public override BattleAction ai(Party goodGuys) { /* start ai */ Random random = new Random(); int i; Character target = null; /* Should modularize these loops */ for (i = 0; i < goodGuys.Size; i++) if (((PlayerCharacter)goodGuys.getCharacter(i)).Class == ClassEnum.WHITEMAGE && !goodGuys.getCharacter(i).isDead) target = goodGuys.getCharacter(i); if( target == null ) for (i = 0; i < goodGuys.Size; i++) if (((PlayerCharacter)goodGuys.getCharacter(i)).Class == ClassEnum.REDMAGE && !goodGuys.getCharacter(i).isDead) target = goodGuys.getCharacter(i); if (target == null) {/* start if */ target = goodGuys.getCharacter(random.Next(Party.MAXPARTY)); while( target.isDead ) target = goodGuys.getCharacter(random.Next(Party.MAXPARTY)); }/* end if */ return new AttackAction(target); }
public override BattleEvent ai(Party goodGuys) { /* start ai */ Random random = new Random(); int target = random.Next( Party.MAXPARTY ); BattleAction action = new BattleAction(ActionEnum.ATTACK, null); return new BattleEvent(mEnemy, action, goodGuys.getCharacter(target), 0); }
public override BattleAction ai(Party goodGuys) { /* start ai */ Random random = new Random(); int target = random.Next( goodGuys.Size ); while( goodGuys.getCharacter(target).isDead ) target = random.Next(goodGuys.Size); return new AttackAction(goodGuys.getCharacter(target)); }
public override BattleEvent ai(Party goodGuys) { /* start ai */ Character target = goodGuys.getCharacter(0); BattleAction action; int i; AbilitiesIterator abilities; Ability theAbility; if (mAbilities.Count != 0) {/* start if */ abilities = getAbilities(); theAbility = abilities.getAbilityAtIndex(0); foreach (Ability ability in abilities) if (ability.AffectEnemy) if (ability.BaseDamage > theAbility.BaseDamage) theAbility = ability; for (i = 0; i < goodGuys.Size; i++) if (goodGuys.getCharacter(i).CurrentHealth < target.CurrentHealth) target = goodGuys.getCharacter(i); if (theAbility.Cost > mEnemy.CurrentMana) action = new BattleAction(ActionEnum.ATTACK, null); else action = new BattleAction(ActionEnum.ABILITY, theAbility); }/* end if */ else {/* start else */ action = new BattleAction(ActionEnum.ATTACK, null); }/* end else */ return new BattleEvent(mEnemy, action, target, 0); }
public override BattleAction ai(Party goodGuys) { /* start ai */ Character target = getTarget( goodGuys ); BattleAction action; AbilitiesIterator abilities; Ability theAbility; if (mAbilities.Count != 0) {/* start if */ abilities = getAbilities(); theAbility = abilities.getAbilityAtIndex(0); foreach (Ability ability in abilities) if (ability.AffectEnemy) if (ability.BaseDamage > theAbility.BaseDamage) theAbility = ability; if (theAbility.Cost > mEnemy.CurrentMana) action = new AttackAction(target); else if (theAbility.isSingleTarget) action = new AbilityAction(theAbility, target); else action = new AbilityAction(theAbility); }/* end if */ else {/* start else */ action = new AttackAction(target); }/* end else */ return action; }
private Character[] getAliveCharacters(Party goodGuys) { /* start getAliveCharacters */ int i, j, count = 0; Character[] alivePlayers; for (i = 0; i < goodGuys.Size; i++) if (!goodGuys.getCharacter(i).isDead) count++; alivePlayers = new Character[count]; for( i = 0,j = 0; i < goodGuys.Size; i++ ) if (!goodGuys.getCharacter(i).isDead) {/* start if */ alivePlayers[j] = goodGuys.getCharacter(i); j++; }/* end if */ return alivePlayers; }
public override BattleEvent ai(Party goodGuys) { /* start ai */ Random random = new Random(); int i; Character target = null; BattleAction action = new BattleAction(ActionEnum.ATTACK, null); /* Should modularize these loops */ for (i = 0; i < goodGuys.Size; i++) if (((PlayerCharacter)goodGuys.getCharacter(i)).Class == ClassEnum.WHITEMAGE) target = goodGuys.getCharacter(i); if( target == null ) for (i = 0; i < goodGuys.Size; i++) if (((PlayerCharacter)goodGuys.getCharacter(i)).Class == ClassEnum.REDMAGE) target = goodGuys.getCharacter(i); if (target == null) target = goodGuys.getCharacter(random.Next(Party.MAXPARTY)); return new BattleEvent(mEnemy, action, target, 0); }
