public static ConfusionMatrix Test(DataTable t) { ConfusionMatrix cmat = new ConfusionMatrix(classValues); int numDims = t.Columns.Count - 1; //remove 1 for the class labels foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) { //convert the datarow into an expression Sample sample = new Sample(row, classIndex); //test the sample and update results string prediction = TestInstance(sample); cmat.matrix[prediction][sample.classLabel]++; if (sample.classLabel.Equals(prediction)) { cmat.numCorrect++; } else { cmat.numWrong++; } } cmat.accuracy = ((double)cmat.numCorrect) / t.Rows.Count; return cmat; }
//update the data cloud for the network to draw upon public void UpdateDataLayer(Sample s) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { dataLayer[i].value = Double.Parse([i]); } for (int i = 0; i < brain[brain.Count - 1].Count; i++) { brain[brain.Count - 1][i].target = 0; } brain[brain.Count - 1][int.Parse(s.classLabel) - 1].target = 1; }
public static string TestInstance(Sample sample) { neural.UpdateDataLayer(sample); neural.FeedForward(); return (neural.GetMaxOutputIndex() + 1).ToString(); }