/* * Function name: OnStart * Purpose: This overrides the OnStart functionality. This function will be called once * at the start of the game directly after a scene load. In this case, the function will * instatiate the GUI. */ public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (!IsSmallOptics) { //tie-in with Firespitter. opticsAnimate = GetComponent <ModuleAnimateGeneric>(); } else if (IsSmallOptics && !SmallApertureOpen) { Events["OpenSmallAperture"].active = true; } //Attempt to instantiate the GUI Transform temp = part.FindModelTransform(CameraTransformName); try { TelescopeControlMenu = new TelescopeMenu(temp); TelescopeControlMenu.scienceMultiplier = this.scienceMultiplier; TelescopeControlMenu.SetSmallOptics(IsSmallOptics); TelescopeControlMenu.SetScopeOpen(IsFunctional); if (!IsSmallOptics) { TelescopeControlMenu.SetAperature(opticsAnimate); } } catch (Exception E) { //Error = true; Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Exception 1: Was not able to create the Telescope Control Menu object. You should try re-installing CactEye2 and ensure that old versions of CactEye are deleted."); Debug.Log(E.ToString()); Debug.Log(temp.ToString()); } if (IsSmallOptics && SmallApertureOpen && !IsDamaged) { IsFunctional = true; } if (CactEyeConfig.DebugMode) { Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Debug: SmallApertureOpen is " + SmallApertureOpen.ToString()); Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Debug: IsSmallOptics is " + IsSmallOptics.ToString()); Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Debug: IsFunctional is " + IsFunctional.ToString()); Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Debug: IsDamaged is " + IsDamaged.ToString()); } }
/* * Function name: OnStart * Purpose: This overrides the OnStart functionality. This function will be called once * at the start of the game directly after a scene load. In this case, the function will * instatiate the GUI. */ public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (!IsSmallOptics) { //tie-in with Firespitter. opticsAnimate = GetComponent<ModuleAnimateGeneric>(); } else if (IsSmallOptics && !SmallApertureOpen) { Events["OpenSmallAperture"].active = true; } //Attempt to instantiate the GUI Transform temp = part.FindModelTransform(CameraTransformName); try { TelescopeControlMenu = new TelescopeMenu(temp); } catch (Exception E) { //Error = true; Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Exception 1: Was not able to create the Telescope Control Menu object. You should try re-installing CactEye2 and ensure that old versions of CactEye are deleted."); Debug.Log(E.ToString()); Debug.Log(temp.ToString()); } if (IsSmallOptics && SmallApertureOpen && !IsDamaged) { IsFunctional = true; } if (CactEyeConfig.DebugMode) { Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Debug: SmallApertureOpen is " + SmallApertureOpen.ToString()); Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Debug: IsSmallOptics is " + IsSmallOptics.ToString()); Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Debug: IsFunctional is " + IsFunctional.ToString()); Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Debug: IsDamaged is " + IsDamaged.ToString()); } }