow in "winter"
            //             Dry Lightning - occurs if it's sunny in any season if temps exceed 25C.
            //             Frost and Heatwave check against the configuration.
            //             Thundersnow  - as Blizzard, but really rare. Will not happen in fog, may happen in Blizzard/WhiteOut
            //             Sandstorm - windy, with no precip for several days. Spring-Fall only, highest chance in summer.
            //             Fog - per climate, although night fog in winter is double normal chance
            curr.GenerateEveningFog = (ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDouble() < ClimateForDay.EveningFogChance * ClimateForDay.RetrieveOdds(ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice, "fog", Game1.dayOfMonth)) && !curr.GetCurrentConditions().HasFlag(CurrentWeather.Wind);

            bool blockFog = ClimatesOfFerngill.MoonAPI != null && ClimatesOfFerngill.MoonAPI.IsSolarEclipse();

            if (blockFog || ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.DisableAllFog)
                curr.GenerateEveningFog = false;

            double fogRoll = (ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.DisableAllFog ? 1.1 : ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDoublePositive());

            if (fogRoll < ClimateForDay.RetrieveOdds(ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice, "fog", Game1.dayOfMonth) && !curr.GetCurrentConditions().HasFlag(CurrentWeather.Wind) && !blockFog)

                if (ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.Verbose)
                    ClimatesOfFerngill.Logger.Log($"{curr.FogDescription(fogRoll, ClimateForDay.RetrieveOdds(ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice, "fog", Game1.dayOfMonth))}");

                specialWeatherTriggered = true;

            //set special temps before we check for the results of them
            if (ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDouble() < ClimateForDay.HeatwaveChance)
            else if (ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDouble() < ClimateForDay.ChillwaveChance)

            //do these here
            //20190626 - Thanks to Crops Anywhere, I have to add this
            if ((curr.TodayLow < ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.TooColdOutside && !Game1.IsWinter) || (curr.TodayLow < ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.TooColdOutside && Game1.IsWinter &&
                if (ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.HazardousWeather)
                    specialWeatherTriggered = true;

            //test for spring conversion
            if (curr.HasWeather(CurrentWeather.Rain) && curr.HasWeather(CurrentWeather.Frost) && (Game1.currentSeason == "spring" || Game1.currentSeason == "fall") &&
                ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDoublePositive() <= ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.RainToSnowConversion)

                if (curr.HasWeather(CurrentWeather.Lightning))
                    Game1.isLightning = false;

                Game1.isRaining         = false;
                Game1.isSnowing         = true;
                specialWeatherTriggered = true;

            if (curr.HasWeather(CurrentWeather.Snow))
                double blizRoll = ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDoublePositive();
                double blizOdds = ClimateForDay.RetrieveOdds(ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice, "blizzard", Game1.dayOfMonth);
                if (blizRoll <= blizOdds)
                    if (ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.Verbose)
                        ClimatesOfFerngill.Logger.Log($"With roll {blizRoll:N3} against {blizOdds}, there will be blizzards today");
                    if (ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDoublePositive() < ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.WhiteOutChances && ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.HazardousWeather)

                specialWeatherTriggered = true;

            //Dry Lightning is also here for such like the dry and arid climates
            //  which have so low rain chances they may never storm.
            if (curr.HasWeather(CurrentWeather.Snow))
                double oddsRoll        = ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDoublePositive();
                double thunderSnowOdds = ClimateForDay.RetrieveOdds(ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice, "storm", Game1.dayOfMonth);

                if (oddsRoll <= thunderSnowOdds && !curr.HasWeather(CurrentWeather.Fog))
                    if (ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.Verbose)
                        ClimatesOfFerngill.Logger.Log($"With roll {oddsRoll:N3} against {thunderSnowOdds}, there will be thundersnow today");

                    specialWeatherTriggered = true;

            if (!(curr.HasPrecip()))
                double oddsRoll = ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDoublePositive();

                if (oddsRoll <= ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.DryLightning && curr.TodayHigh >= ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.DryLightningMinTemp &&
                    if (ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.Verbose)
                        ClimatesOfFerngill.Logger.Log($"With roll {oddsRoll:N3} against {ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.DryLightning}, there will be dry lightning today.");

                    specialWeatherTriggered = true;

                if (curr.TodayHigh > ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.TooHotOutside && ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.HazardousWeather)
                    specialWeatherTriggered = true;

                double sandstormOdds = .18;
                if (Game1.currentSeason == "summer")
                    sandstormOdds *= 1.2;

                if (oddsRoll < sandstormOdds && ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.HazardousWeather && Game1.isDebrisWeather)
                    specialWeatherTriggered = true;
                    Game1.populateDebrisWeatherArray(); //repopulate for sandstorm weather
                    //code here to set wind conditions for heavy!

