public void Inherit_Run_CUD_Delete_Derived()
            // Inheritance is City <-- CityWithEditHistory <-- CityWithInfo
            CityDomainContext citiesContext = new CityDomainContext(TestURIs.Cities);
            DateTime priorLastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
            LoadOperation lo = null;
            SubmitOperation so = null;
            CityWithInfo cityWithInfo = null;
            string originalName = null;
            string originalStateName = null;
            string originalCountyName = null;

            // Invoke service operation to clear out all static data
            // (we rely on static data for deleted cities so that it
            //  survives across queries)
            InvokeOperation invoke = citiesContext.ResetData(null, null);

                return invoke.IsComplete;
                if (invoke.Error != null)
                    Assert.Fail("Failed on invoke of ResetData: " + invoke.Error.Message);

                // Load all cities, not just derived ones
                lo = citiesContext.Load(citiesContext.GetCitiesQuery());

            // wait for Load to complete
            EnqueueConditional(() => lo.IsComplete);


                cityWithInfo = citiesContext.Cities.OfType<CityWithInfo>().FirstOrDefault();
                Assert.IsNotNull(cityWithInfo, "expected to find at least one CityWithInfo entity");
                Assert.IsFalse(cityWithInfo.EditHistory.Contains("update"), "Did not expect edit history to be set yet.");

                originalName = cityWithInfo.Name;
                originalStateName = cityWithInfo.StateName;
                originalCountyName = cityWithInfo.CountyName;

                // Delete it.  Note that the delete CUD method in the CityDomainService
                // moves the deleted city over into DeletedCities so it can still be found

                so = citiesContext.SubmitChanges();
            // wait for submit to complete
            EnqueueConditional(() => so.IsComplete);
                if (so.Error != null)
                    Assert.Fail("Unexpected error on submit: " + so.Error.Message);

                // verify entities are auto-synced back to the client as a result of the domain method execution on server
                CityWithInfo deletedCity = citiesContext.Cities.OfType<CityWithInfo>().SingleOrDefault<CityWithInfo>
                                                (c => (c.Name == originalName &&
                                                       c.StateName == originalStateName &&
                                                       c.CountyName == originalCountyName));
                Assert.IsNull(deletedCity, "Did not expect to find deleted City after the submit");
                // Load the deleted cities (it was tombstoned)
                lo = citiesContext.Load(citiesContext.GetDeletedCitiesQuery());

            // Wait for deleted city query to complete
            EnqueueConditional(() => lo.IsComplete);

                if (lo.Error != null)
                    Assert.Fail("Unexpected error on load of deleted queries: " + lo.Error.Message);

                // verify entities are auto-synced back to the client as a result of the domain method execution on server
                CityWithInfo deletedCity = citiesContext.Cities.OfType<CityWithInfo>().SingleOrDefault<CityWithInfo>
                                                (c => (c.Name == originalName &&
                                                       c.StateName == originalStateName &&
                                                       c.CountyName == originalCountyName));
                Assert.IsNotNull(deletedCity, "Expected to find deleted City in the tombstone list");
                Assert.IsTrue(deletedCity.EditHistory.Contains("delete"), "Expected edit history to show delete but it only shows: " + deletedCity.EditHistory);
