public void CalculatorMenu() { Calculation calculate = new Calculation(); int operation; bool options = true; decimal result = 0; decimal firstOperand, secondOperand; string message = ""; do { bool excep = false; do { Console.WriteLine("Operations:"); Console.WriteLine("1. General operations (+, -, *, /).)"); Console.WriteLine("2. Percentage of the number "); Console.WriteLine("3.'1/x'"); Console.WriteLine("4. Positive degree of number"); Console.WriteLine("5. Sqrt of number"); Console.WriteLine("6. Reminder after division"); Console.WriteLine("7. Polish reader"); Console.WriteLine("8. Exit"); } while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out operation) || operation < 1 || operation > 8); switch (operation) { case 1: result = GeneralOperations(ref excep, EnterSign(), EnterNumber(message), EnterNumber(message), calculate); break; case 2: firstOperand = EnterNumber("What percentage? "); secondOperand = EnterNumber("of what? "); result = calculate.Percent(firstOperand, secondOperand);; break; case 3: firstOperand = EnterNumber("Please write divider\n"); result = calculate.OneDivision(firstOperand); if (firstOperand == 0) { excep = true; } break; case 4: firstOperand = EnterNumber(""); secondOperand = EnterNumber("Please write degree\n"); result = calculate.PosDegreeOfNumber(firstOperand, secondOperand); break; case 5: firstOperand = EnterNumber(message); if (firstOperand < 0) { excep = true; } result = calculate.SqrtOfNumber(firstOperand); break; case 6: firstOperand = EnterNumber(""); secondOperand = EnterNumber("Please write divider\n"); result = calculate.DivisionReminder(firstOperand, secondOperand); break; case 7: string expr = AskExpression(); result = calculate.PolishReader(expr); break; case 8: options = false; Environment.Exit(0); break; default: break; } if (excep) { Console.WriteLine("\nTry again!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n\nThe result is " + result); } Console.WriteLine("\ any key\n"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); } while (options); }
public decimal GeneralOperations(ref bool excep, string operation, decimal num2, decimal num1, Calculation calc) { decimal res = 0; switch (operation) { case "/": res = calc.Divide(num1, num2); try { if (num2 == 0) { throw new DivideByZeroException(); } else { res = num1 / num2; } } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } break; case "*": res = calc.Multiply(num1, num2); break; case "-": res = calc.Substract(num1, num2); break; case "+": res = calc.Add(num1, num2); break; default: Console.WriteLine("You put wrong sign!"); res = 0; break; } return(res); }