/// <summary>
        /// Wanted to come up with a value that I could use to tell which frequencylist would be a better solution so,
        /// the greater the number returned from this, the better probability that the it's the solution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="characterFrequencyList">Frequencies to check</param>
        /// <param name="originalText">The text that the FrequecyList is from</param>
        /// <returns>Amount of "correctness" the FrequencyList has towards the English frequencies</returns>
        public double GetDifference(CharacterFrequencyList characterFrequencyList, string originalText)
            double totalDiff = 0;
            int    textLen   = originalText.Length;

            foreach (CharacterFrequency cf in characterFrequencyList.CharacterFrequencies) //For each character frequency in the list
                double myPercent = (((double)cf.Frequency / (double)textLen)) * 100;       //Transform the int (amount of times it appears in the string) to a double (percentage of it's appearance)

                double englishFreq = freqs[cf.Character];                                  //Get the english frquency

                //Console.WriteLine("MyPercent = " + myPercent + ", English = " + englishFreq);

                //Take myPercent away from the englishFreq (if myPercent is close, the amount taken is less therefore the total is increased more)
                double differenceBetween = englishFreq - myPercent;

                if (englishFreq < myPercent)
                    differenceBetween = myPercent - englishFreq;

                totalDiff += differenceBetween;//Incease the total by the difference

Esempio n. 2
        public string BruteForce(string cipherText)
            StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();

            CharacterFrequencyList frequencies = fa.AnalyseFrequency(cipherText); //Get the character frequencies

            CharacterFrequency probablyE = frequencies.ProbablyE;                 // Character that is most likly to be E
            CharacterFrequency probablyT = frequencies.ProbablyT;                 // Character that is most likly to be T

            int p = alphabet.GetCharacterIndex('E');                              //Get the index of E
            int q = alphabet.GetCharacterIndex('T');                              //Get the index of T

            int r = alphabet.GetCharacterIndex(probablyE.Character);              //Get the index of the ciphered E
            int s = alphabet.GetCharacterIndex(probablyT.Character);              //Get the index of the ciphered T

            int D    = Mod(p - q, 26);                                            //Work out what D is (difference)
            int invD = Inverse(D);                                                //Get the multiplicative inverse

             * Working out :D
             * a x indexOf('E') + b = indexOf ( probablyE ) MOD 26, indexOf(e) = p, indexOf( probablyE ) = r
             * a x indexOf('T') + b = indexOf ( probablyT ) MOD 26, indexOf(t) = q, indexOf( probablyT ) = s
             * D = p - q;
             * a = D^-1 (r-s) MOD 26
             * b = D^-1 (ps - qr) MOD 26
            int a = Mod(invD * (r - s), 26);             //Work out the first part of the key (a)
            int b = Mod(invD * ((p * s) - (q * r)), 26); //Work out the second part of the key (b)

            Console.WriteLine("Found key: a={0}, b={1}", a, b);

            buff.Append(string.Format("Key: ({0},{1}) ", a, b));
            buff.Append(string.Format("\nDeciphered Text:\n{0}", Decipher(cipherText, a, b)));

            return(buff.ToString()); //Return the deciphered message
        }; //I'm not changing anything in the dictionary, might as well readonly

        /// <summary>
        /// Used to get the character frequencies in a string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cipherText">The text to get the frequency of the characters for</param>
        /// <returns>CharacterFrequencyList that contains the diferent characters and their frequency in the string</returns>
        public CharacterFrequencyList AnalyseFrequency(string cipherText)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cipherText))                                                                                         //If it's null
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Sorry but, \"{0}\" cannot be analyised because it's null/empty", cipherText)); //Throw an exception so they know something screwed up
            //Create a new list
            CharacterFrequencyList frequencies = new CharacterFrequencyList();

            int textLen = cipherText.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < textLen; i++) //Loop through all the characters in the string
                char c = cipherText[i];
                if (c == '\n' || char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) //If it's not a letter
                    continue;                          //Skip!
                frequencies.AddTo(c);                  //Increase it's frequency

            return(frequencies); //Return the list