public BattleAction takeTurn( Party goodGuys ) { /* start takeTurn */ return goodGuys ); }
public BattleAction getPlayerAction( Character character, Party badGuys ) { /* start getPlayerAction */ return mView.getPlayerAction(character, badGuys); }
private void initialize() { /* start initialize */ ClassEnum choice; int i; String name; Character[] characters = new Character[ Party.MAXPARTY ]; mView = new TextView(); for (i = 0; i < Party.MAXPARTY; i++) {/* start loop */ choice = mView.getClassChoice(); name = mView.getCharacterName(); characters[ i ] = CharacterFactory.getInstance().getCharacter(choice, name); }/* end loop */ mGoodGuys = new Party(characters); mView.GoodGuys = mGoodGuys; mBattle = new Battle(this, mGoodGuys); mDungeon = Dungeon.getInstance(this, mView); mView.Dungeon = mDungeon.GetGrid(); }
public abstract BattleAction ai(Party goodGuys);
public abstract BattleEvent ai(Party goodGuys);
// Constructors public Battle(Game currentGame, Party goodGuyParty) { mGame = currentGame; mGoodGuys = goodGuyParty; }
private ItemAction HandleItemSelection(Character character, Party badGuys) { /* start HandleItemSelection */ Console.WriteLine("Which item would you like to use?"); Ability[] items = mGoodGuys.Consumables; Ability choice; int i; if (items != null) {/* start if */ for (i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) Console.WriteLine(i + ". " + items[i].Name); choice = items[sanitizeInput(0,items.Length - 1)]; mGoodGuys.removeItem(choice); if (choice.AffectEnemy) return new ItemAction(choice); else return new ItemAction(choice, getTarget(mGoodGuys, GOODGUYS)); }/* end if */ Console.WriteLine( "You have no items!" ); return null; }
public BattleAction getPlayerAction(Character character, Party badGuys) { /* start getPlayerAction */ BattleAction action = null; Console.WriteLine("It's " + character.Name + "'s turn!"); Console.WriteLine(character.Name + " has " + character.CurrentHealth + " health and " + character.CurrentMana + " mana."); while (action == null) {/* start loop */ Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine("1. Attack."); Console.WriteLine("2. Ability."); Console.WriteLine("3. Item."); action = CreateBattleAction((ActionEnum)sanitizeInput( 1, 3 ), character, badGuys); }/* end loop */ return action; }
private BattleAction CreateBattleAction(ActionEnum action,Character character, Party badGuys ) { /* start CreateBattleAction */ if (action == ActionEnum.ATTACK) return new AttackAction(getTarget(badGuys, BADGUYS)); if (action == ActionEnum.ABILITY) return HandleAbilitySelection(character, badGuys); if (action == ActionEnum.ITEM) return HandleItemSelection(character, badGuys); return null; }
private Character getTarget(Party party, bool partyAlignment) { /* start getTarget */ int i; bool dead = true; Character candidate = null; if (partyAlignment == GOODGUYS) {/* start if */ Console.WriteLine("Who would you like to heal?"); for (i = 0; i < party.Size; i++) Console.WriteLine(i + ". " + party.getCharacter(i).Name + "-Health: " + party.getCharacter(i).CurrentHealth + " -Mana : " + party.getCharacter(i).CurrentMana); candidate = party.getCharacter(sanitizeInput( 0, party.Size - 1)); }/* end if */ else {/* start else */ while (dead) {/* start loop */ Console.WriteLine("Who would you like to damage?"); for (i = 0; i < party.Size; i++) if (!party.getCharacter(i).isDead) Console.WriteLine(i + ". " + party.getCharacter(i).Name + "-Health: " + party.getCharacter(i).CurrentHealth + " -Mana : " + party.getCharacter(i).CurrentMana); candidate = party.getCharacter(sanitizeInput(0, party.Size - 1)); dead = candidate.isDead; if (dead) Console.WriteLine("INVALID INPUT! Pick one that's alive!"); }/* end loop */ }/* end else */ return candidate; }
