public LogType StringToEnmLogType(string setting, bool throwIfError) { switch (setting.Trim().ToUpper()) { case "USERACTION": return(LogType.UserAction); case "ACTION": return(LogType.Action); case "WARNING": return(LogType.Warning); case "ERROR": return(LogType.Error); case "NONE": return(LogType.None); default: if (throwIfError == true) { throw new System.Exception("Cant convert '" + setting + "' to enmLogType"); } else { SystemLogData vData = new SystemLogData(this.GetType().Name, "StringToEnmLogType", new System.Exception("Cant convert '" + setting + "' to enmLogType")); Write(vData); return(LogType.Error); } } }
public void Constructor(string connectionString, Dictionary <DataColumn, object> staticData) { if (staticData == null) { staticData = new Dictionary <DataColumn, object>(); } this.staticData = staticData; this.writer = new MsSqlWriter(this, connectionString); this.logLevel = LogType.UserAction; this.emailLevelLoggin = LogType.None; if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.WinCE) { try { this.emailLoggin = new Email(this); } catch (Exception ex) { SystemLogData errorData = new SystemLogData(this.GetType().Name, "New", ex); this.Write(errorData); this.emailLoggin = null; } } else { this.emailLoggin = null; } lock (instances) { instances.Add(this); } if (current == null) { current = this; } }