Esempio n. 1
        //Return Primary Team for a ClientSubUnit
        public Team GetClientSubUnitPrimaryTeam(string clientSubUnitGuid)
            Team team = new Team();

            var result = db.spDesktopDataAdmin_SelectClientSubUnitTeams_v1(clientSubUnitGuid).Where(x => x.IsPrimaryTeamForSub == true).FirstOrDefault();

            if (result != null)
                if (result.TeamId > 0)
                    TeamRepository teamRepository = new TeamRepository();
                    team = teamRepository.GetTeam(result.TeamId);

Esempio n. 2
        //Add Data From Linked Tables for Display
        public void EditForDisplay(SystemUserTeam systemUserTeam)
            SystemUserRepository systemUserRepository = new SystemUserRepository();
            SystemUser           systemUser           = new SystemUser();

            systemUser = systemUserRepository.GetUserBySystemUserGuid(systemUserTeam.SystemUserGuid);
            if (systemUser != null)
                systemUserTeam.SystemUserName = (systemUser.LastName + ", " + systemUser.FirstName + " " + systemUser.MiddleName).Replace("  ", " ");

            TeamRepository teamRepository = new TeamRepository();
            Team           team           = new Team();

            team = teamRepository.GetTeam(systemUserTeam.TeamId);
            if (team != null)
                systemUserTeam.TeamName = team.TeamName;
Esempio n. 3
        //Add Data From Linked Tables for Display
        public void EditForDisplay(ClientSubUnitTeam clientSubUnitTeam)
            ClientSubUnitRepository clientSubUnitTeamRepository = new ClientSubUnitRepository();
            ClientSubUnit           clientSubUnit = new ClientSubUnit();

            clientSubUnit = clientSubUnitTeamRepository.GetClientSubUnit(clientSubUnitTeam.ClientSubUnitGuid);
            if (clientSubUnit != null)
                clientSubUnitTeam.ClientSubUnitName = clientSubUnit.ClientSubUnitName;

            TeamRepository teamRepository = new TeamRepository();
            Team           team           = new Team();

            team = teamRepository.GetTeam(clientSubUnitTeam.TeamId);
            if (team != null)
                clientSubUnitTeam.TeamName = team.TeamName;
Esempio n. 4
        private void ValidateLines(ref XmlDocument doc, string[] lines, ref List <string> returnMessages)
            XmlDeclaration dec = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null);

            XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("TeamOutOfOfficeGroups");


            string returnMessage;

            int i = 0;

            //Store Valid ClientSubUnits
            List <string> validClientSubUnitGuids   = new List <string>();
            List <string> invalidClientSubUnitGuids = new List <string>();

            //loop through CSV lines
            foreach (string line in lines)

                if (i > 1)                 //ignore first line with titles
                    Regex    csvParser = new Regex(",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))");
                    String[] cells     = csvParser.Split(line);

                    //extract the data items from the file
                    string clientSubUnitGuid        = CWTStringHelpers.NullToEmpty(CWTStringHelpers.UnescapeQuotes(cells[0]));                          //Required
                    string primaryBackupTeamValue   = CWTStringHelpers.NullToEmpty(CWTStringHelpers.UnescapeQuotes(cells[1]));                          //Required
                    string secondaryBackupTeamValue = CWTStringHelpers.NullToEmpty(CWTStringHelpers.UnescapeQuotes(cells[2]));
                    string tertiaryBackupTeamValue  = CWTStringHelpers.NullToEmpty(CWTStringHelpers.UnescapeQuotes(cells[3]));

                    //Build the XML Element for items

                    XmlElement xmlTeamOutOfOfficeGroupItem = doc.CreateElement("TeamOutOfOfficeGroupItem");

