Esempio n. 1
 public void Delete(Match match)
Esempio n. 2
 public void Add(Match match)
 public void Add(Match match)
Esempio n. 4
        private void VerifyMatch(Match match, bool commit=true)
            match.Winner.Rating += match.WinnerRatingDelta;
            match.Loser.Rating += match.LoserRatingDelta;

            if (match.Tied)
                match.Winner.Ties += 1;
                match.Loser.Ties += 1;
                match.Winner.Streak = match.Loser.Streak = 0;
                match.Loser.Loses += 1;
                match.Loser.Streak = 0;

                match.Winner.Wins += 1;
                match.Winner.Streak += 1;

            match.Verified = true;
            match.Resolved = DateTime.Now;

            if (commit)
Esempio n. 5
        public Match GenerateMatch(int boardId, string winnerName, string loserName, bool tie = false)
            var board = _repository.GetBoardByIdWithCompetitors(boardId);

            if(board == null)
                throw (new ServiceException("Can not find challenge board."));
            if (DateTime.Now >= board.End)
                throw (new ServiceException("This challenge board has ended."));

            var winner = board.Competitors.Active().FindCompetitorByName(winnerName);
            var loser = board.Competitors.Active().FindCompetitorByName(loserName);

            if(winner == null)
                throw (new ServiceException("You are not part of this challenge board."));
            if (loser == null)
                throw (new ServiceException("Can not find opponent."));
            if (loser.Name == winner.Name)
                throw (new ServiceException("You can't play yourself."));

            var match = new Match
                Board = board,
                Tied = tie,
                Winner = winner,
                Loser = loser,
                Created = DateTime.Now,
                VerificationDeadline = DateTime.Now.AddHours(board.AutoVerification)

            var unresolvedMatches = _repository.GetUnresolvedMatchesByBoardId(boardId, false).ToList();

            // Figure unverified ratings.  Parses and sums unverified matches
            var unverifiedWinnerRank = winner.CalculateUnverifiedRank(unresolvedMatches);
            var unverifiedLoserRank = loser.CalculateUnverifiedRank(unresolvedMatches);

            // Run scoring calculation
            IScoringSystem system = new StandardElo();
            var eloResult = system.Calculate(board.StartingRating, unverifiedWinnerRank, unverifiedLoserRank, tie);

            match.WinnerRatingDelta = eloResult.WinnerDelta.RoundToWhole();
            match.LoserRatingDelta = eloResult.LoserDelta.RoundToWhole();

            match.WinnerEstimatedRating = unverifiedWinnerRank + match.WinnerRatingDelta;
            match.LoserEstimatedRating = unverifiedLoserRank + match.LoserRatingDelta;

            return (match);
Esempio n. 6
        public static IRepository CreatePopulatedRepository()
            var repository = new InMemoryRepository();

            var competitorOwnerProfile = new UserProfile
                UserId = 0,
                UserName = "******"

            var competitorProfile1 = new UserProfile
                UserId = 1,
                UserName = "******"

            var competitorProfile2 = new UserProfile
                UserId = 2,
                UserName = "******"

            var boardOwner = new Competitor
                Name = competitorOwnerProfile.UserName,
                ProfileUserId = 0,
                Profile = competitorOwnerProfile,
                Rating = 1500,

            var competitor1 = new Competitor
                Name = competitorProfile1.UserName,
                ProfileUserId = 1,
                Profile = competitorProfile1,
                Rating = 1500,

            var competitor2 = new Competitor
                Name = competitorProfile2.UserName,
                ProfileUserId = 2,
                Profile = competitorProfile2,
                Rating = 1500,

            var board = new Board
                BoardId = 1,
                AutoVerification = 1,
                Created = DateTime.Now,
                Description = "Test Board",
                End = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30),
                Name = "Test Board",
                Owner = boardOwner,
                Started = DateTime.Now,
                StartingRating = 1500,
                Competitors = new[] { boardOwner, competitor1, competitor2 }

            // Unresolved match
            var match1 = new Match
                Board = board,
                Created = DateTime.Now,
                Loser = competitor2,
                Winner = competitor1,
                VerificationDeadline = DateTime.Now.AddHours(board.AutoVerification),
                MatchId = 1,
                LoserRatingDelta = -10,
                WinnerRatingDelta = 10

            // Unresolved match
            var match2 = new Match
                Board = board,
                Created = DateTime.Now,
                Loser = competitor1,
                Winner = competitor2,
                VerificationDeadline = DateTime.Now.AddHours(board.AutoVerification),
                MatchId = 2,
                LoserRatingDelta = -10,
                WinnerRatingDelta = 10

            // Unresolved match
            var match3 = new Match
                Board = board,
                Created = DateTime.Now,
                Loser = competitor2,
                Winner = competitor1,
                VerificationDeadline = DateTime.Now.AddHours(board.AutoVerification),
                MatchId = 3,
                LoserRatingDelta = -10,
                WinnerRatingDelta = 10

            // Resolved Match [Verified]
            var match4 = new Match
                Board = board,
                Created = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7),
                Loser = competitor1,
                Winner = competitor2,
                VerificationDeadline = DateTime.Now.AddHours(board.AutoVerification),
                MatchId = 4,
                LoserRatingDelta = -10,
                WinnerRatingDelta = 10,
                Resolved = DateTime.Now.AddHours(board.AutoVerification),
                Verified = true

            // Resolved Match [Rejected]
            var match5 = new Match
                Board = board,
                Created = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7),
                Loser = competitor2,
                Winner = competitor1,
                VerificationDeadline = DateTime.Now.AddHours(board.AutoVerification),
                MatchId = 4,
                LoserRatingDelta = -10,
                WinnerRatingDelta = 10,
                Resolved = DateTime.Now.AddHours(board.AutoVerification),
                Rejected = true

            board.Matches = new[] { match1, match2, match3 };

            // Boards

            // User Profiles

            // Competitors

            // Matches

            return (repository);