Esempio n. 1
        // ported from Spring's ReadMap.cpp by Hugh Perkins
        public double[,] GetSlopeMap()
            int mapwidth  = aicallback.GetMapWidth();
            int mapheight = aicallback.GetMapHeight();

            int slopemapwidth  = mapwidth / 2;
            int slopemapheight = mapheight / 2;

            int squaresize = MovementMaps.SQUARE_SIZE; // jsut to save typing...

            logfile.WriteLine("Getting heightmap, this could take a while... ");

            double[,] HeightMap = new double[mapwidth + 1, mapheight + 1];

            //double[]heightmap = aicallback.GetHeightMap();  // cant use heightmap, it is centre heightmap, we need cornermap

            for (int x = 0; x < mapwidth + 1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < mapheight + 1; y++)
                    HeightMap[x, y] = aicallback.GetElevation(x * squaresize, y * squaresize);

            // ArrayIndexer heightmapindexer = new ArrayIndexer( mapwidth + 1, mapheight + 1 );
            logfile.WriteLine("calculating slopes...");
            logfile.WriteLine("mapwidth: " + slopemapwidth + " " + slopemapheight);

            double[,] SlopeMap = new double[slopemapwidth, slopemapheight];
            for (int y = 2; y < mapheight - 2; y += 2)
                for (int x = 2; x < mapwidth - 2; x += 2)
                    AdvancedFloat3 e1 = new AdvancedFloat3(-squaresize * 4, HeightMap[x - 1, y - 1] - HeightMap[x + 3, y - 1], 0);
                    AdvancedFloat3 e2 = new AdvancedFloat3(0, HeightMap[x - 1, y - 1] - HeightMap[x - 1, y + 3], -squaresize * 4);

                    AdvancedFloat3 n = e2.Cross(e1);


                    e1 = new AdvancedFloat3(squaresize * 4, HeightMap[x + 3, y + 3] - HeightMap[x - 1, y + 3], 0);
                    e2 = new AdvancedFloat3(0, HeightMap[x + 3, y + 3] - HeightMap[x + 3, y - 1], squaresize * 4);

                    AdvancedFloat3 n2 = e2.Cross(e1);

                    SlopeMap[x / 2, y / 2] = 1 - (n.y + n2.y) * 0.5;
            logfile.WriteLine("... slopes calculated");
Esempio n. 2
        void Attack(UnitInfo[] closestunits)
            //logfile.WriteLine( "AttackPackCoordinator attacking" );
            //if( debugon )
            // {
            //      aicallback.SendTextMsg( "AttackPackCoordinator attacking", 0 );
            // }

            // get vector from head unit to target
            // pick point a bit behind target, backwards along vector
            AdvancedFloat3 vectortargettohead = new AdvancedFloat3(targetpos - closestunits[0].pos);

            //vectortargettohead = vectortargettohead * AttackDistance;
            MoveTo(targetpos + vectortargettohead * AttackDistance);
        void Attack(UnitInfo[] closestunits)
            //logfile.WriteLine( "AttackPackCoordinator attacking" );
            //if( debugon )
               // {
              //      aicallback.SendTextMsg( "AttackPackCoordinator attacking", 0 );
               // }

            // get vector from head unit to target
            // pick point a bit behind target, backwards along vector
            AdvancedFloat3 vectortargettohead = new AdvancedFloat3( targetpos - closestunits[0].pos );
            //vectortargettohead = vectortargettohead * AttackDistance;
            MoveTo(targetpos + vectortargettohead * AttackDistance);