                    //Validate data

                    /* Client SubUnit Guid */

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientSubUnitGuid) == true)
                        returnMessage = "Row " + i + ": Client SubUnit Guid is missing. Please provide a Client SubUnit Guid";
                        if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))
                        bool existingValidClient   = validClientSubUnitGuids.Contains(clientSubUnitGuid);
                        bool existingInvalidClient = invalidClientSubUnitGuids.Contains(clientSubUnitGuid);

                        //Check ClientSubUnit is valid
                        if (existingInvalidClient)
                            //Error: ClientSubUnit is invalid
                            returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": ClientSubUnitGuid {0} is invalid. Please provide a valid Client SubUnit Guid", clientSubUnitGuid);
                            if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))
                        else if (existingValidClient)
                            //No processing required as already marked as valid
                            ClientSubUnitRepository clientSubUnitRepository = new ClientSubUnitRepository();
                            ClientSubUnit           clientSubUnit           = clientSubUnitRepository.GetClientSubUnit(clientSubUnitGuid);
                            if (clientSubUnit == null)
                                //Error: ClientSubUnit is invalid
                                returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": ClientSubUnitGuid {0} is invalid. Please provide a valid Client SubUnit Guid", clientSubUnitGuid);
                                if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                                if (!invalidClientSubUnitGuids.Contains(clientSubUnitGuid))
                                //We have a valid Client SubUnit, now check TeamOutOfOfficeGroupClientSubUnit
                                List <TeamOutOfOfficeGroupClientSubUnit> teamOutOfOfficeGroupClientSubUnits = db.TeamOutOfOfficeGroupClientSubUnits.Where(x => x.ClientSubUnitGuid == clientSubUnitGuid).ToList();
                                if (teamOutOfOfficeGroupClientSubUnits.Count > 0)
                                    //Error: ClientSubUnit relationship already exists
                                    returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": ClientSubUnitGuid {0} is not unique. Please update existing Team Out of Office Group", clientSubUnitGuid);
                                    if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                                    if (!invalidClientSubUnitGuids.Contains(clientSubUnitGuid))
                                    //ClientSubUnitGuid must have an entry in the IsPrimaryTeamForSub table
                                    List <IsPrimaryTeamForSub> primaryTeamForClientSubUnits = db.IsPrimaryTeamForSubs.Where(x => x.ClientSubUnitGuid == clientSubUnitGuid).ToList();
                                    if (primaryTeamForClientSubUnits.Count == 0)
                                        //Error: ClientSubUnit relationship already exists
                                        returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": ClientSubUnitGuid {0} does not have a Primary Team setup. Please complete in Client Wizard for this ClientSubUnitGuid", clientSubUnitGuid);
                                        if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                                        if (!invalidClientSubUnitGuids.Contains(clientSubUnitGuid))
                                        if (!validClientSubUnitGuids.Contains(clientSubUnitGuid))

                    XmlElement xmlClientSubUnitGuid = doc.CreateElement("ClientSubUnitGuid");
                    xmlClientSubUnitGuid.InnerText = clientSubUnitGuid;

                    //Primary Backup Team
                    int primaryBackupTeamId = 0;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryBackupTeamValue) || !Int32.TryParse(primaryBackupTeamValue, out primaryBackupTeamId))
                        //Error: PrimaryBackupTeamId is invalid
                        returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": PrimaryBackupTeamId is missing. Please provide a Team Id", clientSubUnitGuid);
                        if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))
                        TeamRepository teamRepository    = new TeamRepository();
                        Team           primaryBackupTeam = teamRepository.GetTeam(primaryBackupTeamId);
                        if (primaryBackupTeam == null)
                            //Error: PrimaryBackupTeamId is invalid
                            returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": PrimaryBackupTeamId {0} is invalid. Please provide a valid Team Id", primaryBackupTeamValue);
                            if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                    XmlElement xmlPrimaryBackupTeamId = doc.CreateElement("PrimaryBackupTeamId");
                    xmlPrimaryBackupTeamId.InnerText = primaryBackupTeamValue;

