private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.gamecover1)); bool auto; char turn = 't'; char previous = 'n', current = 'n'; int previous_i = 0, previous_j = 0; int current_i, current_j; byte count1, count2; bool message = false; Button[,] buttons = new Button[8, 8]; int[,] point2 = new int[3, 2]; button1.Hide(); startCombo.Hide(); choosestart.Hide(); GameBoard gameboard = new GameBoard(); AutoPlayer clinton = new AutoPlayer(); Player clintons = new Player(); Player trumps = new Player(); if (startCombo.SelectedIndex == 1) { auto = false; } else { auto = true; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { Button button = new Button(); button.Height = 50; button.Width = 50; button.Location = new Point(200 + 50 * i, 50 * j); if ((i + j) % 2 == 1) { button.BackColor = Color.Black; button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; button.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Black; if (j < 3) { button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.clinton)); } else if (j > 4 && j < 8) { button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.trump1)); } else { button.BackgroundImage = null; } } if ((i + j) % 2 == 1) { button.Click += (s, ea) => { if (auto) { current_i = (button.Location.X - 200) / 50; current_j = button.Location.Y / 50; switch (gameboard[current_i, current_j]) { case 2: case 20: current = 't'; break; case 0: current = 'n'; break; } //Trump's step if (turn == 't' && trumps.Step(turn, previous, current, current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 2) { point2 = trumps.Huff(gameboard, 2, 1); if (point2[0, 0] == -1 && point2[0, 1] == -1) { turn = 'c'; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; if (current_j == 0 && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 2) { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 20; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damatrump)); } else { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 2; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.trump1)); } } else { int x = point2[0, 0]; int y = point2[0, 1]; turn = 'c'; buttons[x, y].BackgroundImage = null; gameboard[x, y] = 0; } Thread.Sleep(500); clinton.AutoStep(clinton, point2, ref turn, ref gameboard, ref buttons, out message); } //Trump's eat if (previous == 't' && trumps.Eating(current, current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j, gameboard, 1) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 2) { turn = 'c'; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; if (current_j == 0 && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 2) { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 20; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damatrump)); } else { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 2; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.trump1)); } gameboard[(previous_i + current_i) / 2, (previous_j + current_j) / 2] = 0; buttons[(previous_i + current_i) / 2, (previous_j + current_j) / 2].BackgroundImage = null; Thread.Sleep(500); clinton.AutoStep(clinton, point2, ref turn, ref gameboard, ref buttons, out message); } //Trump's dama step if (turn == 't' && previous == 't' && current == 'n' && trumps.Clean(current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j, gameboard) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 20) { point2 = trumps.Huff(gameboard, 2, 1); if (point2[0, 0] == -1 && point2[0, 1] == -1) { turn = 'c'; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damatrump)); gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 20; } else { int x = point2[0, 0]; int y = point2[0, 1]; turn = 'c'; buttons[x, y].BackgroundImage = null; gameboard[x, y] = 0; } Thread.Sleep(500); clinton.AutoStep(clinton, point2, ref turn, ref gameboard, ref buttons, out message); } //Trump dama eat if (previous == 't' && current == 'n' && trumps.DamaEat(current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j, gameboard, 2, 1) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 20) { turn = 'c'; trumps.RemoveCoin(gameboard, ref