public void rebase(CampaignState state) { foreach (EntryAction action in this.actions) { action.rebase(state); } }
public override void revert(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { if (! { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } CalendarEvent evt =[this.guid]; if (this.set_timestamp) { evt.timestamp = this.from.timestamp; } if (this.set_name) { =; } if (this.set_desc) { evt.description = this.from.description; } if (this.set_interval) { evt.interval = this.from.interval; } }
public override void apply(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { if (this.from is null) { // add new character if (this.restore) { state.characters.restore_character(this.guid); } else { state.characters.add_character(, this.guid); } } else if ( is null) { // remove existing character state.characters.remove_character(this.guid); } else { // update existing character to new value state.characters.characters[this.guid] =; } }
public override void revert(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { if (!state.notes.notes.ContainsKey(this.guid)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } Note note = state.notes.notes[this.guid]; if (this.contents_from is not null) { note.contents = this.contents_from; } if (this.adjust_topics is not null) { foreach (Guid topic in this.adjust_topics.Keys) { if (this.adjust_topics[topic] < 0) { note.topics.Add(topic, -this.adjust_topics[topic]); } else { note.topics.RemoveRef(topic); } } } }
public override void revert(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { if (!state.tasks.tasks.ContainsKey(this.guid)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } Task task = state.tasks.tasks[this.guid]; if (this.set_name) { =; } if (this.set_desc) { task.description = this.from.description; } if (this.set_completed) { task.completed_guid = this.from.completed_guid; } if (this.set_failed) { task.failed = this.from.failed; } if (this.set_due) { task.due = this.from.due; } }
public override void rebase(CampaignState state) { if (!state.notes.notes.ContainsKey(this.guid)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } Note note = state.notes.notes[this.guid]; if (this.contents_from is not null) { this.contents_from = note.contents; } if (this.adjust_topics is not null) { foreach (Guid topic in this.adjust_topics.Keys) { if (this.adjust_topics[topic] < 0) { if (note.topics.Contains(topic)) { this.adjust_topics[topic] = -note.topics.contents[topic]; } } } } }
public CampaignDomain() { this.state = new CampaignState(); this.entries = new List <Entry>(); this.valid_entries = 0; this.topics = new Dictionary <Guid, Topic>(); this.notes = new Dictionary <Guid, ExternalNote>(); }
public override void rebase(CampaignState state) { if (this.from is not null) { if (!state.characters.characters.ContainsKey(this.guid)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } this.from = state.characters.characters[this.guid].copy(); } }
public void apply(CampaignState state, int start_index = 0) { for (int i = start_index; i < this.actions.Count; i++) { try { this.actions[i].apply(state, this); } catch (ArgumentException e) { e.Data["action_index"] = i; throw; } } }
public CampaignState get_entry_state(int idx) { if ((idx < -1) || (idx >= this.valid_entries)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(idx)); } CampaignState result = this.state.copy(); for (int i = this.valid_entries - 1; i > idx; i--) { this.entries[i].revert(result); } return(result); }
public void revert(CampaignState state, int start_index = -1) { if (start_index < 0) { start_index = this.actions.Count - 1; } for (int i = start_index; i >= 0; i--) { try { this.actions[i].revert(state, this); } catch (ArgumentException e) { e.Data["action_index"] = i; throw; } } }
public override void revert(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { if (this.from is null) { // revert addition of new character state.characters.remove_character(this.guid); if (!this.restore) { // if we're not reverting a restore, purge "deleted" copy of character too state.characters.characters.Remove(this.guid); } } else if ( is null) { // revert removal of existing character state.characters.restore_character(this.guid); } else { // revert update of existing character to new value state.characters.characters[this.guid] = this.from.copy(); } }