            //and finally, test for thunder frenzy
            if (curr.HasWeather(CurrentWeather.Lightning) && curr.HasWeather(CurrentWeather.Rain) && ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.HazardousWeather)
                double oddsRoll = ClimatesOfFerngill.Dice.NextDouble();
                if (oddsRoll < ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.ThunderFrenzyOdds)
                    specialWeatherTriggered = true;
                    if (ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.Verbose)
                        ClimatesOfFerngill.Logger.Log($"With roll {oddsRoll:N3} against {ClimatesOfFerngill.WeatherOpt.ThunderFrenzyOdds}, there will be a thunder frenzy today");

Esempio n. 2
        private void UpdateWeatherOnNewDay()
            if (!Context.IsMainPlayer)

            if (Game1.dayOfMonth == 0) //do not run on day 0.

            int loopCount = 0;

            //Set Temperature for today and tommorow. Get today's conditions.
            //   If tomorrow is set, move it to today, and autoregen tomorrow.
            //   *201711 Due to changes in the object, it auto attempts to update today from tomorrow.

            if (!Conditions.IsTodayTempSet)
                if (!Conditions.IsTomorrowTempSet)
                    Conditions.SetTodayTemps(GameClimate.GetTemperatures(SDate.Now(), Dice));
                    if (Game1.weatherForTomorrow == Game1.weather_snow)
                        while (!WeatherConditions.IsValidWeatherForSnow(Conditions.GetTodayTemps()) && loopCount <= 1000)
                            Conditions.SetTodayTemps(GameClimate.GetTemperatures(SDate.Now(), Dice));

                Conditions.SetTomorrowTemps(GameClimate.GetTemperatures(SDate.Now().AddDays(1), Dice));

            if (WeatherOpt.Verbose)
                Monitor.Log($"Updated the temperature for tommorow and today. Setting weather for today... ", LogLevel.Trace);

            //if today is a festival or wedding, do not go further.
            if (Conditions.GetCurrentConditions().HasAnyFlags(CurrentWeather.Festival | CurrentWeather.Wedding))
                if (WeatherOpt.Verbose)
                    Monitor.Log("It is a wedding or festival today. Not attempting to run special weather or fog.");


            //variable rain conditions
            WeatherProcessing.DynamicRainOnNewDay(Conditions, Dice);
            if (!Conditions.IsVariableRain)
                WeatherProcessing.CheckForStaticRainChanges(Conditions, Dice, GameClimate.ChanceForNonNormalRain);

            if (WeatherProcessing.TestForSpecialWeather(Conditions, GameClimate.GetClimateForDate(SDate.Now())))
                if (WeatherOpt.Verbose)
                    Monitor.Log("Special weather created!");
Esempio n. 3
 public string GetCurrentWeatherName()
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>Render the UI.</summary>
        /// <param name="spriteBatch">The sprite batch being drawn.</param>
        public override void draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            // disable when game is using immediate sprite sorting
            if (!ValidatedDrawMode)
                IReflectedField <SpriteSortMode> sortModeField =
                    Reflection.GetField <SpriteSortMode>(Game1.spriteBatch, "spriteSortMode", required: false) // XNA
                    ?? Reflection.GetField <SpriteSortMode>(Game1.spriteBatch, "_sortMode");                   // MonoGame
                if (sortModeField.GetValue() == SpriteSortMode.Immediate)
                    Monitor.Log("Aborted the weather draw because the game's current rendering mode isn't compatible with the mod's UI. This only happens in rare cases (e.g. the Stardew Valley Fair).", LogLevel.Warn);
                    exitThisMenu(playSound: false);
                ValidatedDrawMode = true;

            // calculate dimensions
            int       x             = xPositionOnScreen;
            int       y             = yPositionOnScreen;
            const int gutter        = 15;
            float     leftOffset    = gutter;
            float     topOffset     = gutter;
            float     contentWidth  = width - gutter * 2;
            float     contentHeight = height - gutter * 2;

            // get font
            SpriteFont font       = Game1.smallFont;
            float      lineHeight = font.MeasureString("ABC").Y;

            //at this point I'm going to manually put this in as I don't need in many places,
            // and I kinda want to have this where I can understand what it's for
            float spaceWidth = DrawHelper.GetSpaceWidth(font);

            // draw background
            // (This uses a separate sprite batch because it needs to be drawn before the
            // foreground batch, and we can't use the foreground batch because the background is
            // outside the clipping area.)
            spriteBatch.DrawSprite(Sprites.Letter.Sheet, Sprites.Letter.Sprite, x, y, scale: width / (float)Sprites.Letter.Sprite.Width);

            // begin draw

            // draw weather icon
            spriteBatch.Draw(IconSheet.WeatherSource, new Vector2(x + leftOffset, y + topOffset), IconSheet.GetWeatherSprite(CurrentWeather.GetCurrentConditions()), Color.White);
            leftOffset += 72;

            // draw text as sent from outside the menu
            float wrapWidth = width - leftOffset - gutter;

                Vector2 textSize = spriteBatch.DrawTextBlock(font, MenuText, new Vector2(x + leftOffset, y + topOffset), wrapWidth);
                topOffset += textSize.Y;
                topOffset += lineHeight;
