Esempio n. 1
        public void beforeDeleteNode(bool DeleteAllRequiredRelatedNodes, bool ValidateRequiredRelationships)
            if (ValidateRequiredRelationships)
                // case 22486 - Don't allow deleting targets of required relationships
                CswTableSelect JctSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect("defaultBeforeDeleteNode_jnp_select", "jct_nodes_props");
                // Case CIS-52536 - Delete validation should ignore temp nodes
                string WhereClause = @"np 
                                        WHERE  nodetypepropid IN (SELECT nodetypepropid 
                                                                  FROM   nodetype_props 
                                                                  WHERE  isrequired = '1') 
                                               AND field1_fk = " + _CswNbtNode.NodeId.PrimaryKey.ToString() + @" 
                                               AND (SELECT istemp 
                                                    FROM   nodes n 
                                                    WHERE  n.nodeid = np.nodeid) <> '1' ";
                CswCommaDelimitedString SelectClause = new CswCommaDelimitedString()
                DataTable MatchTable = JctSelect.getTable(SelectClause, WhereClause);

                if (MatchTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    CswCommaDelimitedString InUseStr = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                    foreach (DataRow MatchRow in MatchTable.Rows)
                        CswPrimaryKey MatchNodePk = new CswPrimaryKey("nodes", CswConvert.ToInt32(MatchRow["nodeid"]));
                        if (DeleteAllRequiredRelatedNodes)
                            CswNbtNode NodeToDelete = _CswNbtResources.Nodes.GetNode(MatchNodePk);
                            if (null != NodeToDelete)
                                NodeToDelete.delete(DeleteAllRequiredRelatedNodes: DeleteAllRequiredRelatedNodes);
                            CswNbtNode RelatedNode = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[MatchNodePk];
                            if (null != RelatedNode)
                    } // foreach( DataRow MatchRow in MatchTable.Rows )

                    if (false == DeleteAllRequiredRelatedNodes)
                        throw new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Warning,
                                                  "This " + _CswNbtNode.getNodeType().NodeTypeName +
                                                  " cannot be deleted because it is in use by: " + InUseStr,
                                                  "Current user (" + _CswNbtResources.CurrentUser.Username +
                                                  ") tried to delete a " + _CswNbtNode.getNodeType().NodeTypeName +
                                                  " that is in use by: " + InUseStr);
                } // if( MatchTable.Rows.Count > 0 )
            }     // if( ValidateRequiredRelationships )
        }         // baseBeforeDeleteNode()
Esempio n. 2
        }             // copyPropertyValues()

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the values of all relationships whose target matches
        /// the ParentNode's nodetypeid or objectclassid to the ParentNode's nodeid.
        /// </summary>
        public void RelateToNode(CswNbtNode ParentNode, CswNbtView View)
            CswNbtNodePropWrapper Prop = null;

            // BZ 10372 - Iterate all relationships
            foreach (CswNbtViewRelationship ViewRelationship in View.Root.GetAllChildrenOfType(CswEnumNbtViewNodeType.CswNbtViewRelationship))
                // BZ 8355 - Set relationships on children pointing to parents, not the other way
                if (ViewRelationship.PropOwner == CswEnumNbtViewPropOwnerType.Second)
                    //if( ( ( ViewRelationship.SecondType == NbtViewRelatedIdType.NodeTypeId && ViewRelationship.SecondId == this.NodeTypeId ) ||
                    //      ( ViewRelationship.SecondType == NbtViewRelatedIdType.ObjectClassId && ViewRelationship.SecondId == this.getObjectClassId() ) ) &&
                    //    ( ( ViewRelationship.FirstType == NbtViewRelatedIdType.NodeTypeId && ViewRelationship.FirstId == ParentNode.NodeTypeId ) ||
                    //      ( ViewRelationship.FirstType == NbtViewRelatedIdType.ObjectClassId && ViewRelationship.FirstId == ParentNode.getObjectClassId() ) ) )
                    if (ViewRelationship.SecondMatches(this.getNodeType()) && ViewRelationship.FirstMatches(ParentNode.getNodeType()))
                        if (ViewRelationship.PropType == CswEnumNbtViewPropIdType.NodeTypePropId)
                            Prop = this.Properties[_CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeTypeProp(ViewRelationship.PropId)];
                        else if (ViewRelationship.PropType == CswEnumNbtViewPropIdType.ObjectClassPropId)
                            Prop = this.Properties[_CswNbtResources.MetaData.getObjectClassProp(ViewRelationship.PropId).PropName];

                        if (Prop != null)
                            CswEnumNbtFieldType FT = Prop.getFieldTypeValue();
                            if (FT == CswEnumNbtFieldType.Relationship)
                                Prop.AsRelationship.RelatedNodeId = ParentNode.NodeId;
                            if (FT == CswEnumNbtFieldType.Location)
                                Prop.AsLocation.SelectedNodeId = ParentNode.NodeId;
                } // if( ViewRelationship.PropOwner == PropOwnerType.Second )
            }     // foreach( CswNbtViewRelationship ViewRelationship in View.Root.GetAllChildrenOfType( NbtViewNodeType.CswNbtViewRelationship ) )
        }         // RelateToNode()
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract report parameters for a report
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserNode">Use this user for matching parameter values</param>
        /// <param name="SourceNode">Use this node for matching parameter values</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <string, string> ExtractReportParams(CswNbtObjClassUser UserNode = null, CswNbtNode SourceNode = null)
            Dictionary <string, string> reportParams  = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            MatchCollection             matchedParams = null;

            if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(WebService.Text))
                matchedParams = Regex.Matches(WebService.Text, @"\{([\s\w0-9])+\}");
            else if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQL.Text))
                matchedParams = Regex.Matches(SQL.Text, @"\{([\s\w0-9])+\}");
            foreach (Match match in matchedParams)
                string paramName = match.Value.Replace('{', ' ').Replace('}', ' ').Trim();     //remove the '{' and '}' and whitespace

                string replacementVal = "";
                if (null != UserNode)
                    if (paramName == ControlledParams.UserId ||
                        paramName == ControlledParams.NodeId)
                        replacementVal = UserNode.Node.NodeId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
                    else if (paramName == ControlledParams.RoleId)
                        replacementVal = UserNode.RoleId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
                        CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp userNTP = UserNode.NodeType.getNodeTypeProp(paramName);
                        if (null != userNTP)
                            replacementVal = UserNode.Node.Properties[userNTP].Gestalt;
                } // if( null != UserNode )

                if (null != SourceNode)
                    CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp sourceNTP = SourceNode.getNodeType().getNodeTypeProp(paramName);
                    if (null != sourceNTP)
                        replacementVal = SourceNode.Properties[sourceNTP].Gestalt;

                if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQL.Text))
                    if (CswSqlAnalysis.doesSqlContainDmlOrDdl(replacementVal))
                        throw (new CswDniException("Parameter contains sql: " + paramName));

                if (false == reportParams.ContainsKey(paramName))
                    reportParams.Add(paramName, replacementVal);