private void CalculatePPAndDifficulty(string beatmap) { EZPPResult ezpp = EZPP.Calculate(beatmap, MaxCombo, Count100, Count50, CountMiss, EnabledMods); MapMaxCombo = ezpp.MaxCombo; MapTotalHitObjects = ezpp.TotalHitObjects; PP = ezpp.PP; double objectsEncountered = Count300 + Count100 + Count50 + CountMiss; Accuracy = (double)((Count300 * 300.0) + (Count100 * 100.0) + (Count50 * 50.0)) / (double)(objectsEncountered * 300.0); Accuracy *= 100.0; //100 to 300 ratio double expectedCount100 = ((double)Count100 * MapTotalHitObjects) / objectsEncountered; //50 to 300 ratio double expectedCount50 = ((double)Count50 * MapTotalHitObjects) / objectsEncountered; ezpp = EZPP.Calculate(beatmap, ezpp.MaxCombo, (int)Math.Floor(expectedCount100), (int)Math.Floor(expectedCount50), 0, EnabledMods); PP_IF_FC = ezpp.PP; IF_FC_Accuracy = ezpp.Accuracy; CompletionPercentage = (objectsEncountered / ezpp.TotalHitObjects) * 100; StarRating = ezpp.StarRating; CS = ezpp.CS; AR = ezpp.AR; OD = ezpp.OD; HP = ezpp.HP; BPM = ezpp.BPM; SongName = ezpp.SongName; DifficultyName = ezpp.DifficultyName; ArtistName = ezpp.ArtistName; }
public CoreModule() { AddCMD("Enable a command", (sMsg, buffer) => { string commandToEnable = buffer.GetRemaining(); if (sMsg.Author.Id == Config.BotOwnerID) { foreach (var module in LoadedModules) { foreach (var command in module.Commands) { if (command.Triggers.Contains(commandToEnable)) { command.IsEnabled = true; sMsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Enabled **{commandToEnable}** in `{module.Name}`"); return; } } } sMsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{commandToEnable} no such command found"); } }, ".enable"); AddCMD("Enable a command", (sMsg, buffer) => { EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder(); embedBuilder.Title = "Spider"; string description = ""; description += "Claims #1\n"; description += "Likes #1\n"; description += "**9000** <:kakera:888490123388403762>"; embedBuilder.Description = description; embedBuilder.Color = new Color(0, 0, 255); embedBuilder.ImageUrl = ""; sMsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embedBuilder.Build()); }, ".waifu"); AddCMD("Disable a command", (sMsg, buffer) => { string commandToDisable = buffer.GetRemaining(); if (commandToDisable == ".disable" || commandToDisable == ".enable") { return; } if (sMsg.Author.Id == Config.BotOwnerID) { foreach (var module in LoadedModules) { foreach (var command in module.Commands) { if (command.Triggers.Contains(commandToDisable)) { command.IsEnabled = false; sMsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Disabled **{commandToDisable}** in `{module.Name}`"); return; } } } sMsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"`{commandToDisable}` no such command found"); } }, ".disable"); AddCMD("Sends the url for the source code hosted on github", (sMsg, buffer) => { sMsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**Here is the source code for the bot:** {Config.GithubURL}"); }, ".github", ".source", ".code"); AddCMD("Shows bot info", (sMsg, buffer) => { var runtimeVer = RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription; EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("Bot Info"); string desc = ""; desc += $"[Github Link]({Config.GithubURL})\n"; desc += $"Runtime: **{runtimeVer}**\n"; desc += $"OS: **{RuntimeInformation.OSDescription} {RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture}**\n"; desc += Utils.GetCPUInfo(); desc += $"Ram Usage: **{(Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64 / 1048576.0).ToString("F")} MB**\n"; desc += $"CPU Time: **{Utils.FormatTime(Process.GetCurrentProcess().TotalProcessorTime, ago: false)}**\n"; desc += $"GC: **0:** `{GC.CollectionCount(0)}` **1:** `{GC.CollectionCount(1)}` **2:** `{GC.CollectionCount(2)}`\n"; desc += $"Oppai Version: **{EZPP.GetVersion()}**\n"; desc += $"Ping: **{Client.Latency} MS**\n"; desc += $"Run-Time: **{Utils.FormatTime(runTimeWatch.Elapsed, ago: false)}**\n"; desc += $"Serving: **{Client.Guilds.Count} Guilds And {GetMemberCount()} Members**\n"; desc += $"Commands Handled: **{TotalCommandsHandled}**\n"; desc += $"Bancho API Calls: **{BanchoAPI.TotalAPICalls}**\n"; desc += $"Loaded Modules: **{LoadedModules.Count}**\n"; embed.WithDescription(desc); embed.WithColor(Color.Blue); sMsg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }, ".info"); AddCMD("Shows this embed", (sMsg, buffer) => { Pages commandPages = new Pages(); EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); int commandCounter = 1; string description = ""; void CompileEmbed() { builder.WithAuthor("Available Commands", Client.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl()); builder.WithFooter($"{description.Length} chars"); builder.WithDescription(description); commandPages.AddEmbed(builder.Build()); builder = new EmbedBuilder(); description = ""; } foreach (Module module in LoadedModules) { string tempDesc = ""; tempDesc += $"```fix\n{module.Name}```"; foreach (Command command in module.Commands) { tempDesc += $"`{commandCounter++}.` **{new CommandBuffer(command.Triggers, "").GetRemaining(", ")}** (*{command.Description}*)"; if (command.IsEnabled == false) { tempDesc += " -> `Has been disabled!`"; } if (command.Cooldown > 0) { tempDesc += $" -> `Cooldown: {command.Cooldown}`"; } tempDesc += "\n"; if (description.Length + tempDesc.Length < 2048) { description += tempDesc; tempDesc = ""; } else { CompileEmbed(); description += tempDesc; } } } if (description.Length > 0) { CompileEmbed(); } sMsg.Channel.SendPages(commandPages); }, ".help"); }