public static void ListGameObjects(RequestContext context, string[] args) { if (args == null || args.Length == 0) { CUDLR.Console.Log(" Hierarchy TREE:"); UnityEngine.GameObject[] objects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <GameObject> ().Where(t => t.transform.parent == null).ToArray(); foreach (UnityEngine.Object obj in objects) { CUDLR.Console.Log("\t" +; } } else if (args.Length == 1) { var path = args [0]; UnityEngine.GameObject[] objects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <GameObject> ().Where(t => t.transform.GetAbsolutePath() == path).ToArray(); if (objects.Length >= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++) { var go = objects [i]; //Console.Log("\t" + go.transform.GetAbsolutePath()); for (int j = 0; j < go.transform.childCount; j++) { var child = go.transform.GetChild(j); CUDLR.Console.Log("\t\t" + child.GetAbsolutePath()); } } } else { Console.Log("can not find :" + args [0]); } } }
public static void Pull(RequestContext context) { string module = Uri.UnescapeDataString(context.Request.QueryString.Get("file")); var path = LogManager.Instance.GetModuleLogFilePath(module); try { context.Response.WriteFile(path, "application/octet-stream", true); Console.Log("downloading... " + path); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Log("\tERROR:" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace); } }
public string _complete(string[] partialCommand, int index, string result) { if (partialCommand.Length == index && m_command != null) { // this is a valid command... so we do nothing return(result); } else if (partialCommand.Length == index) { // This is valid but incomplete.. print all of the subcommands Console.LogCommand(result); foreach (string key in m_subcommands.Keys.OrderBy(m => m)) { Console.Log(result + " " + key); } return(result + " "); } else if (partialCommand.Length == (index + 1)) { string partial = partialCommand[index]; if (m_subcommands.ContainsKey(partial)) { result += partial; return(m_subcommands[partial]._complete(partialCommand, index + 1, result)); } // Find any subcommands that match our partial command List <string> matches = new List <string>(); foreach (string key in m_subcommands.Keys.OrderBy(m => m)) { if (key.StartsWith(partial)) { matches.Add(key); } } if (matches.Count == 1) { // Only one command found, log nothing and return the complete command for the user input return(result + matches[0] + " "); } else if (matches.Count > 1) { // list all the options for the user and return partial Console.LogCommand(result + partial); foreach (string match in matches) { Console.Log(result + match); } } return(result + partial); } string token = partialCommand[index]; if (!m_subcommands.ContainsKey(token)) { return(result); } result += token + " "; return(m_subcommands[token]._complete(partialCommand, index + 1, result)); }
public static void Play() { Time.timeScale = 1; Console.Log("\tdone!"); }
public static void Pause() { Time.timeScale = 0; Console.Log("\tdone!"); }