public override byte[] Load( Stream stream, Game game, out int width, out int height, out int length ) { using( GZipStream wrapper = new GZipStream( stream, CompressionMode.Decompress ) ) { reader = new BinaryReader( wrapper ); if( reader.ReadByte() != (byte)NbtTagType.Compound ) throw new InvalidDataException( "Nbt file must start with Tag_Compound" ); = game; map = game.Map; invalid.TagId = NbtTagType.Invalid; NbtTag root = ReadTag( (byte)NbtTagType.Compound, true ); Dictionary<string, NbtTag> children = (Dictionary<string, NbtTag>)root.Value; if( children.ContainsKey( "Metadata" ) ) ParseMetadata( children ); Dictionary<string, NbtTag> spawn = (Dictionary<string, NbtTag>)children["Spawn"].Value; LocalPlayer p = game.LocalPlayer; p.SpawnPoint.X = (short)spawn["X"].Value / 32f; p.SpawnPoint.Y = (short)spawn["Y"].Value / 32f; p.SpawnPoint.Z = (short)spawn["Z"].Value / 32f; map.Uuid = new Guid( (byte[])children["UUID"].Value ); width = (short)children["X"].Value; height = (short)children["Y"].Value; length = (short)children["Z"].Value; return (byte[])children["BlockArray"].Value; } }
public WeatherRenderer( Game game ) { = game; map = game.Map; graphics = game.Graphics; info = game.BlockInfo; weatherVb = graphics.CreateDynamicVb( VertexFormat.Pos3fTex2fCol4b, 12 * 9 * 9 ); }
public void OnNewMapLoaded() { map = game.Map; width = map.Width; height = map.Height; length = map.Length; clipLevel = Math.Max( 0, game.Map.SidesHeight ); maxX = width - 1; maxY = height - 1; maxZ = length - 1; }
protected override void OnLoad( EventArgs e ) { #if !USE_DX Graphics = new OpenGLApi(); #else Graphics = new Direct3D9Api( this ); #endif try { Options.Load(); } catch( IOException ) { Utils.LogWarning( "Unable to load options.txt" ); } ViewDistance = Options.GetInt( "viewdist", 16, 8192, 512 ); Keys = new KeyMap(); InputHandler = new InputHandler( this ); Chat = new ChatLog( this ); Drawer2D = new GdiPlusDrawer2D( Graphics ); defaultIb = Graphics.MakeDefaultIb(); ModelCache = new ModelCache( this ); ModelCache.InitCache(); AsyncDownloader = new AsyncDownloader( skinServer ); Graphics.PrintGraphicsInfo(); TerrainAtlas1D = new TerrainAtlas1D( Graphics ); TerrainAtlas = new TerrainAtlas2D( Graphics, Drawer2D ); Animations = new Animations( this ); TexturePackExtractor extractor = new TexturePackExtractor(); extractor.Extract( defaultTexPack, this ); Inventory = new Inventory( this ); BlockInfo = new BlockInfo(); BlockInfo.Init(); BlockInfo.SetDefaultBlockPermissions( Inventory.CanPlace, Inventory.CanDelete ); Map = new Map( this ); LocalPlayer = new LocalPlayer( this ); Players[255] = LocalPlayer; width = Width; height = Height; MapRenderer = new MapRenderer( this ); MapEnvRenderer = new MapEnvRenderer( this ); EnvRenderer = new StandardEnvRenderer( this ); if( IPAddress == null ) { Network = new Singleplayer.SinglePlayerServer( this ); } else { Network = new NetworkProcessor( this ); } Graphics.LostContextFunction = Network.Tick; firstPersonCam = new FirstPersonCamera( this ); thirdPersonCam = new ThirdPersonCamera( this ); Camera = firstPersonCam; CommandManager = new CommandManager(); CommandManager.Init( this ); SelectionManager = new SelectionManager( this ); ParticleManager = new ParticleManager( this ); WeatherRenderer = new WeatherRenderer( this ); WeatherRenderer.Init(); Graphics.SetVSync( this, true ); Graphics.DepthTest = true; Graphics.DepthTestFunc( CompareFunc.LessEqual ); //Graphics.DepthWrite = true; Graphics.AlphaBlendFunc( BlendFunc.SourceAlpha, BlendFunc.InvSourceAlpha ); Graphics.AlphaTestFunc( CompareFunc.Greater, 0.5f ); Title = Utils.AppName; fpsScreen = new FpsScreen( this ); fpsScreen.Init(); Culling = new FrustumCulling(); EnvRenderer.Init(); MapEnvRenderer.Init(); Picking = new PickingRenderer( this ); string connectString = "Connecting to " + IPAddress + ":" + Port + ".."; SetNewScreen( new LoadingMapScreen( this, connectString, "Reticulating splines" ) ); Network.Connect( IPAddress, Port ); }
