private void PreviewToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeView tree = null; if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { tree = tw_Book; } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { tree = tw_Film; } if ((tree.SelectedNode != null) && (TreeViewOPs.GetDeepestChildNodeLevel(tree.SelectedNode) == 1)) { try { print_PreviewDialog.Document = print_Doc; //print_PreviewDialog.Height = 700; //print_PreviewDialog.Width = 500; print_PreviewDialog.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } }
private void tw_Book_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { List <Book> parse = FileOPs.ParseBookXmlToList(bookFileName); if ((tw_Book.SelectedNode != null) && (TreeViewOPs.GetDeepestChildNodeLevel(e.Node.TreeView.SelectedNode) == 1)) { try { imageNumber = 0; grpbox_BookInfo.Show(); txtbox_BookID.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookID.ToString(); txtbox_BookMajorSeries.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookMajorSeries; txtbox_BookAuthor.Text = e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text; txtbox_BookTitle.Text = e.Node.Text; txtbox_BookSeries.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookSeries; txtbox_BookNumberInSeries.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookNumberInSeries.ToString(); txtbox_BookGenre.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookGenre; txtbox_BookPagesCount.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookPagesCount.ToString(); txtbox_BookPublisher.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookPublisher; txtbox_BookPrintYear.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookPrintYear.ToString(); txtbox_BookPrintCity.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookPrintCity; if (parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookISBN.ToString().Length == 10) { msktxtbox_BookISBN.Mask = "000000000-0"; } else if (parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookISBN.ToString().Length == 13) { msktxtbox_BookISBN.Mask = "000-0-00-000000-0"; } msktxtbox_BookISBN.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookISBN.ToString(); txtbox_BookTranslator.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookTranslator; txtbox_BookArtist.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookArtist; txtbox_BookNotes.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).bookNotes; picBox_BookPreview.ImageLocation = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).picturesPath[0].ToString(); label1.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).picturesPath[0]; label2.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).picturesPath[1]; label3.Text = parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == e.Node.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == e.Node.Text).picturesPath[2]; timer_Preview.Start(); } catch (Exception) { } } else { grpbox_BookInfo.Hide(); timer_Preview.Stop(); picBox_BookPreview.Image = null; if (e.Node.IsExpanded) { e.Node.Collapse(); } else { e.Node.Expand(); } } }
private void EditToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { if ((tw_Book.SelectedNode != null) && (TreeViewOPs.GetDeepestChildNodeLevel(tw_Book.SelectedNode) == 1)) { try { List <Book> parse = FileOPs.ParseBookXmlToList(bookFileName); Book bookToEdit = parse.Find(b => b.bookTitle == tw_Book.SelectedNode.Text && b.bookSeries == tw_Book.SelectedNode.Parent.Text && b.bookAuthor == tw_Book.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Text); timer_Preview.Stop(); picBox_BookPreview.Image = null; form_EditBook formEdit = new form_EditBook(bookToEdit); formEdit.Show(); TreeViewOPs.CreateBookTree(tw_Book); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Необходимо выбрать 'Книгу'"); } } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { if ((tw_Film.SelectedNode != null) && (TreeViewOPs.GetDeepestChildNodeLevel(tw_Film.SelectedNode) == 1)) { try { List <Film> parse = FileOPs.ParseFilmXmlToList(filmFileName); Film filmToEdit = parse.Find(f => f.filmTitle == tw_Film.SelectedNode.Text && f.filmProducer == tw_Film.SelectedNode.Parent.Text); timer_Preview.Stop(); picBox_FilmPreview.Image = null; form_EditFilm formEdit = new form_EditFilm(filmToEdit); formEdit.Show(); TreeViewOPs.CreateFilmTree(tw_Film); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Необходимо выбрать 'Фильм'"); } } }
private void CloneToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { TreeViewOPs.CopyBookTreeNode(tw_Book); } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { TreeViewOPs.CopyFilmTreeNode(tw_Film); } }
private void timer_Preview_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { TreeViewOPs.LoadBookNextImage(tw_Book.SelectedNode, ref picBox_BookPreview); } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { TreeViewOPs.LoadFilmNextImage(tw_Film.SelectedNode, ref picBox_FilmPreview); } }
private void tc_Info_Selected(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { timer_Preview.Stop(); grpbox_BookInfo.Hide(); TreeViewOPs.CreateBookTree(tw_Book); } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { timer_Preview.Stop(); grpbox_FilmInfo.Hide(); TreeViewOPs.CreateFilmTree(tw_Film); } }
private void Catalog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer_Preview.Stop(); FileOPs.SetBookLastID(); FileOPs.SetFilmLastID(); if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { grpbox_BookInfo.Hide(); TreeViewOPs.CreateBookTree(tw_Book); } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { grpbox_FilmInfo.Hide(); TreeViewOPs.CreateFilmTree(tw_Film); } }
