/// <summary>Compute dynamic properties that change over the anomaly</summary>
 /// <param name="M">The anomaly to evaluate properties at</param>
 public void ComputeDynamicProperties(double M)
     eccentricAnomaly = Kepler.ComputeEccentricAnomaly(M, _eccentricity);
     trueAnomaly      = Kepler.ComputeTrueAnomaly(eccentricAnomaly, _eccentricity);
     radius           = Kepler.ComputeRadius(semiLatusRectum, _eccentricity, trueAnomaly);
     position         = orientation * Kepler.ComputePosition(radius, trueAnomaly);
     velocity         = orientation * Kepler.ComputeVelocity(_periapsis, radius, rate, eccentricAnomaly, trueAnomaly, _eccentricity);
        void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
            //OnValidate should always be called before this, meaning appropriate values for properties are available

            //variables required
            Vector3[] path       = new Vector3[51];
            Vector3   periapsisV = orientation * Vector3.right * (float)_periapsis;
            Vector3   positionV  = orientation * Kepler.ComputePosition(Kepler.ComputeRadius(semiLatusRectum, _eccentricity, trueAnomaly), trueAnomaly);

            //elliptical and circular
            //build list of vectors for path
            double step, lower, upper;
            double r;

            lower = Kepler.ComputeTrueAnomaly(Kepler.ComputeEccentricAnomaly(_limits.x * Deg2Rad, _eccentricity), _eccentricity);
            upper = Kepler.ComputeTrueAnomaly(Kepler.ComputeEccentricAnomaly(_limits.y * Deg2Rad, _eccentricity), _eccentricity);
            step  = (upper - lower) / 50;

            for (int i = 0; i <= 50; i++)
                r       = Kepler.ComputeRadius(semiLatusRectum, _eccentricity, lower + i * step);
                path[i] = Kepler.ComputePosition(r, lower + i * step);

            //Set the gizmos to draw in parent space
            Gizmos.matrix = (transform.parent)? transform.parent.localToWorldMatrix : Matrix4x4.identity;

            //draw the path of the orbit
            Gizmos.color = Color.cyan;
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                Gizmos.DrawLine(orientation * path[i], orientation * path[i + 1]);

            //draw periapsis vector
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, periapsisV);

            //draw position vector
            Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, positionV);

            //draw velocity vector
            Gizmos.color = Color.magenta;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(positionV, positionV + velocity);
Esempio n. 3
        void OnEnable()
            if (orbit == null)
                double    step, lower, upper, r;
                Matrix4x4 matrix = (transform.parent)? transform.parent.localToWorldMatrix : Matrix4x4.identity;

                line.SetVertexCount(segments + 1);

                upper = Kepler.ComputeTrueAnomaly(Kepler.ComputeEccentricAnomaly(orbit.limits.x * Deg2Rad, orbit.eccentricity), orbit.eccentricity);
                lower = Kepler.ComputeTrueAnomaly(Kepler.ComputeEccentricAnomaly(orbit.limits.y * Deg2Rad, orbit.eccentricity), orbit.eccentricity);
                step  = (upper - lower) / segments;

                for (int i = 0; i < segments + 1; i++)
                    r = Kepler.ComputeRadius(orbit.semiLatusRectum, orbit.eccentricity, lower + step * i);
                    line.SetPosition(i, matrix.MultiplyPoint(orbit.orientation * Kepler.ComputePosition(r, lower + step * i)));