public ItemAddWindow(CampaignSave save_state, CampaignState state, Guid?guid = null, InventoryItemIdent selected = null, InventoryEntry entry = null) { this.valid = false; this.need_refresh = false; this.state = save_state; this.entry = entry; this.item = entry?.item; this.inventory_rows = new ObservableCollection <InventoryItemBaseRow>(); this.inventory_row_index = new Dictionary <InventoryItemIdent, InventoryItemRow>(); this.inventory_capacity = new Dictionary <InventoryItemIdent, decimal>(); this.populate_inventories(state, guid, selected); InitializeComponent(); Visibility item_visibility = (guid is null ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible); this.item_label.Visibility = item_visibility; this.item_box.Visibility = item_visibility; this.item_set_but.Visibility = item_visibility; this.count_label.Visibility = item_visibility; this.count_box.Visibility = item_visibility; this.unidentified_label.Visibility = item_visibility; this.unidentified_box.Visibility = item_visibility; this.inventory_list.ItemsSource = this.inventory_rows; }
private void populate_inventories(CampaignState state, Guid?guid, InventoryItemIdent selected) { this.inventory_rows.Add(new InventoryItemHeaderRow()); List <Guid> invs; if (guid is null) { invs = new List <Guid>(state.inventories.inventories.Keys); } else { invs = new List <Guid>() { guid.Value }; } invs.Sort((x, y) => state.inventories.inventories[x].name.CompareTo(state.inventories.inventories[x].name)); foreach (Guid inv_guid in invs) { InventoryItemIdent inv_ident = new InventoryItemIdent(inv_guid); InventoryItemRow inv_row = new InventoryItemRow( null, inv_ident, state.inventories.inventories[inv_guid].name, "", "", new ObservableCollection <InventoryItemBaseRow>() ); bool found_selected = this.populate_inventory_rows(inv_row.children, inv_ident, state.inventories.inventories[inv_guid], selected); if (inv_ident == selected) { inv_row._is_selected = true; } else if (found_selected) { inv_row._is_expanded = true; } this.inventory_rows.Add(inv_row); this.inventory_row_index[inv_ident] = inv_row; } }
public virtual void rebase(CampaignState state) { }
public override void revert(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { state.notes.restore_note(this.guid); }
public virtual Window character_window(CampaignState state, Guid?guid = null) => new SimpleCharacterWindow(state, guid);
public CalendarEventWindow(CampaignState state, Calendar calendar, decimal now, Guid?entry_guid = null, Guid?guid = null) { this.valid = false; this.state = state.copy(); = now; this.actions = new List <EntryAction>(); if (guid is null) { if (entry_guid is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entry_guid)); } this.guid = Guid.NewGuid(); ActionCalendarEventCreate add_action = new ActionCalendarEventCreate(this.guid, new CalendarEvent(entry_guid.Value, now, "")); this.actions.Add(add_action); this.evt = add_action.evt; } else { this.guid = guid.Value; this.evt =[this.guid]; } InitializeComponent(); FrameworkElement timestamp_box = calendar.timestamp_control(); Grid.SetRow(timestamp_box, 0); Grid.SetColumn(timestamp_box, 1); this.main_grid.Children.Add(timestamp_box); this.timestamp_box = timestamp_box as ICalendarControl; if (this.timestamp_box is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } this.timestamp_box.calendar_value = this.evt.timestamp; FrameworkElement timestamp_diff_box = calendar.interval_control(); Grid.SetRow(timestamp_diff_box, 0); Grid.SetColumn(timestamp_diff_box, 3); this.main_grid.Children.Add(timestamp_diff_box); this.timestamp_diff_box = timestamp_diff_box as ICalendarControl; if (this.timestamp_diff_box is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } decimal timestamp_diff = this.evt.timestamp - now; if (timestamp_diff < 0) { this.timestamp_diff_label.Content = "before"; timestamp_diff = -timestamp_diff; } else { this.timestamp_diff_label.Content = "after"; } this.timestamp_diff_box.calendar_value = timestamp_diff; this.current_timestamp_box.Text = calendar.format_timestamp(now); this.timestamp_box.value_changed = this.timestamp_changed; this.timestamp_diff_box.value_changed = this.timestamp_diff_changed; this.repeat_box.IsChecked = (this.evt.interval is not null); FrameworkElement interval_box = calendar.interval_control(); Grid.SetRow(interval_box, 0); Grid.SetColumn(interval_box, 9); this.main_grid.Children.Add(interval_box); this.interval_box = interval_box as ICalendarControl; if (this.interval_box is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } this.interval_box.calendar_value = (this.evt.interval ?? 0); this.name_box.Text =; this.description_box.Text = this.evt.description; }
