protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { conn = new Connection(); string connectionstring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connectionstring"].ConnectionString; conn.Open(connectionstring); UserID = (Request["UserID"]).Trim(); Level = (Request["SecLevel"]).Trim(); StationID = (Request["StationID"]).Trim(); UserID = (Request["UserID"]).TrimEnd(); SDay = Request["SDay"]; SMonth = Request["SMonth"]; SYear = Request["SYear"]; NDay = Request["NDay"]; NMonth = Request["NMonth"]; NYear = Request["NYear"]; // Search_Date = Strings.FormatDateTime(new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(SYear), Convert.ToInt32(SMonth), Convert.ToInt32(SDay)), (DateFormat)2); //Search_NDate = Strings.FormatDateTime(new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(NYear), Convert.ToInt32(NMonth), Convert.ToInt32(NDay)), (DateFormat)2); Search_Date = SDay + "/" + SMonth + "/" + SYear; Search_NDate = NDay + "/" + NMonth + "/" + NYear; fsql = "select * from MasterCoupon where RequestedID = " + StationID + " and Present_Date >= Convert(datetime, '" + Search_Date + "', 105) " + " and Present_Date < DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0, Convert(datetime, '" + Search_NDate + "', 105)),0) + 1 " + " order by id desc"; //response.write fsql //response.end RS1 = conn.Execute(fsql); Response.ContentType = "text/csv"; //Today = Strings.FormatDateTime(DateTime.Now, (DateFormat)2); Today = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=§¨é¬ö¿ý(" + Today + ").csv"); Write_CSV_From_Recordset(RS1); } catch (Exception ex) { } }