public int WriteFrame(short streamId, MemoryStream stream, Serializer serializer)
     var wb = new FrameWriter(stream, serializer);
     wb.WriteFrameHeader(0x00, streamId, OpCode);
     return wb.Close();
 public int WriteFrame(short streamId, MemoryStream stream, Serializer serializer)
     var wb = new FrameWriter(stream, serializer);
     wb.WriteFrameHeader(0x00, streamId, OpCode);
     return wb.Close();
Esempio n. 3
 public FrameWriter(MemoryStream stream, Serializer serializer)
     _stream = stream;
     _serializer = serializer;
     _offset = stream.Position;
     _version = serializer.ProtocolVersion;
Esempio n. 4
 internal Session(ICluster cluster, Configuration configuration, string keyspace, Serializer serializer)
     _serializer = serializer;
     Cluster = cluster;
     Configuration = configuration;
     Keyspace = keyspace;
     UserDefinedTypes = new UdtMappingDefinitions(this, serializer);
     _connectionPool = new ConcurrentDictionary<IPEndPoint, HostConnectionPool>();
Esempio n. 5
 public int WriteFrame(short streamId, MemoryStream stream, Serializer serializer)
     var wb = new FrameWriter(stream, serializer);
     wb.WriteFrameHeader((byte)_headerFlags, streamId, OpCode);
     if (Payload != null)
     return wb.Close();
 public HostConnectionPool(Host host, HostDistance distance, Configuration config, Serializer serializer)
     _host = host;
     _host.CheckedAsDown += OnHostCheckedAsDown;
     _host.Down += OnHostDown;
     _host.Up += OnHostUp;
     _host.Remove += OnHostRemoved;
     _distance = distance;
     _config = config;
     _serializer = serializer;
     _timer = config.Timer;
 public void Should_Allow_Custom_Udt_Serializers()
     var typeSerializer = new UdtSerializerWrapper();
     var serializer = new Serializer(4, new ITypeSerializer[] { typeSerializer });
     var buffer = serializer.Serialize(new object());
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("DUMMY UDT SERIALIZED"), buffer);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(buffer, (IEnumerable)serializer.Deserialize(buffer, ColumnTypeCode.Udt, new UdtColumnInfo("ks1.udt1")));
     //Check that other serializers are still working
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 10 }, serializer.Serialize(10));
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0x61, 0x62 }, serializer.Serialize("ab"));
     Assert.AreEqual(1, typeSerializer.DeserializationCounter);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, typeSerializer.SerializationCounter);
 public void Should_Allow_Custom_Cql_Type_Serializers()
     var typeSerializer = new DummyCustomTypeSerializer();
     var serializer = new Serializer(4, new ITypeSerializer[] { typeSerializer });
     var value = new DummyCustomType(new byte[] { 1, 2 });
     var buffer = serializer.Serialize(value);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 1, 2 }, buffer);
     var deserializedValue = serializer.Deserialize(buffer, ColumnTypeCode.Custom, typeSerializer.TypeInfo);
     var deserializedCustom = (DummyCustomType)deserializedValue;
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(value.Buffer, deserializedCustom.Buffer);
     //Check that other serializers are still working
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 10 }, serializer.Serialize(10));
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0x61 }, serializer.Serialize("a"));
 public void Should_Allow_Custom_Primitive_Serializers()
     var serializer = new Serializer(4, new [] {new BigDecimalSerializer()});
     var value = new BigDecimal(5, 1);
     var buffer = serializer.Serialize(value);
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 5, 1 }, buffer);
     var deserializedValue = serializer.Deserialize(buffer, ColumnTypeCode.Decimal, null);
     var deserializedDecimal = (BigDecimal) deserializedValue;
     Assert.AreEqual("0.00001", deserializedDecimal.ToString());
     Assert.AreEqual(value.Scale, deserializedDecimal.Scale);
     Assert.AreEqual(value.UnscaledValue, deserializedDecimal.UnscaledValue);
     //Check that other serializers are still working
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 10 }, serializer.Serialize(10));
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0x61 }, serializer.Serialize("a"));
Esempio n. 10
        public int WriteFrame(short streamId, MemoryStream stream, Serializer serializer)