public override void apply(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { state.notes.remove_note(this.guid); }
public override void apply(CampaignState state, Entry ent) {, this.guid); }
public override void revert(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { state.tasks.restore_task(this.guid); }
public override void apply(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { state.notes.add_note(this.note.copy(), this.guid); }
public override void apply(CampaignState state, Entry ent) {; }
public override void apply(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { state.tasks.add_task(this.task.copy(), this.guid); }
public EntryWindow(CampaignSave save_state, int entry = -1, List <EntryAction> actions = null) { this.valid = false; this.save_state = save_state; this.entry = entry; this.entries = new List <Entry>(); for (int i = 0; i < save_state.domain.entries.Count; i++) { if (i != entry) { this.entries.Add(save_state.domain.entries[i]); } } if ((entry >= 0) && (entry < save_state.domain.valid_entries)) { this.state = save_state.domain.get_entry_state(entry); } else { this.state = save_state.domain.state.copy(); } Entry previous_entry = null, current_entry; if ((entry >= 0) && (entry < save_state.domain.entries.Count)) { current_entry = save_state.domain.entries[entry]; if (entry > 0) { this.previous_entry_idx = entry - 1; previous_entry = this.entries[entry - 1]; } } else { decimal timestamp; int session; if (save_state.domain.valid_entries > 0) { this.previous_entry_idx = save_state.domain.valid_entries - 1; previous_entry = this.entries[this.previous_entry_idx]; timestamp = previous_entry.timestamp + 1; } else { timestamp = save_state.calendar.default_timestamp; } session = previous_entry?.session ?? 1; if ((previous_entry is not null) && ((DateTime.Now - previous_entry.created) >= SESSION_DOWNTIME_THRESHOLD)) { session += 1; } current_entry = new Entry(timestamp, DateTime.Now, "", session, actions); if (actions is not null) { foreach (EntryAction action in actions) { action.apply(this.state, current_entry); } } } this.actions = new List <EntryAction>(); this.add_actions(current_entry.actions, false); InitializeComponent(); this.session_box.textBox.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; this.session_box.Value = current_entry.session ?? 0; this.created_time_box.textBox.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; this.created_time_box.Pattern = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern; this.created_date_box.SelectedDate = current_entry.created.Date; this.created_time_box.Value = current_entry.created.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds; FrameworkElement timestamp_box = save_state.calendar.timestamp_control(); Grid.SetRow(timestamp_box, 0); Grid.SetColumn(timestamp_box, 6); this.header_grid.Children.Add(timestamp_box); this.timestamp_box = timestamp_box as ICalendarControl; if (this.timestamp_box is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } this.timestamp_box.calendar_value = current_entry.timestamp; FrameworkElement timestamp_diff_box = save_state.calendar.interval_control(); Grid.SetRow(timestamp_diff_box, 0); Grid.SetColumn(timestamp_diff_box, 8); this.header_grid.Children.Add(timestamp_diff_box); this.timestamp_diff_box = timestamp_diff_box as ICalendarControl; if (this.timestamp_diff_box is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } this.timestamp_diff_box.calendar_value = (previous_entry is null ? 0 : current_entry.timestamp - previous_entry.timestamp); this.timestamp_box.value_changed = this.timestamp_changed; this.timestamp_diff_box.value_changed = this.timestamp_diff_changed; this.previous_entry_box.Text = (previous_entry is null ? "n/a" : save_state.calendar.format_timestamp(previous_entry.timestamp)); this.description_box.Text = current_entry.description; this.action_list.ItemsSource = this.actions; this.event_list = new CalendarEventListControl(this.entry_action_callback, current_entry.guid); this.event_list.set_calendar(this.save_state.calendar); this.event_list.set_state(this.state, current_entry.timestamp); this.event_group.Content = this.event_list; this.character_list = new