                    //Secondary Backup Team
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(secondaryBackupTeamValue))
                        int secondaryBackupTeamId = 0;
                        if (!Int32.TryParse(secondaryBackupTeamValue, out secondaryBackupTeamId))
                            //Error: SecondaryBackupTeamId is invalid
                            returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": SecondaryBackupTeamId {0} is invalid. Please provide a valid Team Id", secondaryBackupTeamValue);
                            if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))
                            TeamRepository teamRepository      = new TeamRepository();
                            Team           secondaryBackupTeam = teamRepository.GetTeam(secondaryBackupTeamId);
                            if (secondaryBackupTeam == null)
                                //Error: SecondaryBackupTeamId is invalid
                                returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": SecondaryBackupTeamId {0} is invalid. Please provide a valid Team Id", secondaryBackupTeamValue);
                                if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                    XmlElement xmlSecondaryBackupTeamId = doc.CreateElement("SecondaryBackupTeamId");
                    xmlSecondaryBackupTeamId.InnerText = secondaryBackupTeamValue;

                    //Tertiary Backup Team
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tertiaryBackupTeamValue))
                        int tertiaryBackupTeamId = 0;
                        if (!Int32.TryParse(tertiaryBackupTeamValue, out tertiaryBackupTeamId))
                            //Error: TertiaryBackupTeamId is invalid
                            returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": TertiaryBackupTeamId {0} is invalid. Please provide a valid Team Id", tertiaryBackupTeamValue);
                            if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))
                            TeamRepository teamRepository     = new TeamRepository();
                            Team           tertiaryBackupTeam = teamRepository.GetTeam(tertiaryBackupTeamId);
                            if (tertiaryBackupTeam == null)
                                //Error: TertiaryBackupTeamId is invalid
                                returnMessage = string.Format("Row " + i + ": TertiaryBackupTeamId {0} is invalid. Please provide a valid Team Id", tertiaryBackupTeamValue);
                                if (!returnMessages.Contains(returnMessage))

                    XmlElement xmlTertiaryBackupTeamId = doc.CreateElement("TertiaryBackupTeamId");
                    xmlTertiaryBackupTeamId.InnerText = tertiaryBackupTeamValue;

                    //Attach the XML Element for an item to the Document

            if (i == 0)
                returnMessage = "There is no data in the file";
        //Compare two Teams and return a list of messages about changes
        public WizardMessages BuildTeamChangeMessages(WizardMessages wizardMessages, Team originalTeam, TeamWizardVM teamChanges)
            TeamRepository          teamRepository          = new TeamRepository();
            ClientSubUnitRepository clientSubUnitRepository = new ClientSubUnitRepository();
            SystemUserRepository    systemUserRepository    = new SystemUserRepository();

            Team updatedTeam = new Team();

            updatedTeam = teamChanges.Team;
            //teamRepository.EditGroupForDisplay(updatedTeam); removed- gets info from original Team

            if (originalTeam == null)
                wizardMessages.AddMessage("A new Team \"" + updatedTeam.TeamName + "\"has been added.", true);
                if (originalTeam.TeamName != updatedTeam.TeamName)
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage("Team Name will be updated to \"" + updatedTeam.TeamName + "\".", true);

                if (originalTeam.TeamEmail != updatedTeam.TeamEmail)
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage("Team Email will be updated to \"" + updatedTeam.TeamEmail + "\".", true);

                if (originalTeam.TeamPhoneNumber != updatedTeam.TeamPhoneNumber)
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage("Team phone Number will be updated to \"" + updatedTeam.TeamPhoneNumber + "\".", true);
                if (originalTeam.CityCode != updatedTeam.CityCode)
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage("Team City Code will be updated to \"" + updatedTeam.CityCode + "\".", true);
                if (originalTeam.TeamQueue != updatedTeam.TeamQueue)
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage("Team Queue will be updated to \"" + updatedTeam.TeamQueue + "\".", true);

