Esempio n. 1
        private List <Move> GetRawMoves_Pawn(Peice[,] board)
            Point location = GetLocation(board);

            List <Move> validmoves = new List <Move>();

            int yoffset = 1; if (mySide == PSide.Black)

                yoffset = -1;
            }                                                             //Side indicated forward direction

            //Take diaganols
            for (int i = 1; true; i = -1) //X-Axis direction
                Point newloc = new Point(location.X + i, location.Y + yoffset);

                TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);
                if (moveType == TileTypes.enemy)
                    validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard));

                //En Passant
                else if (moveType == //diagonal free
                    //Get side piece
                    Point sideloc   = new Point(newloc.X, location.Y);
                    Peice sidePeice = board[sideloc.X, sideloc.Y];
                    //Rules: 1)Piece type of pawn 2)Pawn first moved last turn 3)Pawn moved two-spaces
                    if (GetTileType(board, sideloc) == TileTypes.enemy && sidePeice.lastmove == myGame.turn_count - 1 && sideloc.Y == (int)(sidePeice.mySide) * 7 + (yoffset * -3))
                        validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.enpass, sideloc));

                if (i == -1)

            //Forward directional movement
            for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                Point     newloc   = new Point(location.X, location.Y + (yoffset * i));
                TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);

                if (moveType ==
                    validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard));
                if (!firstmove || moveType !=

Esempio n. 2
 internal static List<Peice> getPeices(Peice[,] board, PSide side)
     List<Peice> sideList = new List<Peice>();
     foreach (Peice peice in board)
         if (peice != null && peice.MySide == side)
         { sideList.Add(peice); }
     return sideList;
Esempio n. 3
 internal static Point getKing(Peice[,] board, PSide side)
     for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
             if (board[x, y] != null && board[x, y].MySide == side && board[x, y].MyType == Peices.PType.King) { return new Point(x, y); }
     throw new Exception("Searched for king on board for " + side.ToString() + " side, not present");
Esempio n. 4
 private GameObject GetPiecePrefab(Chess.Peices.Peice piece)
     return(piece.MySide switch
         PSide.White => piece.MyType switch
             PType.King => whiteKing,
             PType.Queen => whiteQueen,
             PType.Rook => whiteRook,
             PType.Bishop => whiteBishop,
             PType.Knight => whiteKnight,
             PType.Pawn => whitePawn,
             _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
Esempio n. 5
        private List <Move> GetRawMoves_King(Peice[,] board)
            Point location = GetLocation(board);

            List <Move> validmoves = new List <Move>();

            foreach (Point offset in king_offsets)
                Point     newloc   = new Point(location.X + offset.X, location.Y + offset.Y);
                TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);

                if (moveType != TileTypes.blocked)
                    validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard));

            if (firstmove && !myGame.ischecked[(int)mySide])                                             //Conditional, ensure king first move and not in check
                Point[] CastlePoints = { new Point(0, (int)mySide * 7), new Point(7, (int)mySide * 7) }; //Get peices at both corners of side
                foreach (Point rookPoint in CastlePoints)
                    Peice rook = board[rookPoint.X, rookPoint.Y];
                    if (rook != null && rook.mySide == mySide && rook.myType == PType.Rook && rook.firstmove == true) //Conditional peice is side rook, no prior movements
                        bool directpath = true;
                        int  dir        = Math.Sign(rookPoint.X - location.X);
                        //Ensure all peices between rook and king are clear, and aren't in line of fire/attacked
                        for (int xoffset = dir; board[location.X + xoffset, location.Y] != rook; xoffset += dir)
                            Point testloc = new Point(location.X + xoffset, location.Y);
                            if (GetTileType(board, testloc) != || myGame.inattacksquares[(int)mySide].Any(attack => attack.movPoint == testloc))
                                directpath = false; break;
                        Point newloc     = new Point(location.X + dir * 2, location.Y);
                        Point newrookloc = new Point(newloc.X + dir * -1, location.Y);
                        if (directpath)
                            validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.castle, rookPoint, newrookloc));