static byte GetBlock( Map map, int x, int y, int z, Vector3 origin ) { if( x >= 0 && z >= 0 && x < map.Width && z < map.Length ) { if( y >= map.Height ) return 0; if( y >= 0 ) return map.GetBlock( x, y, z ); // special case: we want to be able to pick bedrock when we're standing on top of it if( origin.Y >= 0 && y == -1 ) return (byte)Block.Bedrock; } return 0; }
public MapEnvRenderer( Game game ) { = game; map = game.Map; graphics = game.Graphics; }
protected override void OnLoad( EventArgs e ) { #if !USE_DX Graphics = new OpenGLApi(); #else Graphics = new Direct3D9Api( this ); #endif Graphics.MakeGraphicsInfo(); Options.Load(); ViewDistance = Options.GetInt( OptionsKey.ViewDist, 16, 4096, 512 ); InputHandler = new InputHandler( this ); Chat = new ChatLog( this ); Chat.FontSize = Options.GetInt( OptionsKey.FontSize, 6, 30, 12 ); defaultIb = Graphics.MakeDefaultIb(); MouseSensitivity = Options.GetInt( OptionsKey.Sensitivity, 1, 100, 30 ); BlockInfo = new BlockInfo(); BlockInfo.Init(); ChatLines = Options.GetInt( OptionsKey.ChatLines, 1, 30, 12 ); ModelCache = new ModelCache( this ); ModelCache.InitCache(); AsyncDownloader = new AsyncDownloader( skinServer ); Drawer2D = new GdiPlusDrawer2D( Graphics ); Drawer2D.UseBitmappedChat = !Options.GetBool( OptionsKey.ArialChatFont, false ); TerrainAtlas1D = new TerrainAtlas1D( Graphics ); TerrainAtlas = new TerrainAtlas2D( Graphics, Drawer2D ); Animations = new Animations( this ); TexturePackExtractor extractor = new TexturePackExtractor(); extractor.Extract( defaultTexPack, this ); Inventory = new Inventory( this ); BlockInfo.SetDefaultBlockPermissions( Inventory.CanPlace, Inventory.CanDelete ); Map = new Map( this ); LocalPlayer = new LocalPlayer( this ); LocalPlayer.SpeedMultiplier = Options.GetInt( OptionsKey.Speed, 1, 50, 10 ); Players[255] = LocalPlayer; width = Width; height = Height; MapRenderer = new MapRenderer( this ); MapEnvRenderer = new MapEnvRenderer( this ); EnvRenderer = new StandardEnvRenderer( this ); if( IPAddress == null ) { Network = new Singleplayer.SinglePlayerServer( this ); } else { Network = new NetworkProcessor( this ); } Graphics.LostContextFunction = Network.Tick; firstPersonCam = new FirstPersonCamera( this ); thirdPersonCam = new ThirdPersonCamera( this ); forwardThirdPersonCam = new ForwardThirdPersonCamera( this ); Camera = firstPersonCam; CommandManager = new CommandManager(); CommandManager.Init( this ); SelectionManager = new SelectionManager( this ); ParticleManager = new ParticleManager( this ); WeatherRenderer = new WeatherRenderer( this ); WeatherRenderer.Init(); bool vsync = Options.GetBool( OptionsKey.VSync, true ); Graphics.SetVSync( this, vsync ); Graphics.DepthTest = true; Graphics.DepthTestFunc( CompareFunc.LessEqual ); //Graphics.DepthWrite = true; Graphics.AlphaBlendFunc( BlendFunc.SourceAlpha, BlendFunc.InvSourceAlpha ); Graphics.AlphaTestFunc( CompareFunc.Greater, 0.5f ); fpsScreen = new FpsScreen( this ); fpsScreen.Init(); Culling = new FrustumCulling(); EnvRenderer.Init(); MapEnvRenderer.Init(); Picking = new PickingRenderer( this ); string connectString = "Connecting to " + IPAddress + ":" + Port + ".."; Graphics.WarnIfNecessary( Chat ); SetNewScreen( new LoadingMapScreen( this, connectString, "Reticulating splines" ) ); Network.Connect( IPAddress, Port ); }