                if (originalTeam.TeamTypeCode != updatedTeam.TeamTypeCode)
                    TeamType           teamType           = new TeamType();
                    TeamTypeRepository teamTypeRepository = new TeamTypeRepository();
                    teamType = teamTypeRepository.GetTeamType(updatedTeam.TeamTypeCode);
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage("Team Type will be updated to \"" + teamType.TeamTypeDescription + "\".", true);

                if (originalTeam.HierarchyType != updatedTeam.HierarchyType)
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage("Hierarchy will be updated to \"" + updatedTeam.HierarchyType + "\".", true);

                if (originalTeam.HierarchyItem != updatedTeam.HierarchyItem)
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage(updatedTeam.HierarchyType + " value will be updated to \"" + updatedTeam.HierarchyItem + "\".", true);
                if (originalTeam.TravelerTypeGuid != updatedTeam.TravelerTypeGuid)
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage("TravelerType will be updated to \"" + updatedTeam.TravelerTypeName + "\".", true);

            if (teamChanges.SystemUsersAdded != null)
                if (teamChanges.SystemUsersAdded.Count > 0)
                    foreach (SystemUser item in teamChanges.SystemUsersAdded)
                        SystemUser systemUser = new SystemUser();
                        systemUser = systemUserRepository.GetUserBySystemUserGuid(item.SystemUserGuid);
                        if (systemUser != null)
                            wizardMessages.AddMessage("You will add User \"" + systemUser.LastName + "," + (systemUser.MiddleName != "" ? systemUser.MiddleName + " " : "") + systemUser.FirstName + "\".", true);
            if (teamChanges.SystemUsersRemoved != null)
                if (teamChanges.SystemUsersRemoved.Count > 0)
                    foreach (SystemUser item in teamChanges.SystemUsersRemoved)
                        SystemUser systemUser = new SystemUser();
                        systemUser = systemUserRepository.GetUserBySystemUserGuid(item.SystemUserGuid);
                        if (systemUser != null)
                            wizardMessages.AddMessage("You will remove User \"" + systemUser.LastName + "," + (systemUser.MiddleName != "" ? systemUser.MiddleName + " " : "") + systemUser.FirstName + "\".", true);
            if (teamChanges.ClientSubUnitsAdded != null)
                if (teamChanges.ClientSubUnitsAdded.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ClientSubUnitTeam item in teamChanges.ClientSubUnitsAdded)
                        ClientSubUnit clientSubUnit = new ClientSubUnit();
                        clientSubUnit = clientSubUnitRepository.GetClientSubUnit(item.ClientSubUnitGuid);
                        if (clientSubUnit != null)
                            wizardMessages.AddMessage("You will add ClientSubUnit \"" + clientSubUnit.ClientSubUnitName + "\".", true);
            if (teamChanges.ClientSubUnitsRemoved != null)
                if (teamChanges.ClientSubUnitsRemoved.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ClientSubUnitTeam item in teamChanges.ClientSubUnitsRemoved)
                        ClientSubUnit clientSubUnit = new ClientSubUnit();
                        clientSubUnit = clientSubUnitRepository.GetClientSubUnit(item.ClientSubUnitGuid);
                        if (clientSubUnit != null)
                            wizardMessages.AddMessage("You will remove ClientSubUnit \"" + clientSubUnit.ClientSubUnitName + "\".", true);