Esempio n. 6
        internal static void movePeice(Peice[,] board, Point fromPoint, Move toMove)
            Peice movpeice = board[fromPoint.X, fromPoint.Y];
            board[fromPoint.X, fromPoint.Y] = null;
            board[toMove.movPoint.X, toMove.movPoint.Y] = movpeice;

            switch (toMove.moveType)
                case MoveTypes.enpass:
                        board[toMove.ensidePoint.X, toMove.ensidePoint.Y] = null;
                case MoveTypes.castle:
                        Peice rookPeice = board[toMove.rookPoint.X, toMove.rookPoint.Y];
                        board[toMove.rookPoint.X, toMove.rookPoint.Y] = null;
                        board[toMove.newrookPoint.X, toMove.newrookPoint.Y] = rookPeice;
Esempio n. 7
        } //Gets piece location on board

        private TileTypes GetTileType(Peice[,] board, Point newloc)
            if (ChessGame.inBounds(newloc))
                if (board[newloc.X, newloc.Y] == null) return;
                if(board[newloc.X, newloc.Y].mySide != mySide) return TileTypes.enemy; 
            return TileTypes.blocked;
        } //Gets tile type of new position for move
Esempio n. 8
 private Point GetLocation(Peice[,] board)
     for(int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
         for(int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
             if (board[x, y] == this) { return new Point(x, y); }
     throw new Exception();
 } //Gets piece location on board
Esempio n. 9
        private List<Move> GetRawMoves_Pawn(Peice[,] board)
            Point location = GetLocation(board);

            List<Move> validmoves = new List<Move>();

            int yoffset = 1; if (mySide == PSide.Black) { yoffset = -1; } //Side indicated forward direction

            //Take diaganols
            for (int i = 1; true; i = -1) //X-Axis direction
                Point newloc = new Point(location.X + i, location.Y + yoffset);

                TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);
                if (moveType == TileTypes.enemy)
                { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); }

                //En Passant
                else if(moveType == //diagonal free
                    //Get side piece
                    Point sideloc = new Point(newloc.X, location.Y);
                    Peice sidePeice = board[sideloc.X, sideloc.Y];
                    //Rules: 1)Piece type of pawn 2)Pawn first moved last turn 3)Pawn moved two-spaces
                    if (GetTileType(board, sideloc) == TileTypes.enemy && sidePeice.lastmove == myGame.turn_count - 1 && sideloc.Y == (int)(sidePeice.mySide) * 7 + (yoffset * -3))
                        validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.enpass, sideloc));

                if (i == -1) { break; }

            //Forward directional movement
            for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                Point newloc = new Point(location.X, location.Y + (yoffset * i));
                TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);

                if (moveType == { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); }
                if (!firstmove || moveType != { break; }

            return validmoves;
Esempio n. 10
        private List<Move> GetRawMoves_Knight(Peice[,] board)
            Point location = GetLocation(board);

            List<Move> validmoves = new List<Move>();
            foreach (Point offset in knight_offsets)
                Point newloc = new Point(location.X + offset.X, location.Y + offset.Y);

                TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);
                if (moveType != TileTypes.blocked) { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); };

            return validmoves;
Esempio n. 11
        private List<Move> GetRawMoves_Bishop(Peice[,] board)
            Point location = GetLocation(board);

            List<Move> validmoves = new List<Move>();
            foreach (Point quad in quadoffsets) //Iterate through quadrant-movemetns for diagonals
                Point offset = quad;
                while (true)
                    Point newloc = new Point(location.X + offset.X, location.Y + offset.Y);
                    TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);
                    if (moveType == { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); }
                    else if (moveType == TileTypes.enemy) { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); break; }
                    else { break; } //blocked

                    offset.X += quad.X; offset.Y += quad.Y; //Increment offsets in specific direction

            return validmoves;
Esempio n. 12
        private List<Move> GetRawMoves_Queen(Peice[,] board)
            List<Move> validmoves = new List<Move>();
            //Queen moves represnted by combination of rook and bishop

            return validmoves;
Esempio n. 13
        private List<Move> GetRawMoves_King(Peice[,] board)
            Point location = GetLocation(board); 

            List<Move> validmoves = new List<Move>();
            foreach (Point offset in king_offsets)
                Point newloc = new Point(location.X + offset.X, location.Y + offset.Y);
                TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);

                if (moveType != TileTypes.blocked) { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); }

            if(firstmove && !myGame.ischecked[(int)mySide]) //Conditional, ensure king first move and not in check
                Point[] CastlePoints = { new Point(0, (int)mySide * 7), new Point(7, (int)mySide * 7) }; //Get peices at both corners of side
                foreach(Point rookPoint in CastlePoints)
                    Peice rook = board[rookPoint.X, rookPoint.Y];
                    if(rook != null && rook.mySide == mySide && rook.myType == PType.Rook && rook.firstmove == true) //Conditional peice is side rook, no prior movements
                        bool directpath = true;
                        int dir = Math.Sign(rookPoint.X - location.X);
                        //Ensure all peices between rook and king are clear, and aren't in line of fire/attacked
                        for(int xoffset = dir; board[location.X + xoffset, location.Y] != rook; xoffset += dir)
                            Point testloc = new Point(location.X + xoffset, location.Y);
                            if(GetTileType(board, testloc) != || myGame.inattacksquares[(int)mySide].Any(attack => attack.movPoint == testloc))
                            { directpath = false; break; }
                        Point newloc = new Point(location.X + dir * 2, location.Y);
                        Point newrookloc = new Point(newloc.X + dir * -1,location.Y);
                        if (directpath) { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.castle, rookPoint, newrookloc)); }