buttons); gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 20; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damatrump)); Thread.Sleep(500); clinton.AutoStep(clinton, point2, ref turn, ref gameboard, ref buttons, out message); } previous = current; previous_i = current_i; previous_j = current_j; Calculations.CoinsCount(gameboard, out count1, out count2); if (count2 == 0) { RemoveButtons(buttons); button1.Show(); choosestart.Show(); startCombo.Show(); MessageBox.Show("Congratulations! The winner is Hillary Clinton."); } else if (count1 == 0 || message) { RemoveButtons(buttons); button1.Show(); choosestart.Show(); startCombo.Show(); MessageBox.Show("Congratulations! The winner is Donald Trump."); } } else { current_i = (button.Location.X - 200) / 50; current_j = button.Location.Y / 50; switch (gameboard[current_i, current_j]) { case 2: case 20: current = 't'; break; case 1: case 10: current = 'c'; break; case 0: current = 'n'; break; } //Trump's step if (turn == 't' && trumps.Step(turn, previous, current, current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 2) { point2 = trumps.Huff(gameboard, 2, 1); if (point2[0, 0] == -1 && point2[0, 1] == -1) { turn = 'c'; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; if (current_j == 0 && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 2) { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 20; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damatrump)); } else { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 2; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.trump1)); } } else { int x = point2[0, 0]; int y = point2[0, 1]; turn = 'c'; buttons[x, y].BackgroundImage = null; gameboard[x, y] = 0; } } //Trump's eat if (previous == 't' && trumps.Eating(current, current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j, gameboard, 1) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 2) { turn = 'c'; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; if (current_j == 0 && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 2) { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 20; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damatrump)); } else { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 2; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.trump1)); } gameboard[(previous_i + current_i) / 2, (previous_j + current_j) / 2] = 0; buttons[(previous_i + current_i) / 2, (previous_j + current_j) / 2].BackgroundImage = null; } //Trump's dama step if (turn == 't' && previous == 't' && current == 'n' && trumps.Clean(current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j, gameboard) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 20) { point2 = trumps.Huff(gameboard, 2, 1); if (point2[0, 0] == -1 && point2[0, 1] == -1) { turn = 'c'; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damatrump)); gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 20; } else { int x = point2[0, 0]; int y = point2[0, 1]; turn = 'c'; buttons[x, y].BackgroundImage = null; gameboard[x, y] = 0; } } //Trump dama eat if (previous == 't' && current == 'n' && trumps.DamaEat(current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j, gameboard, 2, 1) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 20) { turn = 'c'; trumps.RemoveCoin(gameboard, ref buttons); gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 20; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damatrump)); } //Clinton's step if (turn == 'c' && clintons.Step(turn, previous, current, current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 1) { point2 = clintons.Huff(gameboard, 1, 2); if (point2[0, 0] == -1 && point2[0, 1] == -1) { turn = 't'; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; if (current_j == 7 && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 1) { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 10; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damaclinton)); } else { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 1; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.clinton)); } } else { int x = point2[0, 0]; int y = point2[0, 1]; turn = 't'; buttons[x, y].BackgroundImage = null; gameboard[x, y] = 0; } } //Clintons's eat if (previous == 'c' && clintons.Eating(current, current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j, gameboard, 2) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 1) { turn = 't'; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; if (current_j == 7 && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 1) { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 10; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damaclinton)); } else { gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 1; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.clinton)); } gameboard[(previous_i + current_i) / 2, (previous_j + current_j) / 2] = 0; buttons[(previous_i + current_i) / 2, (previous_j + current_j) / 2].BackgroundImage = null; } //Clinton Dama step if (turn == 'c' && previous == 'c' && current == 'n' && clintons.Clean(current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j, gameboard) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 10) { point2 = clintons.Huff(gameboard, 1, 2); if (point2[0, 0] == -1 && point2[0, 1] == -1) { turn = 't'; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 10; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damaclinton)); } else { int x = point2[0, 0]; int y = point2[0, 1]; turn = 't'; buttons[x, y].BackgroundImage = null; gameboard[x, y] = 0; } } //Clinton Dama eat if (previous == 'c' && current == 'n' && clintons.DamaEat(current_i, current_j, previous_i, previous_j, gameboard, 1, 2) && gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] == 10) { turn = 't'; clintons.RemoveCoin(gameboard, ref buttons); gameboard[previous_i, previous_j] = 0; gameboard[current_i, current_j] = 10; buttons[previous_i, previous_j].BackgroundImage = null; button.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(Properties.Resources.damaclinton)); } previous = current; previous_i = current_i; previous_j = current_j; Calculations.CoinsCount(gameboard, out count1, out count2); if (count2 == 0) { RemoveButtons(buttons); button1.Show(); choosestart.Show(); startCombo.Show(); MessageBox.Show("Congratulations! The winner is Hillary Clinton."); } else if (count1 == 0) { RemoveButtons(buttons); button1.Show(); choosestart.Show(); startCombo.Show(); MessageBox.Show("Congratulations! The winner is Donald Trump."); } } }; button.MouseDown += (s, ea) => { button.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Silver; }; button.MouseUp += (s, ea) => { button.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Black; }; } buttons[i, j] = button; this.Controls.Add(button); } } }
public GameBoard GetCurrentBoard() { GameBoard board = new GameBoard(); for (int row = 1; row < 9; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < 8; column++) { StackPanel stackPanel = (StackPanel)GetGridElement(CheckersGrid, row, column); if (stackPanel.Children.Count > 0) { Button button = (Button)stackPanel.Children[0]; if (button.Name.Contains("Red")) { if (button.Name.Contains("King")) board.SetGameBoardState(row - 1, column, 3); else board.SetGameBoardState(row - 1, column, 1); } else if (button.Name.Contains("Black")) { if (button.Name.Contains("King")) board.SetGameBoardState(row - 1, column, 4); else board.SetGameBoardState(row - 1, column, 2); } else board.SetGameBoardState(row - 1, column, 0); } else { board.SetGameBoardState(row - 1, column, -1); } } } return board; }
