// COMPLETED orders list
        private void DisplayCompletedOrders()
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            // LINQ query to fill a list with 'all orders' result
            //Join 3 tables (Orders, Cars, Customers)
            var query = from o in this.dbContext.Orders
                        join c in this.dbContext.Cars on o.carID equals c.ID
                        join cu in this.dbContext.Customers on o.customerID equals cu.ID
                        // Add number of days to a 'start date' to get an 'end date'
                        let d = SqlFunctions.DateAdd("dd", o.duration, o.startDate)
                        // Write to new objects with properties used in a binding
                                where d < DateTime.Now
                                select new
                ID        = o.ID,
                startDate = o.startDate,
                endDate   = d,
                duration  = o.duration,
                customer  = cu.firstName + " " + cu.lastName,
                license   = cu.drivingLicense,
                regNumber = c.regNumber,
                dailyRate = c.dailyRate,
                total     = o.duration * c.dailyRate,

            // Bind to a list
            listView.ItemsSource = query.ToList();
         * CUSTOMERS TAB

        private void DisplayAllCustomersList()
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            // LINQ query to fill a list with 'all customers' result
            var query = from c in this.dbContext.Customers
                        select c;

            // Bind to a list
            listViewCustomers.ItemsSource = query.ToList();
        // Getting a customer using his license(unique)
        private void LoadCustomerDetails()
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();

            var query = from c in this.dbContext.Customers
                        where c.drivingLicense == order.license
                        select c;

            this.firstnameEditOrder.Text = query.FirstOrDefault().firstName;
            this.lastnameEditOrder.Text  = query.FirstOrDefault().lastName;
Esempio n. 4
        private void SaveEditCarBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            var query3 = (from c in this.dbContext.Cars
                          where c.ID == car.ID
                          select c).FirstOrDefault();

            query3.regNumber = this.RegNumEditCar.Text;
            query3.dailyRate = Double.Parse(this.DailyRateEditCar.Text);

        // Delete all orders
        private void DeleteAllOrders_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MessageBoxResult messageBoxResult = MessageBox.Show("All orders will be permanently deleted. Delete anyway?", "Delete Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);

            if (messageBoxResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
                var query = from o in this.dbContext.Orders
                            select o;
                foreach (var order in query)
Esempio n. 6
        // Save customer details
        private void SaveEditCarBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            // Getting the customer row
            var query = (from cu in this.dbContext.Customers
                         where cu.ID == customer.ID
                         select cu).FirstOrDefault();

            // Assign new values
            query.firstName      = this.firstNameEdit.Text;
            query.lastName       = this.lastNameEdit.Text;
            query.drivingLicense = this.drivingLicenseEdit.Text;

            // Save to db
        private void CustomerSearchField_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            var searchStr = this.CustomerSearchField.Text;

            if (searchStr != "")
                var query = from c in this.dbContext.Customers
                            where c.firstName.StartsWith(searchStr) || c.lastName.StartsWith(searchStr) || c.drivingLicense.StartsWith(searchStr)
                            select c;
                // Bind to a list
                listViewCustomers.ItemsSource = query.ToList();
        // Preload name and surname of a customer if there is a match in driving license
        private void drivingLicenseEditOrder_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            var query = from cu in this.dbContext.Customers select cu;

            foreach (var customer in query)
                if (this.drivingLicenseEditOrder.Text.ToUpper() == customer.drivingLicense.ToUpper())
                    this.firstnameEditOrder.Text = customer.firstName;
                    this.lastnameEditOrder.Text  = customer.lastName;
                    this.firstnameEditOrder.Text = "";
                    this.lastnameEditOrder.Text  = "";
Esempio n. 9
        // Checking if the car registration number is already in db
        private void RegNumNewCar_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            var query = from c in this.dbContext.Cars select c;

            foreach (var car in query)
                if (this.RegNumNewCar.Text.ToUpper() == car.regNumber.ToUpper())
                    this.errorLabel.Content = "That car is already registered.";
                    allowSaving             = false;
                    allowSaving             = true;
                    this.errorLabel.Content = "";
Esempio n. 10
        private void LoadCarComboBox()
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();

            DateTime fromD = (DateTime)this.startDateNewOrder.SelectedDate;
            var      toD   = this.endDateNewOrder.SelectedDate;

            // Get all cars available within selected dates and add them to a comboBox
            var query = (from c in this.dbContext.Cars select c.regNumber)
                (from c in this.dbContext.Cars
                 join o in this.dbContext.Orders on c.ID equals o.carID
                 let oEndDate = SqlFunctions.DateAdd("dd", o.duration, o.startDate)
                                where (o.startDate <= fromD && oEndDate >= fromD) ||
                                (o.startDate >= fromD && oEndDate <= toD) ||
                                (o.startDate <= toD && oEndDate >= toD)
                                select c.regNumber)

            this.carListNewOrder.ItemsSource = query.ToList();
         * ORDERS TAB

        // ALL orders list
        private void DisplayAllOrders()
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            // LINQ query to fill a list with 'all orders' result
            //Join 3 tables (Orders, Cars, Customers)
            var query = from o in this.dbContext.Orders
                        join c in this.dbContext.Cars on o.carID equals c.ID
                        join cu in this.dbContext.Customers on o.customerID equals cu.ID
                        // Add number of days to a 'start date' to get an 'end date'
                        let d = SqlFunctions.DateAdd("dd", o.duration, o.startDate)
                        // Write to new objects with properties used in a binding
                                select new
                ID        = o.ID,
                startDate = o.startDate,
                endDate   = d,
                duration  = o.duration,
                customer  = cu.firstName + " " + cu.lastName,
                license   = cu.drivingLicense,
                regNumber = c.regNumber,
                dailyRate = c.dailyRate,
                total     = o.duration * c.dailyRate,
            // Labels (for summary)
            int    orderNum   = 0;
            double totalPrice = 0;

            foreach (var order in query)
                totalPrice += order.total;
            this.totalOrders.Content  = "Total orders: " + orderNum;
            this.totalFinance.Content = "Total (£): " + totalPrice;

            // Bind to a list
            listView.ItemsSource = query.ToList();
Esempio n. 12
        private void DeleteCarBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            var query = (from o in this.dbContext.Orders
                         where o.customerID == customer.ID
                         select o).FirstOrDefault();

            // Not in orders
            if (query == null)
                // Delete a customer
                var query2 = (from c in this.dbContext.Customers
                              where c.ID == customer.ID
                              select c).FirstOrDefault();
                MessageBox.Show("Customer's name is in the order(s). Cannot delete.");
Esempio n. 13
        private void DeleteCarBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            this.dbContext = new CarRentModelContainer();
            // Checking if that car is in any of the orders
            var query = (from o in this.dbContext.Orders
                         where o.carID == car.ID
                         select o).FirstOrDefault();

            // Not in orders
            if (query == null)
                // Delete this car
                var query2 = (from c in this.dbContext.Cars
                              where c.ID == car.ID
                              select c).FirstOrDefault();
                MessageBox.Show("Car is used in order(s). Cannot delete.");