            return validmoves;
Esempio n. 14
 //Methods returning un-filtered moves for piece types
 private List<Move> GetRawMoves(Peice[,] board)
     switch (myType) //Assign appropriate move function
         case (PType.King): { return GetRawMoves_King(board); }
         case (PType.Queen): { return GetRawMoves_Queen(board); }
         case (PType.Rook): { return GetRawMoves_Rook(board); }
         case (PType.Bishop): { return GetRawMoves_Bishop(board); }
         case (PType.Knight): { return GetRawMoves_Knight(board); }
         case (PType.Pawn): { return GetRawMoves_Pawn(board); }
     return null;
Esempio n. 15
        private List<Move> GetRawMoves_Rook(Peice[,] board)
            Point location = GetLocation(board);

            List<Move> validmoves = new List<Move>();
            for (int i = -1; true; i = 1) //Axis direction
                //X-axis movement
                for (int xoffset = i; true; xoffset += i)
                    Point newloc = new Point(location.X + xoffset, location.Y);

                    TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);
                    if (moveType == { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); }
                    else if (moveType == TileTypes.enemy) { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); break; }
                    else { break; } //blocked

                //Y-axis movement
                for (int yoffset = i; true; yoffset += i)
                    Point newloc = new Point(location.X, location.Y + yoffset);

                    TileTypes moveType = GetTileType(board, newloc);
                    if (moveType == { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); }
                    else if (moveType == TileTypes.enemy) { validmoves.Add(new Move(newloc, MoveTypes.standard)); break; }
                    else { break; } //blocked


                if (i == 1) { break; }

            return validmoves;
Esempio n. 16
 public void OnTake(Peice peice)
 { PlaySound(Sounds.take); PBoxWhite.Invalidate(); PBoxBlack.Invalidate(); }
Esempio n. 17
        } //Draw game

        public bool MakeMove(Point toPoint)
            if (selectedpiece == null) { return false; }

            if (selectedpiece.myMoves.Any(mov => mov.movPoint == toPoint)) //Is selected move for peice valid?
                bool activemove = false;

                //Move from chosen point
                Move mov = GetMove(toPoint).Value;

                //Move piece
                Peice lastoccup; if (mov.moveType == MoveTypes.enpass) { lastoccup = GetPeice(mov.ensidePoint); } else { lastoccup = Gameboard[toPoint.X, toPoint.Y]; }
                movePeice(Gameboard, selectedpiece.MyLocation, mov);

                //Transform pawn
                if (selectedpiece.MyType == PType.Pawn)
                    activemove = true;
                    if (PAWNTRANFORM && (int)altSide(turn) * 7 == toPoint.Y) { selectedpiece.ChangeType(GetPieceTransform()); }

                //Move events
                if (OnPieceMove != null) { OnPieceMove(new Tuple<Peice, Point>(selectedpiece, toPoint)); }

                //Take events
                if (lastoccup != null)
                    PieceList.Remove(lastoccup); TakenList.Add(lastoccup); activemove = true;
                    if (OnPieceTaken != null) { OnPieceTaken(lastoccup); }

                //Aftermove update for piece

                //Update inactive move counter
                if (!activemove) { inactive_count++; } else { inactive_count = 0; }
            else { return false; }

            ischecked = new bool[2];

            //Update for next turn, calculate possible moves
            turn = altSide(turn);
            int movecount = 0;
            foreach (Peice peice in getPeices(Gameboard, turn))
                movecount += peice.UpdateMoves();

            //Display endgame messege
            if (ischecked[(int)turn] && movecount != 0) //Checked
            { if (OnCheck != null) { OnCheck(turn, EndGames.Check); } }
            else if (ischecked[(int)turn] && movecount == 0) //Chekmated
            { if (OnEndGame != null) { OnEndGame(turn, EndGames.Checkmate); }; active = false; }
            else if (!ischecked[(int)turn] && movecount == 0) //Stalemated
            { if (OnEndGame != null) { OnEndGame(turn, EndGames.Stalemate); } active = false; }

            //Game continues for next turn
            selectedpiece = null;
            return true;
        } //Play turn, move to point