public virtual int[,] Huff(GameBoard board, byte a, byte b) { int[,] point = { { -1, -1 }, { -1, -1 }, { -1, -1 } }; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { if (board[i, j] == a && (board[i + 1, j + 1] == b || board[i + 1, j + 1] == b * 10) && board[i + 2, j + 2] == 0) { point[0, 0] = i; point[0, 1] = j; point[1, 0] = i + 1; point[1, 1] = j + 1; point[2, 0] = i + 2; point[2, 1] = j + 2; return(point); } if (board[i, j] == a * 10) { m = i + 1; n = j + 1; while (board[m, n] == 0 && m < 7 && n < 7) { m++; n++; } if ((board[m, n] == b || board[m, n] == b * 10) && board[m + 1, n + 1] == 0) { point[0, 0] = i; point[0, 1] = j; point[1, 0] = m; point[1, 1] = n; point[2, 0] = m + 1; point[2, 1] = n + 1; return(point); } } } } for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 2; j < 8; j++) { if (board[i, j] == a && (board[i - 1, j - 1] == b || board[i - 1, j - 1] == b * 10) && board[i - 2, j - 2] == 0) { point[0, 0] = i; point[0, 1] = j; point[1, 0] = i - 1; point[1, 1] = j - 1; point[2, 0] = i - 2; point[2, 1] = j - 2; return(point); } if (board[i, j] == a * 10) { m = i - 1; n = j - 1; while (board[m, n] == 0 && m > 0 && n > 0) { m--; n--; } if ((board[m, n] == b || board[m, n] == b * 10) && board[m - 1, n - 1] == 0) { point[0, 0] = i; point[0, 1] = j; point[1, 0] = m; point[1, 1] = n; point[2, 0] = m - 1; point[2, 1] = n - 1; return(point); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 2; j < 8; j++) { if (board[i, j] == a && (board[i + 1, j - 1] == b || board[i + 1, j - 1] == b * 10) && board[i + 2, j - 2] == 0) { point[0, 0] = i; point[0, 1] = j; point[1, 0] = i + 1; point[1, 1] = j - 1; point[2, 0] = i + 2; point[2, 1] = j - 2; return(point); } if (board[i, j] == a * 10) { m = i + 1; n = j - 1; while (board[m, n] == 0 && m < 7 && n > 0) { m++; n--; } if ((board[m, n] == b || board[m, n] == b * 10) && board[m + 1, n - 1] == 0) { point[0, 0] = i; point[0, 1] = j; point[1, 0] = m; point[1, 1] = n; point[2, 0] = m + 1; point[2, 1] = n - 1; return(point); } } } } for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { if (board[i, j] == a && (board[i - 1, j + 1] == b || board[i - 1, j + 1] == b * 10) && board[i - 2, j + 2] == 0) { point[0, 0] = i; point[0, 1] = j; point[1, 0] = i - 1; point[1, 1] = j + 1; point[2, 0] = i - 2; point[2, 1] = j + 2; return(point); } if (board[i, j] == a * 10) { m = i - 1; n = j + 1; while (board[m, n] == 0 && m > 0 && n < 7) { m--; n++; } if ((board[m, n] == b || board[m, n] == b * 10) && board[m - 1, n + 1] == 0) { point[0, 0] = i; point[0, 1] = j; point[1, 0] = m; point[1, 1] = n; point[2, 0] = m - 1; point[2, 1] = n + 1; return(point); } } } } return(point); }
internal void PrintBoard() { Console.WriteLine(GameBoard.ToString()); }
public virtual bool DamaEat(int curi, int curj, int previ, int prevj, GameBoard board, byte a, byte b) { byte count1 = 0; byte count2 = 0; if (curi < previ && curj < prevj) { j = curj; mini = curi; maxi = previ; } else if (curi > previ && curj > prevj) { j = prevj; mini = previ; maxi = curi; } else if (curi > previ && curj < prevj) { j = prevj; mini = previ; maxi = curi; //bug prevj-- } else if (curi < previ && curj > prevj) { mini = curi; maxi = previ; j = curj; //bug prevj-- } for (int i = mini + 1; i < maxi; i++) { if ((curi < previ && curj < prevj) || (curi > previ && curj > prevj)) { j++; } else if ((curi > previ && curj < prevj) || (curi < previ && curj > prevj)) { j--; } if (board[i, j] == a) { count1++; removedi = i; removedj = j; } if (board[i, j] == b) { count2++; } } if (count1 == 0 && count2 == 1) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public virtual void RemoveCoin(GameBoard board, ref Button[,] buttons) { buttons[removedi, removedj].BackgroundImage = null; board[removedi, removedj] = 0; }
public override void RemoveCoin(GameBoard board, ref Button[,] buttons) { base.RemoveCoin(board, ref buttons); }
public virtual bool Eating(char cur, int curi, int curj, int previ, int prevj, GameBoard board, byte a) { if ((cur == 'n' && ((curi == previ - 2 && curj == prevj + 2 && (board[previ - 1, prevj + 1] == a || board[previ - 1, prevj + 1] == a * 10)) || (curi == previ - 2 && curj == prevj - 2 && (board[previ - 1, prevj - 1] == a || board[previ - 1, prevj - 1] == a * 10)) || (curi == previ + 2 && curj == prevj + 2 && (board[previ + 1, prevj + 1] == a || board[previ + 1, prevj + 1] == a * 10)) || (curi == previ + 2 && curj == prevj - 2 && (board[previ + 1, prevj - 1] == a || board[previ + 1, prevj - 1] == a * 10))))) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public override int[,] Huff(GameBoard board, byte a, byte b) { return(base.Huff(board, a, b)); }
