Esempio n. 1
        public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
            if (e.isAdmin &&
                e.Split[3].ToLower() == ":" + Program.C.Config.CommandPrefix.ToLower() + "c#")
                Connection C = (Connection)sender;
                string code = string.Join(" ", e.Split, 4, e.Split.Length - 4);
                if (File.Exists(code))
                    code = File.ReadAllText(code);
                object ret = ExecuteCode(code, "CSharpBot", "Program", "Main", true, e.Nick + "!" + e.User + e.Host);
                                                                                                        //@ is builtin
                if (ret == null)
                    ret = "\x03" + "4NULL";

                string sRet = ret.ToString().Replace("\r", "");
                string[] returns = sRet.Split('\n');

                C.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + e.Split[2] + " :" + e.Nick + ", return:");

                foreach (string s in returns)
                    C.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + e.Split[2] + " :" + s);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
            if (e.Message.Contains("PRIVMSG") &&
                Regex.IsMatch(e.Message, @".+http://(?:www\.)?youtu(?:be\.com/watch\?v=|\.be/)(\w*)(&(amp;)?[\w\?=]*)?.+"))
                Connection Conn = (Connection)sender;
                Match match = Regex.Match(e.Message, @".+http://(?:www\.)?youtu(?:be\.com/watch\?v=|\.be/)(\w*)(&(amp;)?[\w\?=]*)?");
                string videoid = match.Groups[1].Value;
                if (videoid.Contains(".be"))
                    videoid = match.Groups[2].Value;
                WebClient client = new WebClient();
                string source = "";
                bool good = true;
                    source = client.DownloadString("" + videoid);
                catch (WebException)
                    good = false;
                    Conn.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + e.Message.Split(' ')[2] + " :There was an error fetching youtube video id " + videoid + ".");
                Match titleMatch = Regex.Match(source, @"\<title\b[^>]*\>\s*(?<Title>[\s\S]*?)\</title\>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                string title = titleMatch.Groups["Title"].Value;

                if (good)
                    Conn.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + e.Message.Split(' ')[2] + " :YouTube video title is \"" + title + "\"");
Esempio n. 3
        public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
            Connection C = (Connection)sender;
            string[] split = e.Split;

            if (split.Length > 5 &&
                split[4] == ":autorejoin" &&
                split[5] == "on")
                Activate = true;
                Core.Log("Autorejoin turned on", Core.LogLevel.Info);
                C.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + split[2] + " :" + e.Nick + ", " + "Autorejoin turned on");
            if (split.Length > 5 &&
                split[4] == ":autorejoin" &&
                split[5] == "off")
                Activate = false;
                Core.Log("Autorejoin turned off", Core.LogLevel.Info);
                C.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + split[2] + " :" + e.Nick + ", " + "Autorejoin turned off");
            if (Activate == true)
                if (split[1] == "KICK")
                    C.WriteLine("JOIN " + split[2]);
Esempio n. 4
 public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
     Connection C = (Connection)sender;
     if (e.Message.Contains("001 " + C.UserInfo.Nick + " :Welcome to the"))
         JoinReadinessTable.Add(new Tuple<Connection, bool>(C, true));
Esempio n. 5
 public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
     if (e.Message.StartsWith("PING :"))
         Connection C = (Connection)sender;
         string[] PingData = e.Message.Split(':');
         C.WriteLine("PONG :" + PingData[1]);
Esempio n. 6
 public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
     if (e.Split.Length > 4 &&
         e.Split[1] == "PRIVMSG" &&
         e.Split[3] == ":" + Program.C.Config.CommandPrefix + "cmdprefix")
         Connection C = (Connection)sender;
         Program.C.Config.CommandPrefix = e.Split[4];
         C.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + e.Split[2] + " :" + e.Nick + ": cmd prefix set to " + e.Split[4]);
Esempio n. 7
        public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
            if (e.Message.Contains("PRIVMSG ") &&
                e.Message.Contains(Program.C.Config.CommandPrefix + "say"))
                string[] split = e.Split;
                if (split.Length > 3)
                    Connection C = (Connection)sender;
                    C.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + split[2] + " :" + string.Join(" ", split, 4, split.Length - 4));

Esempio n. 8
 public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
     if (e.Split.Length > 3 &&
         e.Split[1] == "PRIVMSG" &&
         e.Split[3] == ":" + Program.C.Config.CommandPrefix + "quit" &&
         Connection C = (Connection)sender;
         if (e.Split.Length > 4)
             C.WriteLine("QUIT :" + string.Join(" ", e.Split, 4, e.Split.Length - 4));
             C.WriteLine("QUIT :CSharpBot 2 --");
Esempio n. 9
 public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
     if (e.Split.Length > 3 &&
         e.Split[1] == "PRIVMSG" &&
         e.Split[3] == ":" + Program.C.Config.CommandPrefix + "ls")
         string Modules = "";
         foreach (Module M in Program.Modules)
             Modules += M.GetName() + ", ";
         Modules = Modules.Remove(Modules.Length - 2, 2);
         Modules += ".";
         Connection C = (Connection)sender;
         C.WriteLine("PRIVMSG " + e.Split[2] + " :" + e.Nick + ": " + Modules);
Esempio n. 10
 public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)
     if (e.Split.Length > 4 &&
         e.Split[1] == "PRIVMSG" &&
         e.Split[3] == ":" + Program.C.Config.CommandPrefix + "mode" &&
         e.isOp ||
         string[] split = e.Message.Split(' ');
         if (split[2].StartsWith("#"))
             Connection C = (Connection)sender;
             string Params = string.Join(" ", e.Split, 4, e.Split.Length - 4);
             C.WriteLine("MODE " + e.Split[2] + " :" + Params);
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when bot receives information on a connection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">Boxed Connection object</param>
 /// <param name="e">Event args</param>
 public abstract void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e);
Esempio n. 12
 public override void OnDataReceived(object sender, IRCReadEventArgs e)