Esempio n. 1
        public ChessUtils.CheckState GetCustomGameCheckState()
            List <Button> attackedSquares = logic.UpdateAttackedSquares(checkBoard);

            // Will only return check or noCheck, as that is all we care about in this case
            // Iterate through the attacked squares, and see if a king is on one of the squares
            foreach (Button square in attackedSquares)
                if (square.Tag.ToString().Contains("King"))

            // No king was found, board appears to be good
Esempio n. 2
        public GameSession(User Me, User Them, NetworkStream networkStream, Session session, LobbyForm Lobby, MoveLogic ml, CustomGame game = null)
            me = Me;
            int squareSize = 65;
            int offset     = 50;

            lobby     = Lobby;
            moveLogic = ml;

            // Create timers
            timer          = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);
            timer.Elapsed += async(sender, e) => await Timer_Elapsed();

            stream      = networkStream;
            sessionInfo = session;

            originalTotalTimeRemaining = eTotalTimeRemaining = totalTimeRemaining = sessionInfo.GameTimerSeconds;
            originalTimeRemaining      = eTotalTimeRemaining = turnTimeRemaining = sessionInfo.MoveTimerSeconds;

            myTotalTimeRemaining.Text    = ChessUtils.ConvertSecondsToTimeString(totalTimeRemaining);
            myTimeRemaining.Text         = ChessUtils.ConvertSecondsToTimeString(turnTimeRemaining);
            enemyTotalTimeRemaining.Text = ChessUtils.ConvertSecondsToTimeString(totalTimeRemaining);
            enemyTimeRemaining.Text      = ChessUtils.ConvertSecondsToTimeString(turnTimeRemaining);

            myName       = myUsername.Text = me.Username;
            opponentName = enemyUsername.Text = Them.Username;
            customGame   = game;
            // set up the array of buttons (chess grid) into an array
            board = new Button[, ]
                { square00, square01, square02, square03, square04, square05, square06, square07 },
                { square10, square11, square12, square13, square14, square15, square16, square17 },
                { square20, square21, square22, square23, square24, square25, square26, square27 },
                { square30, square31, square32, square33, square34, square35, square36, square37 },
                { square40, square41, square42, square43, square44, square45, square46, square47 },
                { square50, square51, square52, square53, square54, square55, square56, square57 },
                { square60, square61, square62, square63, square64, square65, square66, square67 },
                { square70, square71, square72, square73, square74, square75, square76, square77 }

            // Set up the board to look pretty
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
                    Point       p = new Point(j * squareSize + offset, i * squareSize + (offset * 2));
                    Size        s = new Size(squareSize, squareSize);
                    Coordinates c = ChessUtils.Settings.GetCoordinatesOfButton(board[i, j]);

                    board[i, j].Size     = s;
                    board[i, j].Location = p;


            UpdatePlayerPieces(whitePieces, blackPieces);


            // I am the guest, both people are in the game, now set the game to started
            if (Me.Username != "" && Them.Username != "")
                moveLogic.gameStarted = true;

