public static void DeleteZoneMp() { if (BlipMp == null) { return; } BlipMp.Delete(); BlipMp = null; }
public static void CreateZoneMp(float x, float y, float z, int radius) { DeleteZoneMp(); BlipMp = World.CreateBlip(new Vector3(x, y, z)); BlipMp.Sprite = (BlipSprite)10; BlipMp.Color = (BlipColor)57; BlipMp.Name = "Мероприятие"; BlipMp.IsShortRange = true; BlipMp.Scale = radius / 10f; }
public static void Create(Vector3 pos, int sprite = 1, int color = 59, string name = "Работа", float size = 0.8f) { Delete(); LocallyBlip = World.CreateBlip(pos); LocallyBlip.Sprite = (BlipSprite)sprite; LocallyBlip.Color = (BlipColor)color; LocallyBlip.Name = name; LocallyBlip.IsShortRange = true; LocallyBlip.Scale = size; }
public Blip AttachBlip() { return(Blip.AddBlip(this)); }
private static void AddMarker(string _markerKey, string _markerName, string _markerActionType, Vector3 _markerPos, string _markerType, Dictionary <string, object> _markerData, string _markerColor, string _markerWaypointColor) { Utils.WriteLine($"Adding Marker[{_markerKey}]"); MarkerType markerType = MarkerType.VerticalCylinder; BlipColor blipColor = BlipColor.Green; switch (_markerColor) { case "Green": blipColor = BlipColor.Green; break; default: break; } switch (_markerWaypointColor) { case "Green": blipColor = BlipColor.Green; break; default: break; } CitizenFX.Core.Blip MarkerBlip = World.CreateBlip(_markerPos); MarkerBlip.Color = blipColor; MarkerBlip.IsShortRange = true; MarkerBlip.Name = _markerName; /*//Get the 3D marker type of the marker (ie. VerticalCylinder) * foreach (MarkerType mt in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MarkerType))) * { * if (mt.ToString() == _markerType) * { * markerType = mt; * } * }*/ object markerData = null; string stringPos = ""; if (_markerData != null) { foreach (var v in _markerData) { if (v.Key.ToLower().Contains("position")) { stringPos += v.Value + ","; } else if (v.Key.ToLower().Contains("vehicles")) { markerData = v.Value; } else if (v.Key.ToLower().Contains("markerteleport")) { markerData = v.Value; } } } if (_markerActionType.ToLower() == "cardealermarker") { if (stringPos != "") { string[] stringArr = stringPos.Split(','); Vector3 dataPosition = new Vector3(int.Parse(stringArr[0]), int.Parse(stringArr[1]), int.Parse(stringArr[2])); AddMarker(_markerKey + "_sell", "Sell Vehicle", "SellVehicleMarker", dataPosition, _markerType, null, _markerColor, _markerWaypointColor); } } else { if (stringPos != "") { string[] stringArr = stringPos.Split(','); Vector3 dataPosition = new Vector3(int.Parse(stringArr[0]), int.Parse(stringArr[1]), int.Parse(stringArr[2])); markerData = dataPosition; } } Marker newMarker = new Marker(_markerKey, _markerName, _markerPos, _markerType, _markerActionType, markerData); MarkerList.Add(newMarker); }