internal static void Initialize() { // Initialize misc stuff. TextInput.Initialize(Celeste.Instance); if (!Flags.IsDisabled) { Discord.Initialize(); } // Add the previously created managers. Celeste.Instance.Components.Add(TouchInputManager.Instance); Invoke("Initialize"); _Initialized = true; // Pre-generate the hash. _InstallationHash = InstallationHash; }
internal static void Initialize() { // Initialize misc stuff. TextInput.Initialize(Celeste.Instance); if (!Flags.IsDisabled) { Discord.Initialize(); } // Add the previously created managers. if (TouchInputManager.Instance != null) { Celeste.Instance.Components.Add(TouchInputManager.Instance); } Celeste.Instance.Components.Add(MainThreadHelper.Instance); foreach (EverestModule mod in _Modules) { mod.Initialize(); } _Initialized = true; }
internal static void Initialize() { // Initialize misc stuff. if (Content._DumpAll) { Content.DumpAll(); } TextInput.Initialize(Celeste.Instance); if (!Flags.IsDisabled) { Discord.Initialize(); } // Add the previously created managers. if (TouchInputManager.Instance != null) { Celeste.Instance.Components.Add(TouchInputManager.Instance); } Celeste.Instance.Components.Add(MainThreadHelper.Instance); foreach (EverestModule mod in _Modules) { mod.Initialize(); } _Initialized = true; DecalRegistry.LoadDecalRegistry(); // If anyone's still using the relinker past this point, at least make sure that it won't grow endlessly. Relinker.Modder.Dispose(); Relinker.Modder = null; Relinker.SharedModder = false; Celeste.Instance.Disposed += Dispose; }
internal static void Initialize() { // Initialize misc stuff. TextInput.Initialize(Celeste.Instance); if (!Flags.IsDisabled) { Discord.Initialize(); } // Add the previously created managers. if (TouchInputManager.Instance != null) { Celeste.Instance.Components.Add(TouchInputManager.Instance); } Celeste.Instance.Components.Add(MainThreadHelper.Instance); foreach (EverestModule mod in _Modules) { mod.Initialize(); } _Initialized = true; // Search for all entities marked with the CustomEntityAttribute. foreach (EverestModule mod in _Modules) { foreach (Type type in mod.GetType().Assembly.GetTypes()) { foreach (CustomEntityAttribute attrib in type.GetCustomAttributes <CustomEntityAttribute>()) { foreach (string idFull in attrib.IDs) { string id; string genName; string[] split = idFull.Split('='); if (split.Length == 1) { id = split[0]; genName = "Load"; } else if (split.Length == 2) { id = split[0]; genName = split[1]; } else { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "core", $"Invalid number of custom entity ID elements: {idFull} ({type.FullName})"); continue; } id = id.Trim(); genName = genName.Trim(); patch_Level.EntityLoader loader = null; ConstructorInfo ctor; MethodInfo gen; gen = type.GetMethod(genName, new Type[] { typeof(Level), typeof(LevelData), typeof(Vector2), typeof(EntityData) }); if (gen != null && gen.IsStatic && gen.ReturnType.IsCompatible(typeof(Entity))) { loader = (level, levelData, offset, entityData) => (Entity)gen.Invoke(null, new object[] { level, levelData, offset, entityData }); goto RegisterEntityLoader; } ctor = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(EntityData), typeof(Vector2), typeof(EntityID) }); if (ctor != null) { loader = (level, levelData, offset, entityData) => (Entity)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { entityData, offset, new EntityID(levelData.Name, entityData.ID) }); goto RegisterEntityLoader; } ctor = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(EntityData), typeof(Vector2) }); if (ctor != null) { loader = (level, levelData, offset, entityData) => (Entity)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { entityData, offset }); goto RegisterEntityLoader; } ctor = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Vector2) }); if (ctor != null) { loader = (level, levelData, offset, entityData) => (Entity)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { offset }); goto RegisterEntityLoader; } ctor = type.GetConstructor(_EmptyTypeArray); if (ctor != null) { loader = (level, levelData, offset, entityData) => (Entity)ctor.Invoke(_EmptyObjectArray); goto RegisterEntityLoader; } RegisterEntityLoader: if (loader == null) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "core", $"Found custom entity without suitable constructor / {genName}(Level, LevelData, Vector2, EntityData): {id} ({type.FullName})"); continue; } patch_Level.EntityLoaders[id] = loader; } } } } }