public void CouponGetList(string strSql) { Chain.BLL.CouponList bllcoupon = new Chain.BLL.CouponList(); int Counts = this.NetPagerParameter.RecordCount; strSql = strSql + " and CouPonID=" + this.spCouponID.InnerText; DataTable db = bllcoupon.GetListSP(this.NetPagerParameter.PageSize, this.NetPagerParameter.CurrentPageIndex, out Counts, new string[] { strSql }).Tables[0]; this.NetPagerParameter.RecordCount = Counts; this.gvCouponList.DataSource = db; this.gvCouponList.DataBind(); PageBase.BindSerialRepeater(this.gvCouponList, this.NetPagerParameter.PageSize * (this.NetPagerParameter.CurrentPageIndex - 1)); }
protected void btnCouponExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Chain.BLL.CouponList bllcoupon = new Chain.BLL.CouponList(); int Counts = this.NetPagerParameter.RecordCount; string strSql = this.QueryCondition(); strSql = strSql + " and CouPonID=" + this.spCouponID.InnerText; DataTable db = bllcoupon.GetListSP(1000000, 1, out Counts, new string[] { strSql }).Tables[0]; int CouponID = int.Parse(this.spCouponID.InnerText); Chain.BLL.Coupon coupon = new Chain.BLL.Coupon(); Chain.Model.Coupon model = coupon.GetModel(CouponID); DataExcelInfo.Coupon(db, this._UserName, model); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!base.IsPostBack) { if (this.Session["MemID"] != null) { int MemID = int.Parse(this.Session["MemID"].ToString()); Chain.BLL.CouponList bllCoupon = new Chain.BLL.CouponList(); this.rptCoupon.DataSource = bllCoupon.GetCouponDetailNew(" Coupon.ID=CouponList.CouPonID and CouPonMID= " + MemID); this.rptCoupon.DataBind(); } else { base.Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); } } }
protected void Rpt_WeiXinCoupon_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { DataRowView row = (DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem; string CouponType = row["CouponType"].ToString(); string CouponStart = row["CouponStart"].ToString(); string CouponEnd = row["CouponEnd"].ToString(); string CouponMinMoney = row["CouponMinMoney"].ToString(); string CouponNumber = row["CouponNumber"].ToString(); string ID = row["ID"].ToString(); HtmlGenericControl spDesc = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Item.FindControl("spDesc"); HtmlGenericControl spTime = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Item.FindControl("spTime"); if (CouponType == "0") { if (CouponStart == "") { spTime.InnerText = "永久有效"; spTime.Style.Add("color", "Red"); } else { spTime.InnerText = DateTime.Parse(CouponStart).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "至" + DateTime.Parse(CouponEnd).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } if (CouponMinMoney == "0") { spDesc.InnerText = "优惠¥" + decimal.Parse(CouponNumber).ToString("F2"); } else { spDesc.InnerText = "最低消费¥" + decimal.Parse(CouponMinMoney).ToString("F2") + "可优惠¥" + decimal.Parse(CouponNumber).ToString("F2"); } } else if (CouponType == "1") { if (CouponStart == "") { spTime.InnerText = "永久有效"; spTime.Style.Add("color", "Red"); } else { spTime.InnerText = DateTime.Parse(CouponStart).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "至" + DateTime.Parse(CouponEnd).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } spDesc.InnerText = string.Concat(new string[] { "最低消费¥", decimal.Parse(CouponMinMoney).ToString("F2"), "可打", CouponNumber, "折" }); } Chain.Model.Mem mem = new Chain.BLL.Mem().GetMemByWeiXinCard(this.MemWeiXinCard); if (mem != null) { int MemID = mem.MemID; StringBuilder strWhere = new StringBuilder(); strWhere.Append("CouPonID = " + ID); strWhere.Append(" and CouPonMID = " + MemID); strWhere.Append(" and CouPonSY = 0 "); DataTable dt = new Chain.BLL.CouponList().GetList(1, strWhere.ToString(), "CID").Tables[0]; HtmlGenericControl spCouPon = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Item.FindControl("spCouPon"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { spCouPon.InnerHtml = "优惠券号:<span style='color:Red'>" + dt.Rows[0]["CouPon"].ToString() + "</span>"; } else { int CouponPredictNu = int.Parse(row["CouponPredictNu"].ToString()); int CouponYF = int.Parse(row["CouponYF"].ToString()); if (CouponYF >= CouponPredictNu) { spCouPon.InnerText = "该优惠券已发完"; spCouPon.Style.Add("color", "Red"); } else { spCouPon.InnerHtml = "<span style='color:Red'>点击申请</span>"; HtmlAnchor application = (HtmlAnchor)e.Item.FindControl("application"); application.HRef = "WeiXinCoupon.aspx?MemWeiXinCard=" + this.MemWeiXinCard + "&CouPonID=" + ID; } } } } }
protected void SendCoupon() { int flag = 0; try { string strMemID = new Chain.BLL.Mem().GetMemByWeiXinCard(this.MemWeiXinCard).MemID.ToString(); int intNumber = 1; int intCouponID = int.Parse(base.Request["CouponID"].ToString()); Chain.BLL.Coupon bllCoupon = new Chain.BLL.Coupon(); Chain.Model.Coupon modelCoupon = new Chain.Model.Coupon(); modelCoupon = bllCoupon.GetModel(intCouponID); if (modelCoupon.CouponPredictNu - modelCoupon.CouponYF < intNumber) { flag = 1; } else { Chain.BLL.CouponList bllCouponList = new Chain.BLL.CouponList(); DataRow row = bllCouponList.GetList(intNumber, " CouPonID=" + intCouponID + " and CouPonYF='False' ", " CID ").Tables[0].Rows[0]; string strSql = string.Concat(new string[] { "update CouponList set CouPonYF='True',CouPonMID=", strMemID, ",ConPonSendTime='", DateTime.Now.ToString(), "'" }); object obj = strSql; strSql = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, " where Coupon = '", row["CouPon"], "'" }); if (bllCouponList.DataUpdateTran(new ArrayList { strSql })) { modelCoupon.CouponYF += intNumber; bllCoupon.Update(modelCoupon); } flag = 2; } } catch { flag = -1; } finally { base.Response.Redirect(string.Concat(new object[] { "WeiXinCoupon.aspx?MemWeiXinCard=", this.MemWeiXinCard, "&flag=", flag })); } }