            if (serializer.ProtocolVersion > 1)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Credentials request is only supported in C* = 1.2.x");

            var wb = new FrameWriter(stream, serializer);
            wb.WriteFrameHeader(0x00, streamId, OpCode);
            wb.WriteUInt16((ushort) _credentials.Count);
            foreach (var kv in _credentials)
            return wb.Close();
Esempio n. 11
 public int WriteFrame(short streamId, MemoryStream stream, Serializer serializer)
     var wb = new FrameWriter(stream, serializer);
     if (Payload != null)
         _headerFlags |= FrameHeader.HeaderFlag.CustomPayload;
     wb.WriteFrameHeader((byte)_headerFlags, streamId, OpCode);
     if (Payload != null)
         //A custom payload for this request
     _queryOptions.Write(wb, true);
     return wb.Close();
Esempio n. 12
        public Frame(FrameHeader header, Stream body, Serializer serializer)
            if (header == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("header");
            if (body == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("body");
            if (serializer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serializer");

            _header = header;
            _body = body;
            _serializer = serializer;
Esempio n. 13
 public int WriteFrame(short streamId, MemoryStream stream, Serializer serializer)
     //protocol v2: <type><n><query_1>...<query_n><consistency>
     //protocol v3: <type><n><query_1>...<query_n><consistency><flags>[<serial_consistency>][<timestamp>]
     var protocolVersion = serializer.ProtocolVersion;
     var wb = new FrameWriter(stream, serializer);
     if (Payload != null)
         _headerFlags |= FrameHeader.HeaderFlag.CustomPayload;
     wb.WriteFrameHeader((byte)_headerFlags, streamId, OpCode);
     if (Payload != null)
         //A custom payload for this request
     wb.WriteByte((byte) _type);
     wb.WriteInt16((short) _requests.Count);
     foreach (var br in _requests)
     wb.WriteInt16((short) Consistency);
     if (protocolVersion >= 3)
     if (_serialConsistency != null)
     if (_timestamp != null)
         //Expressed in microseconds
         wb.WriteLong(TypeSerializer.SinceUnixEpoch(_timestamp.Value).Ticks / 10);
     return wb.Close();
Esempio n. 14
 internal ControlConnection(byte initialProtocolVersion, Configuration config, Metadata metadata)
     _metadata = metadata;
     _reconnectionPolicy = config.Policies.ReconnectionPolicy;
     _reconnectionSchedule = _reconnectionPolicy.NewSchedule();
     _reconnectionTimer = new Timer(_ => Reconnect(), null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
     _config = config;
     _serializer = new Serializer(initialProtocolVersion, config.TypeSerializers);
Esempio n. 15
 public Connection(Serializer serializer, IPEndPoint endpoint, Configuration configuration)
     if (serializer == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("serializer");
     if (configuration == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("configuration");
     if (configuration.BufferPool == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(null, "BufferPool can not be null");
     _serializer = serializer;
     Configuration = configuration;
     _tcpSocket = new TcpSocket(endpoint, configuration.SocketOptions, configuration.ProtocolOptions.SslOptions);
     _idleTimer = new Timer(IdleTimeoutHandler, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
Esempio n. 16
 public void PreparedStatement_Bind_SetsRoutingKey_Multiple()
     const int protocolVersion = 2;
     var metadata = new RowSetMetadata(null)
         Columns = new[]
             new CqlColumn { Name = "id2" },
             new CqlColumn { Name = "id1" }
     var ps = GetPrepared("SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE id2 = ? and id1", metadata, protocolVersion);
     ps.SetPartitionKeys(new[] { new TableColumn() { Name = "id1" }, new TableColumn() { Name = "id2" } });
     //The routing key is formed by the parameters at position 1 and 0
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { 1, 0 }, ps.RoutingIndexes);
     var bound = ps.Bind(2001, 1001);
     var serializer = new Serializer(protocolVersion);
     var expectedRoutingKey = new byte[0]
         .Concat(new byte[] {0, 4})
