Inheritance: DirectionalLineLoad
 public LineStressCalculator()
     selfWeight = new DistributedSpanLoad();
     selfWeight.Direction = LineLoad.LoadDirection.Gravity;
     selfWeight.Da = 0f;
     selfWeight.Db = 1f;
Esempio n. 2
 public AssignedLineLoads(Item item)
     : base(item)
     if (!(item is LineElement))
         throw new InvalidItemException();
     weight           = new DistributedSpanLoad();
     weight.Da        = 0;
     weight.Db        = 1;
     weight.Direction = LineLoad.LoadDirection.Gravity;
     weight.La        = 1;
     weight.Lb        = 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the command. 
        /// Creates, gets parameters and add a Distributed line load to the selected line elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="services">CommandServices object to interact with the system</param>
        public override void Run(Canguro.Controller.CommandServices services)
            DistributedSpanLoad load = new DistributedSpanLoad();

            //services.GetProperties(Title, load, false);

            if (Canguro.Controller.Grid.LoadEditFrm.EditLoad(load) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)

                List<Item> selection = services.GetSelection();

                foreach (Item item in selection)
                    if (item is LineElement)
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the command. 
        /// Creates, gets parameters and add a Distributed line load to the selected line elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="services">CommandServices object to interact with the system</param>
        public override void Run(Canguro.Controller.CommandServices services)
            if (Canguro.Controller.Grid.LoadEditFrm.EditLoad(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                DistributedSpanLoad newLoad = new DistributedSpanLoad();
                newLoad.Da = 0;
                newLoad.Db = 1;
                newLoad.Direction = direction;
                newLoad.La = load;
                newLoad.Lb = load;
                newLoad.Type = type;

                List<Item> selection = services.GetSelection();

                foreach (Item item in selection)
                    if (item is LineElement)
Esempio n. 5
 private void readLineDistributedForces(XmlNode node)
     uint id = uint.Parse(readAttribute(node, "Frame", "0"));
     string lcName = readAttribute(node, "LoadCase", "").Trim();
     lcName = (lcName.Length > 0) ? lcName : Culture.Get("Case");
     LoadCase lCase = model.LoadCases[lcName];
     LineElement obj = model.LineList[id];
     if (obj != null && lCase != null)
         AssignedLoads loads = obj.Loads;
         DistributedSpanLoad load = new DistributedSpanLoad();
         load.Type = (LineLoad.LoadType)Enum.Parse(typeof(LineLoad.LoadType), readAttribute(node, "Type", load.Type.ToString()));
         string coordSys = readAttribute(node, "CoordSys", "GLOBAL");
         string dir = readAttribute(node, "Dir", load.Direction.ToString());
         load.Direction = GetLoadDirection(coordSys, dir);
         load.Da = float.Parse(readAttribute(node, "RelDistA", load.Da.ToString()));
         load.Db = float.Parse(readAttribute(node, "RelDistB", load.Db.ToString()));
         load.La = float.Parse(readAttribute(node, "FOverLA", load.La.ToString()));
         load.Lb = float.Parse(readAttribute(node, "FOverLB", load.Lb.ToString()));
         loads.Add(load, lCase);
        private void addUniformForceDeflection(LineElement line, float lineLength, DistributedSpanLoad load, float a, float b, float c, float[,] controlPoints, float dirComponent, float scale, float EI)
            float W, w;
            float RA;
            float c1, c3, c5, c6;
            float x = 0.0f, deflection = 0.0f, angle = 0.0f;

            w = -1f * Math.Sign(load.La) * Math.Min(Math.Abs(load.La), Math.Abs(load.Lb));
            W = w * b;

            RA = W * (1.0f - (2.0f * a + b) / (2.0f * lineLength));

            // Calculo de las constantes
            c6 = w * (float)Math.Pow(b, 3) * (b + 2.0f * a) / 48.0f;
            c5 = (w * b * (float)Math.Pow(lineLength - a - b / 2.0f, 3) / (6.0f * lineLength)) - RA * (float)Math.Pow(lineLength, 2) / 6.0f - c6 / lineLength;
            c1 = c3 = w * (float)Math.Pow(b, 3) / 24.0f + c5;

