public void Use(ref Player player) { int selection = -1; = player.healthmax; while (selection != menu.Length) { selection = -1; Console.WriteLine($"\n{}'s Gold: {player.coins}"); Console.WriteLine($"Store's Gold: {coins}\n"); Display(); Console.Write("\t"); for (int i = 0; i < menu.Length; i++) { Console.Write($"{(i + 1)} {menu[i]} "); } Console.WriteLine(""); while (true) { Console.Write("\tSelection: "); string buffer = Console.ReadLine(); try { selection = Int32.Parse(buffer); } catch { buffer = string.Empty; selection = -1; } if (selection > 0 && selection <= menu.Length) { break; } Console.WriteLine("\n\tInvalid Selection"); } if (selection == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Which of my lovely wares is fitting of your impecable taste?"); string buffer = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (buffer.Contains("rapier")) { if (player.coins >= rapier.cost) { Buy(rapier); player.Buy(rapier); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You will be happy with that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oh! it seems you don't have enough coin to pay for that."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("axe")) { if (player.coins >= axe.cost) { Buy(axe); player.Buy(axe); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You will be happy with that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oh! it seems you don't have enough coin to pay for that."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("club")) { if (player.coins >= club.cost) { Buy(club); player.Buy(club); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You will be happy with that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oh! it seems you don't have enough coin to pay for that."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("light")) { if (player.coins >= lhpotion.cost) { Buy(lhpotion); player.Buy(lhpotion); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You will be happy with that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oh! it seems you don't have enough coin to pay for that."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("moderate")) { if (player.coins >= mhpotion.cost) { Buy(mhpotion); player.Buy(mhpotion); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You will be happy with that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oh! it seems you don't have enough coin to pay for that."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("severe")) { if (player.coins >= shpotion.cost) { Buy(shpotion); player.Buy(shpotion); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You will be happy with that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oh! it seems you don't have enough coin to pay for that."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("elixir")) { if (player.coins >= hepotion.cost) { Buy(hepotion); player.Buy(hepotion); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You will be happy with that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Oh! it seems you don't have enough coin to pay for that."); } } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection"); } } else if (selection == 2) { player.DisplayInventory(); Console.WriteLine("Which item are you looking to part with?"); Console.Write("Selection: "); string buffer = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (buffer.Contains("rapier")) { if (coins >= rapier.cost) { player.Sell(rapier); Sell(rapier); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Thank you for that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("I am sorry, but I cannot afford that item."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("axe")) { if (coins >= axe.cost) { player.Sell(axe); Sell(axe); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Thank you for that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("I am sorry, but I cannot afford that item."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("club")) { if (coins >= club.cost) { player.Sell(club); Sell(club); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Thank you for that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("I am sorry, but I cannot afford that item."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("light")) { if (coins >= lhpotion.cost) { player.Sell(lhpotion); Sell(lhpotion); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Thank you for that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("I am sorry, but I cannot afford that item."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("moderate")) { if (coins >= mhpotion.cost) { player.Sell(mhpotion); Sell(mhpotion); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Thank you for that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("I am sorry, but I cannot afford that item."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("severe")) { if (coins >= shpotion.cost) { player.Sell(shpotion); Sell(shpotion); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Thank you for that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("I am sorry, but I cannot afford that item."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("elixir")) { if (coins >= hepotion.cost) { player.Sell(hepotion); Sell(hepotion); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"Thank you for that {buffer}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("I am sorry, but I cannot afford that item."); } } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection"); } } else if (selection == 3) { Console.WriteLine("Which of my lovely wares has caught your eye?"); string buffer = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (buffer.Contains("rapier")) { Console.Clear(); if (inventory.ContainsKey(rapier)) { Console.WriteLine($"This {buffer} is a long pointed blade. It is the fastest weapon type but also has the weakest damage."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("axe")) { Console.Clear(); if (inventory.ContainsKey(axe)) { Console.WriteLine($"This {buffer} is a heavy splitting weapon. It is the slowest weapon type but also has the highest damage."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("club")) { Console.Clear(); if (inventory.ContainsKey(club)) { Console.WriteLine($"This {buffer} is a hefty blugeoning weapon. It is a well balance weapon with moderate speed and damage."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("light")) { Console.Clear(); if (inventory.ContainsKey(rapier)) { Console.WriteLine($"This {buffer} is a potion that restores 10 health."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("moderate")) { Console.Clear(); if (inventory.ContainsKey(rapier)) { Console.WriteLine($"This {buffer} is a potion that restores 25 health."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("severe")) { Console.Clear(); if (inventory.ContainsKey(rapier)) { Console.WriteLine($"This {buffer} is a potion that restores 50 health."); } } else if (buffer.Contains("elixir")) { Console.Clear(); if (inventory.ContainsKey(rapier)) { Console.WriteLine($"This {buffer} is a potion that restores 200 health."); } } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection"); } } else if (selection == 4) { Console.WriteLine($"So long for now {}."); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\t\t{Press any key to continue}"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } }