public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); //Create a project reader instance Project project = new Project(dataDir + "RetrieveCalendarInfo.mpp"); //Retrieve Calendars Information CalendarCollection alCals = project.Calendars; foreach (Aspose.Tasks.Calendar cal in alCals) { if (cal.Name != null) { Console.WriteLine("Calendar UID : " + cal.Uid); Console.WriteLine("Calendar Name : " + cal.Name); WeekDayCollection alDays = cal.WeekDays; foreach (WeekDay wd in alDays) { TimeSpan ts = wd.GetWorkingTime(); if (wd.DayWorking) { Console.WriteLine(wd.DayType.ToString() + ":"); Console.WriteLine(ts.ToString()); } } } } }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project project = new Project(dataDir + "ReadProjectFiles.mpp"); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "DetermineProjectVersion.mpp"); Console.WriteLine("Project Version : " + project.Get(Prj.SaveVersion).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Last Saved : " + project.Get(Prj.LastSaved).ToShortDateString()); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project project = new Project(); project.Save(dataDir+ "saved.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); //Create a project instance Project prj = new Project(dataDir+ "WriteFiscalYearProperties.mpp"); //Set fiscal year properties prj.Set(Prj.FyStartDate, Month.July); prj.Set(Prj.FiscalYearStart, true); prj.Save(dataDir+ "saved.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); //Create a project reader instance Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "ReadFiscalYearProperties.mpp"); //Display fiscal year properties Console.WriteLine("Fiscal Year Start Date : " + project.Get(Prj.FyStartDate).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Fiscal Year Numbering : " + project.Get(Prj.FiscalYearStart).ToString()); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "ReadCurrencyProperties.mpp"); //Display currency properties Console.WriteLine("Currency Code : " + project.Get(Prj.CurrencyCode).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("<br>Currency Digits : " + project.Get(Prj.CurrencyDigits).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("<br>Currency Symbol : " + project.Get(Prj.CurrencySymbol).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Currency Symbol Position" + project.Get(Prj.CurrencySymbolPosition).ToString()); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "ReadWeekdayProperties.mpp"); //Display week days properties Console.WriteLine("Week Start Date : " + project.Get(Prj.WeekStartDay).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Days Per Month : " + project.Get(Prj.DaysPerMonth).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Minutes Per Day : " + project.Get(Prj.MinutesPerDay).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Minutes Per Week : " + project.Get(Prj.MinutesPerWeek).ToString()); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "WriteProjectInfo.mpp"); project.Set(Prj.Author, "Author"); project.Set(Prj.LastAuthor, "Last Author"); project.Set(Prj.Revision, 15); project.Set(Prj.Keywords, "MSP Aspose"); project.Set(Prj.Comments, "Comments"); project.Save(dataDir+ "saved.mpp", SaveFileFormat.MPP); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project prj = new Project(dataDir+ "DefaultProperties.mpp"); //Display default properties Console.WriteLine("New Task Default Start: " + prj.Get(Prj.DefaultStartTime).ToShortDateString()); Console.WriteLine("New Task Default Type: " + prj.Get(Prj.DefaultTaskType)); Console.WriteLine("Resouce Default Standard Rate: " + prj.Get(Prj.DefaultStandardRate).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Resource Default Overtime Rate: " + prj.Get(Prj.DefaultOvertimeRate).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Default Task EV Method: " + prj.Get(Prj.DefaultTaskEVMethod).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Default Cost Accrual: " + prj.Get(Prj.DefaultFixedCostAccrual).ToString()); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); //Read an existing project Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "MPPFileUpdate.mpp"); //create a new task Task task = project.RootTask.Children.Add("Task1"); task.Set(Tsk.Start, new System.DateTime(2012, 8, 1)); task.Set(Tsk.Finish, new DateTime(2012, 8, 5)); //Save the project as MPP project file project.Save(dataDir+ "AfterLinking.Mpp", Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveFileFormat.MPP); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); //Create a project instance Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "WriteWeekdayProperties.mpp"); //Set week days properties project.Set(Prj.WeekStartDay, DayType.Monday); project.Set(Prj.DaysPerMonth, 24); project.Set(Prj.MinutesPerDay, 540); project.Set(Prj.MinutesPerWeek, 3240); project.Save(dataDir+ "saved.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "PrintTaskWritingException.mpp"); try { project.Save("project.MPP", Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveFileFormat.MPP); } catch (TasksWritingException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.LogText); } }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); //Read the source Project Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "GetNumberOfPagesForViews.mpp"); //Get number of pages Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number of Pages = '{0}'", project.GetPageCount(PresentationFormat.ResourceUsage, Timescale.Days))); //Get number of pages (Months) Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number of Pages = '{0}'", project.GetPageCount(PresentationFormat.ResourceUsage, Timescale.Months))); //Get number of pages (ThirdsOfMonths) Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number of Pages = '{0}'", project.GetPageCount(PresentationFormat.ResourceUsage, Timescale.ThirdsOfMonths))); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); ///Create a project instance Project prj = new Project(); //Set new task property prj.Set(Prj.NewTaskStartDate, TaskStartDateType.CurrentDate); //Save the project as XML project file prj.Save(dataDir+ "project.xml", Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveFileFormat.XML); // Display Status. System.Console.WriteLine("New Task created with start date successfully."); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); //Create a project instance Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "WriteCurrencyProperties.mpp"); //Set currency properties project.Set(Prj.CurrencyCode, "AUD"); project.Set(Prj.CurrencyDigits, 2); project.Set(Prj.CurrencySymbol, "$"); project.Set(Prj.CurrencySymbolPosition, CurrencySymbolPositionType.After); //Save the project as XML project file project.Save(dataDir+ "project.xml", Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveFileFormat.XML); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); //Create a project reader instance Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "ReadProjectInfo.mpp"); if (project.Get(Prj.ScheduleFromStart)) Console.WriteLine("Project Finish Date : " + project.Get(Prj.StartDate).ToShortDateString()); else Console.WriteLine("Project Finish Date : " + project.Get(Prj.FinishDate).ToShortDateString()); Console.WriteLine(project.Get(Prj.Author)); Console.WriteLine(project.Get(Prj.LastAuthor)); Console.WriteLine(project.Get(Prj.Revision)); Console.WriteLine(project.Get(Prj.Keywords)); Console.WriteLine(project.Get(Prj.Comments)); Console.WriteLine("The program has run successfully"); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "CalculateCriticalPath.mpp"); project.CalculationMode = CalculationMode.Automatic; Task subtask1 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("1"); Task subtask2 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("2"); Task subtask3 = project.RootTask.Children.Add("3"); project.TaskLinks.Add(subtask1, subtask2, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart); //Display the critical path now foreach (Task task in project.CriticalPath) { Console.WriteLine(task.Get(Tsk.Name)); } }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "ReplaceCalendar.mpp"); Aspose.Tasks.Calendar cal = new Aspose.Tasks.Calendar("New Cal"); CalendarCollection calColl = project.Calendars; foreach (Aspose.Tasks.Calendar c in calColl) { if (c.Name == "Standard") { calColl.Remove(c); calColl.Add("Standard", cal); break; } } }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); //Read the input Project file Project project = new Project(dataDir+ "GetNumberOfPages.mpp"); //Get number of pages int iPages = project.GetPageCount(); //Get number of pages (Timescale.Months) iPages = project.GetPageCount(Aspose.Tasks.Visualization.Timescale.Months); //Get number of pages (Timescale.ThirdsOfMonths) iPages = project.GetPageCount(Aspose.Tasks.Visualization.Timescale.ThirdsOfMonths); }
private void crawl(Project project) { var reader = new ProjectReader(project.File); // Get base assemblies first to better be equiped to locate variable types reader .ReadReferences() .ForEach(x => { if (!_handledReferences.Any(y => y.Equals(x))) { parseAssembly(x); _handledReferences.Add(x); } }); _builder.WriteProject(project); reader .ReadFiles() .ForEach(x => { parseFile(new FileRef(x, project)); }); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); Project prj = new Project(dataDir+ "ExtendedAttributes.mpp"); ExtendedAttributeDefinitionCollection eads = prj.ExtendedAttributes; // Create extended attribute definition ExtendedAttributeDefinition ead = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition(); ead.FieldId = ((int)ExtendedAttributeTask.Start7).ToString(); ead.FieldName = "Start7"; eads.Add(ead); // Get zero index task Task tsk = prj.RootTask.Children.GetById(1); ExtendedAttributeCollection eas = tsk.ExtendedAttributes; string dateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"; ExtendedAttribute ea = new ExtendedAttribute(); ea.FieldId = ead.FieldId; ea.Value = XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime.Now, dateTimeFormat); eas.Add(ea); }
public void AddProject(Project project) { Console.WriteLine("project|" + project.File + "|filesearch"); }
private void buildCache() { var project1 = new Project("Project1"); _cache.WriteProject(project1); var file = new FileRef("File1", project1); _cache.WriteFile(file); _cache.WriteUsing(new Using(file, "Project1.FirstNamespace", 1, 1)); _cache.WriteNamespace(new Namespce(file, "Project1", 2, 1)); _cache.WriteClass( new Class(file, "Project1", "FirstClass", "public", 5, 1)); _cache.WriteField( new Field(file, "Project1.FirstClass", "FCls", "public", 6, 2, "SecondClass")); _cache.WriteMethod( new Method(file, "Project1.FirstClass", "myMethod", "private", 7, 5, "System.Void", new Parameter[]{})); _cache.WriteVariable( new Variable(file, "Project1.FirstClass.myMethod", "str", "local", 9, 3, "System.String")); var file2 = new FileRef("File2", project1); _cache.WriteFile(file2); _cache.WriteNamespace(new Namespce(file2, "Project1.SecondNamespace", 10, 1)); _cache.WriteClass( new Class(file2, "Project1.SecondNamespace", "ThirdClass", "public", 12, 2)); _cache.WriteClass( new Class(file2, "Project1.SecondNamespace", "SecondClass", "public", 2, 1)); _cache.WriteNamespace(new Namespce(file2, "Project1.FirstNamespace", 1, 1)); _cache.WriteClass( new Class(file2, "Project1.FirstNamespace", "SecondClass", "public", 2, 1)); _cache.WriteField( new Field(file, "Project1.FirstNamespace.SecondClass", "Count", "public", 3, 2, "System.Int32")); var staticField = new Field(file, "Project1.FirstNamespace.SecondClass", "NAME", "public", 3, 2, "System.String"); staticField.AddModifiers(new[]{ "static" }); _cache.WriteField(staticField); var project2 = new Project("Project2"); _cache.WriteProject(project2); var system = new FileRef("mscorlib", null); _cache.WriteFile(system); _cache.WriteNamespace(new Namespce(system, "System",0,0)); _cache.WriteNamespace(new Namespce(system, "System.More", 0, 0)); _cache.WriteClass( new Class(system, "System", "String", "public", 0, 0)); _cache.WriteMethod( new Method(system, "System.Object", "ToString", "public", 0, 0, "System.String", new Parameter[] {})); _cache.WriteEnum( new EnumType(system, "System.More", "FunnyBool", "public", 0, 0)); _cache.WriteField( new Field(system, "System.More.FunnyBool", "True", "public", 0, 0, "System.Int32").AddModifiers(new[] { "static" })); _cache.BuildTypeIndex(); }