public override bool Eating(char cur, int curi, int curj, int previ, int prevj, GameBoard board, byte a) { return(base.Eating(cur, curi, curj, previ, prevj, board, a)); }
public override bool DamaEat(int curi, int curj, int previ, int prevj, GameBoard board, byte a, byte b) { return(base.DamaEat(curi, curj, previ, prevj, board, a, b)); }
public override bool Clean(int curi, int curj, int previ, int prevj, GameBoard board) { return(base.Clean(curi, curj, previ, prevj, board)); }
public int[,] Step(GameBoard board) { List <MyCoin> mycoins = new List <MyCoin>(); newboard = board; for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) { if (newboard[i, j] == 1) { MyCoin mycoin = new MyCoin(); mycoin.x = i; mycoin.y = j; mycoin.leftrisk = 0; mycoin.rightrisk = 0; if (i == 0) { mycoin.leftrisk = null; ii = i + 1; jj = j + 1; if (board[ii, jj] != 0) { mycoin.rightrisk = null; } else if (jj != 7) { newboard[i, j] = 0; newboard[ii, jj] = 1; if (newboard[ii + 1, jj + 1] == 2 && newboard[ii - 1, jj - 1] == 0) { mycoin.rightrisk++; } if (newboard[ii - 1, jj + 1] == 2 && newboard[ii + 1, jj - 1] == 0) { mycoin.rightrisk++; } if (newboard[ii + 1, jj - 1] == 2 && newboard[ii - 1, jj + 1] == 0) { mycoin.rightrisk++; } newboard[i, j] = 1; newboard[ii, jj] = 0; } if (jj == 7) { mycoin.rightrisk = -1; } } else if (i == 7) { mycoin.rightrisk = null; ii = i - 1; jj = j + 1; if (board[ii, jj] != 0) { mycoin.leftrisk = null; } else if (jj != 7) { newboard[i, j] = 0; newboard[ii, jj] = 1; if (newboard[ii + 1, jj + 1] == 2 && newboard[ii - 1, jj - 1] == 0) { mycoin.leftrisk++; } if (newboard[ii - 1, jj - 1] == 2 && newboard[ii + 1, jj + 1] == 0) { mycoin.leftrisk++; } if (newboard[ii - 1, jj + 1] == 2 && newboard[ii + 1, jj - 1] == 0) { mycoin.leftrisk++; } newboard[i, j] = 1; newboard[ii, jj] = 0; } if (jj == 7) { mycoin.leftrisk = -1; } } else { //left ii = i - 1; jj = j + 1; if (board[ii, jj] != 0) { mycoin.leftrisk = null; } else if (ii != 0 && jj != 7) { newboard[i, j] = 0; newboard[ii, jj] = 1; if (newboard[ii + 1, jj + 1] == 2 && newboard[ii - 1, jj - 1] == 0) { mycoin.leftrisk++; } if (newboard[ii + 1, jj - 1] == 2 && newboard[ii - 1, jj + 1] == 0) { mycoin.leftrisk++; } if (newboard[ii - 1, jj - 1] == 2 && newboard[ii + 1, jj + 1] == 0) { mycoin.leftrisk++; } if (newboard[ii - 1, jj + 1] == 2 && newboard[ii + 1, jj - 1] == 0) { mycoin.leftrisk++; } newboard[i, j] = 1; newboard[ii, jj] = 0; } if (jj == 7) { mycoin.leftrisk = -1; } //right ii = i + 1; jj = j + 1; if (board[ii, jj] != 0) { mycoin.rightrisk = null; } else if (ii != 7 && jj != 7) { newboard[i, j] = 0; newboard[ii, jj] = 1; if (newboard[ii - 1, jj - 1] == 2 && newboard[ii + 1, jj + 1] == 0) { mycoin.rightrisk++; } if (newboard[ii - 1, jj + 1] == 2 && newboard[ii + 1, jj - 1] == 0) { mycoin.rightrisk++; } if (newboard[ii + 1, jj + 1] == 2 && newboard[ii - 1, jj - 1] == 0) { mycoin.rightrisk++; } if (newboard[ii + 1, jj - 1] == 2 && newboard[ii - 1, jj + 1] == 0) { mycoin.rightrisk++; } newboard[i, j] = 1; newboard[ii, jj] = 0; } if (jj == 7) { mycoin.rightrisk = -1; } } mycoins.Add(mycoin); } } } List <int?> right = MyCoin.RightSort(mycoins); List <int?> left = MyCoin.LeftSort(mycoins); if (right.Count != 0 && left.Count != 0) { MyCoin rcoin = MyCoin.FindByRightRisk(right[0], mycoins); MyCoin lcoin = MyCoin.FindByLeftRisk(left[0], mycoins); if (right[0] <= left[0]) { point[0, 0] = rcoin.x; point[0, 1] = rcoin.y; point[1, 0] = rcoin.x + 1; point[1, 1] = rcoin.y + 1; } else { point[0, 0] = lcoin.x; point[0, 1] = lcoin.y; point[1, 0] = lcoin.x - 1; point[1, 1] = lcoin.y + 1; } } else { if (right.Count == 0 && left.Count != 0) { MyCoin lcoin = MyCoin.FindByLeftRisk(left[0], mycoins); point[0, 0] = lcoin.x; point[0, 1] = lcoin.y; point[1, 0] = lcoin.x - 1; point[1, 1] = lcoin.y + 1; } else if (right.Count != 0 && left.Count == 0) { MyCoin rcoin = MyCoin.FindByRightRisk(right[0], mycoins); point[0, 0] = rcoin.x; point[0, 1] = rcoin.y; point[1, 0] = rcoin.x + 1; point[1, 1] = rcoin.y + 1; } else if (right.Count == 0 && left.Count == 0) { message = true; } } return(point); }