private void LoginBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (true) { MessageBox.Show("Testing Mode Enabled"); Testing ateTesting = new Testing(); ateTesting.Show(); } if (!Security.V1.ActivationCheck.__IsRegisteredVersion) { if (Security.V1.ActivationCheck.__IsTrialValid == false) { MessageBox.Show(MsgTxt.YouShouldActivateNowTxt, MsgTxt.WarningCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } bool isadmin; if (UsrTxtBox.Text.Trim() != "" && PassTxtBox.Text.Trim() != "") { UsrTxtBox.BackColor = UsrBGColor; PassTxtBox.BackColor = PassBGColor; DataRow dr = UsersMgmt.SelectUserByUserNameandPassword(UsrTxtBox.Text, PassTxtBox.Text); if (dr != null) { if (IsFirstLogin || SharedVariables.IsStartup) { if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["IsAdmin"]) == 1) { PrivilegesManager.IsCurrentUserAdmin = true; SharedVariables.user_logged_name = dr["UserName"].ToString(); SharedVariables.user_logged_name_name = dr["Name"].ToString(); isadmin = true; } else { PrivilegesManager.IsCurrentUserAdmin = false; SharedVariables.user_logged_name = dr["UserName"].ToString(); SharedVariables.user_logged_name_name = dr["Name"].ToString(); isadmin = false; } PrivilegesManager.FillTemplate(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"])); PrivilegesManager.IsTempActive = false; PrivilegesManager.IsAdminActive = isadmin; SharedVariables.is_user_logged = true; if (SharedVariables.IsStartup) { Main2 aMain = new Main2(); aMain.Show(); //this.Close(); } } // END OF FIRST LOGIN else //NOT FIRST LOGIN { if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["IsAdmin"]) == 1) { PrivilegesManager.IsTempUserAdmin = true; SharedVariables.temp_logged_name = dr["UserName"].ToString(); SharedVariables.temp_logged_name_name = dr["Name"].ToString(); } else { PrivilegesManager.IsTempUserAdmin = false; SharedVariables.temp_logged_name = dr["UserName"].ToString(); SharedVariables.temp_logged_name_name = dr["Name"].ToString(); } PrivilegesManager.FillTemplate(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]), true); PrivilegesManager.IsTempActive = true; } if (SharedVariables.IsStartup) { SharedVariables.IsStartup = false; this.UsrTxtBox.Focus(); this.UsrTxtBox.Clear(); this.PassTxtBox.Clear(); this.Hide(); } else //TEMP LOGIN SCREEN LAUNCHED INSIDE THE PROGRAM { this.Close(); } } else { Thread.Sleep(1000); MessageBox.Show(MsgTxt.UsrNameTxt + " " + MsgTxt.OrTxt + " " + MsgTxt.PasswordTxt + " " + MsgTxt.IncorrectTxt, MsgTxt.InformationCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } } else { string Messagetxt = MsgTxt.PleaseAddAllRequiredFields + "\n"; if (UsrTxtBox.Text.Trim() == "") { Messagetxt += "1)" + MsgTxt.UsrNameTxt + "\n"; UsrTxtBox.Focus(); UsrTxtBox.BackColor = SharedVariables.TxtBoxRequiredColor; } if (PassTxtBox.Text.Trim() == "") { Messagetxt += "2)" + MsgTxt.PasswordTxt; PassTxtBox.Focus(); if (UsrTxtBox.Text.Trim() == "") { UsrTxtBox.Focus(); } PassTxtBox.BackColor = SharedVariables.TxtBoxRequiredColor; } MessageBox.Show(Messagetxt, MsgTxt.InformationCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Testing aTest = new Testing(); aTest.Show(); }