public Party getSpecificParty(EnemyType type) { /* start getSpecificParty */ Party badGuys = null; if( type == EnemyType.DRAGON ) badGuys = new Party( new Character[] { getDragon() } ); return badGuys; }
private Character getTarget(Party goodGuys) { /* start getTarget */ Character target; int i; Character[] alivePlayers = getAliveCharacters(goodGuys); for (i = 0, target = alivePlayers[ 0 ]; i < alivePlayers.Length; i++) if (alivePlayers[ i ].CurrentHealth < target.CurrentHealth) target = alivePlayers[ i ]; return target; }
public Character[] getTurnOrder(Party otherParty) { /* start getTurnOrder */ int size = this.mPartySize + otherParty.mPartySize; int i, j; Character[] turnOrder = new Character[size]; Character temp; for (i = 0; i < mParty.Length; i++) turnOrder[ i ] = mParty[ i ]; for( j = 0; j < otherParty.mPartySize; j++, i++ ) turnOrder[ i ] = otherParty.mParty[ j ]; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) for (j = 0; j < size; j++) if ( turnOrder[ i ].CompareTo( turnOrder[ j ] ) ) {/* start if */ temp = turnOrder[i]; turnOrder[i] = turnOrder[j]; turnOrder[j] = temp; }/* end if */ return turnOrder; }
public void startBattle(EnemyType specificEnemytype) { mBadGuys = EnemyFactory.getInstance().getSpecificParty(type); turnOrder = mGoodGuys.getTurnOrder(mBadGuys); selectFirstCharacter(); turnOrder = mGoodGuys.getTurnOrder(mBadGuys); selectFirstCharacter(); while (!battleOver()) { if (currentActor.isPlayer) { executeAction(mGame.getPlayerAction( currentActor )); } else { Enemy current_enemy = (Enemy) currentActor; executeAction(current_enemy.takeTurn(mGoodGuys)); } } }
private AbilityAction HandleAbilitySelection(Character character, Party badGuys) { /* start HandleAbilitySelection */ Character target; Ability ability; int i = 0; Console.WriteLine("Which ability would you like to use?"); foreach (Ability candidate in character.Abilities) {/* start loop */ Console.WriteLine(i + ". " + candidate.Name + "-Mana Cost: " + candidate.Cost); i++; }/* end loop */ ability = character.Abilities.getAbilityAtIndex(sanitizeInput(0,character.Abilities.Count - 1)); if (ability.AffectEnemy) target = getTarget(badGuys, BADGUYS); else target = getTarget(mGoodGuys, GOODGUYS); return new AbilityAction(ability, target); }
private void initialize() { /* start initialize */ int choice, i; String[] classes = new String[ 6 ] { "Warrior", "Theif", "Monk", "White Mage", "Black Mage", "Red Mage" }; String name; Character[] characters = new Character[ Party.MAXPARTY ]; for (i = 0; i < Party.MAXPARTY; i++) {/* start loop */ mView.sendOutput("What class type do you want? You get 3."); mView.sendOutput(classes.GetEnumerator(), TypeEnum.STRING); choice = (int)mView.getInput(TypeEnum.INT); name = (string)mView.getInput(TypeEnum.STRING); characters[ i ] = CharacterCreationFactory(choice, name); }/* end loop */ mGoodGuys = new Party(characters); mBattle = new BattleSystem(this, mGoodGuys); mDungeon = new Dungeon(this, mGoodGuys); }
// Methods /*Start Battle Method Outline */ /* 1) Get good and bad guys. * 2) Create an array that can hold all characters. * 3) Sort array by agility. * 4) Loop through array, giving each character a turn. Start over at the first element you the last goes.(L) * 5) For each players turn, MATH and handle choices. (F) * 6) If a player character defeats an enemy, call the gainExperience method of the character and send the worth of the enemy it defeated. */ public void startBattle() { mBadGuys = EnemyFactory.getInstance().getEnemyParty(mGoodGuys.Level); turnOrder = mGoodGuys.getTurnOrder(mBadGuys); selectFirstCharacter(); while(!battleOver()) {/*Begin battle loop*/ if (currentActor.isPlayer) { executeAction(mGame.getPlayerAction(currentActor)); } else { Enemy current_enemy = (Enemy)currentActor; executeAction(current_enemy.takeTurn(mGoodGuys)); } selectNextCharacter(); }/*End battle loop*/ mGame.notifyBattleOutcome(mGoodGuys.isDead); }