public DataRequestStateParameters
            [Comments("Number of records to skip.")]
            int?skip = null,

            [Comments("Page size.")]
            int?take = null,

            [Comments("Sort descriptor.")]
            List <SortParameters> sort = null,

            [Comments("Group by.")]
            List <GroupParameters> group = null,

            [Comments("Filter descriptors.")]
            FilterGroupParameters filterGroup = null,

            [Comments("Aggregate functions.")]
            List <AggregateDefinitionParameters> aggregates = null
            Skip        = skip;
            Take        = take;
            Sort        = sort;
            Group       = group;
            FilterGroup = filterGroup;
            Aggregates  = aggregates;
Esempio n. 2
        public DetailFormSettingsParameters
            [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "Title")]
            [Comments("Header field on the form")]
            string title,

            [NameValue(AttributeNames.PROPERTYSOURCEPARAMETER, "modelType")]
            [Comments("Update modelType first. This field is displayed next to the title.")]
            string displayField,

            [Comments("Includes the URL to retrieve the data.")]
            RequestDetailsParameters requestDetails,

            [Comments("List of fields and form groups for display.")]
            List <DetailItemParameters> fieldSettings,

            [Comments("Defines the filter for the single object being displayed.")]
            FilterGroupParameters filterGroup = null,

            [Comments("Fully qualified class name for the model type.")]
            string modelType = "CheckMySymptoms.Domain.Entities"
            Title          = title;
            DisplayField   = displayField;
            RequestDetails = requestDetails;
            FieldSettings  = fieldSettings;
            FilterGroup    = filterGroup;
        public EditFormSettingsParameters
            [NameValue(AttributeNames.DEFAULTVALUE, "Title")]
            [Comments("Header field on the form")]
            string title,

            [NameValue(AttributeNames.PROPERTYSOURCEPARAMETER, "modelType")]
            [Comments("Update modelType first. This field is displayed next to the title - empty on Create.")]
            string displayField,

            [Comments("Includes the URL's for create, read, update and delete.")]
            RequestDetailsParameters requestDetails,

            [Comments("Input validation messages for each field.")]
            List <ValidationMessageParameters> validationMessages,

            [Comments("List of fields and form groups for this form.")]
            List <FormItemSettingParameters> fieldSettings,

            [Comments("Defines the filter for the single object being edited - does not apply on Create.")]
            FilterGroupParameters filterGroup = null,

            [Comments("Conditional directtives for each field.")]
            List <VariableDirectivesParameters> conditionalDirectives = null,

            [Comments("Fully qualified class name for the model type.")]
            string modelType = "CheckMySymptoms.Domain.Entities"
            Title                 = title;
            DisplayField          = displayField;
            RequestDetails        = requestDetails;
            ValidationMessages    = validationMessages.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Field, kvp => kvp.Methods);
            FieldSettings         = fieldSettings;
            FilterGroup           = filterGroup;
            ConditionalDirectives = conditionalDirectives == null
                                            ? new Dictionary <string, List <DirectiveParameters> >()
                                            : conditionalDirectives
                                    .Select(cd => new VariableDirectivesParameters
                Field = cd.Field.Replace('.', '_'),
                ConditionalDirectives = cd.ConditionalDirectives
                                    .ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Field, kvp => kvp.ConditionalDirectives);
            ModelType = modelType;
        public GridSettingsParameters
            [Comments("Grid Title.")]
            string title,

            [Comments("True if the grid is sortable otherwise false")]
            bool sortable,

            [Comments("True if the grid is pageable otherwise false")]
            bool pageable,

            [Comments("'scrollable' if the grid is scrollable otherwise empty string.")]
            string scrollable,

            [Comments("True if the grid is groupable otherwise false")]
            bool groupable,

            [Comments("True if the grid is filterpable otherwise false.  The filterableType field takes precedence.")]
            bool isFilterable,

            [Comments("Defines the type of filter for the grid.  Use menu, row for both filter types.  When a filter type has been set, the grid will be filterable regardless of the isFilterable property.")]
            [Domain("row,menu,\"menu, row\"")]
            string filterableType,

            [Comments("URL and other meta data for the data request.")]
            RequestDetailsParameters requestDetails,

            [Comments("Column definitions.")]
            List <ColumnSettingsParameters> columns,

            [Comments("The grid ID helps determine if a command button should be assigned to the grid's command column.")]
            int?gridId = null,

            [Comments("Filter descriptors.")]
            FilterGroupParameters itemFilter = null,

            [Comments("Gives the grid a fixed height when set.")]
            int?height = null,

            [Comments("Details about the command (Edit, Detail, Delete) column.")]
            CommandColumnParameters commandColumn = null,

            [Comments("Defines the state of the grid including the sort, filter, page and page size.")]
            DataRequestStateParameters state = null,

            [Comments("List of fields and correspondong aggregate functions if set.")]
            List <AggregateDefinitionParameters> aggregates = null,

            [Comments("Detail grid if set.")]
            GridSettingsParameters detailGridSettings = null
            Title              = title;
            Sortable           = sortable;
            Pageable           = pageable;
            Scrollable         = scrollable;
            Groupable          = groupable;
            IsFilterable       = isFilterable;
            FilterableType     = filterableType;
            Columns            = columns;
            GridId             = gridId;
            ItemFilter         = itemFilter;
            Height             = height;
            CommandColumn      = commandColumn;
            State              = state;
            Aggregates         = aggregates;
            RequestDetails     = requestDetails;
            DetailGridSettings = detailGridSettings;