            if (teamChanges.ClientSubUnitsAltered != null)
                if (teamChanges.ClientSubUnitsAltered.Count > 0)
                    foreach (ClientSubUnitTeam item in teamChanges.ClientSubUnitsAltered)
                        ClientSubUnit clientSubUnit = new ClientSubUnit();
                        clientSubUnit = clientSubUnitRepository.GetClientSubUnit(item.ClientSubUnitGuid);
                        if (clientSubUnit != null)
                            wizardMessages.AddMessage("You will alter ClientSubUnit \"" + clientSubUnit.ClientSubUnitName + "\".", true);
        //Compare two SystemUsers and return a list of messages about changes
        public WizardMessages BuildSystemUserChangeMessages(WizardMessages wizardMessages, SystemUserWizardVM originalSystemUser, SystemUserWizardVM systemUserChanges)
            TeamRepository                teamRepository                = new TeamRepository();
            LocationRepository            locationRepository            = new LocationRepository();
            SystemUserRepository          systemUserRepository          = new SystemUserRepository();
            ExternalSystemLoginRepository externalSystemLoginRepository = new ExternalSystemLoginRepository();

            //Messages for DefaultProfile changes
            if (originalSystemUser.SystemUser.DefaultProfileIdentifier == null)
                originalSystemUser.SystemUser.DefaultProfileIdentifier = false;

            if (originalSystemUser.SystemUser.DefaultProfileIdentifier != systemUserChanges.SystemUser.DefaultProfileIdentifier)
                wizardMessages.AddMessage("Default Profile will be updated to \"" + systemUserChanges.SystemUser.DefaultProfileIdentifier + "\".", true);

            //Messages for CubaBookingAllowed changes
            if (originalSystemUser.SystemUser.CubaBookingAllowanceIndicator == null)
                originalSystemUser.SystemUser.CubaBookingAllowanceIndicator = false;

            if (originalSystemUser.SystemUser.CubaBookingAllowanceIndicator != systemUserChanges.SystemUser.CubaBookingAllowanceIndicator)
                wizardMessages.AddMessage("Cuba Booking Allowed will be updated to \"" + systemUserChanges.SystemUser.CubaBookingAllowanceIndicator + "\".", true);

            //Messages for RestrictedFlag changes
            if (originalSystemUser.SystemUser.RestrictedFlag == null)
                originalSystemUser.SystemUser.RestrictedFlag = false;

            if (originalSystemUser.SystemUser.RestrictedFlag != systemUserChanges.SystemUser.RestrictedFlag)
                wizardMessages.AddMessage("Restricted will be updated to \"" + systemUserChanges.SystemUser.RestrictedFlag + "\".", true);

            //Messages for Location
            if (originalSystemUser.SystemUserLocation == null)
                if (systemUserChanges.SystemUserLocation != null)
                    Location location = new Location();
                    location = locationRepository.GetLocation(systemUserChanges.SystemUserLocation.LocationId);
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage("Location will be updated to \"" + location.LocationName + "\".", true);
                if (systemUserChanges.SystemUserLocation != null)
                    if (systemUserChanges.SystemUserLocation.LocationId != originalSystemUser.SystemUserLocation.LocationId)
                        Location location = new Location();
                        location = locationRepository.GetLocation(systemUserChanges.SystemUserLocation.LocationId);
                        wizardMessages.AddMessage("Location will be updated to \"" + location.LocationName + "\".", true);

            //Messages for BackOfficeAgentIdentifier
            if (originalSystemUser.ExternalSystemLoginSystemUserCountries != systemUserChanges.ExternalSystemLoginSystemUserCountries)
                wizardMessages.AddMessage("User's Back Office Identifiers will be updated.", true);

            //sort List<systemUserChanges> for compare
            if (systemUserChanges.GDSChanged)
                wizardMessages.AddMessage("SystemUserGDSs will be updated.", true);

            //originalSystemUser.SystemUserGDSs.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.GDSCode, y.GDSCode));
            //systemUserChanges.SystemUserGDSs.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.GDSCode, y.GDSCode));
            //compare GDSs
            //if (!originalSystemUser.SystemUserGDSs.SequenceEqual(systemUserChanges.SystemUserGDSs))
            // wizardMessages.AddMessage("SystemUserGDSs will be updated.", true);

