Esempio n. 1
        public byte[] Serialize()
            PortableStorage Storage = new PortableStorage();

            Storage.AddEntry("current_height", CurrentHeight);
            Storage.AddEntry("top_id", TopId);
Esempio n. 2
        public byte[] Serialize()
            PortableStorage Storage = new PortableStorage();

            Storage.AddEntry("ip", IpAddress);
            Storage.AddEntry("port", Port);
Esempio n. 3
        public byte[] Serialize()
            PortableStorage Storage = new PortableStorage();

            Storage.AddEntry("address", Address.Serialize());
            Storage.AddEntry("id", Id);
            Storage.AddEntry("last_seen", LastSeen);
Esempio n. 4
        public byte[] Serialize()
            PortableStorage Storage = new PortableStorage();

            Storage.AddEntry("network_id", NetworkId);
            Storage.AddEntry("version", Version);
            Storage.AddEntry("peer_id", PeerId);
            Storage.AddEntry("local_time", LocalTime);
            Storage.AddEntry("my_port", Port);
Esempio n. 5
        public static CoreSyncData Deserialize(object Value)
            if (Value.GetType() != typeof(PortableStorage))
                throw new Exception("Invalid deserialization object");
            PortableStorage Storage = (PortableStorage)Value;

            return(new CoreSyncData
                CurrentHeight = (uint)Storage.GetEntry("current_height"),
                TopId = (string)Storage.GetEntry("top_id")
Esempio n. 6
        public static NodeData Deserialize(object Value)
            if (Value.GetType() != typeof(PortableStorage))
                throw new Exception("Invalid deserialization object");
            PortableStorage Storage = (PortableStorage)Value;

            return(new NodeData
                NetworkId = (string)Storage.GetEntry("network_id"),
                Version = (byte)Storage.GetEntry("version"),
                PeerId = (ulong)Storage.GetEntry("peer_id"),
                LocalTime = (ulong)Storage.GetEntry("local_time"),
                Port = (uint)Storage.GetEntry("my_port")
        // Deserializes an entry from a byte array and adds it to storage
        private byte[] DeserializeEntry(byte[] Buffer)
            // Get entry name length
            int NameLength = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <byte>(Buffer, 0, 1);//DeserializeVarInt<int>(Buffer, 0, out int Offset);
            int Offset     = 1;

            if (NameLength < 1 || NameLength > MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
                throw new Exception("Name size exceeds allowed string bounds");

            // Get entry name
            string Name = Encoding.ByteArrayToString(Buffer, Offset, NameLength);

            Offset += NameLength;
            Buffer  = Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, Offset, Buffer.Length - Offset);

            // Get object type
            SerializationType Type = GetType(Buffer);

            if ((int)Type < 1 || (int)Type > 14)
                throw new Exception("Invalid serialization type caught: " +
                                    Encoding.ByteArrayToHexString(Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, 1, Buffer.Length - 1)));
            Buffer = Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, 1, Buffer.Length - 1);

            // Create an entry object
            var Output = new object();

            // Object is a string
            if (Type == SerializationType.STRING)
                // Deserialize string length
                int Length = DeserializeVarInt <int>(Buffer, 0, out Offset);

                // Deserialize string
                Output = Encoding.ByteArrayToString(Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, Offset, Length));

                // Resize buffer
                Offset += (Output as string).Length;
                if (Buffer.Length - Offset > 0)
                    Buffer = Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, Offset, Buffer.Length - Offset);

            // Object is an integer
            else if ((int)Type >= 1 && (int)Type <= 9)
                // Create a generic method wrapper to access deserialization
                MethodInfo MethodInfo = typeof(Encoding).GetMethod("ByteArrayToInteger", new[] { typeof(byte[]), typeof(int) });
                Type[]     Args       = new Type[] { ConvertSerializationType(Type) };
                MethodInfo Method     = MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(Args);

                // Deserialize integer
                Output = Method.Invoke(null, new object[] { Buffer, 0 });

                // Resize buffer
                Offset = Encoding.GetSizeOfObject(Output);
                if (Buffer.Length - Offset > 0)
                    Buffer = Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, Offset, Buffer.Length - Offset);

            // Object is an object
            else if (Type == SerializationType.OBJECT)
                // Create a new storage object
                PortableStorage Storage = new PortableStorage();

                // Deserialize entry
                Buffer = Storage.Deserialize(Buffer, false);
                Output = Storage;

            // Add to entries
            Entries.Add(Name, Output);

            // Return buffer output