         .Concat(new byte[] {0})
         .Concat(new byte[] {0, 4})
         .Concat(new byte[] {0});
     CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedRoutingKey, bound.RoutingKey.RawRoutingKey);
 public void Create_With_Frozen_Udt()
     string createQuery = null;
     var serializer = new Serializer(4);
     var sessionMock = GetSessionMock(serializer);
         .Setup(s => s.Execute(It.IsAny<string>()))
         .Returns(() => new RowSet())
         .Callback<string>(q => createQuery = q);
     var definition = new Map<UdtAndTuplePoco>()
         .PartitionKey(c => c.Id1)
         .Column(c => c.Id1, cm => cm.WithName("id"))
         .Column(c => c.Udt1, cm => cm.WithName("my_udt").WithDbType<Song>().AsFrozen())
     var udtInfo = new UdtColumnInfo("song");
     udtInfo.Fields.Add(new ColumnDesc { Name = "title", TypeCode = ColumnTypeCode.Ascii });
     udtInfo.Fields.Add(new ColumnDesc { Name = "releasedate", TypeCode = ColumnTypeCode.Timestamp });
     var udtMap = UdtMap.For<Song>();
     serializer.SetUdtMap("song", udtMap);
     var table = GetTable<UdtAndTuplePoco>(sessionMock.Object, definition);
     Assert.AreEqual("CREATE TABLE tbl1 (id uuid, my_udt frozen<song>, PRIMARY KEY (id))", createQuery);
Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes once (Thread-safe) the control connection and metadata associated with the Cluster instance
 /// </summary>
 private void Init()
     if (_initialized)
         //It was already initialized
     lock (_initLock)
         if (_initialized)
             //It was initialized when waiting on the lock
         if (_initException != null)
             //There was an exception that is not possible to recover from
             throw _initException;
         var protocolVersion = (byte) MaxProtocolVersion;
         if (Configuration.ProtocolOptions.MaxProtocolVersion != null &&
             Configuration.ProtocolOptions.MaxProtocolVersion < MaxProtocolVersion
             protocolVersion = Configuration.ProtocolOptions.MaxProtocolVersion.Value;
         //create the buffer pool with 16KB for small buffers and 256Kb for large buffers.
         Configuration.BufferPool = new RecyclableMemoryStreamManager(16 * 1024, 256 * 1024, ProtocolOptions.MaximumFrameLength);
         _controlConnection = new ControlConnection(protocolVersion, Configuration, _metadata);
         _metadata.ControlConnection = _controlConnection;
             _serializer = _controlConnection.Serializer;
             //Initialize policies
         catch (NoHostAvailableException)
             //No host available now, maybe later it can recover from
         catch (Exception ex)
             //There was an error that the driver is not able to recover from
             //Store the exception for the following times
             _initException = ex;
             //Throw the actual exception for the first time
         Configuration.Timer = new HashedWheelTimer();
         _logger.Info("Cluster Connected using binary protocol version: [" + _serializer.ProtocolVersion + "]");
         _initialized = true;
         _metadata.Hosts.Added += OnHostAdded;
         _metadata.Hosts.Removed += OnHostRemoved;
Esempio n. 19
 public FrameReader(Stream stream, Serializer serializer)
     _stream = stream;
     _serializer = serializer;
Esempio n. 20
 internal PreparedStatement(RowSetMetadata metadata, byte[] id, string cql, string keyspace, Serializer serializer)
     Metadata = metadata;
     Id = id;
     Cql = cql;
     Keyspace = keyspace;
     _serializer = serializer;
Esempio n. 21
 internal BoundStatement(PreparedStatement statement, Serializer serializer) : this(statement)
     _serializer = serializer;
 private static Mock<ISession> GetSessionMock(Serializer serializer = null)
     if (serializer == null)
         serializer = new Serializer(4);
     var sessionMock = new Mock<ISession>(MockBehavior.Strict);
     var config = new Configuration();
     var metadata = new Metadata(config);
     var ccMock = new Mock<IMetadataQueryProvider>(MockBehavior.Strict);
     ccMock.Setup(cc => cc.Serializer).Returns(serializer);
     metadata.ControlConnection = ccMock.Object;
     var clusterMock = new Mock<ICluster>();
     clusterMock.Setup(c => c.Metadata).Returns(metadata);
     sessionMock.Setup(s => s.Cluster).Returns(clusterMock.Object);
     return sessionMock;