            //Systemuser teams
            if (systemUserChanges.TeamsAdded != null)
                if (systemUserChanges.TeamsAdded.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Team item in systemUserChanges.TeamsAdded)
                        Team team = new Team();
                        team = teamRepository.GetTeam(item.TeamId);
                        if (team != null)
                            wizardMessages.AddMessage("You will add user to Team \"" + team.TeamName + "\".", true);
            if (systemUserChanges.TeamsRemoved != null)
                if (systemUserChanges.TeamsRemoved.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Team item in systemUserChanges.TeamsRemoved)
                        Team team = new Team();
                        team = teamRepository.GetTeam(item.TeamId);
                        if (team != null)
                            wizardMessages.AddMessage("You will remove user from Team \"" + team.TeamName + "\".", true);
        //Update SystemUser Teams
        public WizardMessages UpdateSystemUserTeams(SystemUserWizardVM systemuserChanges, WizardMessages wizardMessages)
            string adminUserGuid = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Split(new[] { '|' })[0];
            bool   changesExist  = false;

            // Create the xml document container
            XmlDocument    doc = new XmlDocument();// Create the XML Declaration, and append it to XML document
            XmlDeclaration dec = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null);

            XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("SystemUserTeams");


            //string xml = "<SystemUserTeams>";

            TeamRepository teamRepository = new TeamRepository();

            if (systemuserChanges.TeamsAdded != null)
                if (systemuserChanges.TeamsAdded.Count > 0)
                    changesExist = true;
                    XmlElement xmlTeamsAdded = doc.CreateElement("TeamsAdded");

                    foreach (Team item in systemuserChanges.TeamsAdded)
                        Team team = new Team();
                        team = teamRepository.GetTeam(item.TeamId);
                        if (team != null)
                            //xml = xml + "<Team>";
                            //xml = xml + "<TeamName>" + team.TeamName + "</TeamName>";
                            //xml = xml + "<TeamId>" + item.TeamId + "</TeamId>";
                            //xml = xml + "</Team>";

                            XmlElement xmlTeam = doc.CreateElement("Team");

                            XmlElement xmlTeamName = doc.CreateElement("TeamName");
                            xmlTeamName.InnerText = team.TeamName;

                            XmlElement xmlTeamId = doc.CreateElement("TeamId");
                            xmlTeamId.InnerText = item.TeamId.ToString();
                    //xml = xml + "</TeamsAdded>";
            if (systemuserChanges.TeamsRemoved != null)
                if (systemuserChanges.TeamsRemoved.Count > 0)
                    changesExist = true;
                    // xml = xml + "<TeamsRemoved>";
                    XmlElement xmlTeamsRemoved = doc.CreateElement("TeamsRemoved");

                    foreach (Team item in systemuserChanges.TeamsRemoved)
                        Team team = new Team();
                        team = teamRepository.GetTeam(item.TeamId);
                        if (team != null)
                            // xml = xml + "<Team>";
                            //xml = xml + "<TeamName>" + team.TeamName + "</TeamName>";
                            //xml = xml + "<TeamId>" + item.TeamId + "</TeamId>";
                            //xml = xml + "</Team>";
                            XmlElement xmlTeam = doc.CreateElement("Team");

                            XmlElement xmlTeamName = doc.CreateElement("TeamName");
                            xmlTeamName.InnerText = team.TeamName;

                            XmlElement xmlTeamId = doc.CreateElement("TeamId");
                            xmlTeamId.InnerText = item.TeamId.ToString();
                    //xml = xml + "</TeamsRemoved>";
            //xml = xml + "</SystemUserTeams>";

            //only run if changes made to SystemUser's Teams
            if (changesExist)
                var output = (from n in db.spDDAWizard_UpdateSystemUserTeams_v1(
                              select n).ToList();

                foreach (spDDAWizard_UpdateSystemUserTeams_v1Result message in output)
                    wizardMessages.AddMessage(message.MessageText.ToString(), (bool)message.Success);