public static void Run() { // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Projects(); string newFile = dataDir+ "WriteUpdatedExtendedAttributeDefinitions.mpp"; string resultFile = dataDir+ "Output.mpp"; Project project = new Project(dataDir + "WriteUpdatedExtendedAttributeDefinitions.mpp"); #region task attributes // Add new text3 extended attribute and one text value ExtendedAttributeDefinition taskTextAttr = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition(); taskTextAttr.Alias = "New text3 attribute"; taskTextAttr.FieldName = "Text3"; taskTextAttr.ElementType = ElementType.Task; taskTextAttr.CfType = CustomFieldType.Text; project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskTextAttr); Value textVal = new Value(); textVal.Id = 1; textVal.Description = "Text value descr"; textVal.Val = "Text value1"; taskTextAttr.ValueList.Add(textVal); // Add new cost1 extended attribute and two cost values ExtendedAttributeDefinition taskCostAttr = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition(); taskCostAttr.Alias = "New cost1 attribute"; taskCostAttr.FieldName = "Cost1"; taskCostAttr.ElementType = ElementType.Task; taskCostAttr.CfType = CustomFieldType.Cost; project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskCostAttr); Value costVal1 = new Value(); costVal1.Id = 2; costVal1.Description = "Cost value 1 descr"; costVal1.Val = "99900"; Value costVal2 = new Value(); costVal2.Id = 3; costVal2.Description = "Cost value 2 descr"; costVal2.Val = "11100"; taskCostAttr.ValueList.Add(costVal1); taskCostAttr.ValueList.Add(costVal2); // Add new task and assign attribute value Task task = project.RootTask.Children.Add("New task"); ExtendedAttribute taskAttr = new ExtendedAttribute(); taskAttr.AttributeDefinition = taskCostAttr; taskAttr.Value = "99900"; taskAttr.FieldId = taskCostAttr.FieldId; task.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskAttr); ExtendedAttributeDefinition taskStartAttr = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition(); taskStartAttr.Alias = "New start 7 attribute"; taskStartAttr.CfType = CustomFieldType.Start; taskStartAttr.ElementType = ElementType.Task; taskStartAttr.FieldName = "Start7"; Value startVal = new Value(); startVal.Val = DateTime.Now.ToString(); startVal.Description = "Start 7 value description"; taskStartAttr.ValueList.Add(startVal); project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskStartAttr); ExtendedAttributeDefinition taskFinishAttr = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition(); taskFinishAttr.Alias = "New finish 4 attribute"; taskFinishAttr.CfType = CustomFieldType.Finish; taskFinishAttr.ElementType = ElementType.Task; taskFinishAttr.FieldName = "Finish4"; Value finishVal = new Value(); finishVal.Val = DateTime.Now.ToString(); finishVal.Description = "Finish 4 value description"; taskFinishAttr.ValueList.Add(finishVal); project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(taskFinishAttr); ExtendedAttributeDefinition numberAttr = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition(); numberAttr.Alias = "New number attribute"; numberAttr.FieldName = "Number20"; numberAttr.CfType = CustomFieldType.Number; numberAttr.ElementType = ElementType.Task; Value val1 = new Value(); val1.Val = "1"; val1.Description = "Number 1 value"; Value val2 = new Value(); val2.Val = "2"; val2.Description = "Number 2 value"; Value val3 = new Value(); val3.Val = "3"; val3.Description = "Number 3 value"; numberAttr.ValueList.Add(val1); numberAttr.ValueList.Add(val2); numberAttr.ValueList.Add(val3); project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(numberAttr); #endregion ExtendedAttributeDefinition rscStartAttr = new ExtendedAttributeDefinition(); rscStartAttr.Alias = "New start5 attribute"; rscStartAttr.FieldName = "Start5"; rscStartAttr.ElementType = ElementType.Resource; rscStartAttr.CfType = CustomFieldType.Start; Value startVal2 = new Value(); startVal2.Id = 4; startVal2.Val = DateTime.Now.ToString(); startVal2.Description = "this is start5 value descr"; rscStartAttr.ValueList.Add(startVal2); project.ExtendedAttributes.Add(rscStartAttr); //Save the project as MPP project file project.Save(resultFile, Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveFileFormat.MPP); }
public bool Read(string location, Func<string, ProviderSettings> getTypesProviderByLocation) { _project = null; _provider = getTypesProviderByLocation(location); if (_provider == null) return false; _with = (IProvideVersionedTypes) _provider.TypesProvider; if (_with == null) return false; _project = _with.Reader().Read(_provider.ProjectFile); return _project != null; }
public void AddProject(Project project) { }
public bool ProjectExists(Project project) { return true; }
public FileRef(string file, Project project) { File = file; Project = project; }