private void tw_Film_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { List <Film> parse = FileOPs.ParseFilmXmlToList(filmFileName); if ((tw_Film.SelectedNode != null) && (TreeViewOPs.GetDeepestChildNodeLevel(e.Node.TreeView.SelectedNode) == 1)) { try { imageNumber = 0; grpbox_FilmInfo.Show(); txtbox_FilmID.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmID.ToString(); txtbox_FilmProducer.Text = e.Node.Parent.Text; txtbox_FilmTitle.Text = e.Node.Text; txtbox_FilmGenre.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmGenre; txtbox_FilmActors.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmActors; txtbox_FilmLength.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmLengthInMinutes.ToString(); txtbox_FilmCountry.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmCountry; txtbox_FilmPremiere.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmPremiere.ToString(); txtbox_FilmMPAA.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmMPAARating; txtbox_FilmCriticsRating.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmCriticsRating; txtbox_FilmGrosses.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmGrosses.ToString(); txtbox_FilmNotes.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).filmNotes; picBox_FilmPreview.ImageLocation = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).picturesPath[0].ToString(); label11.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).picturesPath[0]; label12.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).picturesPath[1]; label13.Text = parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == e.Node.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == e.Node.Text).picturesPath[2]; timer_Preview.Start(); } catch (Exception) { } } else { grpbox_FilmInfo.Hide(); timer_Preview.Stop(); picBox_FilmPreview.Image = null; if (e.Node.IsExpanded) { e.Node.Collapse(); } else { e.Node.Expand(); } } }
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e) { Thread.Sleep(10); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { TreeViewOPs.CreateBookTree(tw_Book); } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { TreeViewOPs.CreateBookTree(tw_Film); } }); FileOPs.SetBookLastID(); FileOPs.SetFilmLastID(); }
private void RemoveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { List <Book> parse = FileOPs.ParseBookXmlToList(bookFileName); if ((tw_Book.SelectedNode != null) && (TreeViewOPs.GetDeepestChildNodeLevel(tw_Book.SelectedNode) == 1)) { try { timer_Preview.Stop(); picBox_BookPreview.Image = null; grpbox_BookInfo.Hide(); FileOPs.RemoveFromXmlFile(parse.Find(b => b.bookAuthor == tw_Book.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Text && b.bookTitle == tw_Book.SelectedNode.Text), bookFileName); TreeViewOPs.CreateBookTree(tw_Book); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { List <Film> parse = FileOPs.ParseFilmXmlToList(filmFileName); if ((tw_Film.SelectedNode != null) && (TreeViewOPs.GetDeepestChildNodeLevel(tw_Film.SelectedNode) == 1)) { try { timer_Preview.Stop(); picBox_FilmPreview.Image = null; grpbox_FilmInfo.Hide(); FileOPs.RemoveFromXmlFile(parse.Find(f => f.filmProducer == tw_Film.SelectedNode.Parent.Text && f.filmTitle == tw_Film.SelectedNode.Text), filmFileName); TreeViewOPs.CreateFilmTree(tw_Film); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } } }
private void PrintToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TreeView tree = null; if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { tree = tw_Book; } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { tree = tw_Film; } if ((tree.SelectedNode != null) && (TreeViewOPs.GetDeepestChildNodeLevel(tree.SelectedNode) == 1)) { print_Dialog.Document = print_Doc; if (print_Dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { print_Doc.Print(); } } }
private void LoadToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ofd_LoadXmlFile.InitialDirectory = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Data"); ofd_LoadXmlFile.Filter = "XML (*.Xml)|*.Xml|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*"; ofd_LoadXmlFile.Multiselect = false; ofd_LoadXmlFile.Title = "My Data file Browser"; //TBD refactor if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Book) { if (ofd_LoadXmlFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { FileOPs.SaveXmlFile(FileOPs.ParseBookXmlToList(bookFileName), bookFileName); } catch (SecurityException ex) { // The user lacks appropriate permissions to read files, discover paths, etc. MessageBox.Show("Security error. Please contact your administrator for details.\n\n" + "Error message: " + ex.Message + "\n\n" + "Details (send to Support):\n\n" + ex.StackTrace ); } catch (Exception ex) { // Could not load the image - probably related to Windows file system permissions. MessageBox.Show("Cannot open file: " + ofd_LoadXmlFile.FileName.Substring(ofd_LoadXmlFile.FileName.LastIndexOf('\\')) + ". You may not have permission to read the file, or " + "it may be corrupt.\n\nReported error: " + ex.Message); } } TreeViewOPs.CreateBookTree(tw_Book); } if (tc_Info.SelectedTab == tabPage_Film) { if (ofd_LoadXmlFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { FileOPs.SaveXmlFile(FileOPs.ParseFilmXmlToList(filmFileName), filmFileName); } catch (SecurityException ex) { // The user lacks appropriate permissions to read files, discover paths, etc. MessageBox.Show("Security error. Please contact your administrator for details.\n\n" + "Error message: " + ex.Message + "\n\n" + "Details (send to Support):\n\n" + ex.StackTrace ); } catch (Exception ex) { // Could not load the image - probably related to Windows file system permissions. MessageBox.Show("Cannot open file: " + ofd_LoadXmlFile.FileName.Substring(ofd_LoadXmlFile.FileName.LastIndexOf('\\')) + ". You may not have permission to read the file, or " + "it may be corrupt.\n\nReported error: " + ex.Message); } } TreeViewOPs.CreateBookTree(tw_Film); } }