            // Flechas, angulos
            for (int i = 0; i < controlPoints.GetLength(0); i++)
                x = controlPoints[i, 0] * lineLength;
                deflection = addUniformForceDeflection(load, x, lineLength, ref angle, a, b, c, W, w, RA, c1, c3, c5, c6) * scale / EI;
                controlPoints[i, 1] += (deflection * dirComponent);
                controlPoints[i, 2] += angle * dirComponent / EI;
        private void addTriangularForceDeflection(LineElement line, float lineLength, DistributedSpanLoad load, float a, float b, float c, float[,] controlPoints, float dirComponent, float scale, float EI)
            float q;
            float RA;
            float c1, c2, d1, d2, e1, e2;
            float x = 0.0f, deflection = 0.0f, angle = 0.0f;

            if ((load.La - load.Lb) == 0) return;

            // Define load orientation +/-, left/right
            bool isLeft = false;
            if (Math.Abs(load.La) > Math.Abs(load.Lb))
                isLeft = true;

            if (isLeft)
                q = load.Lb - load.La;

                // Swap a and c
                float swapAC = a;
                a = c;
                c = swapAC;
                q = load.La - load.Lb;

            RA = (q * b / 2f) * (1f - (a + 2f * b / 3f) / lineLength);

            // Calculo de las constantes
            c2 = d2 = 0f;
            e1 = (q * b * (float)Math.Pow(lineLength - a - 2f * b / 3f, 3) / 12f - RA * (float)Math.Pow(lineLength, 3) / 6f - 7f * q * (float)Math.Pow(b, 4) / 810f - q * a * (float)Math.Pow(b, 3) / 72f) / lineLength;
            e2 = q * a * (float)Math.Pow(b, 3) / 72 + 7f * q * (float)Math.Pow(b, 4) / 810f;
            c1 = d1 = e1 + q * (float)Math.Pow(b, 3) / 72;

            // Flechas, angulos
            for (int i = 0; i < controlPoints.GetLength(0); i++)
                if (isLeft)
                    x = (1f - controlPoints[i, 0]) * lineLength;
                    x = controlPoints[i, 0] * lineLength;
                deflection = addTriangularForceDeflection(load, lineLength, x, ref angle, RA, a, b, q, c1, c2, d1, d2, e1, e2) * scale / EI;
                controlPoints[i, 1] += (deflection * dirComponent);
                controlPoints[i, 2] += angle * dirComponent / EI;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Distributes a DistributedSpanLoad between the line element where it is and a new adjacent line element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newLineLoads">The AssignedLoads object of the new Line Element</param>
        /// <param name="lc">The Load Case to which the load belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The dividing point of the two line elements [0, 1]</param>
        /// <param name="load">The Load to distribute in two elements</param>
        /// <returns>true if the load was moved to the new Line Element (so the caller removes it). false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool RelocateDistributedLoads(AssignedLoads newLineLoads, LoadCase lc, float x, DistributedSpanLoad load)
            if (load.Da < x && load.Db < x)
                load.Da = load.Da / x;
                load.Db = load.Db / x;
                return false;
            if (load.Da >= x && load.Db >= x)
                load = (DistributedSpanLoad)load.Clone();
                load.Id = 0;
                load.Da = (load.Da - x) / (1 - x);
                load.Db = (load.Db - x) / (1 - x);
                newLineLoads.Add(load, lc);
                return true;
            if (load.Da > load.Db)
                float tmp = load.Db;
                load.Db = load.Da;
                load.Da = tmp;
                tmp = load.Lb;
                load.Lb = load.La;
                load.La = tmp;
            DistributedSpanLoad nLoad = (DistributedSpanLoad)load.Clone();
            nLoad.Id = 0;
            load.Da = load.Da / x;
            load.Db = 1f;
            load.Lb = (load.La) + (x - load.Da) * (load.Lb - load.La) / (load.Db - load.Da);

            nLoad.Da = 0;
            nLoad.Db = (nLoad.Db - x) / (1 - x);
            nLoad.La = load.Lb;
            newLineLoads.Add(nLoad, lc);
            return false;