CharacterListControl(this.entry_action_callback); this.character_list.set_char_sheet(this.save_state.character_sheet); this.character_list.set_state(this.state); this.character_group.Content = this.character_list; this.inventory_list = new InventoryListControl(this.entry_action_callback); this.inventory_list.set_state(this.save_state, this.state); this.inventory_group.Content = this.inventory_list; this.topic_list = new TopicListControl(this.entry_action_callback, current_entry.guid); this.topic_list.set_state(this.save_state, this.state, current_entry.timestamp); this.topic_group.Content = this.topic_list; this.task_list = new TaskListControl(this.entry_action_callback, current_entry.guid); this.task_list.set_calendar(this.save_state.calendar); this.task_list.set_state(this.save_state, this.state, current_entry.timestamp); this.task_group.Content = this.task_list; }
public abstract void apply(CampaignState state, Entry ent);
public abstract void revert(CampaignState state, Entry ent);
public TaskWindow(CampaignSave save_state, CampaignState state, Calendar calendar, decimal now, Guid?entry_guid = null, Guid?guid = null) { this.valid = false; this.save_state = save_state; this.state = state.copy(); = now; this.actions = new List <EntryAction>(); if (guid is null) { if (entry_guid is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entry_guid)); } this.guid = Guid.NewGuid(); ActionTaskCreate add_action = new ActionTaskCreate(this.guid, new Task(entry_guid.Value, "")); this.actions.Add(add_action); this.task = add_action.task; } else { this.guid = guid.Value; this.task = this.state.tasks.tasks[this.guid]; } InitializeComponent(); this.name_box.Text =; this.description_box.Text = this.task.description; this.current_timestamp_box.Text = calendar.format_timestamp(now); if (this.task.completed_guid is null) { FrameworkElement due_box = calendar.timestamp_control(); Grid.SetRow(due_box, 2); Grid.SetColumn(due_box, 1); this.main_grid.Children.Add(due_box); this.due_box = due_box as ICalendarControl; if (this.due_box is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } FrameworkElement due_diff_box = calendar.interval_control(); Grid.SetRow(due_diff_box, 2); Grid.SetColumn(due_diff_box, 3); this.main_grid.Children.Add(due_diff_box); this.due_diff_box = due_diff_box as ICalendarControl; if (this.due_diff_box is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (this.task.due is null) { this.due_checkbox.IsChecked = false; this.due_box.calendar_value = now; this.due_box.IsReadOnly = true; this.due_diff_box.calendar_value = 0; this.due_diff_box.IsReadOnly = true; } else { this.due_checkbox.IsChecked = true; this.due_box.calendar_value = this.task.due.Value; this.due_box.IsReadOnly = false; decimal due_diff = this.task.due.Value - now; if (due_diff < 0) { this.timestamp_diff_label.Content = "before"; due_diff = -due_diff; } else { this.timestamp_diff_label.Content = "after"; } this.due_diff_box.calendar_value = due_diff; this.due_diff_box.IsReadOnly = false; } this.due_box.value_changed = this.due_changed; this.due_diff_box.value_changed = this.due_diff_changed; } else { decimal?completed_timestamp = null; if (task.completed_guid == entry_guid) { completed_timestamp = now; } else { foreach (Entry entry in this.save_state.domain.entries) { if (entry.guid == task.completed_guid) { completed_timestamp = entry.timestamp; break; } } } if (completed_timestamp is null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (this.task.failed) { this.status_label.Content = "Failed:"; } else { this.status_label.Content = "Completed:"; } this.status_label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; this.due_checkbox.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.timestamp_box.Text = calendar.format_timestamp(completed_timestamp.Value); this.timestamp_box.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; decimal timestamp_diff = completed_timestamp.Value - now; if (timestamp_diff < 0) { this.timestamp_diff_label.Content = "before"; timestamp_diff = -timestamp_diff; } else { this.timestamp_diff_label.Content = "after"; } this.timestamp_diff_box.Text = calendar.format_interval(timestamp_diff); this.timestamp_diff_box.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
public override void apply(CampaignState state, Entry ent) { state.tasks.remove_task(this.guid); }
public override void revert(CampaignState state, Entry ent) {; }